Calling Javascript Function Once - From The <body Onload="myfunction"> Tag
Nov 23, 2005
I have been trying to load a javascript function from the body onload
html tag, but I only want the function to load the first time the page
is loaded: I have investigated but haven't found anything that works..
I thought about cookies, but what if the user's disable them?
My code:
//I want to call the Toggle function below only on the 1st time the
page is loaded:
<script language="javascript">
function Toggle(item) {
key=document.getElementById("x" + item);
if (visible) {"none";
I have a web page that has a short flash show on it, then it redirects to the main site index page, using a setTimout in body onload. That was all working fine. Now I need to add an OS detection function to redirect iphone and ipad users immediately (bypassing the flash pape). So, I have 2 functions that need to be in the body onload. I figured the logical thing to do would be to write another function that calls the first 2, then put that one in the onload. But now nothing is working. I have played with in for an hour with no luck.
Just as a note: Original, before I had to add the OS detection, there was just the delayer function, and it was called thusly:
After a correct code has been entered, call a function using the code to determine the Plan Cost Per Month. The Plan Cost Per Month will be returned to the body.
I have a function that needs to get the innerHTML between the body tags once the page loads. However, when I put the JS in the header and call the function using window.onload, it gives me an error. If I put the javascript in the body, it only gets the code above the <script> tag. And I am going to call a server side user control that will put the javascript on the page, so I don't even know where in the page it will go.
It only works when I use the onload attribute in the body tag. i.e <body onload="javascript:fcn_name">
I am using document.body.innerHTML to get the html within the body tags. I tried using document.body.onload and other ways of doing it. Since I am trying to integrate this function within an already existing site, I cannot go through the hundreds of pages and modify the body tags.
Is there an alternative to using the onload attribute of the body tag?
I am looking for a cross-browser way (Firefox 1+, IE 5.5+) to have my Javascript function execute from the BODY's "onload" method, but if there is already an onload method defined, I would like mine to run immediately after it. So in the code below, what JS would i need to add to my "" page so that I could guarantee this behavior? Code:
i m working on a file i created a function which i call upon when body tag load but it loads so many window. coz its going in a loop. how can i stop it? here is the code
I'm playing with a modal Dialog of ericmartin (simplemodal) which I found at this url: [URL]
It's called "Confirm override". This function is called through a click on the button or on the link. Now I want to call this function onload I dont' have really a clue, how to manipulate the current script to make the correct changes.
Imho this is the code snippet, which calls the popup through a click.
jQuery(function ($) { $('#confirm-dialog input.confirm, #confirm-dialog a.confirm').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // example of calling the confirm function
In this example, the same javascript window function is called by two separate form buttons(onClicks) to open('' ) or bring forward( 'object.focus') a window.
One button calls the window function directly from the form and one button calls the window function indirectly from within the body of the html document by first activating a 'document.submit' method .
In particular, using a PC with either Explorer or Firefox, both indirect and direct routes opened a window, but only the direct route could bring the window forward(via 'object.focus') if it was already open. Using a Mac with Firefox, the direct route worked well either to open or to bring forward an existing window, but the indirect route did nothing. On the other hand, when using a Mac with the Safari browser, both routes worked well to open a window and keep it on top.
What do I change or add to get full functionality for the indirect route with the Firefox and Explorer browsers as I get with Safari?
JavaScript is not my strong point though and I have found that the previous web editor has a lot of repeat functions on the pages.
My idea is to create an external .js file and just call the is for a rotating banner ad. The problem is the the function is called in the <Body> tag..this means that I have to change 100's of pages by adding the call function to the tag on every page.
Is there a way I can call the function as well as adding the function to the onLoad event.
I have tried adding "window.onload = rotateBanner;" to the beginning of my javaScript but it does not seem to work...what am I doing wrong
Specifically, window.onload appears to fire before all the elements of the page have been rendered. As the difference is consistent across IE/Moz/Opera, I'm assuming it's deliberate - can anyone point me towards where this behaviour of window.onload is defined in the documentation? TIA. Code:
By the way, I know someone will comment, by "does not work, I mean on the load of the page, the alert is not displayed, nor are any errors. Thanks for any help you can offer.
I have simple function that I call from an alert box
It works fine. Unfortunately, I do not like the sound and Exclamation point icon that appears. I'd like a nice message box like VBA message box #64 to appear. I know hardly anything at all about VB or VBA. But, I do know you can call a VB function from Javascript. How? Is it possible to get my testScores to appear from the VB function? Is it hard? Where do I start looking?
I have a page with an iframe. The page defines some JavaScript functions in the head part. How can I access these functions from the iframe? In Firefox I can use parent.myFunction() but it doesn't work in IE.
I have a problem. I need to call a javascript function within the include html of a scriptlet. How do I do that ? Example in Main.html contain the following object tag :
<object id="dynamsg" width="100%" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px" height="350" data="scriplet.html" type="text/x-scriptlet"> In scriplet.html consist of a javascript function :
<script language=javascript> function Hello() { alert('Hello World'); } </script>
Now, how can I from Main.html call the Hello() function?
I have this: Code: <a href="javascript:employeeSearch();" class="textbutton">Lookup</a> and it doesn't seem to be working with firefox? does this look right? in IE it works fine.
I am developing an ASP.NET (C#) application and need some help. I wish to call a server-side function (in the code-behind "file.aspx.cs") upon a user clicking on the "X" to close the browser window. Is there a way to postback and call a server-side function when this happens? I am aware of the browser's native "onunload" event, but am not certain that what I'm looking for is actually possible.
I need to execute a JavaScript function "onload". The only problem is I don not have access to the <body> tag as it is a part of the standard page-header include (a separate file). How could I have certain pages execute my function() onLoad?
The function basically just sets the original values of fields so that I can determine if a field has been changed or not, which aleviates unnec. sql update on the backend..
I'm trying to get a popup working on my site. I use headers and was wondering if there is a way to put the onload outside of the BODY tag? My header has the BODY tag in it. I only want the popup to come up on one page and not all the pages that use my header.
I have created a page that takes a person to another page automatically:
However, the script waits for the entire page to load before actually taking the person to the other page. What I need to do is to have a script that takes the visitor to the target page as soon as the page appears (without waiting for ads to load completely). How can this be done?