Extract The Number From This String
Mar 4, 2010I have a string, an example below, I want to extract the number from it.
<p class="the-price">€15.00</p>
<p class="gbox"><!--<a href="#"><span>Arrange<br>
I have a string, an example below, I want to extract the number from it.
<p class="the-price">€15.00</p>
<p class="gbox"><!--<a href="#"><span>Arrange<br>
I'm trying to extract just the number after the string "page/"
So the result would be:
for the first example
for the second example
The value I'm trying to get at will always appear after the "page/" Is there a way I can do this using jquery or some other way perhaps?
I need to make script which takes from one field string(numbers separated by space copied from excel) divide it by space into variables and insert into another fields on this page. <textarea name="receiver1" id="receiver1">
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I extract "somestring" only? I'm on IE7.
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = "(EVAL)(H:somestring)Some other Text here";
var full =(x.match(/(H:(.*?))/g)); // produces "(H:somestring)" as expected
var inside = (x.match(/(H:(.*))/)); // produces "(H:somestring),somestring" .. I only
want "somestring"
I have this code:
function getLocation() {
var siteurl = document.location.href;
I want to extract from string etc. [URL] this part:"/page1/page2".How I can do it?
I have the folowing string:
"url(http://www.somelocation/anaywhere/image.jpg)" stored in the variable
str_image and I want to extract the string between the brackets. I have:
it returns
How do I get this to work?
I want to extract the characters other than alphabets (a-z and A-Z), numbers (0-9) and hyphen( - ) from a string. Is there any way for doing this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to extract All the email Addresses from a string.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to extract just a single digit character from a string.
my string is 'constructions-01_0'
I want to extract the very last character, the 0.
how do I do this?
Should I use String.match() or String.split() methods or is there another method I shoud use?
And what should the regExp be to get that last digit?
also separately I want to get the double digit and put that into another string, the 01.
How do I extract just that bit?
When I used toFixed() method on a number, I thought that this method round a number to a specified approximation, but I got a surprising result, the number became string! 15.23689.toFixed(2) ==> "15.24". So does it convert the number into string?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a string stored in a variable var = "4.25 houses".
I would like to only extract the currency value, ie "4.25" from this. Is this possible? Also I would like to divide and multiply the new variable I get... does this number need to be converted or something?
What would be the best way to convert a month number to its corresponding
string? I.e, 3 -> 'March'. Is there a builtin function or must I use a
lookup table or something?
How to convert Number to String in Javascript.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNow I need to convert a number(decimal) into a hex.string. I want to pass my blurit() two colors and have it start at color one and step its way to color two based on a determined step. I need to convert the new color to a hex string to be used to control the color of text. This is a rough example of what I am doing:
function blurit(color1, color2) {
colorstep= (color2-color1) /10; clr=color;
for (lp=0; lp<10; lp++) {
test.innerHTML+= '<font color="#' +dex(clr) +'">'
clr+= colorstep;
I'm trying to write code to swap images in a list. It's going to be a star rating control that highlights stars as you hover over a star. each image in the list has an onmouseover="highlight(this)" function and a unique id of 1 - 10.
function highlight(star) {
var num = Number(star.id);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
I'm trying to convert the number 'i' used by the for loop to a string so it can be used by the getElementById() method to select the stars to be highlighted. But my intellisense is telling me there is a problem with that line. I tried
var id = String(i+1);
but this didn't work either.
what have I gotten wrong?
I have a string "Slide1.jpg"
I need to increment it by 1 to say "Slide2.jpg"
I have split and sliced but I keep getting SlideNaN.jpg
Rather then fix my mess of code... There has to be a simple way of doing this..
I have a string:
var str = "6, 14, 2, 23, 121, 137, 342, 453, 543, 4, 762"
Var num = 2;
I want to check if num exists in str.
Is there any javascript function to do this?
How can I check if a number exists by itself in this string by using
the RegExp object?
var mystring = "11,111,01,011";
var match = "1";
var re = new RegExp( match );
var isFound = re.test( mystring ) );
Running this code returns 'true' which is not what I want since number
one doesn't exist by itself. I need to use the "match" variable since
it will change depending on user input.
I can only get it to work without variables in the expression. E.g.
var re = new RegExp( /1/ );
Javascript variables are loosely typed: the conversion between a
string and a number happens automatically. Since plus (+) is also
used as in string concatenation, `` Ƈ' + 1 '' is equal to `` ཇ' '': the
String deciding what + does. To overcome this, first convert the
string to a number. For example:
if I have an array where the number are write in string format, how can I recognize when a string is in realty a number? example if I have this:
how can with a cicle to extract only:
I want to turn the string "100,144" to numbers, to use for
resizeTo(100,144) <--- here.
How to check that a text field is a string not a number with javascript? Therefore,if the field is a number then I want to display a message that contain "You must enter a string".
var str = champ.value;
if (!(isNaN(str))) {
alert("Vous avez saisi un nombre");
I tried the previous code but it does not work.
I'm looking for a way to grab a number from a string, although this number
is not at either end of the string.
Here is the string in question: var el = "v4Function_Name('argument3')"
Here is a substring that returns the number ( the 3 ) successfully...
var number = el.substring(el.lastIndexOf("ent")+3,el.length-2);
Seems very ineffecient to do it this way, and better to find a lean elegant
way using replace(); How does one go about getting a value inside of a
string with regular expressions? .. or is there a better way?
Here are a couple of the many expressions I have failed with...
var pat = /^[^ent][0-9]*$"/;
var pat = /v4Function_Name('argument([^0-9]+)'/;
var number = el.replace(pat,"");
Got a bit of a weird issue in IE 8 with this code:
"/v.f", { do: "wiki_ajax", id: jQuery
, field: "1" }, function
Any jquery plugin can check number of word in a string instead using of .length?[code]
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have a JS function which checks whether the directory field value entered starts with an alphabet or number only. Following is the code using regular expression.
function testpw() {
var un = document.getElementById("dir").value;
if (/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(un)) { // only a-z0-9 allowed as first character
method which only accepts "/ktp/knas/" as the starting value and anything after that. ie it should accept /ktp/knas/*, rest everything is not accepted.