Auto Refresh To Override A Remote System Cache?

Nov 5, 2010

OK this is a concept at the moment.

the thinking goes like this:

1) read the page for last date (somewhere on the page) that the page was generated.

2) compare with current date

3) if it looks old refresh or re-load.

4) check for history to count the number of re-loads, stop at once.

Maybe the refresh/load will not add to history if the page is the same URL
SO: without using cookies - the remote system may not save them - our local library system has the OS instances screwed down to the point of frustration, hence the use of FF portable right now.

But my audience use whatever they use so I want a rouse to work regardless. The last time I checked the library system cache was more than 4 days old for sure. And some surfers have the pages from the local cache by default.

manual refresh usually sorts this and I do have a manual button on my homepage.


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Tab System Refresh Same Tab

Oct 22, 2009

Does anyone know of a tutorial or the proper name for a tab system that will stay on the current tab even if you refresh.I've seen some sites that what they do is pass some parameters in the URL and it allows them refresh the page and stay on the same tab.I'm not sure on how to explain it properly nor do I have the proper name for it.if I click on About tab it will show the content of that tab AND also allow you to stay on that tab even if you refresh. A lot of tab tutorials I've seen when you refresh it resets all tabs.

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Auto-login To Another Windows System

Jan 21, 2010

I have a js script to unlock a user account on my windows xp system below. Can anybody help me for a js code which can be used to connect to another windows system in the network with a username and password and run this script on that system and ends the session? the script can be placed to that system. I just need a script which logins to that system and run this script on a periodic basis and ends the session after that. The current script "autolock.js", unlocks the user account which has been locked by invalid password tries.

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Implement An Auto-content Update System Without Using PHP?

Apr 3, 2009

I am a webmaster trying to implement an auto-content update system without using PHP, which is challenging for me because I use PHP, JAVA, C(and extentions), HTML usually. My current project requires me to not use PHP so I am using javascript and xml.

I have the code written out but I am running into an error with Safari 4.

Here's my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
var req;
function loadXMLDoc(url) {
var xmlDoc=null;


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Remote Refresh Main Then Close

Jul 20, 2005

I've got a situation where I'm updating a MySQL DB with PHP but because of
how the language works I need to do the following.

The "main page" will open a remote page where the user will add/edit/modify
data then on the confirmation page, there needs to be a close button.
However, before the window is closed, I want it to reload the "main window"
so that they can see the changes they made. I've been digging through the
google groups and JS sources on the net but I'm just not finding answers for
a JS newb like myself.....

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AJAX :: Div Refresh - Making A Fact System

Jul 2, 2010

Im making a fact system, and I need a refresh script, For example when someone clicks on the "next fact" button, the "div" part (where the fact is displayed) refreshes. ONLY the div part. and the javascript below is externally loaded...

List of facts!

Fact[0] = "You are born with 300 bones but only have 206 as an adult because many of your bones fuse together and make bigger more solid bones.";

Fact[1] = "The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.";

Fact[2] = "Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.";

Fact[3] = "In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child";

Fact[4] = "Scientist have believed that there are more chicken in the world than any human beings.";

Generate the facts

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Auto Refresh A List Box

Jul 2, 2004

I have a form with a list box. Beside the list box I have a link that opens a new window in order for users to enter new records which then appear in the list box. How do I make the list box refresh to show newly added records? Can I refresh it when it receives the focus or are there better ways to do it? Also, how do I make the new window open to a certain size or to make it maximized?

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How To Auto Refresh A Iframe

Mar 1, 2010

i am Steaming Music to my HomePage and i have the Playing List Of what there have been Play in a Iframeā€Ž and i want it to auto refresh so it up to date all the time How do i do that The Page is [URL]

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AJAX :: Auto Refresh DIV ?

Oct 4, 2010

I ve been trying the following code (see below), this code was posted by tabo here but apparently he left, it works fine on Firefox, Chrome, Safari but I cant get it working on Internet Explorer...I ve been looking everywhere and I dont understand where is the problem. here is the full coding :


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Auto-refresh Page Only Once

Mar 30, 2010

[code]i hav written dis code to auto refresh page only once but it is refreshing after every 5 seconds. Earlier i hav wriiten meta tag but it is refreshing page after every 5 seconds & after that i hav wriiten script to auto reffresh page only once but they both r doin the same work.

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Rssdisplayer.js Not Updating - Auto-refresh?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm using a combination of Yahoo Pipes and rssdisplayer.js [url] to display some snippets from several RSS feeds on a new site I'm building.

The trouble I'm having is that (i) the feeds don't update when I refresh the page, I think because a cached version of the page is being loaded, and (ii) I'd like to have the div containing the feeds auto-refresh at a given time interval.

I've got a Twitter javascript working that does both these things, but can't work out how to get the rssdisplayer.js working this way.

The rssdisplayer code is:

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Ajax :: Add Auto Refresh - To Div Link

Oct 24, 2011

I really need this to include in my page

This is the original code : -

I would like to add ajax auto refresh.. to refresh the div link which is something like this : -

But, there is something wrong here... instead of refreshing the div.. it refresh html page only.. not the div data..

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Auto-Refresh Every 2 Seconds Of A Textarea?

Jun 17, 2011

i have a text area of php inside that reads off messages of a database and i wanted to have it auto refresh every 2 seconds. im making it into a chat box. at the moment what you have to do is press a refresh button but its a hassel. i dont want to get into to much ajax becuase i have a ton more stuff to do and dont want to spend to much time on 1 thing. but it looks like this

<textarea rows="30" cols="65" valueCommit=ta1.verticalScrollPosition=ta1.maxVerticalScrollPosition; />
$query="select * from chat"; query string stored in a variable
$rt=mysql_query($query); query executed


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Auto-F5 - Refresh A Load For A Second And It Will Stop?

Jul 1, 2009

how am I be able to refresh a load for a second and it will stop. Or I even an auto-F5.

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AJAX Auto-refresh For PHP Page

Apr 7, 2011

I have a very simple php page that uses shell_exec to get some basic stats for my LAMP. I currently have it setup to where it uses a javascript refresh every 60 seconds, but would like to setup AJAX to have it so it doesnt actually refresh the page. I am new to javascript/ajax so I am a little lost, here is my code


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Auto Refresh For Every Update On Database?

Oct 4, 2011

we are developing an web application. In this user has an option to comment or mark a video. After user commented or marked it has to shown automatically on the page with out refreshing the page.

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Get Auto-refreshed Instead Of Clicking To Refresh

Aug 25, 2011

Been trying to get this auto refreshed instead of clicking to refresh [code]

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Auto-refresh Image Script

Nov 28, 2007

i guess it best i explain what i am trying to do and then what i have done so u can hopefully point out my mistakes.atm i have a webserver setup at home ( local only) and an internal ftp program running on the webserver... i have an ip camera ( mobotix) ftping images every 1 second to the webserver and puting the jpg image in a folder called testpic.what i am trying to do is get a script working so that it auto refreshes the image every second.[code]this basic site puts a copy of the image1.jpg in the middle of the screen and then refresh it every second. but for some reason it displays the first one then when it refreshes the image there is no picture just the box with a cross.. now i know that the image has updated in the testpic file cus i can F5 the page to display the new image that the script should have loaded.

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JQuery :: Toggle Function And Auto Refresh

Nov 22, 2011

I wish to implement the simplest mechanism of authentication. There are two input fields, userand password. When clicking the sendbutton, the verify()function is invoked, which checks whetherthe usernameand passwordare both "admin", if it holdsthen it displays the isCorrectdiv, and the isWrongotherwise.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css"/>
<script src="jquery-1.7.js"></script>
<script src="test.js"></script>
</head><body><form class="header">
Username: <input type="textbox" tabindex="1" id="username"/>
Password: <input type="password" tabindex="2" id="password"/>
<input type="submit" value="Send" tabindex="3" id="send" onclick="verify()"/>
</form><div id="isCorrect">correct!</div>
<div id="isWrong">wrong!</div>

#isCorrect { display: none; }
#isWrong { display: none; }
function verify() {
var username = $("#username").val();
var password = $("#password").val();
if (username == "admin" && password == "admin")

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Page Doesn't Auto Refresh In Safari?

Mar 25, 2010

Most of the Javascript I see has some sort of time limit on page reload and is not really what I am trying to accomplish:

<meta http-equiv="Refresh"
content="10; URL=" />

I am trying to make our buy page reload after clicking the Paypal "continue shopping" button in Paypal Website Standards. The pop up Paypal shopping cart window closes after clicking the button but our buy page doesn't reload. It doesn't reload in Safari although it seems to be fine in FF and IE. how to make the page reload in this specific instance only.

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Auto Refresh - Stop Page Scrolling

Apr 15, 2010

I'm attaching my php test file but this is a JS problem. When I scroll down in the web page and the meta refresh hits, in Windows Safari and IE6/7/8 browsers, the web page re-positions back to the top. In Opera and FF the page refreshes but it stays where it is. Can someone look at my test script and see why it is not working in IE and Win Safari? My goal is to have the web page not re-position to the top on the auto refresh.

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Auto-Refresh Table On Database Insert?

Jun 7, 2011

I have been trying to figure out how to go about making a table of comments auto-refresh when someone inserts from a comment form without refreshing the whole page.I've tried looking into AJAX for this, but everything I have looked at, in terms of tutorials, just flies right over my head, and I can't really make much sense of it.

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Auto Div Refresh And Easy User Changability

Jul 1, 2010

I need to make a website that will be used as a traffic light system. So i will have a page with loads of divs starting red, that will change to green when clicked once, and back to red if clicked again, so on, so on. These changes will need to be viewable live on another computer, so changes need to save and will also need to automatically refresh without distrubing the rest of the page.

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Full Background Auto Refresh Image

May 11, 2011

What I am trying to do: A full screen background image, that auto refreshes every 3 seconds.
How I am doing it: I am using EvoCam for my camera software. It uploads the image to my server every 3 seconds, perfectly fine. I am using "Back Stretch" for my full screen capabilities, as I found it to work best is all browsers. BackStretch

My Problem: Using backstretch, applies the background image to the page through javascript, so I dont have an <img> tag to manipulate. A lot/all of the image refresh scripts I have found, use examples where there is an <img> tag. I had used another jQuery method of doing the background that had image tags but did not work in all browsers. When I was using this method, I ran into cache problems where the new image would not load.

Where do I go? I am feeling a bit lost, being relatively new to Javascript, I am unsure of how to go about clearing these problems I have. I feel that the eventual answer is to timestamp the photos, and include the timestamp into the image refresh, and somehow make it so that I am refreshing the
<pre><code><script type="text/javascript">
$.backstretch("images/myCam.gif", {speed: 1});
that controls my background image. I have found scripts that include timestamp refreshes, but the way that EvoCam timestamps the image is of a different format than the way Javascript uses

EvoCam images look like: webcam2011-05-11-16-21-34.jpg
and I thought Javascript looks relatively the same, but without the dashes.
I have a test page set up, where you can see my surly, discouraged face [URL].

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AJAX :: Auto Refresh Data From MySQL

Dec 13, 2011

I am attempting to create a profile page with PHP utilizing AJAX technologies as well. I need profile data to auto-refresh on the page when a change is made in the database but every 15-30 seconds intervals are fine too. I would really like to use AJAX/PHP for this because I think it will be good for me to know and learn.

I have checked the internet for this and all of the examples show a form select/combobox where you select a "User" and then it populates the information automatically in a div below.

But... I need AJAX or PHP to READ THE VARIABLE FROM THE URL instead of a form(Combobox) and ultimately refresh the data on the page with the results from the DB query in the php file.

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AJAX :: Allow Images In The Chatroom - Not Allow To Turn Off The Auto-refresh?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm using AJAX to auto-refresh a chatroom. You can see it on the right of the following site: http:[url]...

The problem is, when large images are placed in the chatroom via BBCode, (temporarily disabled) when the chatroom refreshes, they flicker! This is caused by the AJAX reloading the content, which in turn reloads the image.Is there a workaround for this? I want to allow images in the chatroom, but I don't want to turn off the auto-refresh. Below is the code I am running to refresh the chatroom:

Javascript Code:
- Javascript Code
function update()

Basically, what it does is reloads chatQuery.php and currentlyOnlineQuery.php every 5 seconds, or when a chat message is submitted.

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