Textarea Not At Absolute Mouseclick Location In IE, Works In FF?
Mar 6, 2010
have an image that when a user clicks, a textarea should show up at the click. I specify textarea style top and left in javascript. On Firefox this works fine, but in Internet Explorer (IE) the textarea is created right before the image instead of on top of the image. It is like that it just ignored the top and left positions.Also, users can query the database to show all the (mouse clicked) textareas that were created on the image. I coded this using PHP and a bunch of echo's. For some reason, the PHP code works with the CSS styles top and left specified meaning the textareas show up fine on top of the image. But creating a brand new textarea with a mouse click in javascript is not working.Here is the javascript (does not work in IE, works in FF):
function createTextArea(e){
getMouseCoords(e);//sets posy, posx
var newDiv= document.createElement("textarea");
I have 21 lines in a textarea visible and there are over a thousand lines in it. If my script finds something for the user in line 520, is there a way to set the scrollbar so only lines 510-530 are initially visible?
as i know href is a property of location but location.href(url) works fine with IE 6. i couldn't figure out how its possible? is it a kind of browser syntax-tolerance helping it to work? how the heck is this working?
How can I play a sound when I click an image, without the information bar popping up at top? I've looked all over, and I've tried a few javascript-only methods but none have worked for me.. Is flash the only way to go?
Is there a way of simulating a mouseclick in a div from a keypress?
In other words, if I press 2, I want it to simulate me actually having clicked in the div <div id="jplayer_next2"><a href="#">next</div>
Long version (for anyone wondering "WHY?")
Using the jplayer jquery plugin:
For some reason (and after 2 days I've given up trying to find out) I can't seem to directly call the function which is defined right there on the page:
function playListNext() { var index = (playItem+1 < myPlayList.length) ? playItem+1 : 0; if( index > 0 ) { playListChange( index );
I'm used to building objects in Visual Basic and I'm having difficulty simplifying this code into an object so I can just define and run about a dozen of them.
The code creates a button which changes on mouseover and on mouseclick. The button is a link to another page.
Also on mouseover the button slides to the right, giving a more intelligent feel for the user.
What are my options for streamlining this code so I can reduce the number of lines of code-clutter?
Danged if I can find the thread, but I swear I saw a $.url() reference in here a day or two ago. It was beingutilized for parsing out the window.location or window.location.search parameters. I made a mental note because that was something I would be needing to do.
Now I can't find it, either because the search isn't finding it or I was dreaming about this function existing.
I rummaged about the API docs and didn't find it there either. Is it something provided by one of the plugins and not a function native to jQuery?
How would i change back to the default length of textarea?
I have this comment area that after clicking submit i will append the new comment in the list of comments through ajax... i got one problem though, everything is working perfectly well except for the textarea that won't change back to it's default size...
The problem is that the textareawon't change back to it's default size // let's say that the default size is rows=3
I'm just restating my "site abandonment" post but with a clearer title as I realized it probably only made sense to me and me alone.
I have window that pops up with our commerce system. I have it set to pop up a window via JavaScript if the visitor quits early in the process (abandons the commerce system before completing all of the steps. The new popup is just a customer survey ("why are you leaving, is there something else we can help you with" etc. etc.).
Here's the problem, it works fine in IE, but in Firefox, anytime the page in the original commerce window is changed, refreshed or advanced to a new page, the survey popup window is called rather than just on window close.
Again, here's the two JavaScript routines that handle clicks on the graphical close button and on the window 'X' close button. Code:
Before you immediately give me an answer, let me describe fully what I'm trying to do, as it's not as simple as the title suggests.
I need to get the absolute position of a DIV (top and left properties) relative to the viewport/screen.
I've tried using .offsetTop and .offsetLeft, but these return the top and left properties relative to the DIV's immediate parent element, not the viewport (unless of course the DIV is top-level and not contained in any other DIVs).
So, is there any way to retrieve the absolute position of a DIV relative to the viewport, even if that DIV is nested in other DIVs?
How do I put "cont" div on the right of "leftmenu" without using "absolute"?? The screenshot was little bit cropped out and there is no problem on width.
Its said that placing the absolute div within a relative div is a best option to correctly achieve the margins within that relative div. However, I'm changing the marginTop and marginLeft via javascript and after some of the changes it shows the absolute divs in incorrect positions in IE.
What i want to do is calculate the vertical-middle right-sided position of text fields in x, y meaning in top and left margins. How can I do that?
This works fine in IE: the div is positioned relative to the td of menu1. However, in Mozilla it doesn't work. The div becomes relative to the top of the page.
I'm having some trouble with absolute positioning:
I have a main div, with some nested divs inside, one of which is "position:absolute". When a user hits a button, a message will appear at the top of the div (by using "myDiv.style.visibility = 'block'"), which pushes all other sections, relative or absolute, down appropriately. This is what i want.
However when the message div is clear (using "myDiv.style.visibility = 'none'"), all the relative divs go back to their original position, but the absolute div stays at its pushed down position.
ive tried several complicated schemes to correct this, including setting the absolute sections top to certain values, and it doesn't want to move back.
Does anyone know a solution to this problem, or of a way to "refresh" a divs position?
I got a script from brothercake which gets the absolute position for an element. Its pretty neat - recursively adding up offsets. I got it from the image transition scripts on his site.
However, this script uses offsetTop, offsetLeft and offsetParent, which dont seem to be supported by FireFox (or maybe I'm doing something wrong).
It seems to work for Opera and IE - but not FF. Cant say for other browsers. I've come to rely on it for a part of my 'cross-browser' page. Any thoughts on what I can do?
What I can't figure out is why it seems to work fine on brothercake's site - even in FireFox. I'm supposing that the positioning script must be working because the images appear in the right spot.
I just thought this might require some javascript, so I posted this here. Anyway, how do I create an element that is absolutely positioned first, and then, when it goes to the top of the page, it becomes fixed?
Is it possible to create popup menus without using absolute positioning that take up no space in the flow of the document and appear with an onMouseOver()?
how can I get the absolute position of a relative element?
We dynamically create a page with multiple segments which are relatively ordered among each other. In these segments we have input fields. When such an input field is focused I need it's absolute position. Is there a way to do so with IE > 6?
I'm using the code below to display a menu that opens when the mouse goes over the main menu item (try it in your browser to understand the behaviour).
It uses "position:absolute" and a switch between "display='none'" and "display=''".
However the problem is that - in Internet Explorer 6 the dropdown (<select>...) always hides the menu - in Mozilla the menu is hidden initially but after clicking on the text "Select" it isn't hidden.
How does that come and how can I overcome it? I want the menu to be above the other stuff when it comes up. Code:
i have been looking for a script like this for a few weeks now, and i am finally giving up and asking for help. everything i found involved preventing overlap in dreamweaver, i want to prevent it in the output on all of the browsers.
basically i have a page that has absolute layers (cannot be relative) with the coordinates top/left in the db. but sometimes on certain pages the layers overlap. I cannot set a static size for those layers. so i was wondering if anyone has a script, that will check for any overlapping of layers, and if it overlaps, to move the layer to the right, or down, until it no-longer overlaps. i can modify anything similar if you have it.
I have an absolute positioned navigation on my page that makes you jumps up or down the page to view some pictures placed in another absolute positioned DIV with scroll bar. The navigation is simply made by numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6. When you rollover 2 is underlined and onclick the page jumps down to the second picture and the number 2 stays underlined, and so on for 3 4 5 6. The style changes this way
HTML <span id='first' class="selected"><a href="#1" onclick="first()">1 </a></span> <span id='secondo' class="normal"> <a href="#2" onclick="second()">2 </a></span> and so on for 3 4 5 6
What I would like to do is to make the style change automatically also when the user scroll the page instead of clicking. I thought I could control the y coordinate with window.onscroll but because what scrolls is the DIV and not the page the window.onscroll doesn't work. Is there a way to control the same way the scroll of a DIV? Or should I build the site differently?
I am working on a puzzle that produces a container div.Within that div are produced a grid of 9.16. or 25 tiles.The tiles are positioned absolutely so I can be sure of their relative placement. The container div width and height is calculated according to a preset tile width and height (square actually). So the width of the container should adjust to either 3,4 or 5 tile widths and heights.The trouble is that the offset position of the top left tile is different relative to the container for each different set of tiles (even though it is supposed to be the same position relative to the container for each). I do this so I can apply dragging to the container div.The tiles will follow the container when it is moved and the game will not loose its place when tiles swap locations.(one tile is elected as blank, and tiles, one to left, right, top or bottm, with game content, will swap location with blank when clicked)