Websites like use a file attachment system where the sender selects the file from his/her computer to be included within the message. The thing about this is that when the file is browsed upon there is NO browse input element to be shown.
I believe this somewhat prevents the user from messing around with the embedded filepath within the browse box (if they can mess it up). It also doesn't display such an ugly looking browsing box and it's file path.
I'm looking for one of those scripts with you can add another browse for file box to upload files. Eg: as u see in attachments on webmail sites. Do any of u have a simple script like this or can link me to one?
What i need in the script is to be able to: -Set the maximum number of browse for files boxes that appear -Check if the same file is added more than once -have a link next to each file to remove a selected file
Kind of like this: Add a file -> Click on this to get
File name - <selectbox> - <browse button> - <remove file>
<remove file> removes the file next to it so another can be added upto the limit set.
<html:file property="browsefile" value="" /> and in the script i wrote as: function keyp() { alert("Please select the file through the browse button ! "); alert(document.AddDeSelNumForm.browsefile.value); document.AddDeSelNumForm.browsefile.value='' document.AddDeSelNumForm.browsefile.focus(); }
what i want is , not allowing the user to input the file manually. he must have browse the file through the browse button and shouldn't write it manually. Here in this i've to use the struts one html file option because i'm using this function for other.
Here what is happening is, when i press any key it is popping up the message but after click on OK, the value which i entered is remains there only eventhough i'm using :document.AddDeSelNumForm.browsefile.value=''
but the strange think is that when i'm alerting that particular value it is showing the the value of the browse text which u have entered the text. I'm really confused why it not clearing the field.
I have a number of image files that have been pre-selected by the user for downloading. I'd like to be able to have the user click a button and have a directory browser pop-up window available for the user to select the directory into which the image files will be downloaded.
I thought that this would be simple to find but...
If this is possible I further need to know:
1) how to access the directory path string (which will be used to download the files)
2) how to set any available default values for the directory bvrowser.
I want to pop up alert when the user browse file into input for example I have this input: HTML Code: <input type="file" name="myfiles[]" /> Now, when the user finish to browse an file I want a function to start working, what I mean by finish browse file is when the user select file and than click on the file he selected twice and than when the browsing files windows close I want this function to start.
I need a way to scroll to the end of the fileupload filename once that file has been selected with the browse button. So instead of seeing c:FolderNamefoldername, the user will see foldernamefilename.fileextension in that box.
I'm trying to put in place a file upload validation check. So at the client-side, the User selects a file. Before uploading, at the GUI, if the file exceeds an imposed limit, it will prompt the User that it exceeds the permitted size for upload.
And if it is within the permitted size, the full file path of the file to be uploaded will then be obtained and then used for the actual upload to the Server.
My program is built on EXTJS and Java, running using Tomcat. Browser restricted to Internet Explorer 7 only.
I have a problem with the latest version of the jQuery Form Plugin (2.80). To be more precise, I guess I am doing something wrong, and with an older version (2.67) somehow it didn't matter.With the old version, the file was uploaded without problems. Now Firefox opens a new Tab on clicking the submit button and nothing is done. Chrome doesn't open a new tab, but also nothing happens. In Wireshark I can see that there is no file attached in the POST message with the older version, the file was sent.My first guess was that my file handling on the server side is erroneous - but on the other hand, when there is no file attached, what should I handle there?
I implemented Malsups jquery form and use it for ajax file uploads. Works fine in FF, but in IE as soon as the ajax has completed the upload IE gives me a File Download box - Security warning. If I click on save it save thereturnedJson object (I do JS call onsuccessto get a file list and display it). If I click cancel or save on the popup has same effect the file still gets uploaded but just looks ugly.
How can I get rid of this? All coming form the same domain, calling from the same domain. This is on a python django project and I am testing it on the dev server.
Its pretty basic jquery nothing to exciting, don't get why IE would cause.
I know that the input "file" type can't be customized very well using css, so I figured I might try to make my own with javascript. The only problem is, I don't know too much about javascript. point me in the right direction on how to make my own custom file upload box in javascript that works the same way as the default one works (so I don't have to edit my PHP coding). Also, heres something I'd like to achieve: [URL]
I am wanting to simplify a page that I'm writing... the guts behind the page is PHP and wondering if it's possible to upload a photo in one click. How would I approach having the browsed file detected once it's populated into the form field and have it auto uploaded? Can this be done?
This Scripts allows you to upload files using AJAX (I'm not an expert). The site claims it's the best way to upload files out there, and the file size is only 1 kb.
I couldn't get it to work for me. I downloaded the files to my computer, and opened the index file with my browser. It doesn't work (the demo on their site does); IE doesn't show any error messages or anything, and FF shows a single word that might be treated as an error notifier: 'undefined'. Does this thing even work? If it does, could anyone please give me detailed steps on how to using it on my site? Code:
I've created a PhP page(Main) which will list records and a link to change their "thumbnail". Clicking on it will open a "pop-up" which will present a "File input" box and when user select a file to upload, this popup-page will send the form fields to a "process page" using AJAX. This Process page will upload the file and on success returns nothing else the error to the Ajax object in Popup. On return, the popup page will just reload the thumbnail on main page if success and closes itself.
I'm sure I've described what I wanted to do. Again, in brief: Main->(Opens Popup)->Popup->(Send file using AJAX)->Process Process->(Upload File & return result to)->Popup->(Reload img on Main and closes itself)->Main Below are my codes:
I have a page with 5 file inputs and 5 img tags i have everything working but preview of course changes all the img tags so no madder what browse button i choose all fixed img tags are updated with that is a code i found and messed with a little cant seem to figure out how to add a loop or something to update just the called tag
Java Script:
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Begin /***** CUSTOMIZE THESE VARIABLES *****/
i went through this code file and the change does not appear to be where the change should ocur im sure its in the actually script need to loop through the images[] field i would think like i would in php The only thing i could think to do is paste the script code 5 more times and change each variable to 1 2 3 4 5 but then ill have a big php code page there would be a way to make this work i would think
I am creating a webpage using javascript and php where I need to upload a doc file or zip and read all the words in doc file. If it is zip I need to read all the words in all the doc files. I am trying to upload using file input but it does not show path of file only file name. How am I suppose to upload and read it.
I have a form that upload msword and pdf to a particular folder, pls how can I use javascript to whether the type and size of the intended upload files on the file field.
The first two fields obviously contain text data, and the last is a file upload field.I can get the values of the first two fields in JavaScript easily by using:
var forename = document.getElementById("forename").value; var surname = document.getElementById("forename").value;
But I don't have a clue how to get the contents of the file uploaded.
If I use:
var myfile = document.getElementById("myfile").value;
That simply returns the filename of the file, but I want the actual data in the file!Now I realise that the data probably isn't even accessed from the users hd until the form is submitted properly and sent to a server-side script (which I'm not doing), so I probably need a hackish method to make the browser send the contents to the JS function rather than as an extra 'package' to the server.
In JSP / HTML, I want to restrict the size of file being uploaded.
<input type="file" name="myfile"/>
If the user trying to upload a file size bigger than some value say 5MB, i want to give mesage to the user. I don't want to wait till the file gets uploaded to server and then validate the file size. I am looking for client side validation. Can it be done using scripting language or any other way?
Need a solution for this in Internet Explorer. I got a solution using ActiveX control:
var myFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var filepath = document.getElementById('myfile').value; var thefile = myFSO.getFile(filepath); var sizeInBytes = thefile.size;
But ActiveX controls are not allowed in our application. Is there any alternative way for this?