Divs Hide / Show Form Elements Showing Thru..

Sep 9, 2005

I'm doing a page w/lots of divs that I set to visibile or hidden dynamically using getElementById.. the divs are all forms... sometimes elements in a hidden form show thru on a visible form.. how can I fix this..

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Save Form Values - Show / Hide DIVs

Apr 29, 2009

I am creating a form that you don't actually submit in order to allow people to download files. You select different options with radio buttons and drop-down menus and then use that information to "show/hide" divs with javascript. That part works, but if the user leaves the page and then comes back, the data can be somewhat misleading. One radio button may be checked, but the corresponding div that was showing before you left the page is not (it was set to "display:block;" in css with the "onclick" or "onchange" depending on which choice on the form caused it to appear). I know that I need to set a session cookie to save the values on the form, but it is a bit more complicated because I need to set divs to "display:block;" or "display:none;" depending on what the values of the form fields are. I'm a novice at javascript. Since I am not submitting the form, I can"t use PHP.

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Get My Form To Show And Hide Various Divs With Radio Buttons?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to get my form to show and hide various divs with radio buttons. There are multiple options in the second box of my example. When a user selects the first option, more input boxes come up. Perfect, that's what I want. However, if they decide they didn't mean to click that option and instead wanted another option, the original part that popped up doesn't disappear. I cannot figure out how to make this happen.

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JQuery :: Hide/show Divs Based On Form Parameters

Jun 13, 2009

I'm trying to selectively hide and show divs based on what a user specifies using three select boxes in a form. I'm probably missing something obvious, but here's what I've got and it doesn't, work, they divs just stay hidden.

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">


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Ajax :: Show Or Hide DIVs In A Large Registration Form

Sep 16, 2009

I am building a large registration form. In this form, a sponsor/educator must register himself or herself and then may add up to 6 more " delegates" in pairs. The first two pairs registration info on the form is shown by default. I need to hide the other two pairs until when/if the user clicks on a button to add two more delegates at a time. I used javascript to show or hide the parts of the form that I had put into two divs and adjusted the css display attribute. However, my problem was that, if the user filled out the sponsor/educator section and the first two delegates, and then decided to add two more, when the user clicked on the button to show the part of the form for delegates 3 and 4, it reset all the previous visible form fields to empty. Not good. So, I thought, maybe AJAX.

I created the request object (I am a relative novice at AJAX), had it grab a text file with the code to insert into my target div, in this case a div with id = "delegate3and4". Surprisingly however, it still reset the previous form fields to empty. Am I misunderstanding how AJAX is supposed to work? I figured that, because it does not refresh the page that this would not happen. In fact, to test this out, I created a simple page from scratch with just a single input field and then used AJAX to insert the file in a div after this field and it did not reset the previous input. So, I am totally confused about why this would be happening on my live page. The page is a php page as it submits the form to a php script for processing but I don't think this should make a difference.

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JQuery :: Show Two Separate Divs, Hide Divs On One Click?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm looking for some javascript to work with wordpress (jQuery preferrably) that will show/hide multiple divs on one click.

I had one working but it was kinda janky because it was causing me to have two divs with the same ID on one page. No good.

Since I updated to wp2.8.3 prior to launch, it's not working. So I've decided to just try and do it right.

Here's a page: [URL]

So, what I want to happen: On page load, the first tab: "general" and it's corresponding div beneath should be showing. And the first image should be showing. The other content divs and images should be hidden. I've given the text content divs a dashed border to show their borders. When a visitor clicks "dine at home" the general div and image hide, the second content div shows, as does the second image (it's currently the identical image, but the client may change later.) Etc.

I'll be using this function on a few other pages as well.

how to adjust this javascript to work on two different IDs at once?

current code:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
var tabContainers = $('div.imgswap > div');


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Show/hide Elements Of A Form Based On Drop Down Box Selection

Feb 13, 2006

I am setting up a contact form, and want to have a drop down box with a handful of options. Clicking one option should display fields to input username & password, whereas all others will not. So far, I've tried and (replacing 'none with 'block' for the option that is supposed to show the input fields) but neither does what I need it to. I'm fairly new to javascript, just muddling my way through with the aid of tutorials.

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JQuery :: Show/hide Form Elements Based On Radio Button Selections ?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a set of radio buttons on my pricing page:

And a corresponding text_field input element div I'd like to display based on which radio button the user selects:

When the page loads, I'd like to see:

When the user clicks on a (different) radio button, or clicks one for the first time, I'd like whichever div is currently showing to be hidden, and the newly selected one to be shown.

Right now I have jQuery code at the bottom of my page that looks like this:

For each of the four options.

When the page loads, the correct div is shown, and when I select a new button, the new div is shown, but the already showing one isn't hidden.

I've read some posts that suggest using change() instead of click(), but others indicate that's problematic in IE.

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JQuery :: Hiding/showing Divs - Hide The Currently Shown Div And Then Slide In The Div Associated With The Button Clicked?

Oct 7, 2010

I awhen it comes to "developing" jQuery but I am trying to do something that is seemingly something simple but I can't for the life of me, figure out the best way to do it.


Here, you'll see the area below the navigation that has five buttons which are supposed to help scroll between the five associated divs.All I want to do is hide the currently shown div and then slide in the div associated with the button clicked.http:[url].....Here is what the animation is SUPPOSED to look like but the problem is is that the correct one uses Prototype and I am trying to use only one library and jQuery is the most suitable because I use it for other effects in the site and jQuery and Prototype obviously don't mesh well.

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Hide:Show Text - Making 1st Bit Hid When Showing 2nd Bit

Mar 23, 2011

Apologies if this question has been asked a million times. I am fairly new to this game, have got my head around html & css and now it's time to add a little interactivity... BUT i've hit my first brick wall. I am setting up a (big) panel of text which i wish to present in a more reasonable fashion by hiding the content and only showing the headers. Got the Hide:Show function working ok as shown below, but I am stuck on my next requirement...

Basically The hidden text will show and hide when told by clicking on the relevant header - but i wish to hide the text in a visible area when clicking on a new header.


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Show One Div & Hide Two Other Divs

Apr 12, 2010

I have 3 divs containing images floated next to each other and when clicked i want a new div to appear beneath these 3 images. Clicking on the first image i want a new div to appear beneath these 3 images. Clicking on the second image must hide all other divs and only show the content for that div.

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Elements Or Remove / Add Elements Based On Radio Selection By User?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a page I am working and I am having some trouble with: I need to show and hide areas based on a radio selection. I initally started using the show / hide feature in Jquery but the problem is the elements need to be removed but then put back if the user selects the radio buttonagain as it has form elements that have validaion on them. The validation is still trying to validate the form elements becuase they are still on the page but just not showing. This is the radio group the user makes the selection from:

<input name="terms_usr" type="radio" id="terms_usr_1" value="1"/>
<label for="terms_usr_1">Credit Card</label>
<input type="radio" name="terms_usr" id="terms_usr_2" value="2"/>
<label for="terms_usr_2">C.O.D</label>


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How To Link To A Page With Different Default Show / Hide Tab Showing

Aug 2, 2009

I'm not allowed to post a link yet since I'm a newbie. But the page is here: tinyurl dot com /m8ajyp

This page (and others on the site) use javascript to show/hide some divs in order to have a tab-like interface.

Is there any way to link to this page with the "Past Events" div showing as the default? Right now you can see that "Coming Events" shows on page load. And that's the way we want it most of the time.

But there are places in the site where I'd like to link specifically to this page with the "Past Events" div showing on page load.code...

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Using A Script To Show Or Hide Divs?

Jun 28, 2011

im using a script to show or hide divs

<div id="div1" style="display:none">div1</div>
<div id="div2" style="display:none">div2</div>
<a onclick="showIt('div1');">div1</a>
<a onclick="showIt('div2');">div2</a>


the script works fine with one problem. I would like div1 to be initially visible but if i remove the style="display:none" then the script does not function correctly.

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Inconsistencies Trying To Show/hide Divs With JS?

Feb 25, 2009

I'm using a pretty simple submenu to try to hide the div sections I don't want, isolating the ones I do want to be the only ones visible. My code isn't the most concise when addressing this problem, but it looks like it should still work.

Make sure you use Firefox (because I'm still very early in development and I dislike IE) and use this link [URL]... to see for yourself: Observe that there are two videos and one graphic. Hover over "my work" and click graphic. Fine, right? Now click video.

The div sections are identical in naming conventions. Is it that the JS can't act fast enough? I thought I remedied that by calling isolateDiv() after I had hid all the unwanteds.


This is just a small portion of my code. The sections separate fine when you first click the video link.The problem is that after you select one section, and then decide to select another one, only the first post with that div id shows up. Try the link at the top and hover on the "my work" section to try.

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Having 1 Dive That Hide/show All Divs?

Jun 27, 2011

is it possible to have 1 dive that hide/show all divs the div i want to open all or hide all is

<div id="expandall" onclick="toggleall('noticecontent[i]');" div style="cursor: pointer;" div align="center"> Abrir tudo</div>
<script type="text/javascript">


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Show/hide Divs Using Select?

Sep 13, 2011

another day, another problem ;) I have a select:

<label for="tiers">Number of tiers</label>
<select name="tiers" id="tiers" onchange="showtiers()">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>


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Hide/show Divs Simultaneously?

Feb 10, 2011

I have 2 things that I want to show/hide using JS.

<title>Hidden Div</title>
<script language="JavaScript">


If I don't use style="display:none" inside the divs, I see them both initially and I can hide/show each one depending on which link I press. But the thing is that I need both divs to be hidden in the first place, and when I click on ONE, to show TWO, when I click on TWO to hide ONE and show TWO etc. Each time 1 div should be visible, depending on which link we press. The other must disappear.

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Unobtrusive Way To Show/hide Divs

Jan 10, 2007

I've got the following code in a website of mine:


<a href="section1.htm">Section 1</a>
<a href="section2.htm">Section 2</a>
<a href="section3.htm">Section 3</a>
<a href="section4.htm">Section 4</a>

<div id="general">General overview</div>

<div id="section1">Section 1 overview</div>
<div id="section2">Section 2 overview</div>
<div id="section3">Section 3 overview</div>
<div id="section4">Section 4 overview</div>

I want to display the div marked 'General overview' by default, and to hide all of the other divs (section1, section2, section3 and section4) but would like to swap out the 'general' div with the other divs as the corresponding links are moused over.

e.g. mousing over the Section 2 link will replace the 'general' div with the 'section2' div. On mousing out, it will revert back to the 'general' div. Mousing over the Section 4 link will replace the 'general' div with the 'section4' div. On mousing out, it will revert back to the 'general' div. Etc etc....

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Show/Hide Divs By Class Name?

Aug 23, 2011

I have the situation where in the first instance I would like all divs to be visible.

Only when the user selects something in a select menu the non selected divs will hide.

I have the following:

<select name="type">
<option value="ShowAll">1</option>
<option value="Selection1">1</option>
<option value="Selection2">2</option>


So, if the user were to select "Selection1" two divs should only be visible. The same will apply for others, if "selection4" is made then only one div would be visible.

The user will need to the option to reset and display all divs by using the "ShowAll" selector.

I ahve seen examples of this on the net however, they do not show all the divs in the first instance and they are donhe by ID and not class. I need to do it by class as I have some with the same name and they cannot change.

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Jquery :: Show And Hide Divs?

May 24, 2010

I have been using a jquery based plug-in, and what i would like to do is degrade it, so a non js enabled browser will hide the relevant div when js is not enabled, and show a different div with appropriate message content.i have followed a couple of tut's which do this on click, but i would like this to occur on page load.

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Hide / Show - Any Way To Change Through DIVs?

Oct 5, 2009

So I have a few divs that I'm hiding and showing whenever a you click on a link. So I'm a newbie at JavaScript and this is the best way I know how to do this.
var divElement = '';
function show(divElement) {
if(divElement == 'add') {
} else if(divElement == 'edit') { .....

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Divs Using Toggle?

May 24, 2011

Completely new to jQuery but I am trying to implement a few pieces on my new website. At the moment I have three images in a row and I want to be able to click on any one of the images and use jQuery to populate a hidden div below the three images that contains more info and slide it out using the fold animation. I'd also like it if when a second image was clicked it closed the currently open div and opened the new one. I've seen tutorials that open the divs but can't find one that closes them again on opening a new one.

Can anyone point me to a tutorial that does this or suggest how it could be done?

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Show/Hide Toggle On Multiple Divs?

Oct 24, 2010

On the homepage of my site, I would like to have some nav links that toggle between a few divs that are below in the content The divs in the content should display one at a time. For example, if you click nav1, the user would see div1. If nav2 is then clicked, div1 would hide and div2 would display.

I have some code that will do this, but for some reason it is hiding any divs that are within the toggled div. I'm very basic with JS and could use some help here. Here is my code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleID(IDS) {
var area = document.getElementById('secondContent');
var sel = area.getElementsByTagName('div');


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Script To Show & Hide Multiple Divs?

Jul 6, 2011

I found the following script online to show/hide a login div.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function login(showhide){
if(showhide == "show"){
}else if(showhide == "hide"){


It works really well but I have other div I would also like to show/hide. Is it possible to have a variable in the function that I could pass the name of the div to show/hide.

I have a ul list that I am using for a navigation menu and I would like to be able to click on items in the list to show different div's. I assume this is possible, so could someone please give me an indication of how to do it as I have been trying for a few days now and no joy.

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Show/Hide Divs Trigger OnBeforeUnload (IE)?

May 22, 2009

I'm trying to add the "you have unsaved changes" message to a form. I have it working in every browser except IE7 and IE8.I have set the onbeforeunload with using a global "goodExit" variable (that's supposed to help IE, and it did partially).The thing is, that I have multiple tabs on the page, so I only show part of the form at any given time. If they change a field on one tab, the top of the page shows a visual box of "unsaved data", so that as the users changes tabs the box at the top still shows.The problem is that, IE fires the onbeforeunload anytime someone clicks to change tabs. The only thing that happens when they click a tab is that I use jQuery to show/hide the DIVs appropriately.Why does IE fire onbeforeunload when changing the display of DIVs???!!!No other browser does this.The global "goodExit" variable meant to help IE, seems to work, except that goodExit is set to true if they change any field on a tab, so that then the next tab they switch to fires the event.

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