Population Clock - User To Be Able To Choose Future Years Up To 2020
Dec 9, 2010
I want to code a world population clock similar to the one here [URL] but simpler: I want the user to be able to choose future years up to 2020 (just years, not months/days), and have the population grow by 1 percent each year. So far I have a code for the world population, but I have no clue where to begin in terms of making a list of the years with the option to increase the population.
I am trying to create a drop down menu for dates that starts with today's date, but allows people to choose 50 years into the past and 10 years into the future.I am also having a problem with the month. I wanted it to show the name of the month, but I am getting a number (and a wrong one at that).
I'm looking for some Javascript that displays the current year and the next 10 years afterwards as options in a select menu, and that auto updates as the years pass.
I'm trying to write a shopping basket in ASP and I need to force the user to choose one or more "Option" radio button(s) before allowing the form to submit.
I want the user to HAVE to choose a colour and size from the above options before the form will submit or else they will get a Javascript popup message asking them to make a choice. (There may also be more/less options so it needs to be dynamic)
I know ASP inside out but very little knowledge of Javascript so once i have the basics of how to do it I can make the code dynamic. There will be a maximum of 5 "Options" for a product and a maximum of 6 choices for each Option.
I want to make a switch statement that will display something different depending on the time of day. Once I saw something like getTime (?), but it relied on the user's clock. I know that you would expect me to at least research getTime so that I'm asking about something more specific, but I don't think it's what I need because I want mine to give the same result regardless of the viewer's time zone or how off thier clock is.
I got the functions i must use for a clock on a js file..i have to set up the variables for it on another js file though but those are easy enough.the question is...how do i make a Menu that the user can alter the display of the clock? eg: insted of 21:30 -->09:30 pm and so on...this thing s been buggin me for days now.
I am trying to populate a drop down list in an HTML form that pulls it's data from a datbase. Basically, the users can manage the values via a differnt interface, but the web page will present what ever values are in a given list. I can make the list from the database as a set of value pairs, but I can't figure out how to take that list and "import it" into an HTML page. I didn't post any code since nothing comes close to working. If I have this list:
I am using JQuery Mobile . I have populated Select box with dynamic data, The UI shows just one item populated, rest does not get rendered , here's code. The option loop iterates 5 times but the select box just show one item when renderd. Is it Jquery mobile the select box cannot be populated dynamically?
var options =''; $("#select-choice-1").empty().append(function() { $.each(data.maps,function(key, value){ options += '<option value="' + i + '">' + value + '</option>';
I thought this would have been fairly simple but it appears the onchange event isn't triggered when a hidden field is populated by other javascript without user input.
I have a simple search box and autocomplete/suggestion ajax thingie going on.
What I want to do is have my "Go" submit button disbled until AFTER a user has populated the hidden field "cid". A user populates this field automatically when they click on a suggested option from the ajax autocomplete doofer.
Here's what I've tried at the moment but failed on.
Not sure if this should have went into the php or javascript forum. I am trying to setup a script that will automatically population a html selection option based on the choice of the previous selection. If hard code everything it will work fine example manufacturer is currently being populated dynamically when the pages loads. The issue is I am can't pass pass the manufacturer variable through to be processed to only retrieve the models for that manufacturer. The code also uses a standard ajax script which httprequest in it.
I have to code something where the input would be the age (in years) and the output would be the age (in days). I'm not sure what I did wrong, but it's not working,
I'm trying to get a pair of drop down menus to appear on the screen, one containing months, and one containing years. I know the one containing years works, since it hasn't been changed at all since it was working, but the month box used to be a textbox. I tried to convert it over to drop down box using the same code as the year box, but it hasn't seemed to work.
<script language="Javascript"> var m1 = January; var m2 = February; var m3 = March; var m4 = April; var m5 = May; var m6 = June; var m7 = July; var m8 = August; var m9 = September; var m10 = October; var m11 = November; var m12 = December; .....
document.write('<select name="selYear">'); for (var x=0; x <= 10; x++ ) { if(x != 5){ document.write('<option value="' + x + '">' + yearArray[x] + '</option>'); }else{ document.write('<option value="' + x + '" selected>' + yearArray[x] + '</option>'); }} document.write('</select>'); </SCRIPT>
I'm really sorry to post this as I know it must have been asked countless times before, but I can't find an answer anywhere.
Does anyone have a snippet of JavaScript code I could borrow which calculated the difference in years and days between two dates, and takes leap years into account?
I'm calculating the difference in the usual way, i.e....
var difference = dateTo.getTime() - dateFrom.getTime();
....and converting this millisecond value into days by using...
var daysDifference = (difference/1000/60/60/24);
But how do I then display the difference in days AND years? I've tried the following:
var yearsDifference = Math.floor(daysDifference/365.25); var daysLeft = Math.floor(daysDifference-(yearsDifference*365.25));
....but it gives me inaccuracies. For example, if I use my code to calculate the difference between 05/01/1998 and 05/01/2000 it returns 1 year and 364 days!
I am having some trouble with my code in that I am trying to take the value from the date of birth field and check to see if over 18 years old. I they are not over 18, a window.alert dialog box pops up to tell them. Below is the check if 18 validation.
Script section in the document head:
//check if over 18 function overAge(){ var age;
Code for body section:
Date of Birth: <br/> <input type = "text" name = "date" value = "(mm/dd/yyyy)"/>
I am trying to generate an ajax form based on a database value of max and min years. At present i have the following.
What I am struggling with is the logic to say if minyears is more than 1 (string in option needs to say years), then add in every year between min and max as additional options. My brain has been melting with this for a few days now
I am using javascript that displays the date, I have it set so that if it is today it will show the date 1 days later ( example today is 08/14/06 the script writes out 08/15/06. I need the script to exclude weekends. So if today is Saturday 08/12/06 I need it to skip Sunday and Monday and write out 08/15/06 currently is writes out 08/13/06. I also want it to say that if it is monday thru Thursday and before 12pm then show write out one day in advanced but if it later than 12pm write out 2 days in advanced,
I am trying to make a script that prints a date in the format Sunday 14th January 2007. Where the date that is displayed is the next sunday 3 weeks from now. For example today is 7th January. The script would print Sunday 28th January 2007. It would read that all of this week until next sunday when it would change to Sunday 4th February.
The ECMAScript Technical Committee is now working on the fourth edition, the first implementation of which is JScript.NET. It includes a compiler, allowing you to create standalone JScript executables.
The fourth edition of ECMAScript will provide new features like typed variables, and classes. More information can be found at:
I am a librarian and am looking for a way to get javascript to display a simple future date for books we need to pull off our shelf. The date needs to be 6 days into the future. I want the date to display as either a hyphenated number:ie. 8-13 (for August 13th)I've tried this a number of ways, but I am just not getting the simple date format that I want. I need the script to automatically account for number of days in the month, etc. and adjust accordingly. For instance, if it was July 31st, I would want the script to display Aug. 6 or 8-6.
I am not well-versed when it comes to javascript (read ignorant), but I posted below what I have managed to cobble together after searching online and playing with the ww3 school's "TryitEditor".
I have a problem checking that a date is in the past or future.Everything seems fine but the alert always comes back saying the date is in the past.
function OpenTimesheet(TSdate) { var SelectedDate = new Date(TSdate)
TSdate is in yyyy/mm/dd format and looks fine, in both alerts the dates are written correctly, it just always says they are a 'BEFORE' date regardless.
I have a form where I have to calculate a future date (end date) from two fields. First the start date and then the number of months. So if the start date is 1/1/2011 and the months given is 12 then the end date should return as 12/31/2011. I can't figure out why it's not returnign a value.