Dear frnd I wanna read on html page , and i have script :
But as its using activex control not allowing in all browser. Have you any other way with pure js to read the file contains ? or allowing activex in all browser?
I'm writing a script and I've encountered a problem.. I have a txt file with many words, each word in a different line. For example: the file words.txt contains:
word1 word2 word3 word4 word5
I need to load the content of the file into a variable in my script. I prefer that all the words will be in the same variable with line breaks, but if you'll figure out a way to put it in an array, it's ok too. I really don't know how to do it, and I tried to google but didn't understand.. By the way, I don't want to change the txt file to js file, I need it to remain txt..
I'm trying to read a text file with node.js. This text file is a line of just numbers. I add every line to an array as a string. What I want to do is make it so every element in the array is only one number in the text file. When I use the split function with (" ") it doesn't work correctly; it prints out a string as all the numbers in the text file. how would I delimit this text file with every space or new line.
var fs = require('fs'); var array = fs.readFileSync("10_01.txt").toString().split(" "); for (var ind = 0; ind<array.length; ind++)
Is there a better way to do this because at the moment it doesn't seem to display what I want?
I have a text file which has values in the format of "text1,text2,text3" etc what I need to do is read this text file using jquery and store the data in a variable in the head of my webpage, so something like:
I have written the following code to read contents of a text file using FileReader object of HTML 5 for Google Chrome.
<script> function handle_files(files) { var i; if (checkBrowser("Chrome")) { for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; var reader = new FileReader(); ret = []; reader.onload = function (e) { console.log( }reader.onerror = function (stuff) { console.log("error", stuff) console.log(stuff.getMessage()) }text = reader.readAsText(file[i]); alert(text); }}} </script> <input type="file" multiple="multiple" onchange="handle_files(this.files)">
Unfortunately, the variable text always displays as undefined. Everything above the line text = reader.readAsText(file[0]); works fine. Is there any other solution to read a text file using HTML5/JavaScript on Chrome?
Is it possible to get the contents from .js or .txt file. I wish to store all the tool tip content in a txt or js file, pass the parameter to get the msg depending upon the parameter? is it possible? if yes how can i do it?
I'm getting to grips quickly with the power of jQuery but have it a bit of a problem. I have a design for a website which will utilise both microformats, moustach and jQuery in two ways.
I'm trying to write code that will read an XML file. I've found several examples but I can't get them to work. Am I missing a DLL file? The errors I commonly get are "object required" (as with the code below) or "permission denied". Any insight would be helpful and appreciated. Here is what I'm trying:
<script language="JavaScript"> function importXML(file) { xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xmlDoc.readyState == 4) createTable() }; xmlDoc.loadXML(file); }
function createTable() { var doc=xmlDoc.documentElement; var x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Employee"); for (i=0;i<x[0].childNodes.length;i++) { alert(i); //enter code to process stuff here } } </script>
Now that is fine when the text is only one line long. Suppose it's longer? What I want to do is have Javascript give the variable contentString its text from a hosted text file in a similar manner to the way Javascript can insert more Javascript using a hosted .js file.
I illustrate what I need to do using some "dummy" javascript:
The questions "Can I read a file... " show up on the regular basis. The answer to accessing files on the same domain is the XMLHTTP object. Following is a simple wrapper that accounts for differences in Gecko and IE5.5+ implementation and returns the content of a file in a string, or null if an error occured:
I'm reading a text file, manipulating the string that I've read, and then writing to a new text file called temp. The error that I am getting is basically reading past the end of the file.
function SpaceFileEntries() { fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
I have a large project under development. The code below distills the problem I am having. In essence, I am trying to read in an XML file. It appears to load okay but when I try to count how many there are of a certain tag (The "Team" tag) I am told that there are zero. This is despite being told that that file loads okay (as the callback function is called).
Javascript and the xml file is below. I hope that it is easy to follow. When the page is loaded, the initialize function is called. I first check my browser as I only need this to work on a Mozilla browser (I am using Mozilla Firefox 3.6.3). I then load the xml file and the callback function (fileLoaded) is called. I then try to find out how many "Team" tags I have, but get the message that there are zero.
= javascript = <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]"> <html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> // Global variable so that everything can access it var xlmDoc; .....
I have resorted to using a forum after 2 days of head scratching. What I need is some script to monitor the output of a php file that outputs "yes" or "no" depending on weather it is your turn in a multiplayer game.I would like it to just check every few seconds (in order to not crash the server) if it has changed. While the PHP file is showing "yes" I want it to show some buttons to make a move and when it is showing "no" for it to just say something like "enemy's turn". I hear that this kind of thing could be achieved with jQuery and AJAX but I have never used JavaScriptI already feel like I'm making a big ask but if you don't mind I would also like a way of submitting your move to a php file to make the move (submitting something to MySql)
Is there a way to use Javascript to read a txt file, take all the words in the txt file one by one, then create a cookie out of each of them? Ideally, I'm also looking to create a prompt which asks the user if they want to set the cookie each time.The purpose of this is that I'm looking to create some basic browser based games (with information stored in txt files), so it doesn't have to be a script which works online. Everything is just run offline. If it makes a difference, it can also be, say, a doc file rather than a txt.I understand the idea of using activeX & IE to read the txt file, and after looking through this forum, I have found a way to load the entire txt into a form. I have not been able to advance my idea beyond that however.I've used Javascript before many times for webpages, but it generally comes down to me copying and pasting code, then just changing a few keys words. What I'm quickly trying to say there is that I can use js, but I'm not that much of an expert.
How should i read the text which is inside a divison.I have the divison id,but we cannot use getElementById because everytime the page is refreshed its id is changed.
Now depending on how many checkboxes (elsewhere) are selected, I want to change the text to something like "Approve 4 selected" I'm tried in vain to acess:
and for completeness sake I also tried $(this).value -- but of course it returns the .value attribute of the button. 2 questions: How do I access the text and change it?
In the following script, I cannot figure out how to access the TEXT information of the radio buttons displayed. All other coded functions perform as expected. I'm not receiving any from the browser?
Code: <html> <head> <title>Options Text</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function SboxVOptions(IDS) { var tarr = []; var sel = document.getElementById(IDS); for (var i=0; i<sel.options.length; i++) { tarr.push(sel.options[i].value); } alert(tarr.join(' ')); .....
i am thinking of using a xml file as a data base for example , the xml file stores a list of reference numbers which is allocated to a url or a name such as 0123456789 and i have a text box on a webpage and the user types in a reference number and the javascripts reads the xml file to check if its a valid reference number i.e a registered number i am new to working with xml etc.
id like it to read the specific data thats contained within the tag such as 0123456789's tag = JOE
I have a folder of images from which I access individual pictures using the ID[Who] variable index passed down from the parent frame plus a local index variable p.
where an example file in Photos is PhotosAndiamo1.jpg, the ID in this case resolving to "Andiamo" and the local variable is = 1. This works great.
I would like to add a file of text captions associated with the pictures, preferably saved in the Photos folder such as PhotoAndiamo1.txt.
While I can fetch the images easily by document.writeing the <img ....> command, how do I do a similar fetch for the text data and document.write it to the HTML? (Short of the hassle of creating text images and fetching those.)
Is it possible to read text from a file and then place it into a div using javascript. I read something on the Internet that I would need to have a server side language such as php or perl to do that. Is that true and if so why is that.