Using Javascript To Change Table Cell Background Image
May 15, 2003
I'm trying to be tricky and its not been working LOL. I have a gallery page with lots of thumbnails that load up. What I wanted to do was have a "LOADING IMAGE" GIF in each of the table cells so that the user would see visually how many more images were going to load up. That bit is fine but when all the thumbs have loaded I want to change that Cell background image to something else.
How would I do this? Would I be able to reference them all at once or would I have to reference each individual cell one at a time.
To better illustrate my point see this this link :
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Mar 18, 2011
Is it possible to change a table cell background color or add any attributes based on a criteria, anyway, here's my scenario. I have a php table dynamically created onthefly, (let say on load), then i have a sql query returning some values. So illustrating:
Table: Sql Result
1 2 3 4 5 2 5 7
6 7 8 9 10
What I am trying to achieve is use the sql result to add attributes to the table cells so for the illustration say i want to add a bold attribute to all table cell which corresponds to the sql result, the result would be,
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
Any plugins out there? "Its php (server-side) and jquery (client-side) talking...but I know there is a way!
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Dec 11, 2006
I'm trying to make a javascript menu. As a start, I want the background of the cell to change to a specific image on mouseOver. Does it not work because of the "background-image" translation from CSS to JAVASCRIPT or could it be something else.
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />
<script language="javascript">
function change()
<table width="100" >
<tr style="background-image:url(imgs/btn_black.gif)" class="myFont" onMouseOver="change()" id="homebtn">- Home</tr>
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Aug 4, 2005
I've been trying to write a function that will change a table row background colour onMouseOver.
I would like to call this function when someone rolls their mouse over a row in a "spreadsheet like" table layout.
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I change the background IMAGE (not just color) of a CELL in a table?
I know that I can do this using CSS, but I really need to be able to do it
using JavaScript. Anyone know how?
Must be able to change the image for each cell - not the whole table.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm the webmaster for a recreational organization. As part of one page of the
site, I have an HTML "Calendar at a Glance" of the organization's events for
the month. It's a simple table of a calendar, 7 across by whatever needed
down, and I manually create it each month - not a big deal.
Every day I go in and darken the background color of the current day's cell
by changing the appropriate <TD> entry to <TD bgcolor="c63800"> and uploading
the page. Takes well under a minute start to finish. Thus the calendar
gradually changes color over the course of the month, with the past dates dark
and the future dates lighter and thus more apparent to the eye.
But I have to ask if there's a nifty way in which this might be done
automatically, based on the current day and the number (the day of the month)
that follows the <TD> entry.
A typical "before" entry is
<TD>23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9 AM: Molly</TD>
and an "after" entry is
<TD bgcolor="c63800">23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9
AM: Molly</TD>
I don't pretend to be a javascript heavy, but can usually stumble my way
through a task given some words of wisdom. Is this "doable"?
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Feb 14, 2011
Looking for javascript, to do what i've hap-hazardly slapped together here: I'd like to do this without having to reload a page or create a new page for each image.
Specifically the switching of the main image by the thumbnails. The difference in what i've seen online, is that i'm actually using them as a cell background.
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Jul 23, 2005
Can someone tell me how to do this if it is possible?
I have a table based web site, and I would like to dynamically change the
text that is shown in a particular cell of a table. I give the cell the
unique ID label1 so I can get a hold of it, and I can get a javascript to
display the data in an alert box (this is just to see if I can access the
text) with:
mycel = document.getElementById('label1');
myceltext = mycel.childNodes.item(0);
currenttext =;
But how do I exchange the text in this cell for something else?
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a way to dynamically (e.g. upon onClick) change the bgColor
attribute of a table cell? I tried cell.setAttribute("bgColor",
someColor), where someColor was a string of the form "#RRGGBB",
but nothing happened.
Also, how can I set the mouse cursor to be an arrow when it hovers
over these table cells? (It's an insertion bar now.)
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Oct 10, 2011
I have a php script that displays database data in a web table. I also have a javascript code which is supposed to compare the value entered in a web form to that hard coded in the script and change the color to green if its below, amber if its equal and red if its greater than.
Below is my javascript code:
As you can see from my javascript, i am getting the elements by id (getElementById("color")). Currently, only the first <td> with id='color' is changing when the value is entered. How do I make the text in other table cells with id='color' change color when the comparison value is entered?
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Dec 5, 2011
I basically want the background color of a div (banner) to change when the user clicks a green or blue table cell. So if they click the blue table cell, the backgound color of the div changes to blue (its green by default).
Also, when they have picked what color they want, I'd like the color to be stored in the value of the form 'BannerBGColor' so I can post their banner color to database. code...
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Feb 8, 2010
What I really want to happen is for a mouse over to change table cell content. I would like to have a list in the left cell, when you mouse over the list items it will change content(image text and maybe formated in a table) in the cell on the right.
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Nov 14, 2007
I've created a table in HTML but I need to specify the cell width client side. I need to loop through the cells and set the size based on the rendered size of some other elements.
I'm using the following doctype <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
This is causing me problems in Firefox. The width attribute is being set correctly but the actual table cells aren't being resized. Has anybody seen this before and does anybody have a workaround?
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Feb 16, 2011
I added a test script to detect the change of a html select object and it is not firing.
The select is within a table row. The table id is: flogtable and the select is in the first row.
The test function I added is:
$('.symselect').change(function() {
alert('Handler for .change() called.');
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a table that is populated row and column headers, and data of course, I need to convert one of the row headers to a href that will reference a more detailed report. I have already gotten the parent/child relationship needed to pinpoint the data in that one cell but I can't figure out how to change it to a href using javaScript.
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Jul 23, 2005
I´m trying to place a javascript navigation menu inside a cell of
a table in my page, the problem is that the constructor of the menu
object has parameters for menu positioning and size and when the
window is rezised the menu stands at the same position and with the
same size.
My question is: is there a way to modify those parameters
dinamically to match window size, and how is that made, or is there
another way to include that menu using a table for page layout.
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Nov 10, 2005
I'd like to read and modify a cell (e.g. 'Text 1') in the following HTML table with a javascript:
<table id = "MyTable">
<tr id = "Row1">
<td width = "40%">
Text 1
<td width = "60%">
Text 2
var table = document.getElementById("MyTable");
I can access the table and with
... table.rows[var_tabelle.rows.length - 1].firstChild
I can somehow access the row. But I can't read and also not change the
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Nov 13, 2006
I have a table of 4 equal squares in which i've placed 4 equal sized
pictures. now i'd like to create a link on the 4 pictures and have
them change pictures when the mouse is over them. (rollover) Code:
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Jul 3, 2007
I have this code that changes the color of the table cell when it is moused over, but I would like to also have it do this:
select radio button when cell is clicked.
change class to blue3 when clicked and leave it like that until another is clicked.
Continue changing color on mouseover. Code:
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Sep 11, 2011
I am trying to change the background color of a table based on the value of a picklist. For instance. if the picklist value was "1", then the background color of the table should be red. Not sure where I went wrong in my code. code...
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Mar 27, 2006
I'm trying to create a cell in a table which changes color depending which radio button is checked.
I found the following code which works for different cells but it doesn't work when the buttons are in the same cell. Think you'll see what i mean. I'm not too hot when it comes to Javascript though so i don't know how to adapt what I've got so far. Code:
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Oct 6, 2011
i want to change the background image of a webpage every few seconds to a different image... i've written this code but it doesnt seem to work.
<script language="Javascript">
window.onload = backgroundchange();
function backgroundchange()[code]...
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Feb 6, 2006
my new web host offers dynamic content, like news headlines. The script it generates has limited style options, it does not allow for transparent background color.
I have tried applying a <span class> tag around the called script, but the style is ignored.
.transparentbackground {
background-color: transparent;
<span class="transparentbackground"><script class type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="tinc?key=DvSWwMiI"></script></span>
Is there anyway to change the style of the called javascript?
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Jan 27, 2011
i need to know if there are a way to change the background image after a specific time like 10 sec or 30 sec...etc. you know like yahoo Login mail "it's changing the background daily!!" if there is a way using JQuery or CSS or html or any other thing
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Sep 13, 2010
I am trying to make a button that would change the background image of the whole document whenever somebody clicks it. I have tried something along the lines of this:
Quote: <input type="button"
onClick="background-image: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Quote: <input type="button"
onClick="background: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;">
My assumption to why it doesn't work is that I am combining javascript with CSS, but I am most likely wrong.
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Jun 29, 2009
this code works fine in Fireox but not in IE.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
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