JQuery :: Hover (Top Level Menu) Not Working In Mozilla Firefox
Oct 29, 2010
I have implemented a jQuery hover top level menu & it is working fine in bothIE 7& 8. However, when I am executing the same code in Mozilla Firefox, it is not rendering hover effect at all. Also, I am adding a <span> using jQuery if JavaScript isn't enabled. This span is also not getting added in Mozilla.
Following is the code that I am using.
<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script>
$("ul.pnode li a").mouseover(function() { //When trigger is clicked...
//Following events are applied to the subnav itself (moving subnav up and down)
$(this).parent().find("ul.subnav").slideDown('fast').show(); //Drop down the subnav on click
$(this).parent().hover(function() {
}, function(){
$(this).parent().find("ul.subnav").slideUp('slow'); //When the mouse hovers out of the subnav, move it back up
//Following events are applied to the trigger (Hover events for the trigger)
}).hover(function() {
$(this).addClass("subhover"); //On hover over, add class "subhover"
}, function(){ //On Hover Out
$(this).removeClass("subhover"); //On hover out, remove class "subhover"
I came to know that IE & Mozilla see .parent differently.I have tried everything but not able to get this stuff working in Mozilla. I am using Firefox 3.5.5 version.
Well I have used this same script a few times, but this time I am having an issue, When I hover the text the drop down shows, as soon as I try to hover the drop down it will disappear.I am also trying to make the background stick on main text (hover text) untl the mouse moves off. Been stuck on this for hours.Here is my HTML
I'm having a small problem, I'm trying to reach this: (This is just regular JavaScript).
But, when I'm trying to get it working on Mozilla FireFox (Combined with MacBook Pro), it fails. So I want to try with jQuery, but I don't know about it,
The problem is that the height of the second level menu results in their being gaps in between each menu item so that as you move your mouse down the second menu items it quickly closes again. scripting novice fix this by telling me which variable I need to change either in the Java script or the CSS files.
i am trying to create a very simple drop menu using jquery, bt when i am attaching the event to li's which have further ul inside it, it showing very strange behavior in firefox and in IE, it not showing propely the sub menu, zindex problem.
I'm was working on show and hide drop down menu and this works fine on IE, Google Chrome, Safari but not firefox.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head><title></title>
I have inherited a site with superfish used as the menu which seems to work fine except that I wish to disable the links at the top level so that a click on the top level of the menu goes nowhere only clicks on the sub menu list. At the moment each top level menu item is a section and the sub menu list categories. There is nothing I need or want to place in the Section heading so a link from this is unnecessary but at the moment clicking on the top level (section) leads to a page i do not want.Example:-Top Level Section (no link to anywhere)2nd level Category 1 (link to article)3rd level Category 2 (link to article)etc.
Is this possible to do. I feel sure it should be as it is a normal facility on a drop down menu but I cannot find anywhere in the options which enables this. I am not sufficiently conversant with CSS to try playing with the current layout which other than this seems to be working ok.
I have implemented Superfish in SAP Portal. there is a small issue when I take a print using the browser's print option. When I try printing the Web Page from the browser, the Top Level Navigation Menu appears as a list of links (vertical). This is happening in both IE as well as Firefox.
I have seen the same issue in the website from where I downloaded Superfish :-|
1. Goto: [URL]
2. Click on 'Print Preview' button in your Browser.
3. The Superfish Menu below the text 'The result:' will appear as a list of links in the print preview.
I am trying to build this page where there are 3 levels of icons/contents. When user hovers on 1st level, they see the 2nd level. They now hovers on the second level and suppossed to get the 3rd levels of contents.My 1st/2nd levels worked fine.But when I added the 3rd level, could not make them to work.Problems: 1. the 2nd levels show up with multiple 3rd level items - suppossed to be all hidden.2. When I hover over the 2nd level - they are like frozen if the 3rd level is displayed. After hiding all the 3rd levels by doing mouseout - when I hover over a 2nd level, 3rd level shows up but when I move over to the next (2nd level), the corresponding 3rd level shows up without hiding the previous one. So again - displays multiple 3rd level items
var cr_event = $('#imgCE'); var info_center = $('#imgIC'); var tab_events = $('#tabCreateEvent');
I would like to use the menu that is linked below. I implemented it on my website but I discovered that it can only go 2 levels deep. I would like it to go one more level and I think that would be done in the javascript but I can't tell for sure. Could someone steer me in the right direction? [URL]
I built jQuery UI tabs with jQuery UI Accordion embedded into each tab. It works fine on my local machine, it also works fine on all browsers in the development server except using Mozilla Firefox.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <script type="text/javascript">
var response = ""; var nContainer = ""; var mainItemsText = []; var mainItemsLink = []; var subItemsText = []; var subItemsLink = []; var mainItemsWithSubs = []; var IE = true; if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){IE = false}
function hideSubs(nMain){
var nSubs = nMain.getElementsByTagName('dd'); for (i=0; i<nSubs.length; i++) { nSubs[i].style.display = 'none' } }
function showSubs(nMain){
var nSubs = nMain.getElementsByTagName('dd'); for (i=0; i<nSubs.length; i++) { nSubs[i].style.display = '' } }
function setHoverDisplay(){
if (IE) { for (i=0; i<mainItemsWithSubs.length; i++) { for (n=0; n<subItemsText[i].length; n++) { nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].childNodes[n+1].style.display = 'none' nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].onmouseover = function(){showSubs(this)} nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].onmouseout = function(){hideSubs(this)} } } } else { for (i=0; i<mainItemsWithSubs.length; i++) { for (n=0; n<subItemsText[i].length; n++) { nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].childNodes[n+1].style.display = 'none' nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].onmouseover = function(){showSubs(this)} nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].onmouseout = function(){hideSubs(this)} } } } }
function buildMenu(){
nContainer = document.getElementById('menuContainer'); mainItemsWithSubs = []; var n = 0; for (i=0; i<mainItemsText.length; i++) { var nItem = document.createElement('dt'); var nLink = document.createElement('a'); nItem.appendChild(nLink); nLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(mainItemsText[i])); if (mainItemsLink[i] != undefined) { nLink.setAttribute('href',mainItemsLink[i]); } else{ nLink.setAttribute('href',"#"); nLink.onclick = function(){return false;} mainItemsWithSubs[n++] = i; } nContainer.appendChild(nItem); } for (i=0; i<mainItemsWithSubs.length; i++) { for (s=0; s<subItemsText[i].length; s++) { nItem = document.createElement('dd'); nLink = document.createElement('a'); nItem.appendChild(nLink); nLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(subItemsText[i][s])); nLink.setAttribute('href',subItemsLink[i][s]); if (IE){nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]].appendChild(nItem)} else {nContainer.childNodes[mainItemsWithSubs[i]+1].appendChild(nItem)} } } setHoverDisplay(); }
function parseResponse(){
var n = 0; var s = 0; var mainItems = response.getElementsByTagName('main'); if (IE) { for (i=0; i<mainItems.length; i++) { mainItemsText[n] = mainItems[i].firstChild.text; if (mainItems[i].childNodes[1].nodeName == "link") { mainItemsLink[n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[1].text; } n++; } } else { for (i=0; i<mainItems.length; i++) { mainItemsText[n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[1].firstChild.data; if (mainItems[i].childNodes[3].nodeName == "link") { mainItemsLink[n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[3].firstChild.data; } n++; } } for (i=0; i<mainItems.length; i++) { if (IE && mainItems[i].childNodes[1].nodeName == "sub") { subItemsText[s] = []; subItemsLink[s] = []; for (n=0; n<mainItems[i].getElementsByTagName('sub').length; n++) { subItemsText[s][n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[n+1].childNodes[0].text; subItemsLink[s][n] = mainItems[i].childNodes[n+1].childNodes[1].text; } s++; } if (!IE && mainItems[i].childNodes[3].nodeName == "sub") { subItemsText[s] = []; subItemsLink[s] = []; var subs = mainItems[i].getElementsByTagName('sub'); for (n=0; n<subs.length; n++) { subItemsText[s][n] = subs[n].childNodes[1].firstChild.data; subItemsLink[s][n] = subs[n].childNodes[3].firstChild.data; } s++; } } buildMenu(); }
function getMenuTree(){
var request = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { if (request.status == 200) { response = request.responseXML; parseResponse(); } else {alert('Error MenuTree.xml '+ request.statusText)} } } var forceGET = "?n="+ parseInt(Math.random()*999999999); request.open("GET", "MenuTree.xml"+forceGET, true); request.send(null); }
</script> <style type="text/css">
dt {background-color:#b0c4de;text-indent:5px} dd {background-color:#87ceeb} a {color:#00008b}
I've been asked to create a site for my younger sister and she's requested a horizontal pull-down menu using graphics for the links instead of simply text. This is my first time trying to code such a menu (topic not covered in class) and I'm having some difficulty getting it to work completely.
Right now it's partially working. The various sub menus do show up when clicking or rolling over the previous menu item. However all menu items past the one clicked jump down one line when expanding instead of simply showing the sub menu under the main line up. The rollover also has issues but mostly because I haven't finished coding the onmouseout part, so it doesn't go away. I'm trying to get the main pull down working before tackling that part. Below is the JavaScript function I'm trying to use as well as a part of the menu. I've already spent months trying to get this working and am not making much headway.
I run an educational website with a CSS/JavaScript based menu that is right now only single level. I am trying to convert it over to multi level. I have tried a few other multi level menus but I have done a lot of customization in terms of appearance for this current menu, so none of the new ones looked right.
Here is the site: [url] Here is the CSS: [url] Here is the JavaScript: [url]
I have a 3-level menu using JQuery-Superfish. I would like to hover over the top-level menu item and have BOTH the 2nd and 3rd-level menus open automatically.
I have a working code of 2 level horizontal tab menu....it is now onmouse over ,I want to convert it to onclick. I have taken from....
Code: var mastertabvar=new Object() mastertabvar.baseopacity=0 mastertabvar.browserdetect="" function showsubmenu(masterid, id){ if (typeof highlighting!="undefined") clearInterval(highlighting) submenuobject=document.getElementById(id) [Code]...
I am really pressing on to finish this home page menu, and I'm trying to find out why this odd behavior is occurring. There is obviously some conflicting code in my CSS. You can see this odd behaving menu for yourself at productreview. The other thing I'm trying to learn how to do is how to get the 3rd and 4th level lists to appear on the parent item's hover.This is my JavaScript:
I want that when i click on a other main item that the other will close. Now it still keep open and then ill get a long menu list. How do i do it , i dont have js experience.
I would like the second level of buttons (submenu) to disappear once the cursor is no longer hovering over them - rather than appearing until another button in the top level is hovered over. modify the javascript below to do that?
version of Apycom's jQuery menu; you can find itat http://apycom.com/ and it is looking really good.I have uploaded files, and published it on a test site - www.flexin.beUnfortunately, some of the submenus starting from the second that haschildren elements, it adds the item on the top level in InternetExplorer.Does anyone on this list has any experience with this library?