Works fine with ie and firefox. All the script is there to do is open a new window but delayed so that users can see the button unpress.
This is my favourite way of doing things. The problem is that Chrome wont do a launched from a set timeout. (buttons are an image background that shows just half of the image at a time) But its nerfed if i cant get it to work on 0.00005% of the browsers that visits the sites! (ive come to really dislike chrome)
Does anyone have a sizeable popup that will work in google chrome? I have tried several scripts for this with no success, they all open full page. Here is an example of what I am looking for. The problem with this is it opens a new page plus a full page popup
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function popup(url) { var is_chrome; var width = 1020; var height = 600; var left = (screen.width - width)/2; var top = (screen.height - height)/2; var params = 'width='+width+', height='+height; params += ', top='+top+', left='+left; params += ', directories=no'; params += ', location=no'; params += ', menubar=no'; params += ', resizable=yes'; params += ', scrollbars=yes'; params += ', status=no'; params += ', toolbar=no';,'windowname5', params); is_chrome= navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1; if (is_chrome) {newwindow.parent.blur();} if (window.focus) {newwin.focus()} return false; } // --> </script>
To open I am using: onclick=popup(mypage.php?id=".$row->id."
I tried the same code without apostrophes, but with no effect.
I found error... In POST variables passed to ajax.php I had 'content': content and content is probably jQuery reserved word (and this variable wasn´t define before). But I don´t know why that works in FF.
i have an iframe inside a page(main). In that iframe, i am calling a java script function that is in the main page.This function call is working in Mozilla , IE but not in Safari and google chrome?? Is there any specific reason for that? when i add the function in the iframe it works.
I have some JavaScript that is being used to open a new window and display a PDF file. This is working fine apart from the title of the new window being open. I am using the function and I have set the title of the page using the document.write function (see code below). The code works fine for FF and IE but for some reason Google Chrome just displays 'Untitled - Google Chrome'
<body> <a href="javascript:openNewWindow();">Click Here</a> <script type="text/javascript"> function openNewWindow()
Note: I have also tried adding - pdfWindow.document.title="Title"; - to the JavaScript, with no luck.
Is there anything specific that is required for Chrome or am I just missing something??
I'm using the Google AJAX APIs, but some reason google.load works when run through normal javascript, but if I call the method from my jquery ready function it doesn't work. Code and output is below
window.loadFirebugConsole is not a function If I comment out line 3 in code.js, the console debug runs okay, so the ready function is running okay. Even though there's a reference to Firebug, the same error occurs in Safari too. Nothing on the page loads.
I'm trying to do a redirect using the below code: <script type="text/javascript"> window.location.href = "" </script> FF and IE work as they should. Chrome doesn't.
Same code pasted within a local html file works fine.
i tried a lot to load an external html into a div using .load() in chrome (it works in ff, ee, safary and opera). interesting point is online examples are working fine. but when i download the codes, chrome can not load external data on my machine!
here is my load function: $(function() { $.build = {}; $.extend($.build , {
I am trying to use the following javascript function to open a new window. It works fine for IE browsers, but not Mozilla.
settings = 'height='+screen.height+',width='+screen.width+',top=0,left=0,scrollbars=yes,directories=no,location=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes' win =, "newwindow", settings); Am I doing something wrong or does Mozilla not support the function? Or is it something in the settings thats breaking it?
I have a small script that tries to open a child window. if successful, it then closes the child window and redirects the parent window. If this process fails, there is no child window, no redirection.
the script below works fine in FireFox but in Chrome, if the process fails, the redirection still happens. code...
I have a domain name registration field that links to a reseller storefront and then searches for that domain name. I would like the storefront to open in a new window, instead of the parent window. I have tried to insert the target="blank tag but can not seem to get it to work. Is there another way to make that window open? You can see the page and field here: [URL] The field is on the left side, just below the center of the page.
function Open_Win() {"","Touching God Fast","scrollbars=yes, statusbar=yes, height=500, width=850"); }
Works great on a Mac but under IE in windows xp it states that there is an error on the page. What am I doing wrong?
I'm redesigning my webpage and thought it would be a good idea to have windows popup if someone had a question about terminology. So basically, I wrote a small function that was supposed to popup a 400x300 window centered towards the top left of the screen with some basic parameters... this code is inserted into the head
<Script Language="JavaScript 1.1" type="text/javascript;version=1.1"> function jargon(url){ var screenw = 800; var screenh = 600; screenw = screen.width; screenh = screen.height; var mywin =, 'jargon', 'left=screenw / 4, top=screenh / 4, width=400, height=300, toolbar=0, menubar=0, resizeable=0, status=0'); } </script> (the screenw and screenh are meant for older browsers) which is meant to be embedded in the code like....
<a href="#" onclick="jargon('../jargon/php.php');">PHP</a> But whenever I try this, it just uses the # link and nothing happens.
This is the link (and I have a function called check_group): Code: <a href="javascript:viod(0)" onclick="check_group('<?php echo $codart ?>','<?php echo $codfam ?>')"><?php echo $gname?></a> I have a function called check group. I want to open that link in a new window.
I am studying Javascript to custom my yahoo estore, I need to open a custom sized window in a new browser , I tried the following script on 3 different PCs running XP pro. IE 6, it worked on one and did not work on the other two. Code:
into an external javascript function that will do the same thing (open all links in a new window individually if javascript is enabled, without destroying links in html for if javascript is not enabled).
I'm figuring this will need to be done in a function. I'm building a page builder with 2 fields, a textbox called 'title' and a textarea called 'text' (imaginative huh!).
I want to have a preview facility. I've built the preview page, all I want to do is have a javascript button that passes the value of those two text fields to this preview page in the querystring. Is there a way using variables to pass this through?