I am doing an image/data rotating script. I get the data from a XML. I parse that data and build the divs and such.Data Set 1 --- background image in a div, with a button and some text overlayed on the div.
Data Set 4 -- etc..The thing is, I load the script and the div appears, BUT the text overlay appears first THEN the image pops up for the first Data Set. I can't have that. I need them both to appear at once.Is there a way to determine that a div background image is loaded?-- I have access to the prototype js library.
I have a set of divs on my portfolio page that all share the common class 'module', with an additional class that determines the background image.I currently have this function that I thought would keep each instance of .module hidden until it had loaded:
I'm not certain but I think the 'ready' only refers to the HTML content and ignores the fact that the background image (defined in css) isn't ready.Is there any simple way I can make each div stay hidden until the background is loaded, then perform show() or fadeIn()??? The page in question can be found at http:[url]....
I'm using a double background image for a site - basically two containers around everything, one with a gif with patches of different colour, and above it a semi-opaque png with a very faint texture. I'm doing it this way as it makes for much faster loading than one jpg with the image and texture combined.
The only problem is that you see the gif load first, then the texture goes over it. Is there any way, perhaps with JS, to hide these background images until they're both fully loaded, then display them together?
I have a client that wants a new background image every time page is reloaded. I thought I have to script and thought I had it working but when I applied it to all my pages from a template I made in dreamweaver it doesn't work. It only works on the template.
See code below. <head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0 var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false; for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'"); }
I'm using the standard module pattern and the problem is once you set a private variable, trying to test that object independently becomes a nightmare as the next test is polluted by the actions of the previous.So, the options are to have some reset method (which is horrible), setters on everything (defeats the point) or delete object and re-load script (hideous).
here when i click the test button it will create a new test button inside div tag.But after that if i clicked new generated test button document.getElementById("test" ).onclick = function() is not working.how can i add functions to new dynamically created fields?
I'm trying to use cluetip jquery plugin inside a message_container div which will be updated once in a while through ajax. The plugin works just fine in any other div, but it seems that in message_container div the already loaded external javascripts are not present ie the plugin doesn't work. Do you have any ideas what would be a proper solution for this issue?
The .find() method does not seem to match on input fields by using a class. The ti This problem seems to be only visible on input fields. The following is a demonstration of the issue:
I am trying to change my sites background color. The color changes but it doesn't go back to the first image anymore. does anybody know what the problem could be?
I'm putting together a portfolio site and I'd like to use high-res images that take up most of the screen to show different works. There would be a menu bar with links to each work, where a click on that work's link would change the background by doing a standard "dissolve" effect.I have seen many different plugins for "rotating" images and changing background colors at the click of a button. Is there a method specifically for this purpose? As an alternative to altering the background-image of the body itself,I would be willing to use a properly sized div (or div's) to achieve this effect.
I have the following code that test the target element of a mouse movement to check if its and Image and the Parent is a Div element. It works perfect in Fire Fox, however IE does not allow access to test the target against instance of HTMLImageElement or the Div Element.
Is there a property that I can use to get the object type that will return "image" or "div" or anthing else that I can use. The typeof function only returns "object" which is totally useless in my application.
DragObject.prototype.mouseMove = function(ev){ ev = ev || window.event; var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement; var dragObj = target.getAttribute('DragObj');
I have Javascript on my site and will not work at all if JS is disabled.How do I notify my users that the pull down menus use javascript and will not work unless they turn it on?
I have a form on a page that the user fills out. When he's done and it's validated, I need the contents along with some other stuff to be printed before it's sent to the server. To accomplish this I'm using window.open on the Print button, then I intend to reference the fields from the page which opened it using the window.opener.formname.fieldname.value .
Problem is I have couple sets of radio buttons on the form that was filled out and I would like to print all the radio buttons showing the selected one so that the user acknowledges on the hard copy what his choices were.
If I was doing it server-side(ASP), I'd test the value of the incoming form value by executing a function, and I'd like to do it that way too, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that without putting <SCR IPT>function...</SCR IPT> tags with every radio button <INP UT> tag.
This also applies to where I'd like to write the values as HTML.
Is there a way to test for security settings in a users browser AND their firewall. Lets say someone is using zonealarm. Is there a way to test for their setting in zonealarm, so I can then redirect them to a specific page.
The reason I am asking is that I have a flash front page. A user cannot see the page because he has his security settings set so that he does not see activex controls. I want to be able to test for those settings then redirect him to a static page.
I want to supply a button on my public web page if I have opened up my private web page, but disable it or remove it if the private page is shut down. Is this possible?
In other words, I often have a port open for a chat page and I use no-ip.com to do a port redirect. When the port is open, I want my public page to test the port when a user loads the page, and if the port is available, supply a button to click over to it.
find a similar template on the web. I couldn't.A list of checkbox options:
1. Water 2. Sand 3. Red paint
Submit button which brings results IF Water and Sand selected, result = Mud IF Water and Red paint selected, result = Red water The closest thing I got to was[URL] How would code for such a program look like?
When looping thru a group of elements and using getNamedItem('itemname').value there are some elements that are going to have a null value for that particular getNamedItem... the problem is that you cannot test this value to see if it's null because it generates an error instead, and the code does not continue: _allnames[_j].attributes.getNamedItem("onchange") is null
You cannot even test it for null like this: if (_allnames[_j].attributes.getNamedItem("onchange").value != null) { do something } This will also generate an Error instead of testing to see if it is null.
How do you test getNamedItem for null to avoid this error?
EDIT: It appears that the problem is limited to Firefox. It works fine in IE7, but the error occurs in both FF v3.5.4 and in v3.5.5!
In my example below, there are no elements that match, so you should see an alert box that says 'No match', but (using Firebug) you will see that an error is generated when it tries to find the value of onchange in the last input tag.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">
Say I have two sets of radio buttons. One is group name "location" and the other is group name "time".
Lets say location has 4 possible values and time has 2 possible values.
All location values should be both time values as a possibility except the last location value which should only be able to select 1 of the 2 time values.
How can I popup an error message if location has a certain value and time has a certain value.
I really don't know the operators to use. Please give sample code with operators if you can.
I don't know if there is such a thing as a if then radio selection or not but I figured javascript could do it instead.
And I'm testing if I have an attribute in the image tag like below. All is fine in FireFox but in IE it fails on the hasAttribute test. why IE is not accepting it?