I'm new to Javascript but did this script which displays answers when you click on a link (like a quiz). Actually i've got an arrray where I store my answers. When I click on the link below, the answers have to be displayed after replacing certain characters in them. I'm stuck with the last part. Code:
I have a script which gathers information from a form and, if needed, writes this info to a 'preview' window. At times {tokens} are used in place of real html tags. How can I tell the script to look for "{" and "}" and replace them, respectively, with "<" and ">".
I tried using "str = str.replace(/{/g, "<").replace(/}/g, ">");" but that didn't work. The script in question is being written by PHP... thus, may be generating a syntax-based failure. Any ideas?
i have two iframes side by side.i want users to type a keyword in a search bar,click, and the keyword would replace a (specified) characters in the iframes and display the content.
*so, upon entring a keyword in a search field(and clicking) the keyworld would replace all @@@ in iframes.
i have tried several codes including remote scripting in iframe. does is involve PHP? i can't seems to understand. can anyone please give me code and instruction on how to use it?
I'm just wandering, how can you stop the replace() function from replacing characters inside a word, such as, if I try to replace 'x' with 'and', then my string would go from 'example, x' to 'eandample, and'.
My website has a flash animation I'd like to replace with a jQuery animation [URL]. I'm trying to create a dynamic statement to grab an array of words from an XML file and loop through replacing the word in a <span> with a random item. Would like it to loop continuously while the page is displayed. The HTML statement is:
<p style="text-align: center; font-size: 2em; font-weight: bold; margin: .5em,0,.5em,0;"> <span>Shred your </span><span id="indexShredItem">paper</span><span>, not your nerves.â„¢</span>
It works great once, but I can't get it to loop. I've tried "for" and "while" loops (no loop attempt is in the script above).
I am in the process of editing the below code I found online, I have a from multi-select list and a to multi-select list. Before rewriting the to list, I want to sort it but ignore the "F - " and the "R - ". Ideas? Code:
I am getting problem to count characters in textarea box. I create the array in form and tried to count the character in a textarea box. but its not work.
HTML Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript">
I am getting problem to count characters in textarea box. I create the array in form and tried to count the character in a textarea box. but its not work. HTML CODE IS:
I'm writing a piece of JS code that returns a result of true if the pattern appears in string as a substring (case sensitive) but would like to extend its functionality to returns true if all the individual characters of pattern appear in string (regardless of order).
I'm writing a piece of JS code that returns a result of true if the pattern appears in string as a substring (case sensitive) but would like to extend its functionality to returns true if all the individual characters of pattern appear in string (regardless of order).
For example:This is what the program currently does:
match1("adipisci","pis") returns true
Whereas I would now like it to do this:
match1("adipisci","sciip") returns true match2("adipisci","sciipx") returns false because x does not exist in variable match3["adipisci","adipisci"] returns true in array 1 and 2 if "sciip" is searched match4["adipisci","adipiscix"] returns false in array 1 and true in array 2 if "sciipx" is searched
I am having difficulty implementing this into my code... this is what I've done so far:
var pages=[ "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", "Nulla imperdiet laoreet neque.",
I am having problems with the code below (obviously) coming up with illegal character for various characters within the field name which is: S_Gift Finder1_0
I have tried various ways of escaping the characters but to no avail.
I am unable to change the name of the field as it it comes from an external off-the-shelf package. Code ....
I have character counter for textarea wich counting the characters. Special character needs same place as two normal characters because of 16-bit encoding.
Counter is counting -2 when special character is added like some language specific char.
What I want, is the code to look for a particular ID of an img, and then change the filename (but not the whole path) of the image.
For instance... if the path was "../images/headin.gif", the javascript would find this by the ID, and change to "headin" to "headdown".
I know I can do something like... if(a.getAttribute("img").indexOf("headin")) {
but then I need to know how to replace "headin" with "headdown".
How can this be done?
(the reason I don't want to replace the whole src, as that would be very simple, is that the path of the image will change depending on the directory the page is in)
I'm trying to get my head around DOM and it's usefulness in designing web applications. Some of it is pretty straight forward, while some is kind of vague. What I am trying to do now is write data to a page. I want to fill in the data in the second span below.
var posSize = document.createTextNode(Ǝ'); parent.document.getElementById('size').appendChild(posSize);
But as the name suggests, it appends it to the current value. So every time I click something on the page and the value needs to reflect that item, it just appends it to the former value.
<input name="add" type="button" value="Click To Add Another Box">
Now, if I add another box, then type some text into it, then add another box, the box I just typed into is replaced with a new box, and a new box is added. How do I just make it add a new text box instead of replacing a current one?
I have a page that contains several HREFs. Each HREF that I'm interested in has a common parameter (parmX). Does anyone have a script example on how to find-and-replace parmX with parmY?
I'm assuming that I'd need to do this in the onload event - but I don't know much about Javascript.
where the selectors and their opening braces, their closing braces, and declarations are each on their own lines (always), how can I replace a specific declaration (line) given a unique selector and a declaration property. For example, if I wanted the 'color' declaration property line in the 'bar' class changed.
At the moment I'm iterating through the CSS one line at a time looking for the selector and then looking for the declaration property (before I hit the closing brace).
New to JQuery, but making progress, not sure how to describe this issue, so stay with me. In JS I would build a function that I could call from a variety of actions, including other functions.
eg.. function dosomething(someparam){ // does something. } function dothis(){
Code: tr><td><div id="ref">hh</div></td><td>edit button</td> what I want to achieve is that when a user clicks on edit button, first of all hh should be replaced by a text input field and edit button change to update