I am building a website and the client wants a counter that starts at 0 on January 1st and ends at 10,900,000 on December 31st. I have basically no experience with writing javascript, only plugging in tutorials I find online
I have a certain file in my webpage that my readers can download I want to know howmany times this file has been downlaoded
Googling for Download counters did not help so i thought may be..may be.. if i could get the number of times the particular link has been clicked (i know this is crude)..then i can arbitarily say.. that it has been approximately been downloaded so many times..
Im working on a real basic image viewer and im finally making some headway on this project. It works if I click search but not if i hit enter... heres my code:
I was wondering how people are able to create ajax applications like star ratings scripts without having bots hit the scripts. I have a star rating script on my site which was getting hit by bots. After I put in rel="nofollow" into the link part that cut down on the nice bots but I just started getting hit by some bots again.
I have had a good amount of experience dealing with bots in the past with them sumitting my forms that were open to all visitors. After I created a "What is 1+1" hack as a check on the forms then the problem was solved. But I like my ajax scripts to conform to the ajax philosophy of keeping everything as quick and simple as can be so having confirmation on a star-rating script would be kind of weird. When you look at sites like bash.org with their + and - voting, Craigslist with their flagging, or the tons of sites that now use ajax star-rating scripts I am wondering how they are able to keep bots from contaminating the input? The only thing I can think of is that they ban them totally but this seems like it would be hard.
I should mention that I know about the various ways to deal with bots:
1. site wide - IP banning & robots.txt
2. page specific - meta tags
3. link specific - rel="nofollow"
But the problems are: 1. Site-wide: It would be a pain to constantly ban all non-good bots. Or I am wrong about this?
2. Page specific: For a site that has a couple hundred static PHP pages it would be hard to manage the creation and editing of meta tags.
3. Link specific: This doesn't keep bad bots, and sometimes good bots, from not following the link. (Some people even say the good bots still hit the link but just give it no PageRank, but it doesn't really matter)
I have a form that I built, and I replaced the submit button with an image.When you click the image, it calls the .submit() jQuery function and submits the form.Because I am not using the normal submit input button, hitting enter in most browsers won't submit the form.I think that users are used to this happening, so I would like to replicate this.Can I trigger the .submit() function when the enter button is hit?
I am having trouble with figuring a way to set my loop up to reset values of the different coin values. Example, when I put in 78, and click calculate, it tells you how much of each coin would be given back. My problem is that I set it up and run it, but when I put different values in back to back to calculate, some of the fields don't reset.
var change_out = function(){ do { var money = document.getElementById("cents").value;
I'm trying to create an internal web app to work with Opera Mobile (in this case I am able to restrict the user base to just one browser, so not too worried about other cross browser issues). I need to be able to capture when the user hits the Enter key in a form field. I was intending just to use the standard Javascript event.keycode/which == 13 method. The issue I am having is that hitting the Enter key doesn't seem to trigger as a keypress, keydown, keyup event.My guess is it has something to do with the keypad that automatically pops up. I'm happy for any work around here, whether it is able to be done in Opera Mobile settings or by doing something different/firing a different event in Javascript.Example code:
I have Validation working across a form (I fire it several times before Submit to check sections of the form), and a tinyMCE editor working in 1 textarea.I want to move the contents of the tinyMCE iframe into the textarea before (that's the key here - before) the Submit button is pressed so that the contents can be validated in the section before Submit. I've used tinyMCE.triggerSave(); in several ways to move contents and then fire Validation before Submit. None work. I am beginning to believe that tinyMCE contents cannot be moved by any Javascript other than Submit, but I don't see that stated anywhere. In tinyMCE, I've tried onchange_callback: and handle_node_ change_callback: to fire functions with triggerSave and other saving commands. I can get the contents of tinyMCE to validate when I press Submit twice (others have noted this peculiarity), but not in any other way. Also, when errors are corrected in tinyMCE, Validation does not revalidate until Submit is pressed.
2 questions - how to move tinyMCE contents into the textarea without hitting Submit? Does CKEditor allow updates other than via Submit, and if so, where's a tutorial or example? Here's an example of code that is supposed to be triggered by tinyMCE's onchange_callback, but only triggers upon the second click on Submit.
function tinyMCESetValue(inst) { var content = tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent();[code].....
I am a graphic designer who has been stuck with creating a voting system for my son's school newspaper website.
Here is what I have so far: [url]
You will see that it is a 1-10 voting system where the user drags the choices into the order of his preference then hits submit. It is working on on a functional level, but I have no idea how to make it work on the backend. I need to somehow accomplish the following:
1. Either get rid of the numbers on the left or somehow stop them from all becoming "1" when dragged.
2. Upon hitting "submit" the votes should be added to a database. I can create a database but I have no idea how to get these numbers into it.
3. The 10 choices will change each week for at least 13 weeks so the database needs to adapt to this.
Here is a zip file with all of the files used on the voting page: [url]
I'm using Firefox 3.5.5 on Vista 32 Home Premium SP2 and only recently noticed that (javascript/jquery being enabled) link focus is lost when you tab through a page, follow the link to another page and then hit the backspace key to come back. Tab navigation continues at top of page, not with the next link after the one in focus before.
No problems in this respect with IE8 and Opera. As soon as you disable javascript with noscript, the problem disappears and link focus stays, so that tabbing brings on the next link instead of starting on top of page again.
Just confirmed it on jquery/com (following navigation link to Plugins and hitting backspace) and on learningjquery/com (navigation links). A Google search didn't yield any answers nor even any similar reports on this particular problem.
It's even more irksome in my particular case, since I have just implemented a stylesheet switcher in order to enhance certain accessibility aspects, but ironically this particular bug leads to a loss of accessibility.
Does anybody know what might be the reason (version 1.3.2.min related?, cookies related?, etc.) for this and how to solve it?
is there any hit counter that I can use on my website, I don't want to use one of those freebie trackers. its uploaded to a remote host (ie: I'm not running a server).
is there any way of telling: Date Time Browser OS Resolution Country Host Name/Web Page/Referring Link
I was checking "shortstat" - but thats for people running a server, right?
Is there a way to delay a call to a page counter (ie. call to a server script from an IMG tag) for the purpose to not lock the page loading awaiting counter be displayed.
Maybe a setTimeout() launching an equivalent of "document.write", but writing in a specific DIV ? Thanks in advance for your ideas.
Actually, the counter is called (without delay) like this :
ive recieved a counter that ads up a fixed value per second starting from 01-01-03.
This java script acts perfectly on MSwindow based system but when shown on an UNiX-like system the script presents a negative value resp. adding up or down. How can i correct this?
Suppose I have a page with a set of hyperlinks on it. Each time a hyperlink is clicked a new window is opened. What i basically want is the following : I want a counter at the client side which increments each time the user clicks one of those links. At the bottom of the page I'll put a button which should be used to send the value of the counter away.
The problem is I only know server side scripting and have no idea on how to implement such a counter on the client side. I even wonder if it's possible to detect when a link is clicked. The links may be buttons if that would make it easier, it's just that i don't want to reload the page each time a link is clicked but only at the end when the button at the bottom would be clicked.
I have what seems to be a robust, working word counter script. I post it here to benefit others that might want this in the future and so that if I ever lose my copy I can come back here to find it :) Some other scripts that I used for inspiration failed when confronted with whitespace before the string or miscalculated when encountering linefeeds and other non-space spaces, so I made mine better. Definition of words for this exercise is contiguous groups of characters separated by whitespace. Code:
i need a 5 second counter to start when the page loads. basically the usage is I want people to click a link, and if the page has been loaded for more than 5 seconds, do thisFunction().. if not, do nothing.
so basically
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload --> start the counter // when the counter hits 5 seconds, set var done = true;
function thisFunction() { if (done = true) { proceed with function) else {do nothing} } </script>
I am looking for a counter that starts at 0 when the page is loaded and counts in increments of a certain number, for example "100" every second. So it would display 100, then 200, then 300, etc.
i have a little problem with the follwoing JS, when i count characters for Input type text the reult is ok but when i am using textArea it says 'NAN' here is my code,
--------------------------------------- <script language = "Javascript">
function taLimit() { var taObj=event.srcElement; if (taObj.value.length==taObj.maxLength*1) return false; }
function taCount( taObj ) { var lbObj=document.getElementById("myC"); if (taObj.value.length>(taObj.maxLength*1)) { taObj.value=taObj.value.substring(0,(taObj.maxLength*1)) }; var count; count = taObj.maxLength-taObj.value.length; lbObj.innerHTML=parseInt(count);