Filter Search Results By Clicking Checkboxes?
May 26, 2011
I have a search page where a user can type in a search box, or they can use an alphabetical list to search for the record they're looking for. Eg they click 'a' and all the records beginning with the letter 'a' appear.
I'd also like to have it so that each record has a number of tags, and I'd then like to be able to filter records according to which tags have been selected - preferably using checkboxes.
For example, perhaps the tags would be colours and the records represented shoes. There'd be checkboxes for blue, yellow, black, brown and so on. At first all colours would be shown, but if the user clicks on brown the all but the brown shoes dissappear.
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Apr 27, 2011
how to do the following, here is a simplified example:
Let's say I have a database of pictures of animals. A search for "pets" is performed and it loads a page of thumbnail images. Somewhere on the page is a list of other search criteria (text link or checkbox) that would narrow the initial returned results. An example would be "cats", "dogs", "hamster", etc.
Is there a way after the initial search is performed that the results could be further filtered without having to hit a submit button and reload the page?
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Jul 13, 2011
how is clearing search box with click on search results?
var strToMatch = $("#hotel").val();
$('.list_name p').each(function () {
if (this.innerHTML.indexOf(strToMatch) > -1) {
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Jan 6, 2011
i'm using the autocomplete plugin. the data is located in an external php-file (cached content, returned as json). currently i've to filter my results server-sided with php, but this solution costs there any possibility to get the data filtered by the autocomplete plugin automatically? i know its possible 1 with a data array inside the script, but my data is outsourced.i read a lot of tutorials but i dont know the keywords i have to search for.
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May 16, 2009
I wish to display a list of people on my website. These people are speakers who have different talents, or features. Male, female, high voice, low voice, german, english, persian, austrian ... a whole bunch of people. And I want to let my user use checkboxes to narrow down the speakers he could use for his production.
Here's the output filtering list (not complete, just rudimentary while I try to make it work)
<div id="filter">
<input name="speakerpool" class="checkfilter" type="checkbox" value="male" checked /> male<br>
My problem : I want to start with all checkboxes selected, showing all the people in this speakerpool, then narrow down as checkboxes get unchecked. This works well with combinations such as ".male .voice-low" which effectively removes all females and the other voices, I found here where I learned that is(".class1,.class2") is different to is(".class1.class2")
But, if I say, I want all english speakers, no matter if male or female, and I check male and female, I get none, since there is no speaker that is both male and female. At least not that I know of
Same issue with the voice-levels: most speakers either speak high or low or medium, yet I'd want to be able to check all those and get a comprehensive list, then.
My Question : Is there a way I can separate classes into class-groups or something? Maybe use prefixes like "sex-male, sex-female, language-english, language-german" and jQuery then uses the prefixes to check if they're supposed to be additive (?) or exlusive.
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Dec 4, 2011
I am looking a multiple search from database with check boxes and I found this as I was looking to the forum
[URL].. which is great but I need to add the delay with ajax loader
The idea is while the user waiting for results the loader to highlight the area of result..lets say if he doesn't click any other of options between 3 seconds the results of what he had already checked to be displayed.
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May 19, 2009
My requirement is search by filter So is there any search with selected option plugin ,
Also can u please tell
<select name="cmd_select_category" id="cmd_select_category">
<option value="any">Any word</option>
<option value="date">Date</option>
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Feb 1, 2010
only show rows that match certain criteria. In my example the table displays first name, last name, date won, and game name. I've tried several examples on the internet and the ui.tablefilter plugin, to no avail. They allseem to depend on a certain structure in the table. I am limited in howI structure the html because thehtml of the table is generated by an gridview control. Ihave gotten the below piece of code to work, but it takes at least 10 seconds to run and I only have 40 records.I assigned a class of gameName to the data fields in the column that contains the game name.
var searchGameName = $.trim($('#txtSearchGameName').val());
$('#gvPromotions tr').each(function()
{$("td .gameName:not(:contains('" + searchGameName + "'))").parent().parent().remove();});
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Aug 13, 2010
We are integrating a IDX feed and I can not figure out a line of code.Currently when you click the link it goes to their site with the result we want. We want it to go to our site, just like "search homes," does.I believe it is simple but my HTML is even simpler. The link should just point to a wrap page.... but I dont know how to do that.
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Mar 16, 2010
I am having problems outputting the results from a javascript search function onto a new page.Right now I am using a javascript search script on 7 pages and it works but the results overwrite the current page that the search was initiated from.I would like it to open a new page and print out into a specific area.I've been grinding my gears at work trying to get this to display right.
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Oct 7, 2009
The variable that stores the number of elements of the search results array is called contentLenght.Let's say that contentLenght equals 9. Then I need a div showing 6 elements an another sowing 3 elements.If contentLenght equals 7, I need a div showing 6 elements an another showing one element.If the value of contentLenght is 18, then I need three divs containing 6 elements each.. and so on.Now the paging itself: if I have just one div there's no need for paging, but if I have two of more I have to show the page's numbers.Then when a number is clicked the present div must hide and the div containing the elements for the page number should show.
I was about to paste some code but the only way I've come out with the six to six paging is with a long if else structure, and I'm sure there's a smarter way of doing it.
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Apr 26, 2011
I'm currently building a new search engine that will search around 15,000 products and would like some general advice as to the best way to approach it.I want to offer instant results, so the user will click an icon and the results change, no submit buttons or postbacks.My database is MS SQL and my frontend is ASP.Net, but for this I'm looking to develop the majority of the search functionality in JavaScript.What I'm asking really is what people recommend for the best way to approach providing instant results.
My current thinking is an initial database query loads the data into XML, then use JavaScript and XSLT to filter the XML and display the results, then as filters change these can be handled by the JavaScript and XSLT rather than going back to the database.Does anyone have any general advice on the best performing way to provide this sort of functionality that ultimately will give the quickest results?
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Nov 15, 2009
I'm using this example script and need the search results to post to a another frame and not a new window.Need the results to showup in frame "test1".Or if someone can direct me: looking for a multi search drop down list in a frame environment where after submitting the string the results would show in another frame.
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Oct 5, 2010
I want to sort the database search results in php. Basically, the results are returned on a php page and need to be sorted either by columns. I managed to display the results on the page witht he code below and it works, but now i need to add the sorting bit, but i am stuck with it. I dont want to fetch the data from the database again but just to manipulate the existing entries. how can this be achieved in php?
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a webpage in which I enter a search item to look for job seekers in the Los angeles area. I get back results and now I have a column in the results table by which I can flag a certain user in my profile if I am impressed with his profile. How do i implement this ?. I know I can use the on mouse click event but how to i relate that user to the employer who logs in and how so i save that user who is flagged wrt the employer You tube uses a similar concept in which a user can flag a video if its unappropriate .... mine is a similar concept but i need to flag a user each employer login ...
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Aug 2, 2011
I have a table that has parts with multiple characteristics. Part Number, Height, Width, Capacity, Price, Etc. I would like to have a drop downs for all of these values, when a user selects one of these values it will filter the results into a list. Ex. user selects a part that has a Height of 6 and width of 10 it will only list those parts. As I said earlier, I have a script that will give me all the parts, however I am not able to make the onchange list parts with multiple values.
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May 8, 2009
I have a PHP script that searches a database and outputs the results in a table with several TD's. The user can select a radiobutton and press a button to edit that record. I need a JavaScript to do this :
Highlight the entire row when the mouse is over it (using in-line class). Un-highlight when the mouse exits it (in-line class again). Allow the user to select the radio button by clicking anywhere in the row Highlight the selected row (with another in-line class) My scripts endlessly have problems. Below is a small sample from the table...
A non-highlighted row is class "tcell"
a highlighted (mouseover) class is "rhtcell"
a radiobutton selected class is "selcell"
<table align="center" border="0" width="1000" class="stable">
<form method="post" action="index.php">
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Nov 27, 2009
Here is the code implemented on the search results page:
<div id="cse-search-results"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var googleSearchIframeName = "cse-search-results";
The original code (from my Google custom search control panel) included a FrameWidth of 600 and I changed it to 500 but it didn't make a difference.
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Jun 8, 2010
I am currently trying to create a live search box that as I type it will start displaying results that match.but it retrieves its data from an XML file, I need mine to retrieve from a column called FirstName within a table of an Access database.
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Jun 30, 2009
I am curious about the jQuery append function. I have created a class that appends my selector with some search results:
$("#search_button").click(function() {
var searchbox = $("#search_box").attr("value");
However, when I click on the close class in the search results, I am unable to interact with it.I have this script assigned to it:
$(".close").click(function() {
var removetab = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr("id");
When I hard code the search results, the close works perfectly, however, when I append code through javascript, it does not recognize.
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Aug 24, 2010
I'm looking for a script or applet that will allow users to search by zipcode or selected category for results. I would like something already built so I can just customize it to our needs. I'm sure it will need to have a database setup for it to work which I am fine with doing. I can modify scripts and files but I have no idea where to start with this from scratch.
We also use the same data for our "Layar" app for the iphone and driod phones. Has anyone messed with layar scripting and databases? We are using hoopala now which makes data entry simple but we cannot modify their database to add category options. It would be nice to find an alternative to hoopala so we could use one database for both the layar app and the zipcode/category search on our site.
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Aug 31, 2011
I am using google custom search & getting result on the same page.I am trying to show search result on the new tab.
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Jan 16, 2011
I have the "master" checkbox. When clicked it should check all "list[]" checkboxes. When removing the check from "master" checkbox it should remove checkboxes from all "list[]" checkboxes. What asm I doing wrong with my code?[code]
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Apr 8, 2010
need to search forkeywordsin my database and display the results in the same page with afriendlyinterfaceall without refreshing the page
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Jul 17, 2011
I found the following 'Cut & Paste Google Internal Site Search script' in the library - it works well and provides an easy solution for adding a search function to a website - code below
<script type="text/javascript">
// Google Internal Site Search script- By (
// For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit JavaScript Kit-
// This notice must stay intact for use
//Enter domain of site to search.
var domainroot=""
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Dec 26, 2007
I have been working on a Javascript powered search engine for a set of browser based user guides. I can't use any server-side languages as it will all be accessed from a network drive, which as been a real pain as I would rather have just made a php search engine, but whatever...
I have a working JavaScript search function, currently the results are displayed in the same window/frame as the search form.
All i need is to be able to target the results to a different frame. For example, I'll keep the search form in a top frame, and some information in the bottom frame. Submitting the search form will display the results in the bottom frame. Its giving me a headache, I'm sure it is remarkably simple. Code:
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