Pop-state HTML 5 Event Being Fired Multiple Times
May 28, 2011
I am using the following code to load a part of page dynamically using jquery [code]...
The loading part and even changing the browser URL is working. but why is the Pop-state function being fired multiple times?
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Jun 19, 2009
I have several onChange events tied to some html tags. I will like to know which ID fires an event.
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Feb 1, 2010
I am using JQuery 1.4.1. I have HTML input elements which created dynamically. I have assigned "focusin" event all input elements. While loading page, it is triggers only once while focusing each input element. When I minimize and maximize the page, focus event is fired multiple times. Finally it show "Stack overflow at line 0".
$('input').live("focusin",function(objectRef) {
alert("focusin event");
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Dec 5, 2010
I cannot call a function more than one time in my page, the function is:
function seeBig(_this) {
what problem I am facing is, if I want to build another table as the same as the one above, the function will not work. I know I might need give the function an ID
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Jan 20, 2011
We know that multiple calls to $(document).ready(); in the same page is possible.
I have a situation where another team implemented a $('#element').live('click', function() { /* Do this */} ); call on #element. I cannot modify this code, but I need to take an additional action on the same element on the same event. So, two actions will occur when #element is clicked.
I tried making $('#element').live('click', function() { /* Do that */} ); but this call does not fire.
It needs to be .live() since #element is being dynamically added.
Is there any way to add more actions to the same event on #element?
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Oct 20, 2009
Is it possible to capture the control.event or element.event that was fired to invoke the onbeforeunload event.
For example, if a button is clicked and it causes the onbeforeunload event to fire can i determine which button was clicked.
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Nov 12, 2010
build that js for a drupal module. The function "Drupal.open_upload_modal" is called on every click (alerts), but why is the click event only working once after page load?
<a href="#upload" onclick="Drupal.open_upload_modal();" title="upload">SAVE</a>
// $Id: automodal_upload.js,v 2009/12/28 02:21:20 Exp $
(function ($) {
Drupal.open_upload_modal = function(){
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Apr 14, 2011
I have a question about event handling in javascript.Let's say I have 3 divs, directly in the body of an html document.
<div id="div1black"></div>[code].......
Each of those div's is positioned differently using css, as displayed in the image below: Each div has an event listener for the click event.In the image above I marked a point. If the user would click on that point, are all 3 event listeners supposed to fire? As I understood it, there's a capture and a bubbling phase, but these only go down through and up from the ancestors of the target right? And none of the div's are ancestors of eachother, they just happened to overlap because of the css position.
How would I let all registered eventsHandlers be fired whenever a user clicks on overlapping HTML elements? (so the eventHandlers for each of the 3 div's should be fired).
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a text field. when i set data into the text field from other javascript function then the onChange event does not fired of the text field. is there any other way to check the text changed of the text field? My text field is readonly. and date are set here from datepicker.
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Nov 15, 2010
I'm writing an XML generating app here, and i have come across an interesting problem. When i click on any part of the body of the document, the function addRow() is being triggered. This is odd, because the only event handler that should ever fire this is a Button that much be clicked, and it is also triggered once when the document is Loaded.
The biggest question is, ...why when i click anywhere on the document, is this even being triggered.
Here's my code (sorry it's a bit long..but copy and paste and you should be able to replicate what i'm getting)
Some notes:
1. removing the script tabber.js does not change this error. It still happens
2. removing the onLoad= in the body, and manually adding in the first table cell, and row of the table seems to fix this, however, i need to eventually load a list of table cells from a CSV file. So that workaround won't be sufficient
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May 24, 2009
I have a textarea and a DIV as code below. The way it supposes to work is when I focus on the textarea by clicking it, the DIV will show. Otherwise, it will be hidden. Then when I click the DIV, there will be an alert(). However, right now if I click on the DIV, it will trigger the blur() event first which calls to hide() the DIV. After that, the click event is not called at all. I need to be able to click on the DIV and the DIV is not hide() at all and show alert().
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Apr 27, 2009
In jQuery, how to select a parent element to a child if I attached a click event on the parent but also want a click event on a child within.
Let's say I have a the following code :
HTML Code:
There may be several of those classes in the page. I then use jQuery to replace the inner HTML to the clickclass div when clicked on with some other code and a input button (with an ID of, let's say 'save_button').
This works fine for that part:
HTML Code:
I then want to have the button clickable so that I can replace again the HTML in the div (like a save button). But if I try a separate event listener on the input button, it also fires the parent event. Even if I return false on the child event or use event.stopImmediatePropagation() in the .click child function.
I've managed to almost get it with the following code :
HTML Code:
If the event is triggerd form 'clickclass', then replace with HTML + input button
The problem is that whenever I try using .parent() with jQuery, it always tells me that parent() is not a function. I've tried various other ways of getting the parent object (the clickclass div) but can't get it to work.
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May 25, 2006
This is my first post to this forum. When a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one popup window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux firefox and mozilla browsers. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in window.open() method to open a popup window once. s there any known issue regarding this case?. Need a workaround to fix this issue.
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May 24, 2006
hen a button in parent window is clicked multiple times, more than one child window is opened. This problem is occurring in linux. In windows the code is working fine. Is there any option in window.open() method to open a child window once.
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a page with a form, that represent questions and the corresponding answers.I defined the minimum questions, answers, and their maximum.So I added a link in the form to add question (along with the minimum amount of answers), and a link per question to add an answer in it.the "click" event for my links is like:
the code look more like JS, but basically it.adds the html code in the corresponding divs.The problem is the following: if I add a question, it also add a link to add answers to this question, but this link does not fire the event.Did I miss something to add to make it work?I mean the link in html page is exactly the same, I even tried not
changing the part with the int, it still doesn't work.
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Aug 3, 2010
I'm trying to load dynamically some content and I'd like to fire a function when all the newly added content (including images, iframes and scripts in it) are loaded:
var htmlStr='html string including images, iframes and scripts';
alert("all images, scripts and iframes are fully loaded, you can continue");
According tohttp:[url]....(at least how I understand it) this should work: Theloadevent is sent to an element when it and all sub-elements have been completely loaded. This event can be sent to any element associated with a URL,images, scripts, frames, iframes, and the windowobject.Unfortunatelly my function is never called. For the meantime I found a workaround:
var html=$('html string including images, iframes and scripts');
var elements=html.find("img,script,iframe,frame");
var loadCounter = elemets.length;[code]....
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Feb 11, 2010
I have a TD element, with a SPAN element inside. I use td-s onmouseover and onmouseout events for a small animation. My problem is, that, when I move the cursor over the SPAN element, the onmouseout event for TD element is fired. I want to prevent this. With other words, I want onmouseout fired, just when the cursor is moved outside the td area. See the code..
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Jun 27, 2011
Is there a generic way to fire an event when the state/value of a checkbox is changed by another event - i.e. not a user action. In this scenario, I have a set of checkboxes with a "select all" checkbox. I have the code written such that checking or unchecking the "select all" checkbox updates the state of all of the checkboxes below.
The extra requirement here is that some of these checkboxes have "children". So, when you check one of these, its children are automatically checked as well. So, what I need to do is check the main "select all" checkbox, which would then check all of the immediate children, which would then check all of their immediate children. I tried both an onchange and onclick event, but neither seem to be firing.
<script src="/scripts/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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Apr 15, 2009
I'm currently working on a browser based 2d multiplayer rpg using PHP and ajax. As the number of beta testers has increased, I have found that there is a significant amount of lag involved in changing maps (maps are 480x480px ea consisting of multiple images. What I would *like* to do, ideally, is only load each image once. So the first time I encounter "grass1.png", for example, it is loaded into div id "grass1", and never needs to be loaded again. My question is this, is it possible, to do the above, and then call div id "grass1" for each instance of the image?
This way, I could store all images encountered thus far. When the player left a map, all images would be positioned off-screen, and moved into the field of view as needed. I am already doing this, but there is a div for each unique object. (meaning there could be 10+ divs for the same image, for just one single map!). This would be much more efficient if I were able to call and store just one div per image, and just display it multiple times in multiple places.
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May 20, 2011
I made a sort of typewriter script that shows every next character of a text in a particular DIV, each milisecond. (testing in IE, not tested in other browsers yet)
Now, after the function has run, I cannot run it again. It stops all completely.
I have put some variable in it to see it's running or not. But that doesn't help it anyway.
Has this something to do with event bubbling or something else?
Code JavaScript:
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
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Jul 21, 2011
We have a webpage setup to alpha page individual people with pagers at work. It is a simple form that submits to a php file on the pager server. I am working on creating a script that submits a alpha-page to everyone at once. There are about 120 different ppl in the company, I want the script to submit the form once for each persons pager. I'm new to javascript but have alittle programming understanding.
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Nov 10, 2007
I got a very good select script that produces multiple values and it works fine by itself but I have two other instances of the same script on the same page. I know that multiple scripts don't work on the same page unless you execute the onChange for all three. But I dont have a clue how to do that. Code:
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Jul 23, 2009
I must be having a brain cramp, but I having a problem that is so very simple ... but can get my head around it.
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm currently working on my first ever javascript and have run into an issue.
<script language="JavaScript">
img_width = 0;
img_height = 10;
timer = null;
function imageGrow(bar_len) {
growImg = document.getElementById('imageResize').style
growImg.width= img_width;
if(img_width != bar_len) {
img_width += 10;
timer = setTimeout('imageGrow()', 20);
} else {
<img onLoad="imageGrow(100);" src="img/graph.jpg" border="0" width="1" height="10" id="imageResize" align="center"><br />
<img onLoad="imageGrow(50);" src="img/graph.jpg" border="0" width="1" height="10" id="imageResize" align="center"><br />
I have 2 issues. First, the second image does not call the javascript and I assume this is because both images have the same ID? Can I associate code to 2 elements? Is it even possible to call the function multiple times in the way I'm trying to? Second, as the script is written above, the image never stops growing even when it reaches '100' as specified in the script. If I change 'if(img_width != bar_len)' to if(img_width != 100) it does stop growning when it reaches 100. I am unsure why, as bar_len = 100 when I call the function! I don't know if it makes any difference, but the HTML in my final code will be dynamically generated with ASP.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a javascript that displays couple of buttons, which are
directional (e.g., click button it goes to a particular page). I need
to have these buttons shows up multiple times in same page, each
represent a different direction but buttons themself are from the same
gif file. What's the most effecient way to do this?
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Oct 18, 2011
I have a problem when I use the .live() function that I can't figure out. It's something I've run across several times and it keeps confusing me.
My jQuery:
jQuery('#content div.portfolio').live({
mouseover: function(){
My problem is: when the mouse enters and leaves the image the image fades in and out for up to four times. The first mouseenter is just fadeout, fadein, fadeout. why is the event being triggered multiple times and more importantly what can I do to prevent this behavior?
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