Wrapping Tags Around Selected Text In A Text Area!!
Jun 16, 2006
I'm trying to 'wrap tags' around text in a text box.
<script language=javascript>
function insertFauxTags(fauxTag, e, endFauxTag)
var e = document.frmAddNewForum.txtTopicMessage.selected;
document.frmAddNewForum.txtTopicMessage.Value += fauxTag + e + endFauxTag;
And my form:
<form runat="server" id="frmAddNewForum">
<asp:textbox id="txtTopicMessage" runat="server" cssclass="formtext" rows="5" textmode="MultiLine" width="95%" style="width:95%"></asp:textbox>
And here's how I'm calling the function:
<a href="javascript:insertFauxTags('[p]' + e + '[/p]')"><img src="http://www.<%=strSiteName%>/images/parabutton.gif" border="0" alt="Paragraph" /></a>
When I run this in FF I get 'e' is not defined - any ideas?
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May 2, 2007
I've got a form with a textarea box, currently you can just type a message in the box and submit it, then it is added to a mysql database and shows up on a page I made for people to view staff memos.
I've been asked to add formatting options like bold, italic, underline etc. Unfortunately me and javascript have never really met so I'm quite stumped. I can handle the form processing with PHP converting [b] to <strong> etc myself but I need help with the actual user interface.
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Oct 13, 2011
I found this code on some web site which actually works on my current Safari browser. I will be grateful if anyone out there with IE version 8 or less can verify it working as well.
Basically I wanted to highlight some text with mouse drag, and have that piece of text wrapped with [high] at the beginning and [/high] at the end.
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Jun 17, 2010
I want to get the cursor start and end position of a selected range in a text-field or text-area. i tried lot of functions in various forums. but when the last character of the selection is a new line character JavaScript ignore it in IE6. any one having idea ?
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Mar 12, 2010
I need to a code to do the following.
There is a Text Area that user can enter text. assume that user enter something and put a dot Following values should be populate in a drop down at the place where dot locate .
like when we get the string object using Net Beans IDE and when we put "Object." , drop down will be displayed with available methods for that particular object. idea is to build a editor using java script.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a text area that I want to add simple html formatting buttons to.The user should be able to:- highlight text and click a 'bold' button- highlight text and click 'itallic' button- Add bulleted list- LinkI've looked at a number of WYSIWYG javascript examples, but they seem to accept Microsoft Word formatting, which I dont want
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Mar 25, 2011
I want to display the content of textarea with html parsed eg. how gmail /yahoo displays its mail contents with all the images loaded, with all the links with hypertext parsing the html. Is there any way to display the same.
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Apr 26, 2010
I am trying to copy the selected value from the dropdown and append it to the textarea text.here's what i have tried.
$("#drp_dwn").change( function()
{ var value = $("#drp_dwn").copy();
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Jan 20, 2009
I am currently adding BBCode to my website, and I posted a while ago in this forum for a script that would add tags to my textarea when clicking an BBcode image. But my next problem now is that I need those tags to appear around selected text and at the mouse cursor if no text is selected. Currently all it does is just add the tags at the end of your sentence if you've written something in the textarea. Here is the code I use:
function lolwut(txt)
var ta = document.getElementById("my_ta");
ta.value += txt;
window.onload = function()
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Apr 14, 2011
suppose i have a strings (html):Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <span id="display_only">consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. </span>Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.How can i display only the text whicj is inside the #display_only tag.... So that the result would beonsectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
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Apr 2, 2011
1. When I have the "<textarea>" code lines in it put a text-area on the page, but it puts all of the code following that first text-area line into the text-area box and doesn't execute that segment of code.
2. When there is no "<textarea>" (for the sake of seeing if the rest of it worked) it doesn't check the survey.
I'm stumped and can't figure out what to do at this point Code and pictures follow:
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Dec 16, 2010
As of right now I have a code that will work in IE but wont work in FireFox...go figure. Basically what I want to have happen is when you type in an area code it will provide an output in a predetermined area of the page.
For Example:
Input- 512
Output - Austin, TX
The code that I have doesn't work with firefox and I was just wondering if there was a code that would allow that to happen.
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Oct 18, 2011
Would u pls let me know whether the following is possible or not: User can be able to insert text on a text-box or text-area(form) as usually we use text-area to do so. But I want to put some readonly text using an open and close tag
for example: <ro>This is readonly text</ro>insert your text here Can I be able to make the text inside <ro>..</ro> tag readonly, it means user can't be able to modify or delete this readonly text. readonly text length not fixed. only way to recognize the readonly text is the <ro> tag.
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Jun 11, 2011
I am working on code to wrap BBCodes around a user selection, then leave the selection selected for possibly adding more BBCodes around the same selection.My problem is that there seems to be several different ways to do it and I can't figure out which one is "the best".Now, I can't use the "standard" way of doing this because I am working with TinyMCE. I know there are countless examples on how to do this with textareas... that is NOT what I need.TinyMCE can give me a selection RANGE, a selection NODE or a selection OBJECT. Note that if I use TinyMCE's range, it internally "normalizes" the range to be a standard W3C range, regardless of browser.I've created a new range, extracted the selection from the user's range, created elements for the open and close BBCode, inserted the elements into the range and finally set the user's selection to the new range. Works fine.
I also tried taking the selection node (which is an element), then simply used "innerHTML" to add the opening and closing tags, then set the node to the modified node. Works fine.I've also used the editor's built in "selection.getContent()" and "selection.setContent()" calls and THIS also works.I've even tried using the DOM "surroundContents()" function, then used a regex to change the < and > into [ and ]. Freaky... but that works too.So, my dilemma is... which method should I use???To recap, here's what I want (blue represents selected text):
This is a test sentence. (user selected some text)
This is a test sentence. (text is wrapped and remains selected).
This is a test sentence. (user clicked another bbcode button).
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Apr 4, 2011
Im trying to nut out a check box validation
The goal- the check box as default is unchecked and when checked validates a text area for text
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Sep 2, 2010
I have a form setup so that selecting a radio button opens a specific text field. The problem is if the user starts to enter information, then switches to a different radio button (perhaps they chose the wrong radio to start), the text they already started to enter on the previous textfield doesn't get cleared. This will be a problem later when inserting to sql.
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Sep 7, 2011
I am building an e-learning lesson in Lectora that will be deployed to a SCROM compatible learning management system. The lesson is converted into HTML before that happens. My table of contents is around 100 pixels wide but some of the page names are longer than that and do not display fully when viewed in a browser.What I am trying to do is this:The page name for this page is very, very long and I can't see it all. Blah blahWould becomeThe page name for this page is very,
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Mar 3, 2011
I've been following this tutorial (and it works great)URL...Just cannot figure out how to make one of the Text Fields a Text Area with cols="45" rows="5".Every combination I've tried turns off the validation. I've already added completely different text fields from what are shown in the tutorial so I know how to change up the javascript I just can't get the Text Area right.
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Sep 7, 2009
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hello, I would like to know if I can load a small text from a external source into a textarea. the external source is a php that will write some clean text depending on the vars received. I know load() can do the job for a div but I don't think it will work for a textarea.
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Feb 13, 2010
im clueless when it comes to javascript, but this is what im trying to find: i have a page that has multiple text areas, i also have 4 links that when clicked i want to add some predefined text into the active text area the one with the text cursor in?
The Hyperlinks:
<a href="#sc">Shift Changed</a> | <a href="#ol">On Leave</a> | <a href="#ot">OverTime</a> | <a href="#ss">ShiftSwap</a>
The textareas:
<td><textarea name=details$i rows=4 align=absmiddle cols=16 value="$details[$i]">$details[$i]a href=
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Jan 19, 2010
I have the user entering into a text area box but as they are typing into the text area I want it to replicate the first 250 charactors into an input (text) box.
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Feb 13, 2010
i have a page that has multiple text areas, i also have 4 links that when clicked i want to add some predefined text into the active text area the one with the text cursor in?
The Hyperlinks:
<a href="#sc">Shift Changed</a> | <a href="#ol">On Leave</a> | <a href="#ot">OverTime</a> | <a href="#ss">ShiftSwap</a>
The textareas:
PHP Code:
<td><textarea name=details$i rows=4 align=absmiddle cols=16 value="$details[$i]">$details[$i]
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Jun 15, 2010
I have a text area, I want that user's should not be able to enter a charaters in it. I want them to enter only numbers.I have written the code below to do this but it is not working as I think I am not calling the function right way.I am open to new suggestions as well, if I can show some alert to user if they enter character rather than no.
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Mar 10, 2010
I am creating a small CMS module for a client. I created a little form and when they click Submit, it goes straight out into an include (.inc) file, which is connected to the web page to be displayed.
The trouble I am having is that I'd like to create an additional button that will insert some text (certain html tags to make their life easier, etc) - I got it to work, actually. The script executes and the text is inserted - but once the script runs and the page refreshes (or whatever it does), the text then disappears. The only way I can seem to get it to stay put is when I use "onmouseup" instead of "onclick" - which means that every time the user accidentally mouses over the thing, it inserts the text.
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Aug 26, 2009
I've got an unordered lists. I need to make the numbers larger (ordered lists numbers) and keep the text in the list at the same size. So what I was assuming I need to do is make the <li> font-size larger (the size I want the unordered list number to be), then wrap the text with a <span> and make the <span> smaller. I'm using a CMS and since the client will be modifying the text in the CMS, I can't exactly tell them to put <span> text, blah, blah</span> in the unordered lists as they won't figure that out. So how would I write the jQuery to wrap the text in the unordered lists with a span? Currently the output is like so:
<li>Item One</li>
<li>Item Two</li>
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Mar 7, 2006
How do I access the entered text in a text area, following is not
working: document.Formular.input1.value
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