I have js on a form page for users to be able to select all check boxes for classes to enter in a dogs show but I want to be able to offer the facility to select just classes on specific days as well and I don't know how to do it.The form source code for each class to select looks like this:
I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:
<head> $(function() { //function for selecting all or none...is there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....
I have the HTML all laid out for what I'm trying to do. I want to have the user be able to select any 10 checkboxes, and keep a tally of how many are selected, and how many are left to go. Should I do this with jQuery?
Code HTML4Strict: Select any 10 cds for $20<br /> You have chosen $selected CD's<br /> You have $remaining CD's left</p>
I have a list of 60 check boxes from a mysql database and i only want to be able to select 5 out all of them and the rest to be disabled here is my code so far [code]...
Also, I was hoping to find a way to make the "check all" button become the "uncheck all" button if all things are already checked (and vice versa), but I won't push my luck.
I wasn't sure if this should be considered Javascript or HTML since I'm not really sure where the solution lies.
I need to be able to get all my checkboxes which are in an array and which have the name:
to be all checked when a button or link is clicked.
I have looked around and can only find examples of where the checkboxes are not in arrays. The closet I have found to what I need is below but it won't work due to my checkboxes being an array.
function checkAll(field) { for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) field[i].checked = true;
I have two different rows of checkboxes. When I do an onclick function I only wish to check one column of checkboxes. Not all of them. The one I wish to edit has Id's of "CBOX01, CBOX02, CBOX03 etc, etc. How can I tell my onclick function to only check the ones with the Id's of "CBOX". I cant get the syntax structure correct.
Here is my code example $("#CntrHistory").click(function(){ var size = $("input:checkbox[]:checked").size(); if (size == "0") { alert("One Checkbox Must Be Selected."); return "false"; } if (size != "1") { alert("Only One Checkbox Can Be Selected At A Time."); return "false"; } $("input:checkbox:checked").each(function() { var str = $(this).val(); var substr = str.split("!"); var comp = substr[0]; var ordr = substr[1]; var eqpt = substr[2];
I currently have a form that the checkboxes are automatically populated. There is over 1000 checkboxes in total, 48 of these checkboxes are designed as main topics, when the checkbox for one of these 48 are ticked, it checks all sub catergory checkboxes as well as populates a <select><option> multiple list with its value. When unchecking one of the 48, it unchecks all its sub categories and removes them from the <select><option> multiple list.
The problem I am having is, when i select one of the 48, which populates the multiple list option and checks all sub categories... i go to uncheck one in the sub categories, which successfully unchecks the main category (as it indicates they are not all selected). It also successfully removes the sub category from the multiple select option list and its main category (which became unchecked).
When I go back to check the main category which makes all the sub categories checked... it re-populates the <select><option> multiple list with the values creating duplicates. I need a proper way of when I check a box, it scans the multiple <select><option> list to see if it already exists, then adds it again if it is not there. I have tried the following jquery:
but it seems the length always comes out 0 (zero). I need a fast and efficient way of doing this there is over a 1000 checkboxes that can be checked and need to populate this list.
I know I can find all inputs with ids ending with '_chkSelected' doing input[id$=_chkSelected] but how do I select all checkbox (and checkbox only) that ent with chkSelected from a specific table row? I have the id of the row (say row10) jQuery('#row10 input:checkbox input[id$=_chkSelected]") does not seem to work...
I currently am trying to make a long list of checkboxes function like a multi-select box would. I would like to be able to shift-select two checkboxes and have for example, the X number of boxes in between all be selected.
This is for a test, am not sure what they mean by "do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript":
instructions: When a user selects a date from the investment cycle drop-down box, the subsequent investment values must display the next three fiscal quarters.
Do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript. (empahsis mine...;-)
The subsequent quarters should be presented with checkboxes which are all unchecked.
Checkboxes in markup:
The values to populate the checkboxes (value and label) have to be hardcoded somewhere, no? what am I missing?
I'm trying to toggle checkboxes on my form with a jQuery function I found. It works, except for the fact the checkbox which I use to select all the other checkboxes does not get checked itself. Any idea why that might be?[code]...
this is for a test, am not sure what they mean by "do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript":
Instructions: when a user selects a date from the investment cycle drop-down box, the subsequent investment values must display the next three fiscal quarters. (e.g. for "January 2010", the subsequent quarters will be Q2 2010, Q3 2010, Q4 2010; for "June 2010", the subsequent quarters will be Q3 2010, Q4 2010, Q1 2011.)
Do not hard-code the resulting quarter years in the javascript (empahsis mine...;-)
The subsequent quarters should be presented with checkboxes which are all unchecked.
My markup for the checkboxes:
The values to populate the checkboxes (value and label) have to be hardcoded somewhere, no? what am I missing?
(and, since markup doesn't change when u set value for chkbx dynamically, how do you check that you have set correct value for the checkbox? (don't know if it shows in Firebug, since don't know if code have there now is correct (have this funky code in there for now.. not sure how to approach this...$('#checkbox1').attr('value', 'Q2 2010');
And how do I populate label? (<label for=""....></label> -- do I need to give label an id? or can you grab "for" attr for a label with jQuery?)
I need to remove the checkbox and label when a checkbox is selected. For example: I check the checkbox "flashlight". --> The checkbox and the text "flashlight" slowly fade away
As this forum has been so helpful before, this time it's a JS question:I have a list of checkboxes from which the user can select 1 or more to check and perform an action upon.Thus, all checkboxes have the same "name" (in ASP code, since it's DB-related):
response.write "<input type=checkbox name=""FieldName"" value="&obj("OrderID").value&">" I call JS using a button: <img src="images/TrashBin.png" border=0 onclick="Delete(document.FormName.FieldName)">
Just wondering if anybody went through this before. The following code works fine in IE. It looks for checkboxes named market, although I use market[$id] for each checkbox. Code:
I currently have a table with a number of cells. In certain cells I have checkboxes that users select to submit the checkboxes values. What I want to do is get rid of the checkboxes and just have the user click on the cell to select a value. I have worked out the way to change the background color of the cell to show what has been selected but is it possible to do what I want with Javascript.
I have a form wherein there are around 200-300 rows of homogenous data, each having around 30 input fileds of its own.So totally, there are more than 6000 input fields . Now, when the user submits this page, i need to loop through the checkboxes and identify the ones that are checked. I can't use the getElementsByName() since the checkbox names are different. I'm using getElementsByTagName("input"). Because of the huge amount of data, this method takes around 4-5 secs to evaluate before submitting the form. Is there some way to get the collection of checkboxes without having to loop through all the input fields?