XMLHttpRequest - Call A Flickr Rest Method And Output Its XML
Oct 29, 2011
I'm trying to create a script that will call a flickr rest method and output its XML. I have written the following code, but it seems to not work. I am stumped, and was wondering what I am doing wrong. I have uploaded my code to [URL]
So I have a basic REST call to Flickr's API. This is how I'm displaying the images. $("#flickr").append("<img src = '"+ photoURL +"' class='thumbnail' />"); Then I have this later on in the same file... $(".thumbnail", this).bind("click", function(){ $("#display").html("<p>clicked</p>"); });
For some reason, it will not detect this selector. I've also tried $("#flickr > img") & $("img"). None of these selectors seem to trigger this event. I tested $("#flickr").bind()... and I got the expected result, so I am pretty certain it is the selector that is not working. I have done a basic "thumbnail / enlarge" model a number of times from hard coded image tags to ajax sources, but never from Flickr's API.
I'd like to be able to detect whether the browser is receiving an HTTP status 302 redirect when handling the response to an Ajax call. I can see the 302 status code clearly with LiveHTTPHeaders in Firefox, but every time the XmlHttpRequest onreadystatechange handler is called, the status property is éU'. It seems like the 302 is being handled by the browser somewhere upstream of my JavaScript.
(I know that this has been asked once before -- that I've found -- in this group, but it seems like the only response misunderstood the question.)
I have two methods and I would like to call somename1 method from within somename2 method. I have tried several ways to do so however I keep getting "TypeError" or "RefernceError" I have tried several ways to reference but I am still unable. What am I doing wrong. I would think this would be easy to do.
document.onclick=handler; function handler(e) { //do stuff var params = "something"; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", "http://www.foo.com/bar.php?" + params, true); [Code]....
Now is user clicks something else but not a link everything works just fine. But if she clicks a link, the bar.php call does not work (never comes to the server). If I change the call to a synchronuous one request.open("GET", [URL] false) also clicking a link works fine. But I would of course prefer the async way.
I attempted to invoke a C# method using jQuery but it failed. The reason is because the method cannot be found. However the method exist in the class. Did I miss something?
I am trying to call a java method from within my Javascript, but cannot seem to get it to work. All the examples I have found online and in the forums are using Java applets. I have a method that I want to call that does a search, and produces a message dialog displaying the results. Also, the class file lives next to the html file. How would I invoke this in my code? This is what I have now:
How to call a method from JS through UpdatePanel with jQuery? I cant call WebMethod cause it is static (I have a custom control and it is statically inaccessible).
What I have: Custom control on a ASP.NET website in UpdatePanel
What I need: User clicks on a link and JS does its magic and than I have to post (AJAX) changes to server (custom control). How do I achieve this with UpdatePanel (I cant jQuery ajax call) - how can I call a method on server with some arguments from JS?
I am using an webservice(.net) to do some database related operations. I would like to call a method from this webservice to return an xml file. At the client side I want to use jquery to call this webservice by passing json object. How will I do this? In success method is it possible to get the xml file as returned value from the webservice?
I have been trying to figure this out all day/night. And I have exhausted all my ideas....
so heres whats happening:
Ajax.js: varrequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); var response; var currentHeadLineItem = 0; iterator for which <li> node we select from our xml document response var lengthOfHeadLineList = 0; Review the offsett for this!!!!
I have defined a method in an iframe named as refresh1().In the iframe we are showing records in a table.on clicking a record of table or you can say row a showmodal Dialog object will open which shows the info of clicked record.I want to call refresh1() method onclick of save button whic is defined in modal dialog.I have triedparent.window.dialogArguments.refresh1() but it is not workin.
I have this javascript code which I would like to call the refresh method in my init function but I can't seems to be able to call it. What is the proper way of doing this?
I have the following code in one of my pages. My problem is caused, because the method "processEvent" is never called, but I have no idea why. I guess it is broken, because I don't relay the "this" object correctly.
<script type="text/javascript"> var MyClass = function() { this.init = function()
I'm using jquery-1.3.2.min.js and everything works perfectly in browsers other than Explorer... It's not liking this part:
this.appendChild(E) function(){return this.domManip(arguments,true,function(E){if(this.nodeType==1){this.appendChild(E)}})} ... } I get this error:Unexpected call to method or property access. jquery-1.3.2.min.js, line 12 character 2305
This error ONLY occurs in IE. "Unexpected call to method or property access." I pinpointed it to this line: o.appendChild(e);
The full function is: function aO(d, t, src, p, id ){ alert('aO has begun.'); var o, e, i; if (!ie){ o = cE('object');o.data = src; } else { o = cE('embed');o.src = src; } .....
I have a jQuery script which works fine online, but when it comes to testing locally I get this error on the 2nd line of code: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'hide' of null So, that means I'm trying to call a method on something that doesn't exist, or is set to null. But I'm trying to call the method on anything with the class menu. And there are divs with the class menu on my page. The script runs fine on several other pages, so it must have something to do with this page in particular, but I have no idea why...
I've put up the page online, but I don't have a direct link to it because it's a live site. You can see the code working here: The Pilot, and the offending page is here: The Gallery.