I am working on a problem that wants me to use a for loop to give an array a random number for each of it's elements (total of 10) and then using a second loop to add them up and display the result.
I'm using zclip to copy text in an element to the clipboard. At the moment I have multiple instances of a text area and copy button like so <textarea class="adCode">
iwant to ask on how to display the sum of the 20 numbers i allready get the everage but i want to display the sum together of the everage this my code..
Love this menu. This menu will be appearing in module on right hand side of page. So I need the submenu to display on left, not right. So how to make this a right to left menu? I've played around a bit and have had no luck yet. I've used the navbar on another site and I'd really like to use this vertical menu too.
I have an assignment that just asks you to input some numbers and then if the number isn't between 100-999 just to enter the final number and whatever the final number is to print out everything that is less then that number. For example: I enter 120, 128, and 1. It will then prompt me to enter the final number which I put 124. Now I have it set as 124 so everything less than 124 it will print. So I want the array to print 124, 120 and 1.
Code so far: <html> <title>Homework 5</title> <body> <script> var num = new Array(); var x = 0; var lastnum; for (x = 0; x < 3; x++){ num[x] = window.prompt("Please enter a number between 100-999:"); if((num[x] < 100) || (num[x] > 999)){ lastnum = window.prompt("Enter your last number:"); for (x = 0; x < 1; x++){ num.sort(); window.alert(num); } break; }} window.alert("DONE"); </script> </body>
I want to get the sum of all numbers in an text area irrespective of the spaces before between or after them. e.g. " 1 2 12 15 " =30
In the code below I can have multiple spaces or CR between numbers and it works giving me their sum But if i have a space before the first number or after the last number I get a NAN (
I am starting to learn javascript and have been trying to make a image gallery. I was hoping to take an array of src and create a link for each one which when clicked on changes the src of an already existing img.My question though is how would I make the buttons for the numbers.I feel like a loop would work for this but I just can't seem to figure it out. I don't know how far off I am in thinking that through a loop I could create functions with a name plus the i variable.And in each function there could be something like:
Code: document.images["destination"].src = images[i] That would then produce an <a> with the href equal to the function name + "i" with the title being "i" as well.
Am I way off? How would I execute that? A little explanation about my code. I am going to be using a loop to add the images that will vary in amount for each page that is why I have the push function just for this test. And the document.ready is because I've been using some jQuery.
I have a quick question with multiple array and random numbers. If i generate my random numbers in one array, how would i take a selection of those numbers and put them in another array?
Ex: array 1: 25, 34, 38, 40, 22, 49
Want to move numbers between 30 and 50 to another array.
array 2: 34, 38, 40, 49
Is it as simple as for loops and if statements setting the conditions? do i use a sorting method? (selection? bubble?)
Question 1: I have a spinner function and I have one slight problem with it. If a user types in 00000009 or 00021 in the spinner for example, if the user clicks away from the spinner, it will still display 00000009 or 00021 in the spinner. What I want is that if something like this happens, then what I want is that when the user clicks away, I want the spinner to display it as 9 or 21 rather than 00000009 or 00021. I don't know how to do this though. Does anyone know how to overcome this:
Question 2: If I used backspace to remove a number from a spinner and that is left with a blank spinner, what needs to be done so that if I click away from the spinner, the last number in the spinner re-appears in the spinner?
I'm trying to create a 4 x 4 array filled with numbers input by the user. I then need to rotate the grid clockwise like I've shown below.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
13 09 05 01 14 10 06 02 15 11 07 03 16 12 08 04
I made all numbers double digit just for show in the example so the table is easier to read. So far the code I have is just trying to create the array and fill with numbers from the user. This asks for a number once then doesn't display anything at all.
I'm trying to figure out how to do this via Javascript.
Lets say I have an array like so:
var myArray = [11, 33, 44, 23, 32, 43]; var finalArray = new Array();
And I have the following variables
var lastNumber = 33; var getNext = 2;
I want to use the lastNumber for a starting point in the array and then based on getNext, grab the next x numbers that getNext specifies and shove into finalArray.
That case moves forward in the array.
Second case would be the opposite, get the previous x numbers based on getPrevious in the array. So I'd start at lastNumber and then grab x numbers before it based on getPrevious.
var lastNumber = 33; var getPrevious = 2;
I'm not sure if you can traverse backwards in JavaScript. But more importantly I'm not sure how to point to lets say 33. How can I do myArray[1] essentially based on I'm pointing to 33 and then how can I grab the next x in myArray ?