Trying To Match A Newline With A Regexp.
Aug 6, 2009Trying to match a string containing a newline, among other things.
View 4 RepliesTrying to match a string containing a newline, among other things.
View 4 RepliesCan someone please let me know what this matches - i can work out some but not all code...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have this string: this is my test <a href="yay.html">yay</a> and want to just match the part before the <a...: this is my test I can't figure out the regular expression for this. I've tried everything I can think of. It seems that it needs to do a non-greedy search on the first < it finds, but nothing works, like: ((.*<)?)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to figure out how to set up my reg exp search so that the search
will only match on the exact word.
Here is the current problem code:
Word1 = "RealPlayer.exe"
Word2 = "Player.exe"
RegExp re = Word2;
if (re.Find(Word1))
bFound = TRUE;
Currently the bFound is set to TRUE since "Player.exe" is found within
"RealPlayer.exe". But I only want bFound to be TRUE is if the entire word
I need a regexp function which makes a match when the string contains <img...AND the img tag above dows NOT contain a certain path Here is what I have:
This matches if my string contains "<img .....src.....>" (the dots can be anything, I dont care). However, after the "src" part and before the ....
this will match any instance of a number following a letter/[a-z][0-9]/gmiso thatvar str="abc123 456";alert(str.replace(/[a-z][0-9]/gmi,''));would return "ab23 456".
how would i replace just the number? so as to get back "abc23 456" - or ideally "abc 456" ?
why I get an array containing [xml, xml]
str = 'index.xml'
re = RegExp( /([^s./]+)$/ ) ;
str.match(re) // -> [xml, xml]
I only need xml, not an array, and especially not [xml, xml]
Update: thnx mrhoo, thats clear now!
how can I do a multiple replaces without using regexp? Right now I just have a while that keeps checking if it exist, then if it does, replacing it. Not very efficient.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the position of multiple substrings that match a
regexp without using closures? match() returns the substrings
themselves, not the positions, and search() seems to only return the
first position. Here's what seems to work (under Shanti Rao's jsdb.exe
shell) but I get a bit nervous about using closures Code:
Is there a way in a regexp to *not* match a fixed string value?
Using [^blah] gives matches to anything not containing *any* of letters
b,l,a and h. Whereas I want to match anything that does not containing
the exact string 'blah', i.e. *all* the letters.
I'm finally diving into regexp by porting a perl script over to js that uses regexp to compress javascript into a bookmarklet capable format.I've successfully worked out 90% of the expressions but am troubled with a few, this one at the moment is odd:I want to remove the first line if it hasjavascript:So I thought str.replace(/^javascripts+:s+/, "") would be ok. I want javascript text, any space, colon, any space and new line. what I'm doing wrong.btw this is the original perl version
$src =~ s{^// ?javascript.+:.+
I found this in felgall's page. I added script tag
<script type="text/javascript">
var re = /(t)he/g;
var mystring = "Over the moon.";
alert(RegExp.input); // or RegExp.$_
alert(RegExp.leftContext); // or RegExp["$`"]
alert(RegExp.rightContext); // or RegExp["$'"]
alert(RegExp.lastMatch); // or RegExp["$&"]
alert(RegExp.lastParen); // or RegExp["$+"]
I don't see message box. Please tell me what I can do.
I am using prototype.js and part of what is sent to formmail.cgi to be
sent to me by email is a string containing 5 sets of numbers.
I would like to put some carriage return characters in so that these 5
sets are each displayed on a separate line in the email.
How do I do this? I have tried adding "
", <br>, e and
I am trying to take the value of the textarea field, f1, and add from a select pull down menu = multiple additions are possible.
var x=document.getElementById('selectbox1')
document.forms[0].elements['f1'].value = document.forms[0].elements['f1'].value + x.options[x.selectedIndex].text;
I need to a /r/n or something like that but when I try it, it adds "/r/n" rather than a new line.
I have a textarea field that is validated by Js, this textarea can and will contain the newline character so I validate in JS if(textareaname.value.length < 200)this hten goes through to my php where i also check before I place in to the Database using MYSQL,if( strlen($_POST['textareaname']) < 200 )but my php is giving me a different string length from my javascript.It looks as if Javascript is counting a newline as 1 character and php is treating it as 2.I have checked my slashes, I have used various REgex to check these data amounts. I have also Googled around and there doesnt seem much I can make php and javascript treat a newline as the same amount of characters?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to replace new line character with the <br /> tags. The following two javascript functions that I've found, work in Firefox but do not work in Internet Explorer (I have version 7 installed on my machine).
View 9 Replies View Relatedonly have test one browser - Mozilla - but have the impression, that newlines when setting innerHTML doesn't go down very well with the browser. Is this sufficient for causing a hard crash or at least an exception? Can anyone verify that? (Just a guess now at the moment)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to retrieved the value of the textarea with the newline
preserved without having to submit the form to the server. Does anyone
knows how to? I tried soft and hard wrap but both does not seems to
affect the input in anyway.
Example :
<form name=frm>
<textarea name=ta wrap="soft"></textarea>
<script language=javascript>
alert(document.frm.ta.value) // <-- the alerted value should look
exactly as what is entered in the textbox.
I have a form with a textarea field. I want to validate the input from
the textarea using javascript. Suppose I want to check that the user
has not entered the string:
To do this I am using the script:
form["text"].value == "Hello
But this gives an "unterminated string constant error" because the
browser converts this to:
form["text"].value == "Hello
So how do I do my check?
I am trying to replace all newline characters with <br /> tags. The following two javascript functions that I've found, work in Firefox but do not work in Internet Explorer (I have version 7 installed on my machine).
View 2 Replies View Relatedif I have this inside TD tag.what should I write instead ??? to reproduce new line in textarea.
View 2 Replies View Related[Code]...
This of course print each word on a new line in the browser. The problem is when the user copies and pastes the text, it appears as one long string of text with no breaks. Now consider the following script:
I'm trying to replace newline char frm Google finance csv file with comma but its not happening [URL] I'm using following code
I think there is some platform newline char issue. how to do this using jquery?
In textareas or input textboxes, when you dynamically add '
' to the textbox's value, is it automatically converted to '
'? If it does, in what browsers does this happen? Firefox (and other Geckos)? Opera? Konqueror?
I there a quick routine that removes trailing newline chars and carriage return?
View 5 Replies View Relatedmy javascript does not working after I retrieve a record that contains square symbol in the database. The square symbol should be a newline in a textarea. This is how the record "looks" in the table: [URL]
I am inserting the record using ASP and the value with square symbol is the value from a textarea with newline/enter. After that I retrieve the value using ASP and pass it to javascript and then the page is not working. If I retrieve other record which contain no square symbol then the script is working.