I print random text through php/mysql on my page and near the text there is a button which i want to be floated on the right.Between these two there is a whitespace which is not generated through php.How can i replace whitespace with "/"?I know the replace function for strings but how can i define a string here for something that doesnt exist(whitespace)?code...
I'm trying to figure out reading XML into Javascript, and, frustrating as that is alone, what really boggles my mind is Mozilla's default NOT to ignore whitespace! I realize this may have its applications, but for the sake of my sanity (not to mention being cross-browser), I NEED to parse my XML document WITHOUT whitespace!
All I want to do essentially, is read in an XML document that has, let's say, 100 or so <character> nodes off the root, and output their text values into the HTML. Not so hard right? But if I make an XML document that I can actually READ (so that I don't go insane), I'm going to wind up with much more than 100 nodes thanks to reading in the whitespace... what can I do about this?
I've seen custom functions that will remove the whitespace nodes for me, but certainly there's an easier way to do this?!?
I'm creating a preview function that opens a new window, and then writes the values of the text fields, now my script is below, but I need to be able to make sure that the enters/breaks/carriage returns are kept when calling this page. The data I require to keep these breaks is an text area. Code:
I'm trying to access the source of an HTML page with as few alterations from the actual source (as in, that seen from the View Source option) as I can. The method document.documentElement.innerHTML returns the HTML source, but adds HEAD and other elements if they are absent from the source, and takes out whitespace (i.e., line feeds, carriage returns and tabs) within tags and between tags. The follow function:
function xhr() {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.open("GET","test-page.html",true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState==4) { alert(xhr.responseText); } } xhr.send(null) }
doesn't add or alter any tags that are absent in the source, and does not take out line feeds within tags; it does, however, still take out all non-line-feed whitespace within tags and all whitespace in general between tags.
It seems that preserving whitespace is all that I need, but I haven't found a way to do that through my searches. So is there any way to get the unaltered HTML source of a page without innerHTML or applets, like a better version of the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText method?
I am toying around with this great plugin and want to use a css class with a whitespace in it. Can I do this somehow? If I use "error message" as errorClass it wont remove the error messages. But if I use "error-messages" it works, why is that?
I have a string containing whitespaces, for example, "Michael Douglasemail.com". In Javascript, how can I replace the whitespace with underscore? "Michael_Douglasemail.com"
I have a JavaScript string. I want to replace all consecutive occurrences of whitespace characters like spaces, tabs, newlines, and form feeds with another string.
For example, say I have a string consisting of:
-- 3 spaces -- The characters "hello" -- 2 newline ( ) characters -- The characters "goodbye" -- 5 spaces
After applying some sort of regular expression to replace consecutive occurrences of whitespace chars with the string "X", the string should consist of the following:
-- The character "X" -- The characters "hello" -- The character "X" -- The characters "goodbye" -- The character "X"
How could I do this using regular expressions? I'm quite familiar with JavaScript but don't know anything about regular expressions or using them in JavaScript, so please show me step-by-step how it's done.
I currently have a <p> where it changes to a textarea when a button is clicked How do I preserve the whitespace when saving that text to a database and displaying back to a <p>?
function cleanWhitespace(node) { for (var x = 0; x < node.childNodes.length; x++) { var childNode = node.childNodes[x] if ((childNode.nodeType == 3)&&(!notWhitespace.test(childNode.nodeValue))) { // that is, if it's a whitespace text node node.removeChild(node.childNodes[x]) x-- } if (childNode.nodeType == 1) { // elements can have text child nodes of their own cleanWhitespace(childNode) } } }
This script is intended to remove whitespace text nodes from a document. These nodes show up far more often than we want to admit, and leads to a DOM that is different in Mozilla than IE.
Make sure you use this only in documents where whitespace is expendable. XHTML documents are among these, as are MathML expressions and SVG images.
Theoretically, whitespace can be significant in some XML documents.
Major JQuery noob here. I'm working on a directory for a client's site and for some reason, in Firefox, the page is running really long with extra whitespace at the bottom where each tabbed div should end.[URL]...
I am having difficulty using javascript to validate form fields with whitespaces in the element names (ex: First Name, Last Name).
here's a code snippet: ### function validate(formObj) { if (document.form1.Payment Method.checked){ do something here...} ###
the problem is that javascript won't read the element "Payment Method" unless i mash the name into one word. (i don't want to do that because i later use the element names to provide a printable customer receipt
i tried using the ascii octal number for a whitespace in the above code (...form1.Payment40Method.checked...), but to no avail.
I have a script that I am trying to get working in IE. It works great in Firefox, but will only work one time in IE.
The idea is that the user is presented with a field. As soon as the user types in the field the script adds a new field under it. To keep from adding more than one field there is a variable called probURLnumKeep that gets incremented only if the field being typed in is the last field created. Code:
I've been doing a lot of stuff with ajax, and I've had a bit of a problem. I've been using the POST method all the time, since some of my requests can get really big and I was doing it the following way...
I'm stuck with this one since my knowledge of javascript is very low, PHP I'm ok with but this is a new language to me. Anyway, I have a form (a table-less one) which I would like to have the ability to add extra file fields if needed. One is already placed but I would like the user to have the option to add more photos. Here's my html: