Reading Webpages Using Javascript

Jul 23, 2005

I am writing a program that will allow a user to enter a webpage address into a form. Then it will download and display the webpage below the current one.

| _____________ |
| _____________enter web address | Load Button | |
| -------------- |
|_________________________________________________ __
| |
| |
| web page will be displayed here |
| |
|_________________________________________________ _|

Is there a way to download another web page using javascript and read
through it.

I am not too concerned with displaying the web page just downloading
it. Has anyone done anything like this? the closest I have found was a
procedure used by grease monkey "GM_xmlhtt" which is what I am looking

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Reading XML With Javascript

Jan 16, 2006

I'm extremely new to XML, tell me what needs to be fixed in my XML file
as well as in my javascript.

My XML file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

<subject>Testing, 123</subject>
<sender>Name &lt;;</sender>
<size>640 KB</size>

I'm accessing it with this javascript:

var sender =

I ultimately want to user to see that the sender is "Name
<>". With the way the XML file is currently set up
(sender is Name &lt;;), the only that shows up
on the javascript end is Name. Is the way I'm storing it in my XML file
the best way to be doing it?

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Reading Xml From Javascript

Aug 25, 2005

From javascript, I am opening a popup window and requesting a url, which sends a xml as a response to the popup window. From this javascript, I want to read that xml content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

I tried"","","width=1,height=1");
var ele = del_window.document.documentElement; //this is returning "HTML"


But nothing worked out.

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Reading Network Parameters From Javascript

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to read the computers IP address and gateway address
using Javascript?

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Reading Browser Cookies With JavaScript...

Aug 28, 2007

Now, I am not talking about some kind of malicious coding, or spyware writing by any means, but I do need it to be able to read the cookies from a site other than my own. At least I think this is what is required. What I am trying to accomplish is this; I have a stats package setup on a different domain than my live website and I am using it to track the stats of the users on my site other than paying for stats service through some other company, and it seems to be working just as I need it to, only I would like for it to be able to do a little bit more. Right now, all it is capturing form the user is their IP address, browser information and host information on their ISP. But, I would like for it to be able do more. I would like for it to be able to retrieve certain cookies generated by a different site and show me the information in which the cookies hold... I am not talking about displaying passwords or any such thing like that, I just need certain information.

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Inline Javascript Not Working While Reading From XMLHttpRequest Object

Jun 9, 2006

I stumbled upon a strange behaviour of the XMLHttpRequest.. Maybe I'm
just not well informed enough about its possibilities, so could someone
please confirm my question?

When I put plain javscript in a file that is read-in through a
XMLHttpRequest-object, it's like it is totally ignored. Eg. I have the
file ajax_include.html with in it's body the following lines
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
alert('some alert');

when I directly surf to the file, the alert pops up as expected, but
when I use a simple XMLHttpRequest to replace the contents of a div
with the contents of this page, the alert is not popping up, although
when I view the selection's source (Thank you, Firefox!), it is there!

When I place an anchor with an onclick-action (eg. alert('onclick')),
it works when I click it.
So my "conclusion" is that it seems like inline javascript commands are
ignored (functions not recognized etc.). All actions assigned to other
events work nice though.

Can someone confirm this strange behaviour? Or is it just normal with
the use of an XMLHttpRequest opbject?

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Timer On Webpages

Apr 29, 2006

Im not sure where to find all the documentation i need for this? I need
to timer since a start button has been pushed, and show a counter on a
page. If they click stop i want to keep the time, and carry on
incrementing it if they click start again.

Any suggestions on code, or reference material for this?

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Image Sliders In Webpages ?

May 10, 2009

does anyone know a good online resource that shows you how to do image sliders on a web page? For example, I have a image and a arrow (image) above this and the position of the arrow is dependent on a value (which I have).

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Automatically Download A Set Of Webpages?

Oct 27, 2009

i would like to know how we can save a set of webpages,for instance the results of 60students whose register numbers may be from a definite range.And also how to take only the necessary information from each page and save it as a text file.

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Extracting Data From Dynamic Webpages?

Jan 21, 2011

I want to parse data from tables in webpages , there are no problems when I parse regular HTML tables, but it seems to be impossible to get any data from dynamic pages that update themself to extract data from dynamic web pages? My goal is to read webpages with an application written in java, parse the page and clean the data and store it in a database.

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Automated Popup Slideshow Of Webpages

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to write a javascript that once a link is pressed, a popup opens and a series of websites, with 2 changing parameters (from arrays), are loaded in series (after a time delay, or if possible once the page has loaded). I have managed to get a working script together, but I can't seem to make it load within the same window, instead of loading several pages after each other. So what I am asking really is, how do I ensure it loads within the same popup window? and If possible, how can I improve the code so that it only "pauses" until the page is loaded instead of just waiting 10 seconds?

<script type="text/javascript">
function makeCrankWindow(url){
crankWind =,"Cwindow");
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}
return false;
}function Crankwindow(){
var wid = []; //Titan Id Array
wid[0] = "53";
wid[1] = "57";
wid[2] = "194";
wid[3] = "196";
wid[4] = "242";
wid[5] = "286";
var sid = []; // Facebook Id Array
sid[0] ="5089"; // NAME HERE
var timeout = 0;
for (var i=0; i<2; i++){
for (var j=0; j<6; j++){
setTimeout('makeCrankWindow("[URL] source=190&sourceu=' + sid[i] + '&wid=' + wid[j] + '","Cwindow")', timeout);
timeout += 10000;

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JQuery :: Download Webpages To Local Drive?

Jul 12, 2011

I think I know the answer to this but I want to ask anyway. There are scores of pages on a particular website that I need to download so I can process them. They would all come down as XML files. I wrote a desktop app a while ago to do this but I was hoping to move this functionality to my website. This is an example of one of the pages I would download/copy:[URL]... A related question is... after I get all of these pages into a folder on my machine... I will need to point JQuery to the folder where they were copied and process each one. Does JQuery have a built in way to open a folder and capture all the files inside so they can be processed? I couldn't find anything like that.

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JQuery :: Make A Horizontal Slider To Webpages?

Dec 7, 2011

i want to make a horizontal slider to my web pages

i want to make a home page and when a user selects another page like Clients Page, the page loaded in the same frame with horizontal sliding

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Combine Multiple WebPages Into A Single WebPage?

Sep 1, 2010

When designing a web page, you may come across a situation where you want to combine content from multiple websites in a single window. Could the "iframe" tag makes this possible? If so, as it will separate your page design into several sections and display a different website in each one?

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JQuery :: Image Preload Animation Plugin For Webpages?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm trying to find a JQuery plugin that will:

a) preload all img's and background's on a given page

b) display an animated gif in the center of the original's img's or background's container

c) fade out showing each image once it's downloaded

d) as a consequence of (a) allow the page to render (show) quicker even if (depending on server speed, connection speed and user computer speed) the remaining images are still in a 'load state'.

e) is based on JQuery so not to increase page's footprint via adding Mootools, Prototype, YUI or the like (unless the additional 100KB or so is so worth it).

I've scouted Google and there a few out there but amazingly none seem to focus on doing this for a web page's image's but rather seem to focus on galleries/lightbox windows and so forth.

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JS Code: Linking Webpages With Different Shown Image (onclick)?

May 31, 2010

This is what I am seeking: On the main page we have 3 different images (img1, img2, img3), that must link to another page (photo page) with a photo in the middle enlarged: for example if I click img1 i will go to the photo page with img1 enlarged in the middle, and if I click img2 will go to the photo page with img2 in the middle. the photo page has photo thumbnail sliding at the bottom of the page that links to the same middle enlarged photo based on the clicked photo. is it doable with JS? or should I look somewhere else?

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Web Assignment - Put In Interactive Elements Into Our Webpages - Confirm Button For A Form

May 3, 2010

For my web assignment we have to put in interactive elements into our web pages. The one I'm having trouble is a confirm button for a form, (it doesn't send any info as we have not been taught any php or any form of server side scripting yet). What I have want the button to do is to check that all feilds have been entered info if they then thank the user and close pop up div, if not request the user to enter info into all fields.

My code does sort of I want but doesn't thank the person if it is all filled instead it says please enter info into all feilds and then closes.

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Nested For Loops To Output 2 Seperate Webpages One With The First Pattern Below And Then Another With The Second Pattern

Sep 23, 2010

i am having trouble with a program for class hoping someone can point me in the right direction i am supposed to use nested for loops to output 2 seperate webpages one with the first pattern below and then another with the second pattern.


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Reading XML

Dec 7, 2006

Is it possible to read from JS XML data which are stored in another file?

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Reading XML With IE And Firefox.

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to find a simple step-by-step on how to read a simple XML file
like this one, which will work in IE 6 and Firefox 0.x.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>



<TITLE>Empire Burlesque</TITLE>

<ARTIST>Christopher Santee</ARTIST>







The problem is every example, I find that it will work in IE but not Firefox
or visa versa, could someone please point me to a how to that will work with
both browsers. I just spent two weeks reading the Microsoft Press Book "XML
Step by Step", only to find out that the technology only works with IE.

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Reading Parameters Using Js, From A Url

Jul 23, 2005

Can someone give me some pointers on how I can read one or more
arguements from a url, using js?

Why? I'm working on a LAMP based project and when a user successfully
registers, the header redirects to the login screen - I'd like to check
for the value of register, if read from:

A pointer/hint as opposed to a solution should be sufficient because I'm
doing pretty well learning javascript.

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Help: Reading An XML File

May 4, 2006

I'm trying to write code that will read an XML file. I've found several examples but I can't get them to work. Am I missing a DLL file? The errors I commonly get are "object required" (as with the code below) or "permission denied". Any insight would be helpful and appreciated. Here is what I'm trying:

<script language="JavaScript">
function importXML(file)
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xmlDoc.readyState == 4) createTable()

function createTable()
var doc=xmlDoc.documentElement;
var x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Employee");
for (i=0;i<x[0].childNodes.length;i++)
alert(i); //enter code to process stuff here

<INPUT TYPE=button VALUE="import XML"
onClick="importXML('C: mpzip est1.xml')">

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Reading The Value Of A TextNode

Jul 20, 2005

I am having problems reading the value of a text Node. I think it has to do with the fact that the text is in a <span> tag.

I have a table and in each <td> I have text + a checkbox. I want to retreive the text next to the checked checkboxes and concatenate it.

Here is my Code:

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Reading Barcodes

Apr 25, 2007

I'm trying to create a javascript barcode API, that reads from my USB barcode reader and calls an action upon completion. The reading itself is not complicated at all, since the barcode reader functions exactly as typing the same numbers on my keyboard. So scanning a barcode with; 5050500

would be the same as typing it on my keyboard, but of course much faster. The problem lies in my "API" which dosn't always respond to the barcode length correctly, hence executing the actions at the wrong time (see code below).

A scenario in my application would be to separate multiple barcodes with a semicolon, which is what I'm trying to do with the code below. Copy paste the following code, and run it in your browser: Code:

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Reading An Xml Array?

Dec 12, 2011

I have an xml file that has a phone node with different numbers


I want to put those xml values into an html form input values
<input type="text" name="phone[]">
<input type="text" name="phone[]">
<input type="text" name="phone[]">

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Reading A XML Response?

Jan 5, 2011

My AJAX query returns me an XML response of the following structure for a query on "ind":

<capital>New Delhi</capital>


How do I transform the XML response into a HTML layout? Particularly, how do I get down to the value at each node?How do I traverse the XML document using JS?

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