SRC Parameter Not Working In Mozilla When Path Is Included
Jul 20, 2005
I normally use Mozilla 1.4 on Windows XP Pro.
As I was developing some test webpages, I discovered that the SRC
parameter doesn't seem to work when a path is used with the filename.
In one example, when I want to run a JavaScript from an external file
(i.e., not inline), I would do the following ...
If "program.js" were in a different subdirectory than the .htm file
referring to it, the filename would have to be prefixed by the
pathname as follows ...
But when I ran the above from within an .htm file loaded locally into
Mozilla, it did not work. (The result was as if the above code weren't
there). However, when I ran the identical code on Internet Explorer
(v.6), it worked. Code:
I have a strange problem... I have a form with a text area that contains an XML document. This document can be modified by the user.
Once the document has been modified, the user pressed the "Submit" button to submit the modification (onclick=modify())... and go to another jsp page.... in my javascript, I have the following code:
function modify() { myRand=parseInt(Math.random()*99999999); // cache buster var docXML=document.forms[0].xml.value; var plist="myRand="+myRand+"&docXML="+escape(docXML); url="modify_xml.jsp?"+plist; document.forms[0].action=url; document.forms[0].submit(); }
With Firefox, the problem does not occur.... but with Explorer, the form is not even submitted!!!!! Is there a workaround for this? The XML document is not even very big.
I am new to Javascript and I am sure that I just have a syntax error but can't find what it is.
I have an input form that accepts numbers. I am trying to compare the last field value to the current field value. My problem is that when I use a variable name of the last field, I get the error "null or not an object". The var 'L' is the problem. code...
I tried to add path to images but nothing i do seems to work. I dont know if im adding wrong code or not removing brackets or whatever but i cant get it to work. Please show me how the code should look so that i can get a better understanding of what m doing wrong. An example code of sorts. Thx.
I have a link in my website( called "Make Us your home page". Once a user clicks it the link of my website( becomes the home page for the browser. This works absolutely fine in IE, but does not work in mozilla. I get the following error in the console:
Error: this.setHomePage is not a function
The code i have used is as follows:
<a href="#" onClick="'url(#default#homepage)' this.setHomePage('');">Make us your homepage</a>
I suppose that sethomepage function is not supported by mozilla, if that is so, then how do i achieve my objective in mozilla?
The php file is just an echo statement now to simplify for the moment. If instead of calling the replace function I've also tried putting in an alert function. Alert works, the calling the php file does not.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated, I've never encountered such difficult functionality as with javascript in firefox compared to IE. Might just be my luck though... Code:
My parent window is dash.html. From this i call a pat.jsp file which is a child window to dash.html. I wrote a function in dash.html
function feed_refresh(){ getGlaceCompleteDashBoardResult(1); }
this function getGlaceCompleteDashBoardResult(1); is included in a .js file in dash.html file. Now from the pat.jsp i call the feed_refresh() function on onunload=db_refreshfeed(); like this.
var db_refreshfeed = function(){ if(REQUEST_TYPE) window.opener.feed_refresh(); }
This code working nice in IE but in mozilla it throws uncaught exception.
I am using one script which is functioning properly incase of IE but incase of Mozilla evenif the shift key is pressed and any character key is pressed then it is displaying Caps Lock is On. how can I make it Mozilla and IE compatible.
I'm having a small problem, I'm trying to reach this: (This is just regular JavaScript).
But, when I'm trying to get it working on Mozilla FireFox (Combined with MacBook Pro), it fails. So I want to try with jQuery, but I don't know about it,
I wrote code to resize a div element.The main aim is to resize the div element from any direction. But it is not working correctly in Mozilla. Even in IE it is working fine only if the mouse is dragged slowly. If we drag the mouse fast it is loosing the control. Are there any browser issues to be fixed. Please check it. I'm including the file.
Code: ========================HTML File============================ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML>[code]..........
I have implemented a jQuery hover top level menu & it is working fine in bothIE 7& 8. However, when I am executing the same code in Mozilla Firefox, it is not rendering hover effect at all. Also, I am adding a <span> using jQuery if JavaScript isn't enabled. This span is also not getting added in Mozilla.
Following is the code that I am using. <script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("ul.subnav").parent().append("<span></span>"); $("ul.pnode li a").mouseover(function() { //When trigger is clicked... //Following events are applied to the subnav itself (moving subnav up and down) $(this).parent().find("ul.subnav").slideDown('fast').show(); //Drop down the subnav on click $(this).parent().hover(function() { }, function(){ $(this).parent().find("ul.subnav").slideUp('slow'); //When the mouse hovers out of the subnav, move it back up }); //Following events are applied to the trigger (Hover events for the trigger) }).hover(function() { $(this).addClass("subhover"); //On hover over, add class "subhover" }, function(){ //On Hover Out $(this).removeClass("subhover"); //On hover out, remove class "subhover" }); }); </script>
I came to know that IE & Mozilla see .parent differently.I have tried everything but not able to get this stuff working in Mozilla. I am using Firefox 3.5.5 version.
had this in browsers areas but people told me I should put it here in Javascript because more people here would probably have seen it before and know why it happens. I have basic Javascript that rotates images. I've noticed any kind of Javascript code that rotates images has this same problem only in Mozilla. When the images rotate in Mozilla in between the rotations, Mozilla browser adds a little colored square that represents a blank image that are able to be seen does anyone know why Mozilla Browser adds that? For example when looking at this page in Mozilla can see it. if you know if this is some Mozilla problem with Javascript and images. Doesn't happen with IE and other browsers shows the images only and nothing else.
I'm using a script to include images into a slide show using direct URLs to the image files, but I am using fckeditor (PHP) for my users to edit their content. The script in the .js file that pulls the images into the slide show.The user's image file is going to be named something like, "userImage01.php". Inside that file would be their image location path ~ "images/user/image1.jpg".Therefore, I need the above javascript to pull-in "userImage01.php" INSTEAD OF the image's location path.
I've a BIG Problem With a HUGE JS application , i'm modifying its javaScript code to work on both IE/Mozilla , currently it works fine on IE but not on Mozilla.
My main Point now is events.
Lets try with a little module, consider this function :
And it is attached in this place like :
This works fine in IE , i want to modify it to work on Mozilla.
Code: $("#save_photos_all_continue").click(function() { event.preventDefault(); var $black_white_all = $("#black_white_all").is(':checked'); var $color_all = $("#color_all").is(':checked'); var $other_all = $("#other_all").is(':checked'); [Code]...
In Google Chrome it works fine but in Mozilla/5.0 it actually goes to the save_edits page instead of just using the post and staying on the original page.
what I mainly want to do is to get the div's content and pass it in a variable. To explain what I have done until now :
I have my php file that contains the code :
<?php $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "...","...") or die("Could not connect to the database."); mysql_select_db("...") or die("Could not find database <...>");
As I have read here, this should have done mydata="6" (is the current result)?