Alphabetically Sort A Table?
Oct 10, 2011
I'm trying to alphabetically sort a table in javascript (that is actually automatically populated from an XML file). The table is a list of words in 3 languages, one of which is Italian. What is happening is, the sort() function I am using to order the words is not considering accented characters, such as:
that should be sorted exactly as their corresponding ASCII characters A,O,U,E,I
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Sep 2, 2007
Is it possible to sort outer and inner strings at once? The sorted output should look like the following:
<name>Alpha Bar</name>
<name>Beta Bar</name>
<name>Ara Cafe</name>
<name>Zeta Cafe</name>
Categories and names are both properties of one and the same array element.
I have the following compare function to sort the outer categories.
function compareCats(a, b) {
a = a.category;
b = b.category;
if(a == b) return 0;
else if(a b) return 1;
else return -1;
This is working fine. But I really would like to include the inner names in the compare
function without changing the structure of the array - if it could be possible. If not - what would be an efficient way to solve the problem?
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Aug 17, 2007
I've been trying just about every sort function I could google but they do not work becuase I am building the table I want to sort dynamically from XML - then appending it to the page using innerHTML. No HTML gets written to the page, hence there are no HTML values to iterate through to sort. Does anyone know a way to capture values that have been extracted from the XML file and then sort them based upon the users selection?
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Oct 4, 2005
I would like to sort a table. Some of the rows in my table contains a table. How to tackle this problem?
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Mar 21, 2003
I am trying to duplicate the graphic effect used in Outlook for sorting Columns, click on it the first time and it sorts descending, click again and it clicks ascending, click on another field and the original image returns and that field is now sorted. I can do the actual sort on the back-end using JSP, and really only need to make the script smart enough to know that another column has been clicked.
A couple of items for consideration, I am working on an intranet, and must support Version 4 browsers. The server I am using is an Iplanet V6.0 server.
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Dec 28, 2011
jQuery and have the following Problem:
Suppose i have a table, like that:
<table class="conTab" id="TA">
After inserting this new table row i would like to sort the table by the first column (or any attribute of the first columns td elememts). I tries some Plugins like tinysort right now, but they only sort the "fixed" rows, not the dynamicly added.
The table should be sorted automaticly, the user should not be able to sort it.
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Oct 15, 2004
The code sortes/reverses the rows of a table with data upon the correspondent chosen column.
Uses DOM methods
Tested in IE6, NS7, Firefox, Moz 1.7, Opera 7.5 on XP
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>sort_reverse table</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<style type="text/css">
td {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function sortIt(w){
r=document.getElementById('tab').rows;//the root
var oRows = new Array()//set the rows to be removed as an array of cloneNodes
var iRows = new Array()//set those rows' indexes as array
for(var i=1;i<r.length;i++){
q=w.parentNode.cellIndex;//set the column index of cells content
var oCol = new Array()//set the string content of column cells as array
var vCol = new Array()//set the "compare" array for a future sort/reverse
for(var i=0;i<iRows.length;i++){
oCol.shift();//remove the first element (the content of the cell in first row
vCol.shift();//do the same with "compare" array
oCol.sort();//sorts the content array
if(vCol.toString()==oCol.toString()){oCol.reverse()}//if the content was already sorted, reverse
for(var i=1;i<r.length;i++){
}//writes the rows in a sorted/reversed order
<table id="tab" width="400" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<td><a href="#" onclick="sortIt(this);return false">SORT/REVERSE</a></td>
<td><a href="#" onclick="sortIt(this);return false">SORT/REVERSE</a></td>
<td><a href="#" onclick="sortIt(this);return false">SORT/REVERSE</a></td>
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a table that I am trying to implement sortTable so i can sort the Table by the Column Headers. I have come across a few different ways to implement sortTable, but none of them seem to be working for me. here is the first way I tried to implement it (in the <table class =" ">) this is not the way I would like to do, as I have CSS defined class "halloween" I would like to use (unless u can implement 2 classes?) anyways it is still not working but here is the code
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Aug 18, 2010
I've used jQuery ajax and .post a lot, and several times within the very application that i'm having issues with, but I've never run into this issue before.I've got a table of items and categories, sorted by a sort number. in the same cell that the sortnum input is in, there is a span with a status id that differentiates between items and categories so i can modify the correct records in the correct database table.First, i select all of the inputs and then sort them by the value of the input. next, i loop through the inputs, creating two arrays: one array contains the type of entry, and the other contains the id of the entry.
After the loop, i join each array into its own variable, sortlist and typelist. Next, i perform a .post passing the two lists to my server.The problem is, on the server side, those two variables are getting a "[]" appended to the end of them, and since i'm working in coldfusion, the only way to get data from them is with evaluate. I can get by using evaluate(), but i'd rather not have to.So far i haven't found a way to get the value of this variable. has anyone else ran into this issue and found a solution?
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Jan 26, 2010
I am using Jquery and the tablesorter plugin to sort a table of information. Within the table i have a column of checkboxes. A user can check the boxes and press the submit button which will $_POST the checked boxes onto the next page. Everything works if i dont sort the table, but if i sort the table and then check a few boxes the $_POST array is empty.
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Dec 2, 2011
I have a some code that is drawing out regions when a country a selected.I want the regions to order alphabetically, but its not doing it for some reason.PHP Code:
$q=mysql_query("select * from tbl_resorts where Id_show=1 ORDER BY Nom_Rsrt") or die (mysql_error());
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Sep 7, 2010
I want to display my listings like they do here: http:[url]....The code on my end calling the third party service looks like this:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<script language="javascript" src="'+####+'&sitenumber='+#+'&tid=event_names&pcatid=2&showcats=true&title=Concerts Tickets"></' + 'script>');
How do I make it only display one letter at a time? I believe some variation on the sort method might work...
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Feb 12, 2010
I want the results of this script to be sorted alphabetically.
<div id="container">
<h2>my bookmarks</h2>
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
function showImage(img){ return (function(){'inline'; }) }
var ul = document.createElement('ul')
for (var i=0, post; post = Delicious.posts[i]; i++) {
var li = document.createElement('li')
var a = document.createElement('a') = '20px'
var img = document.createElement('img') = 'absolute' = 'none'
img.height = img.width = 16
img.src = post.u.split('/').splice(0,3).join('/')+'/favicon.ico'
img.onload = showImage(img);
a.setAttribute('href', post.u)
} document.getElementById('container').appendChild(ul)
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Jun 9, 2009
OK so Ive been using jquery for a little bit now and love it. I am a ColdFusion developer. I have a need where I would like to present the user with a list of categories and the user can drag and drop to sort, but then I need to post this new sort order to the database. So I see there are a ton of cool drag & drop plugins for jquery. I understand how they work and I can get it to work as far as spitting out DIVS or spitting out ULs that can be sorted, but then what? So now they are sorted on my screen and not really part of the form. How do I translate that into something I can do a post to the database with? Do I do an AJAX call every time they drop an item and try to extrapolate the sort order on that item after they drop it? Do I populate a hidden form field with the constantly updating sort order list? MAybe a list of ID's? How does everyone else go about this this task? I'm sure there is more than one way and I'm sure this is a common task.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having a bit of difficulty sorting images named in sequential numerical
order. Here are the image names and how I need them sorted.
Using array.sort() here is how it gets sorted,
Any ideas how to correct this? I've tried a few methods unsuccssfully.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an array of objects. My object definition is given below:
function tempArray(code,height,weight)
this.code = code;
this.height = height;
this.weight = weight;
I used the following function to sort.
function sortBy(prop,arr) {
function sortFunc(part1,part2) {
if (part1[sortProp]>part2[sortProp]) retVal=-1;
else if (part1[sortProp]<part2[sortProp]) retVal=1;
else retVal=0;
return retVal;
This however allows me to sort only by one criteria. I need to sort by
weight first and then by height for those items that have the same
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Jul 20, 2005
I wonder if the following is even possible :
Suppose I have a page with a set of hyperlinks on it. Each time a hyperlink
is clicked a new window is opened. What i basically want is the following :
I want a counter at the client side which increments each time the user
clicks one of those links. At the bottom of the page I'll put a button
which should be used to send the value of the counter away.
The problem is I only know server side scripting and have no idea on how to
implement such a counter on the client side. I even wonder if it's possible
to detect when a link is clicked. The links may be buttons if that would
make it easier, it's just that i don't want to reload the page each time a
link is clicked but only at the end when the button at the bottom would be
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Jun 25, 2011
I have multiple lists in which i change the values of the LI elements. how can i make the lists be sorted by highest value?
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Apr 23, 2010
I'm working on displaying a list of events on my site and need to display them in ascending order. i've got an xml document that looks like this(with multiple events obviously,Can anyone help me with sorting this? So far I have it displaying only events that are occuring after the present date(currentDate). How would I go about displaying them so that the events displayed will be in the order of the earliest date displaying first?
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Aug 13, 2003
I finally got tired of doing:
alert('myVar: ' + myVar);
str='' for(i in someObject) str+=i+': '+someObject[i]+'' alert(str);
and put together a little debugger to take care of that.
I bet I'm not the first one, but when it comes to JS my motto is "If you want to do it right.
Anyhow here is the demo, you are welcome to view and use the source, just leave the credits...
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Mar 8, 2005
I'm looking for a script able to mix an array randomly...
I can sort an array without any problem...
Now I want to mix it randomly ...
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Apr 28, 2011
I can't find any syntax for how to sort something with JQuery but here's a description of what I'm wanting to do.[code]
1. Start with the list of matches, in order. Introduction comes first.
2. Sort the segments by segmentOrder first, segmentNum second.
3. Insert each segment after match #(segmentOrder), in the same order.
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Aug 25, 2011
I check the web and they only show you how to sort the whole array. I would like to be able to sort the subset of the 2D array.How would I sort the sub array independently. So only the a's together, then only the b's together, etc.
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Oct 4, 2009
For example when row two is clicked I would like the table to reorder a, b, c, d
<td>col 1</td>
<td>col 2</td>
<td>col 3</td>
<td>col 4</td>
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Feb 22, 2011
I have a list of records from my database being displayed on this page. I want to be able to sort the columns. Typically, I do this with an HTML table, but was wondering if there is a way I can setup the below code using jQuery to allow for the column headers to be sortable? I have an icon to sort up and an icon to sort down.My goal is to allow the user to sort the data without a page refresh.
<div class="header">
<li style="width: 20%;">Customer Number <img src="images/iconSort.gif" /></li>
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May 26, 2009
Below mentioned code prints properly in Mozila but not in IE7 code...
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