Rank Preferences In A Survey
Oct 31, 2005
I am creating an on-line survey. I want the user to have a list of
choices of say 10 items that are radio buttons. They need to rank their
preference. They click on preference 1, that option is removed from the
top list (choices) and appears below in a list called 'Your
preferences', you keep looping until all of your preferences are made.
Does this make sense?
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Feb 2, 2003
collecting players name and it will make a rank/tables by itself.Theres a link for each players of course but i dont remember ALL of them :P.its like manipulating the stats and compile a rank.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am looking for a JavaScript poll/survey script that meets the following
1) Just a large number of Yes/No questions (at least 20)
2) "Repeat vote-proof"
3) "Display Results" button after survey
4) Results show shortened version of survey question with Y/N tally
If anyone could point me to a reliable script, this would be appreciated.
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Oct 8, 2009
I'm not to good at javascript. I know VB.net, but I have not learned javascript yet. I am working on a project to get a survey to pop up for new visitors on the index page of our site.
What I need to do: On load look for a cookie, if that cookie is not found run a script telling the site to pull up another page in lightview [URL] using its own "on load" command. If the cookie is there the site will not open this other page.
What I've done: I already found a way to do most of this, but I can only use a hyper link as a trigger for the site to load the other page in lightview.
Here is a link of what I have so far: [URL]
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May 27, 2011
Ive seen a couple plugins on how to use a 5 star rank system, Most seem prettyunderstandable.
However my problem is i want to find a way to sort the ranked content by most votes, But cant seem to find a plugin for that. Anyways, Can you link a 5 star rank system along with a rating plugin that goes along with it.
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Apr 18, 2010
how to go about populating empty fields from a drop down list of different options. Eg. A user selects from a HUGE choice from the drop down list, and this fills their preferences 1-4. If 1 is full, then it populates 2 if another choice is clicked, and so on.
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Jul 14, 2009
Notice: This is a discussion thread for comments about the SitePoint article, How To Store Adobe AIR Application Preferences Using JavaScript.
Great article. Just one question - why did you choose xml and not sqlite database? Don't you think using a sqlite database is a more stable way of storing the preferences?
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm having a few problems with this script:
- the third text input in the form is requesting for the user's favorite color. I need it to validate the data to either be a defined color or a hexadecimal value and then turn the background into that color upon submission. However, it's not validating correctly... When a correct value is entered it works fine, it's the error message for an invalid entry that's not appearing.
- I need to save all of the user's input into a cookie which will automatically load their preferences the next time they visit the site(time of day message, first & last name and bg color).
Here's what I have so far:
<script language="javascript">
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Feb 3, 2009
OK, if you load this up into your browser, you can see I have two lines of text that show/hide themselves by clicking on the other line. I know how to set the cookie name and the two different values ("show_hide_cookie=line1", "show_hide_cookie=line2") and I can see that they are there when I view my browser's cookies. But I've spent hours trying to figure out the javascript code to get it to read the cookie and remember the preferences. Right now of course, if you click on the first line and then refresh your browser, it resets the second line back to the first line.
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Mar 13, 2010
I read about window object and specifically about creating popup windows. The code below produces a popup window when a link is clicked:
Code JavaScript:
var Survey =
init: function()
var surveyLink = document.getElementById("survey");
Core.addEventListener(surveyLink, "click", Survey.clickListener);
I would like to add a "Close Window" button on survey.html page and when that button is clicked, the window would close. How do I do that? I know that I should use (reference to popup window).close(), but how and where do I attach even listener to that button?
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