Maintaining Whitespace
Jul 9, 2005
I'm creating a preview function that opens a new window, and then writes the values of the text fields, now my script is below, but I need to be able to make sure that the enters/breaks/carriage returns are kept when calling this page. The data I require to keep these breaks is an text area. Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I would like to add dynamic text sizing to a website. There will be three text sizes. When the default is used, only the "Increase text size" button is shown. When the maximum size is used, only the "Decrease text size" button is shown. And otherwise, both buttons are shown.
I've been working on a mockup as follows at the end, but my issue is that once I have manipulated an element of the HTML DOM, if I access it again to check it's value, I will only get the original value in the document. To do the dynamic buttons, I need to maintain some kind of state between function calls, so that I know what the current size is. Can I even do this with Javascript or am I barking up the wrong tree?
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Nov 6, 2009
I've got a div with an id of messages - It is essentially a chat system however chat usually adds messages to the bottom of a list which means the messages do not get pushed down while you are reading them. This system instead adds the messages to the top. I need a way of finding the current scroll position so that when a new message is added the scroll remains in the same place.
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Jul 23, 2005
i have a login area (user/pass text
boxes). when the user submits the form, the page is reloaded with with
a global php variable "loggedIn" set to true. i also store the
username and password in the page in a hidden form -- so that it can be
passed to other pages on the site through standard navigation
(maintaining the "loggedIn" status). however, is there any way to save
this information if the user hits refresh?
as it stands, whenever the
user hits refresh, the user/pass data is lost, and loggedIn is set to
false. can this be worked around without using cookies?
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Mar 6, 2009
I am currently using multiple include files with my website and my issue is specifically with my navigation include. All I'm using is a simple unordered list with images for list items. Ofcourse each list item/link takes you to a another page. I have up, over, and down images for each menu list item. What I need to figure out is how to keep the associated menu item's down image active when taken to the associated page.I'm assuming it might entail some Javascript within the navigation include or per list item that tells the browser to keep the down image active when landing on a certain URL. I don't know what that code is.
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May 4, 2010
I have a form with three select boxes. Box 1 has a variety of choices, but boxes 2 & 3 are empty. When the person selects an option from box 1, box 2 gets populated with choices. When the person selects an option from box 2, box 3 gets populated with choices.
This is handled with javascript through either onblur or onchange (still working on which will work best for this).
The problem occurs after pressing submitting the form and then pressing the back button. All fields maintain their data EXCEPT boxes 2 & 3.
How do I get it so that those two boxes keep the data like the rest of the form?
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Jul 5, 2009
I would like to have the scroll box content to go to the same position that it had before the page is refreshed rather than go to the top of the scroll box content. In other words, if the user scrolls down, then refreshes the page, I want to scroll box content to come back to the same position after the refresh.
I assume this would be a javascript function to get a vertical scroll position. Hopefully one solution works for all major browsers.
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May 10, 2006
I'm trying to figure out reading XML into Javascript, and, frustrating as that is alone, what really boggles my mind is Mozilla's default NOT to ignore whitespace! I realize this may have its applications, but for the sake of my sanity (not to mention being cross-browser), I NEED to parse my XML document WITHOUT whitespace!
All I want to do essentially, is read in an XML document that has, let's say, 100 or so <character> nodes off the root, and output their text values into the HTML. Not so hard right? But if I make an XML document that I can actually READ (so that I don't go insane), I'm going to wind up with much more than 100 nodes thanks to reading in the whitespace... what can I do about this?
I've seen custom functions that will remove the whitespace nodes for me, but certainly there's an easier way to do this?!?
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Apr 26, 2009
jQuery resource I'm using a accordian menu I found here:[URL]...I'm using it on a development site here:[URL]... It's being used on the left hand side navigation which are coloured Red, Orange and Green.
The menu is supposed to maintain state when you click through to the various sections, however it appears to jump between the Red, Orange and Green sections.
I've cheked that the cookie is set and using the unique identifier but it's still not working.
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Dec 22, 2009
displaying images properly maintaining its aspect ratio?
My requirement:
I have a table with single cell (means single row and column). I have to display image inside this cell. But when I do so using the below mentioned statement, the image expands and cover the entire cell area.
<table border=2 width= �600� height= �400�>
<td> <img src= �MyPic.jpg�> </td>
I will be loading different images inside the same cell, all having different height and width.
if you know how I can do it. I will be happier if you can paste the code here
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Jul 21, 2010
How would I get this variable to allow whitespace?
var illegalChars = /W/; // allow letters, numbers, and underscores
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Aug 24, 2006
I'm trying to access the source of an HTML page with as few alterations
from the actual source (as in, that seen from the View Source option)
as I can. The method document.documentElement.innerHTML returns the
HTML source, but adds HEAD and other elements if they are absent from
the source, and takes out whitespace (i.e., line feeds, carriage
returns and tabs) within tags and between tags. The follow function:
function xhr() {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET","test-page.html",true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState==4) {
doesn't add or alter any tags that are absent in the source, and does
not take out line feeds within tags; it does, however, still take out
all non-line-feed whitespace within tags and all whitespace in general
between tags.
It seems that preserving whitespace is all that I need, but I haven't
found a way to do that through my searches. So is there any way to get
the unaltered HTML source of a page without innerHTML or applets, like
a better version of the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText method?
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Jan 10, 2012
I am toying around with this great plugin and want to use a css class with a whitespace in it. Can I do this somehow? If I use "error message" as errorClass it wont remove the error messages. But if I use "error-messages" it works, why is that?
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Dec 8, 2009
I have a string containing whitespaces, for example, "Michael". In Javascript, how can I replace the whitespace with underscore? ""
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Dec 15, 2011
I print random text through php/mysql on my page and near the text there is a button which i want to be floated on the right.Between these two there is a whitespace which is not generated through php.How can i replace whitespace with "/"?I know the replace function for strings but how can i define a string here for something that doesnt exist(whitespace)?code...
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Dec 2, 2011
I have been working on a paging and it all works fine , the codeit's based on the code from this page [URL]
I have tried to recreate thenavigationto work before and after the table I can put the data there but it does not worksimultaneously the before and after navigation
I have tried several solutions but I can't get it to worksimultaneously
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Jul 5, 2011
I'm having a really hard time trying to solve a problem. I have a container DIV aligned center that holds an image. The container is max 940 X 609. The image is set to be 100% width and height.
The objective is to have the container shrink as the user resizes the browser up until a minimum size - say, 400 X 259. I also need the container to stay centered with consistent margins on the right and left.
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Oct 12, 2005
I have a JavaScript string. I want to replace all consecutive
occurrences of whitespace characters like spaces, tabs, newlines, and
form feeds with another string.
For example, say I have a string consisting of:
-- 3 spaces
-- The characters "hello"
-- 2 newline (
) characters
-- The characters "goodbye"
-- 5 spaces
After applying some sort of regular expression to replace consecutive
occurrences of whitespace chars with the string "X", the string should
consist of the following:
-- The character "X"
-- The characters "hello"
-- The character "X"
-- The characters "goodbye"
-- The character "X"
How could I do this using regular expressions? I'm quite familiar with
JavaScript but don't know anything about regular expressions or using
them in JavaScript, so please show me step-by-step how it's done.
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May 11, 2011
The following works in Chrome:
But this doesn't
The only difference is the space between 'input' and '[type=checkbox]'
Both versions work in FF and IE.
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Nov 8, 2011
I currently have a <p> where it changes to a textarea when a button is clicked How do I preserve the whitespace when saving that text to a database and displaying back to a <p>?
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Sep 29, 2002
const notWhitespace = /S/
function cleanWhitespace(node) {
for (var x = 0; x < node.childNodes.length; x++) {
var childNode = node.childNodes[x]
if ((childNode.nodeType == 3)&&(!notWhitespace.test(childNode.nodeValue))) {
// that is, if it's a whitespace text node
if (childNode.nodeType == 1) {
// elements can have text child nodes of their own
document.addEventListener("load", function() {
}, true)
This script is intended to remove whitespace text nodes from a document. These nodes show up far more often than we want to admit, and leads to a DOM that is different in Mozilla than IE.
Make sure you use this only in documents where whitespace is expendable. XHTML documents are among these, as are MathML expressions and SVG images.
Theoretically, whitespace can be significant in some XML documents.
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Dec 21, 2005
How to catch whole line in the PDF document using javascript?
or How to recognize/catch whitespace signs (e.g. "
" ) in PDF document
Which method I should use?
Or any other possibility are ?
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Sep 17, 2009
Major JQuery noob here. I'm working on a directory for a client's site and for some reason, in Firefox, the page is running really long with extra whitespace at the bottom where each tabbed div should end.[URL]...
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Oct 5, 2001
I am having difficulty using javascript to validate form fields with whitespaces in the element names (ex: First Name, Last Name).
here's a code snippet:
function validate(formObj) {
if (document.form1.Payment Method.checked){
do something here...}
the problem is that javascript won't read the element "Payment Method" unless i mash the name into one word. (i don't want to do that because i later use the element names to provide a printable customer receipt
i tried using the ascii octal number for a whitespace in the above code (...form1.Payment40Method.checked...), but to no avail.
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Jul 28, 2010
I am using the jquery validation plugin to validate a form's email address field. The validation works but with the minor exception that when trailing whitespace is entered after the email the validation fails. I'm not sure if this is because of the regexp or a missing trim.
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Apr 23, 2007
Using Regular Expressions (JavaScript 1.2/JScript 4+) :
String.prototype.lTrim =
return this.replace(/^s+/,'');
String.prototype.lTrim =
return this.replace(/s+$/,'');
String.prototype.trim =
return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/g,'');
or for all versions (trims characters ASCII<32 not true
function LTrim(str) {
for (var k=0; k<str.length && str.charAt(k)<=" " ; k++) ;
return str.substring(k,str.length);
function RTrim(str) {
for (var j=str.length-1; j>=0 && str.charAt(j)<=" " ; j--) ;
return str.substring(0,j+1);
function Trim(str) {
return LTrim(RTrim(str));
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