Send Page By Email In Firefox Using Javascript
Aug 17, 2006
I created an extension for firefox that acts as a bookmarklet for
Gmail, Yahoo, and all standalone clients (via the mailto function).
Upon clickin on the toolbar-button it will send a user the the title
and url in the subject line and body respectively.
Recently, I've been bombarded with emails on adding a feature which
will allow the user to send the page as it is displayed (none of the
I;ve been researching for a couple of days now and I've come up with
I know in IE 5.5+ they have a feature that does this but no one seems
to know how to emulate this feature.
I thought there might be somethign along the lines of
"content.document.*" like there is for the title fo a document,
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Jan 24, 2007
Can i send an email from JavaScript? Is it possible? If yes please the
code to send email using javascript...
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Apr 6, 2009
Is it possible to create a page (with javascipt) that will send an email to the "me" but the user can't see the destination email address? Im wondering if I can do the "party" with Javascript without using some server page like PHP.
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Jun 22, 2007
I want to send form data to given email id, I'm using, but it doesn't working it dirsctly goes to localSystem A/C i.e outlook.. Code:
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Dec 14, 2005
send page by email displays everything in my page including hidden elements, is there a way to avoid this?
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Apr 6, 2010
I am trying to give uses the ability to email a web page in addition to print the pages but I cannot get the web page to post as the body of the email.
Here is what the print function looks like:
And here is where I stand on the email the page(not just a link to the page)
The above work great if I want to send a link to the page. How do I amend the above so that the the mail_str = contentWindow html?
And do I need to do make other changes to format the email as html rather than text?
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Apr 29, 2006
Last week after much searching, I found the answer to my problem in
this newsgroup. I can't find the thread from which I got my solution,
but I wanted to report back what worked.
When the site visitor fills out the form and submits it, this calls a
rather ordinary asp script like formmail.asp that sends the emails and
displays a "thank you" web page. At the very end of my "thank you" web
page I placed the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
This causes the file download to get triggered, and asks the user if
they want to save the file. In limited testing this appears to work
fine in both Firefox and IE.
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Mar 29, 2011
Im using the old nopcard scripts on my site. It does every thing right except it does not send a Email to my to my email adres. I dont know how to correct this because i dont know Javascript. I include the script if anybody know how to alter it so that it will send the info to my email adres as well.
The script :
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Jun 14, 2009
Looking for a good tutorial on how to use jQuery to read email sent tomy site's email address, and how to send email through my site'semail. Basically, how to construct the server email portion of
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Apr 15, 2010
So my problem is that i can't send form data in FF without page refresh (though in IE7-8 everything works smoothly).
My code fragments:
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Sep 10, 2011
It is possible send an email using Javascript.. If yes.. the how..?
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Feb 24, 2005
How do I use JavaScript code to automatically send an email from a HTML form? The user enters his/her name and email address, clicks Send button and the details should be automatically sent to the recipient.
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Apr 19, 2011
I was wondering if there's way to send a variable's value to my email.
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Mar 15, 2001
After remembering that you can bypass any MAILFORM skulduggery by just putting 'mailto' in the form code along with your address, I've come up with the idea that it might just be possible to take the contents of each field and then write out an HTML page using that info and maybe have a few picture links alongside using Javascript and its variables.
If you don't understand, I'm thinking about e-cards. I do not have access to any CGI or ASP or anything on my host (it's free, though not Xoom or anything). Therefore I'd like to write an HTML email including a greeting and picture directly from a form after gathering the visitor's send details and greeting.
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May 5, 2011
I am programatically trying to send multiple emails from within javascript code. The problem I am having is as follows:
- In one try - I am using window.location="mailto:"+emailList - this works great if it only needs to generate 1 email, but I am doing it in a loop. when it loops through the 2nd time, it does not create a 2nd email
- In a 2nd try - I am using"mailto:"+emailList - this does open multiple emails, but it also opens multiple windows.
I am trying to find a way to either not have the windows open (only the multiple emails) or automatically close the extra windows. I am including my code below - note - the window.location try is listed, but commented out.
if (emailListArray.length > jsNumEmails) {
var j=1;
for (var i=0; i<emailListArray.length; i++) {
partialEmailList = partialEmailList + ";" + emailListArray[i];
if (j == jsNumEmails) {
//window.location="mailto:"+partialEmailList;"mailto:"+partialEmailList, "temp", "height=5, width=5, top=0, left=0");
j = 0;
partialEmailList = "";
} //if
// if anything left in the partial list, then send that separately
if (partialEmailList != "")
//window.location="mailto:"+partialEmailList;"mailto:"+partialEmailList, "temp", "height=5, width=5, top=0, left=0");
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Oct 25, 2010
I would an script to give a free PDF as a gift:
1. get an email on a box on my website (like the newsletter subscriptions)
2. send an email to subscriber, with a confirmation url
3. after confirmation, the user will receive a new email, getting a PDF to download (from my localhost, but encoding the url)
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Nov 19, 2010
<form action="mail.php" class="contactForm" name="cform" method="post">
<div class="left">
<h1>Insurance Details</h1>[code]....
thank you message loads in a new page. BUt if I delete this line: var gender = document.getElementsById('gender'); The form run properly, when submit button is click, it will hide the forms and replace by a thank you message but problem is the data send in the email is not the right value eg. in Gender: I select Female. BUt I receive Male as value. Why is that?for live demo: http:[url]....for full Script Code: http:[url].....
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Oct 12, 2005
The purpose of these scripts are to allow you to send forms using javascript. If your server doesn't support scripting languages like php or perl, or if you are unfamiliar with those languages, then this is an easy alternative for you.
When you send a form using the mailto: command, the data gets sent using the post method and in the process gets reformatted. When you receive the form data in your email it will contain hexadecimal characters, spaces will be replaced with + signs, and each value will be separated by an & sign.
You have two options when sending a form with javascript. Either you can reformat the data before it's sent. Thereby creating an email that is legible upon receiving it. Or you can reformat the data after you receive the email. I have posted both methods on this page.
Create your form using the following syntax:
<form name="NameOfYourForm" method="post" action="">
<!-- your input tags go here -->
<input type="submit" value="Send">
Then download the attachment to this post. Open the file in your web browser. When you receive the email containing the form data, just select it all and copy it. Then paste the data into the "hexadecimal value" box. Click decode to convert it to ascii. Then click split to remove +'s and to split data onto multiple lines. Use the "add html" checkbox to make the output viewable in your web browser.
The first input tag that you use in your form will become the <title> if you use the html option. So if your first input tag is name="Name" value="Joe Smith" then the html title will appear as <title>Name: Joe Smith</title>.
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Nov 7, 2007
I have a requirement to send an Email thru Javascript in HTML format. PFA Attached sample EMail HTML. Requirements are
* Make sure we use Times NEw Roman size 10 font for the message text
* Make sure we BOLD the text value..
I know it's achievable only thru some HTML identifying logic or use of some HTML tags inside javascript like document.write etc..but even after trying my best available options i couldnt achieve the same..
I am pasting a sample EMail HTML, and if you can edit it n send to me back with sample code how to send EMail in HTML format using Javasscript, it would be of immense help
If its not feasible, plz also reply back so that I could go back to Customer and tell that its not feasible. Code:
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Sep 28, 2010
I want to be able to send data store in JavaScript variable to my email account.
I have tried using mailto: command and for some reason it doesn't work.
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Oct 6, 2009
So I have a new window document write which outputs all my data after validation into a new window, I have tried to write a button which will (when clicked) send that information to an email address. here is my code so far. i spent about 2 hours checking and playing around looking for errors couldnt find any. I think the problem is the function EmailForm and function subwrite. Is a button written into a new window a common thing to do? or is there another simpler way, however i want the user to be able to check to see if there data is valid and then click to send the email.
<!--learn to program through JavaScript-->
<TITLE> mymerch </TITLE>
var firname;
var surname;
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May 22, 2009
I am writing a script that allows the user to send a simple email to our admin officer. the problem is that the email gets sent but when you read it you would see a bunch of those " " incorporated inside the email. How do I get rid of these tags and convert them into breaks? I tried replace " " with "<br/>" and it still doesnt do anything?
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Dec 6, 2009
I am building a firefox plugin which customizes Google Mail. I want a feature in it to automatically send email by a event raised by my plugin. This feature is required when I am on compose page but I don't want the user to hit the Send button.
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Nov 11, 2011
I'm a mediocre website designer i know html , at JS i'm to noob to actualy make something of my own :) just Edit, i'm still learning and atm i'm working on a web project and I'm struggling to find a way to Filter email addresses to redirect my New Members to their e-mail provider, for example if they would register to be forwarded to so they would login and activate their account, or if they enter to be forwarded there . Can you please point out a few things i'm eager to learn how to Forward User to email provider after he creates his account . Or how can i forward email to URL inside my webpage , this could help me with another ideea i have, again this would have to be filtered , etc , to be forwarded to a local URL inside the site depending on what Email Provider they enter .
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a frameset and one of the frames contains a page that is created on the fly, an
actual word document. I want to have a button in one of the other frames that emails this created page as an email attachment using the email client (outlook or whatever). I created a function as follows:
<script language="JavaScript">
function mailIt()
var page = parent.QandA;
document.write 'mailto:
document.write page;
Which is then called from a button, but it doesnt work! QandA is the
name of the frame that contains the document I want to email as the
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May 8, 2007
The main page of the site has this script which determines the
language settings of the OS. This works fine for IE but not for
firefox. Is there any other codes which i have to insert to make sure
Firefox would be able to load it?
<script type="text/javascript">
function detectlang()
var lang=navigator.userLanguage
var langs=navigator.systemLanguage
var langb=navigator.browserLanguage
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