Reorder List Of Data?
Jun 15, 2010
I am a novice with JavaScript, and I was wondering how I would reorder a list of data. I googled this and found some ways but none of them really applied to me.
I have a database with names of courses (its for a restaurant), they all have an ID which ranges from 1-8 (I only have 8 courses so far). I can add and delete courses from this table but I would like to be able to reorder theses courses, in other words change their ID, without having to go into the database and manually change itself.
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Jun 15, 2010
how I would reorder a list of data. I googled this and found some ways but none of them really applied to me. I have a database with names of courses (its for a restaurant), they all have an ID which ranges from 1-8 (I only have 8 courses so far). I can add and delete courses from this table but I would like to be able to reorder theses courses, in other words change their ID, without having to go into the database and manually change itself.
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Sep 6, 2009
I have a list where I want to reorder the list on each user click. for example,
<li name="li_one"><a href="one.html">one </a></li>
<li name="li_two"><a href="two.html">two</a></li>
<li name="li_three"><a href="three.html">three</a></li>
If the user selects "two", then the list order should be sorted as follows
the selected item should always appear first in the list. Is it possible to do with javascript?.
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Apr 5, 2011
This is a combination of jQuery and a PHP problem so I'm not 100% certain where to post it. I am working on method to reoder a list that comes from a database. When the lists is displayed, it will be ordered by a "sort" column. The user can drag/drop the list to change the order, and I want the order to update the sort values in the database.I found a script that provides a decent starting point, but I am not getting the results I want.
1: It is able to reorder the columns, and save the results which is good.
2: It is saving the results as "0,1,2,3" rather than reordering the numbers from the "sort" column. (< this is what I need fixed)
EG: Name > Sort
Orange 5
Pear 13
Kiwi 105
If I reorder these in the reverse order using the script, I end up with the following in the database.
Apple 3
Orange 2
Pear 1
Kiwi 0
Yet what I want is,
Apple 105
Orange 13
Pear 5
Kiwi 3
how I can get it to work with the existing "sort" values, rather than serializing and starting at 0. Here are the script files I am currently working with for testing.
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,[code]....
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Jul 6, 2004
when i try to add a data from popup list box to parent window listbox it pops an error.
Servlet threw an exception. This is my code
var optionvalue=thisForm.behaviourname.options[i].value;
var len=window.opener.document.FormMaterialDetail.inparameterid.options.length; window.opener.document.FormMaterialDetail.inparameterid.options[len] = new Option(thisForm.behaviourname.options[i].text, optionvalue);
Is the above code right?
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Sep 30, 2009
I have an html file with 1000 exam questions in this format code...
table 1 is stacked on top of table 2, which is stacked on table 3.
each of the 1000 questions is formatted like this.
I want to reorder it to this for all 1000 questions code...
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Jan 12, 2010
I know that there are some really nice jQuery UI. However, I'm really new to jQuery and I need to save the order into a SQL Server database so that next time if the same user comes back to the site, the picture will be in the same order that he/she reordered it previously.
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Nov 24, 2010
Is there a best way to reorder a jquery group/array, eg bring one item to the first position? Should you do it with a normal array.sort() or splice(), or is it possible with an internal function map()?
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Sep 25, 2011
This is regarding binding data to a drop down list. I am getting the data from the server and binding the data to a drop down list using JSON and JQuery. It is working fine for around 400 items, but when i need to bind the drop down with around 600 items i am getting the below error
Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.
The code i am using ot bind the drop down is as below
$.each(data, function (index, city) {
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Mar 8, 2011
After some research I have found that I need some javescript help to process a users click from a html drop down select list.I am trying to create an admin area for a website in php and using mysql database.In my admin home page, I have an option to choose a title on a page, from a dropdown select list. Which when clicked/ chosen, should redirect to the edit_page.php.When the admin have clicked a value from the select box, how do I redirect to the edit_page.php,To prepopulate the edit_page.php form fields, do i need to include more than the: ID and LINKLABEL in the select box.
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Aug 24, 2011
I am using an xml file to pull in data to jqm. I am appending the first and last name to a listview. (I am working with Datazombies example for the a-z index contact list from the iscroll git hub). How would I specify where to append ie, if the lastname is Adams (or anything that begins withletter A) Adams is appended under the listdivider with ID of A.
<script type="text/javascript">
type: "GET",
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Sep 6, 2011
I am trying to use jquery, json, ajax to display data in a list.
The js:
The div to hold the returned data:
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Oct 7, 2009
i am currently working on aptana studio nokia wrt plugin to develop a mobile widget where i need to retrieve data from database. i've created a java servlet in eclipse to connect and execute query to the ms sql server 2005 database. in aptana, i am using js file and html file, i'm able to connect to the servlet to retrieve and process the data (split the data) into an array and display the retrieved value (array) on screen. but now i need to put the retrieved value (array) into a drop down list for selection, how could i do that?
for the drop down list, i cannot define the list, it need to be able to read from the servlet as the database is updated, it need to reflect.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to create a web page in which the contents of one selection list
depends upon which element in another selection list is chosen, but where
the information to populate the first selection list comves from an SQL
database on the web server.
There are a couple of these situations in my application but, for example,
the first list might be a list of counties, and the second list a list of
states/provinces. Obviously the names of counties depend upon which
state/province is chosen, but there are too many possibilities to be able to
embed them within the web page itself. So when the user selects a
state/province I need to go to the server to ask for the list of counties.
I have seen a number of posts that sort of address this issue. For example
it is suggested to use <script src="a URL"/> to ask the server side code to
send up data of type "text/javascript". However the examples do not seem to
address how the server side code would know which state/province the user
had selected.
If there is a web site that addresses this sort of thing, I would appreciate
any pointers.
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Oct 24, 2011
I'm trying to open an default email client (outlook) with 200+ emails by the javascript.When the list consists of a few emails it works fine, when the list is large, I am getting "The data area passed to a system call is too small" error.
var toList=';;.......;';;
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Jul 9, 2007
My script is the same as this
When the data comes back to me its using
I get the data back fine. However inside getuser.php my data is in a sortable list. If i use this code above. My data comes back but I can no longer sort my list and move things around (I'm guessing because its returned as HTML only). Can anybody give me a solution of what i need to change so my list is also sortable again?
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Aug 2, 2011
I have a table that has parts with multiple characteristics. Part Number, Height, Width, Capacity, Price, Etc. I would like to have a drop downs for all of these values, when a user selects one of these values it will filter the results into a list. Ex. user selects a part that has a Height of 6 and width of 10 it will only list those parts. As I said earlier, I have a script that will give me all the parts, however I am not able to make the onchange list parts with multiple values.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a page that displays a list of people playing in a tournament. I need to be able to generate a Leaderboard based on which players are manually selected by the admin. Next to each person there is a drop-down list. An admin can go in and select a "slot" that a player should be in on the leader board from 1 to 8, or leave it blank if none. What I need to figure out how to do is the following, when a change event happens on a drop-down list, and say the value 5 is selected, I need to check to make sure that 5 is not already selected in one of the other players drop-down lists, in other words, that the 5th leaderboard slot is not already full. if it is, display an error message and make them change that one first. how to do that with jQuery? I'm thinking it will have something to do with the each() function, but not sure exactly how the logic should work.
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Oct 8, 2010
i have a menu and i would like to change the color of the Categories which have subcategories only. In my example the basic categories are: News , Announcements , Contact and Career. Only Announcements and Career categories have subcategories. So i would like those two to turn green. The fact is that the list items include a href ,so i don't know how to access those "a href" combined with "this".
<ul id="my_menu">
<li id="id0"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">News</a></li>
<li id="id1"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:none">Announcements</a>
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Jun 2, 2010
I have been trying to make an expand/collapse (essentially accordion) list. So far, everything works and looks fine in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, but in IE8, the page height is static when it loads, with a page height being as if all headers in the list were expanded. The expand/collapse functionality works,but as you can imagine, there is this big gap of space after the list.
The html markup uses <h2> tags for the always-visible header portion and a <div> for the expanding/collapsing content. The <div> content contains form elements and everything is enclosed in a form tag.Anyways, here is the jQuery code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('<img src="plus.png" class="icon" />').prependTo('.header');
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Aug 16, 2010
i am writing a script that will update a dropdown list based on the selection of a previous list. the script is run by a PHP script, so instead of posting the PHP, i will post an example client-side script. the hierachy is: category, sub category, brand (but sometimes there exists no sub category and the PHP script queries and adds brands instead) everything works correctly, except for one major issue: you can not change the selection of the third (brand) box this could be an easy fix for some coders, but i am not experienced in javascript and could really use some help. here is an example script, sorry it is so long
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Jul 13, 2011
I have been struggling on a bit of code for a while now. I need to populate a second drop down list (Region) based upon the selection of the first (County).I have found a piece of code that works on its own and have adapted to suit my needs - see below. However, when I drop it into my main page the javascript is not working. It's because of the formObject but I just don't know enough to resolve this! Furthermore, I need the textboxes the user has already completed in the form to retain their value once the javascript kicks in as the completed form will submit to a database.This piece of code is working well . . . .
$link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database');[code]......
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Mar 7, 2011
I have 3 ASP list boxes. I would like to populate the second list box based on the selection in the first list box and based on the selection in the second list box, populate the third. I would like to do this using AJAX. How can I do it? Can someone please give me the code snippet as I am a complete noob when it comes to AJAX and I kinda am running outta time to finish implementing it. Additionally, should I use ASP boxes or HTML <select> tag?
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Jul 19, 2010
I'm working on a project that requires dynamic manipulation of an ordered list -- adding and removing elements in response to the user pressing buttons. I've run in to some odd behavior. Here's my code:
<ol id="track-list">
<li>Static Content Here</li>
<input type="button" id="add-track" value="Add Track" />
var listEl = $("<li>Dynamic Content Here</li>");
Looks pretty straightforward, problem is when I add the new list element it does not prepend it with any number (being part of an ordered list). Now if I remove the hide and fadeIn lines (just append it), it inserts it correctly with a number before it, but I want this to look pretty being jQuery and all...
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Sep 1, 2010
I am trying to construct a Jukebox for my website. I have spent considerable time all over the WEB and at this forum which addressed the issue in a 50 page thread. Please see: [url]
I got a lot of ideas from this thread but still cannot figure a way to do the following within the Jukebox. These are my main two questions for everything below:
1.How can I have the Jukebox cycle through all tunes and then start over from the beginning?
2.How can I allow the user to select a tune from a list but not a drop down list, have the Jukebox start from the users selection and then play all songs to the end. Then as in #1, start over from the beginning?
Per this thread I came away with basically two ways to assemble the jukebox. One uses links in a drop down list which the user can choose from. The other is to use an .m3u playlist. The user can only select a playlist from the drop down.
Below, I have included the code for each Jukebox. To see the Jukeboxes in action please go to my website where I have posted some test pages exhibiting the jukeboxes that I am referring to.
The following is the Jukebox which utilizes an .m3u playlist. If I end up using this idea I would like the tunes in the .m3u playlist to be displayed and allow the user to be able to choose a tune in the list. Then have the list play to the end of all tunes in the list. Then start over from the beginning of the list. After this code is the .m3u playlist.
Go to url removed and click on the link that says:
Jukebox utilizing an .m3u playlist:
Here is the .m3u playlist for the above code:
The following code is for the Jukebox that has a list of links in a dropdown list. If I go with this idea, I would like for the list not to be a dropdown list but just a list of tunes. The user should be able to click on any tune in the list and the player should start from that point, play all the remaining tunes in the list and then start from the beginning.
Go to url removed and click on the link that says:
Another idea I found on the WEB also uses an .m3u playlist. The good thing about it is that it lists all the tunes in the playlist which the user can then select from. This jukebox calls up an entire Windows Media Player. If I was to use this idea I would like to be able to disable the left side of the player where the user has options such as burning to CD, Media Guide, Radio Tuner etc¦
Go to url removed and click on the link that says:
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a MySQL table with 90 columns and I want the users to be able to select any columns they concern and output the result accordingly. In the front-end, I can use a group of checkbox which looks very ugly and I can not setup the orders for selected columns. Is there a plug-in or some examples in jQuery, that I can make 2 parallel boxes (i.e. an original-box and a selected-box). the original- box lists all of the column names at the beginning and there is a way to move items between two boxes. And the order of items in the selected-box can be adjusted. the items in the selected-box will be used to build into an array in my backend code.
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