Capture Tab Key In IE..
Feb 23, 2005
I have written the following code to capture tab key...
function check(n,e)
alert("Captured here");
<input type="text" name="tt" value="" onKeyPress="check(this,event)">
It works only in Mozilla but not in IE!!!!
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Jul 20, 2005
I've got an internet site and 2 domain adress.
The first adress go on my Home page and I would like the second one to go to
a specific page of my site.
I want to know how to capture the URL which has been tape by the user to
reorient the user to the good page.
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Apr 30, 2006
Usually a change in the querystring causes a page reload and procedural code can can then run with the loading of a page. What I need to do is run code when links cause the browser to focus on an anchor.
For instance, I want to fire a script that prints to the screen every time the querystring changes via the following links: Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anybody of you have a good algorithm to capture when a value in a
textbox is changed? I'm using the keypress/keydown events but they seems to
be a bit inconsistent (IE and Mozilla). Basically what I want is to set is a
"isDirty" flag when a user has changed any value in the textbox (or in a
dropdown) and then if he/she tries to leave the record without saving I want
to give a save warning. Since I don't want set the isdirty flag if you for
example klick tab, certain F-buttons, arrows (up/down/left/right) etc I
tried to capture the keypress/keydown event and ignore specific keycodes.
Since there are several keycodes that should be ignored I was hoping there
is a better solution.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have table with 'n' number of rows. I want to highlight the row when ever i click on a particular row of the table. Can anyone please help me in this. Iam not using any Id's
for the row.
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Jun 21, 2006
How do I capture the current URL to a string? What I want to do is
press a "submit" button that takes me to whatever URL is present in the
address bar of the browser.
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a way to capture the events fired in a PrintDialog? I
would like to capture when the user presses "Print" so I can do some
The (IE6) application I'm working on has 6 pages, each of
which has a link to a "print view" page. That "print view" page has a
"print" button which calls a javascript function "printThis":
function printThis() {
/*window.onafterprint fires when page
is loaded into print dialog, not
when page is actually printed;
need to capture when user actually hits
the 'print' button on the printDialog
and call donePrinting
function donePrinting() {
document.all.hdnFldPrinted.value = true;
/*code for clean-up and redirection
to one of 6 pages is in code-behind */
Does anyone know how I can capture when the user presses the "print"
button in the PrintDialog that's opened by window.print()?
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Dec 3, 2010
I used jQuery because is a very powerful tool, but I'm currently stuck with the iframes.The problem is simple, I try to capture the value of a class, or to create an event that is in an iframe.
html source code:
<p class='classiniframe'>15</p>
I already tried this, but without results:
$(".classiniframe").live("click", function(){ alert('event ok');});
var montest = $(".classiniframe").text();
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Nov 4, 2009
I'm working on an application which will allow users to add urls to a list.
The url will be an rss feed, but that is by the by, it is a url.
I had thought of spawning a new window for the user to browse around and find their target url.
Can the parent window access where that new window has navigated to?
I don't think that is allowed?
It might mean using Frames in the popup window I guess, which I'd prefer to avoid.
Else, can you think of a means where I could at once allow users to browse to a destination and also capture that url?
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Apr 14, 2011
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var i = 0, l = divs.length; i < l; i++) {
d1.write (divs[i].attributes.length+"-attribute length<BR>");
I am hitting other objects, and I am not sure how to write the code to dive into those objects.
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Aug 24, 2011
I am trying 2 different approaches, but neither is working for me:
however, no good either way ... though I see nearly identical examples all over the web.
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Mar 16, 2004
How can I capture and display the a lavue from the url to a user. Eg. The user logs onto my page and clicks a logon button. An error code is added to the end of the url if authentication is denied and bounces the user back to the same page. How can I display the added code to the user. code...
How can I display invalid_user to the user in an alert box.
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Jul 23, 2005
How do I capture the keycode inside a <textarea> in NN6+ and IE5.5+? I don't
want to add add document.keyPress function because I only want this to
occure when a specific textarea is selected and not fire for every keypress
in the entire document.
<textarea onkeypress="captureKeys();"....
but I cannot get a reference to the current event so i can ask for the
keyCode. In IE I can check the event.keyCode inside my function captureKeys
but this is not possible in NN6+.
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to capture the event when a browser is closing, to give to the user
the posibility of close or no this browser. When the browser is closing,
this show a confirm window with two buttons: Accept and Cancel.
When press the Accept button, the browser is closing, and when press the
Cancel button, the browser isnīt closing.
I have tried with the event onunload, but this closes first the browser, and
then shows the confirm window.
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I capture the event when I click with the cursor anywhere in the
page (that is, on a component or elsewhere). This event would occure in
an I.E 5.5 or later browser.
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Mar 22, 2006
I am attempting to develop a completely web-based set of tools that can
match the functionality of a set of Tcl/Tk programs that are used in
our control system environment. I believe that I can do everything that
the Tcl/Tk tools are doing except this one thing:
The Tcl/Tk app allows the user to pick two points on their screen
(which defines a rectangle) and then automatically grabs that potion of
the screen as an image and embeds it into the Tcl/Tk app as an object
which is then uploaded to a database when the user has submitted the
Tcl/Tk form.
I would like to have a web-page with a form that allows file-uploads
(this I can do), but I would like the page to include an embedded Java
applet (presumably) that allows the web-client to capture a portion of
the screen and automatically attach it to the html form which can then
be uploaded to a database when the client submits the form.
An important requirement of this project is that it not require the
user to install anything prior to visiting the web-page. The applet (or
whatever) can be installed but not a separate program. I really want
this entire function to be provided from the web-page. I can provide
more information if necessary, but I though that a broad statement of
the problem would allow more people to chime-in with their thoughts. I
am eager to find out how this might be possible.
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Mar 22, 2006
I am attempting to develop a completely web-based set of tools that can
match the functionality of a set of Tcl/Tk programs that are used in
our control system environment. I believe that I can do everything that
the Tcl/Tk tools are doing except this one thing:
The Tcl/Tk app allows the user to pick two points on their screen
(which defines a rectangle) and then automatically grabs that potion of
the screen as an image and embeds it into the Tcl/Tk app as an object
which is then uploaded to a database when the user has submitted the
Tcl/Tk form.
I would like to have a web-page with a form that allows file-uploads
(this I can do), but I would like the page to include an embedded Java
applet (presumably) that allows the web-client to capture a portion of
the screen and automatically attach it to the html form which can then
be uploaded to a database when the client submits the form.
An important requirement of this project is that it not require the
user to install anything prior to visiting the web-page. The applet (or
whatever) can be installed but not a separate program. I really want
this entire function to be provided from the web-page. I can provide
more information if necessary, but I though that a broad statement of
the problem would allow more people to chime-in with their thoughts. I
am eager to find out how this might be possible.
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Jul 19, 2006
I know this question has been asked a million times but I still can't
get an event from an embedded ActiveX Exe to be caught in javascript.
I am able to access all the properties and methods of the ActiveX Exe,
I just can't seem to catch the event.
I've declared my object as follows:
ID = "Test3"
CLASSID = "CLSID:2ACAEF35-445C-4717-8ACB-A3423E8D64EB"
My javascript event handler is as follows:
<script language="javascript" for="Test3"
alert("Pipe Detect");
The event handler never fires. I debugged the ActiveX Exe and verified
that the event is indeed being raised. I am able to catch the event in a VB6 test container project as well. Any ideas?
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May 12, 2007
I want to make a capture window in
*standalone* (in a *.js file) javascript, much in the same way as the
VBscript inputbox() function. I can make it inside a *.html file with
the prompt() function.
Or, is there a way to make a window and then work with this window?
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Jul 20, 2005
I want to capture the event when the <ctrl> key is pressed.
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Jun 3, 2011
Is there any jquery code by which i can capture image of a webpage?
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Jan 20, 2006
Does anyone know how to event capture on an autocomplete dropdown - this would not be the underlying html element but only on the autocomplete dropdown itself.
I've never come across trying to capture autocompletes before (in fact, ideally i'm trying to ignore keypresses on the autocomplete and only capture those for the underlying input).
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Mar 17, 2009
how to capture/display value from selected item of dropdown list into textbox. what i want to do is when user select multimedia course, the coursefee will display on (txtcoursefee)and user input the amount that student pay and when button calculate is click the balfee will display on txtbalance. my code here is still not working.
<title>Course Fees</title>
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
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Jan 30, 2009
I have been trying to find a simple way to capture the page title for a form that will be used throughout my site.Basically, creating a javascript function to allow a user to email a page to a colleague. Of course I only want to have one form, so I wanted to capture the referrering page information.I have had no trouble capturing the referring URL using javascript, associating it with a form field and passing it through PHP validation and emailing it.I am having trouble doing the same for the title. I have tried to capture these with an onLoad event, but that didn't work (for title only - works for others).
Here's the js which is referenced on the html pages (link to external file):
// JavaScript Document
function start() {
var ref = document.getElementById('httpref');
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Dec 1, 2010
Is it possible to covert the html code(Online url) to JPEG using Javascript(File Reader Object)?
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Oct 27, 2006
I'm working on controlling a windows media player I'm trying to figure out how to control it with keys like CTRL+SHIFT+P to play it. The problem is that I don't know how to capture all three at the same time.
I'm ONLY supporting IE because that's what the client only want's supported. I have been reading through the forums but nothing about capturing both CTRL+another key or SHIFT+another key.
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