<!--// Parameter list as follows:
Image File
Title of Image
Width of Image
Height of Image
Window Position X coordinate
Window Position Y coordinate
If you want to use this download the attached text file instead of copying and pasting from the screen here. The forum keeps putting spaces in the coding when copying and pasting causing the script to have an error.
I've got the following simple image viewer code which works fine on Safari and IE, but doesn't quite work on Firefox. On Firefox, it shows just the first image, but doesn't change images when I click on the prev and next buttons.
<script type="text/javascript" <br /> function changeImage() {
Im after a "lightbox style" image viewer that I can put on my site. However, I dont want the popup functionality, I just want the ability to show an image, and when I hover over than image, see buttons for next previous image.
Is there an existing script that can do this? I dont want to go down the flash route with this.
I haven't used jQuery before (don't know JS either), but am building a site with a slideshow image viewer "Cross slide" [URL] and it seems simple enough for a newbie.
I have the files for the plugin, jquery.min.js. and jquery.cross-slide.min.js inside my root folder. I think i'm doing everything right but am getting error messages in the FF error console:
Error: jQuery is not defined (this is associated with the closing bracket and parentheses in blue below) Error: $ is not defined
Also, about my images: Is the script currently written to know to look in my "images" folder for them or do I need to change something? i.e. { src: 'images/home_image1.jpg' },
have 4 tabs which are loaded via AJAX, 3 of them from external html files. Within these tabs I have a number of images in a gallery.When the page is loaded initially, the Fancybox works fine, but when I click on another tab, ie pull in external content, and click on an image it loads in another window.Seems like the new content pulled isnt hooked up to the Fancybox trigger..in right direction.The code is detailed below, I need some kind of call on the AJAX to trigger FB???
[code] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
I want to create a interactive map viewer likeGooglemaps using my own custom map image. On clicking a location on the map, a small popup displayed showing some data. I aslo want a zooming and panning functionality. note that i am using aLinuxserver. The application must not use flash.
$(".photo img").click(function(){ var title = $(this).attr("title"); $("#display").attr({src:"photo/"+title+".jpg"});}); $("#display").css({"marginTop":"-233px"});
When the page first loads, something goes wrong and your first attempt at viewing any thumbnail always comes up with a blank missing image - but from that point onwards, any subsequent attempts work as intended.
have this Multiple Image Viewer very similar, -in fact almost identical- to the one in the main page of economist.com It uses the following code and its woriking nice,
Code: function switch_product_img(divname, divnumber, divtotal) {for (var i=1; i<=divtotal; i++) { var showDivName = divname + '_' + i;
I was wondering how you'd make a multiple image viewer under the "mii pic" and "available times". What I'm aiming for is different from the examples I've seen of this. [Here is the actual website. Is there any way of doing this?
I am looking for a Javascript program which will display a thumbnail view of all the images in a particular folder.
If the user clicks on one of the thumbnail images then a larger view of the image will be displayed.
I am presently using a forward/backward type of viewer. The code I am using requires all the image file names to be named with an ascending number as part of the file name. For example ; img001.jpg img002.jpg img003.jpg etc. etc.
This scheme requires renaming all of the original file names, too much work if you have lots of images and in addition it does not display thumbnails. Can anyone point me to a better piece of Javascript code.
The Javascript code I am looking for should accept a folder name and should not require renaming all the original images.
In this viewer, I need to have the focus go back to the main page after a selection is made. Otherwise, the user may scroll his mousewheel and change the selection. I forget just how.
<body> <select id="viewer" onchange="song()" size="1"> <option value="none">::::::::::::: Choose Your Video Here :::::::::::::</option> <option value="x/wmv">Video 1</option> <option value="y.wmv">Video 2</option> <option value="z.wmv">Video 3</option> </select> </body>
I'm looking around for an AJAX type control that can take image versions of documents and display and manipulate them within a page and preferably degrade gracefully when Javascript is switched off. The sort of thing I'm looking for is similar to the flashpaper viewer, except not in flash.
I was wondering if anyone has figured out a near-perfect way to check if the client has all the elements fully loaded? Not talking about all the css and text loading and the event triggers while the client is viewing images load: I mean the event auto-triggers after all the images are fully loaded, along with the css, text content, etc.
(P.S. Not talking about AJAX. Literally when somebody visits a page itself, the elements all completely load first, then the event fires.)
My client currently has a Flash book reader on his site that provides a UI for reading a book.Each page of the book is a GIF, and there are hundreds of books available.Now, my client would like to change this reader, and I've convinced him to let me rebuild the reader in jQuery.The hiccup is that, for copyright reasons, the images of the pages in the book must not be downloadable or accessible in the source code.(In other words, there shouldn't be a way to steal the book other than taking a screenshot of every page.)I want the reader to be powered by jQuery, it is, by definition, in-browser.
I've added a popup window to my discussion board's index page. The popup window contains an image. When i click on the image link to the popup, all I get is my discussion board's index page. I can't figure out where to place the image code so that the image appears....
I setup the image popup ( http://www.sitepoint.com/article/res...it-images-size) on our portfolio:www.visualdevelopments.com/portfolio but the large image I want to display the whole thing. Can I set this somehow to add scrollbars so the user can see the entire image if the image is larger then their screen size?
Have some thumbnails that when clicked, pops up the full-sized image.
The thing is this: Each image will be a different size. I want the pop-up window to have the dimension of each full size image with no padding, etc... So what's the best solution to this in javascript?
I need to make a image open a popup window, I know how to do it like this:
function load2() { var load = window.open('pictures','','scrollbars=no,menubar=no,height=800,width=840,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,lo cation=no,status=no'); }
then on the link just have it go to javascript:load2()
But I have a ton of different links and don't want a bunch of code in the beginning of my pages. Is there a way to make the first part just the dimensions of the new window but then when I actually make the link, I could put where I want it to link to? Like javascript:load2(pictures).
I am trying to add the functionality of having a mouseover popup image with multiple different popup images. I have found the code seen below and altered it for my uses and was hoping to find out if someone can tell me why I am seeing the same image with each mouseover.
<script type="text/javascript"> function ShowPopup(hoveritem) {
I have a sitelock.com image on my website that when clicked on, shows info that my site is verfifed through them. However, when clicking on the image it opens up in a whole new window.Pathetic sitelock.com will offer no support in getting this in a popup window.I need some help please in getting this to open in a popup window that I can resize to any size I want and to only have the address bar showing up top, no toolbars or anything else.My website is in joomla and I have a plugin called 'sourcerer' that will allow me to insert code anywhere i want.Here is the code that sitelock.com gave me: