Passing Values Of Variables Between Functions Not Working ?
Aug 12, 2010
I'm trying to trap a user entry that cannot be found in the database. When a code is entered, the page should give a "Code Not Found" message if it is an undefined value.
However, it didn't; and it always shows the "undefined" value to the page instead.
Here's what I actually did:
getting user input:
Finding the code:
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Nov 3, 2010
To formulate the problem simple i have two buttons with the onclick function:
I guess what im asking is how can you set a variable by one onclick function and then use it in any other function?
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Sep 5, 2010
I'm new here, and new to js. Here is my problem: I have written out a code to make an image switch from state 0 to 1 and back to 0 again (an eye blink). The code works fine, but I would like to write the functions with arguments so it could be applied to more images. I have tried for a few hours (and searched forums) and am getting no where. Here's my code.
function home_blinkDown()
//alert('blink down');
var t = setTimeout("home_blinkSwap('home_js', 'images/main/home_blink.png')", 2000);
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Jun 2, 2011
for some time I always found a workaround for this kind of problem. But somwhow, it feels wrong. So I'd like to know, if there's a common way to solve something like this[code]...
I'm defining the function and if the value of 'obj' hasn't until the function really gets called, this can work. But it just feels so wrong do have always global variables just to access them inside of a callback.[code]...
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Dec 19, 2010
Recently I decided to branch out and learn some Javascript on my own. I'm getting the following error: Uncaught ReferenceError: array is not defined
I don't quite understand why I'm getting this error, as I've created the array in the function showPrompt and it seems as though it's being passed around correctly. However, I believe the problem is with generateBoxes, specifically this part here:
onclick=\"getValue(array, i)\"
(line 39)
Removing array from the function parameter seems to make it execute, but beyond that, i'm lost to what is wrong.
Here's the code:
function showPrompt () {
Obtains user input
var array = new Array();
var box = prompt("Please enter number of boxes","1");
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Mar 13, 2006
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function open_win2(var)
{"link.php?variable=var","Page","toolbar=no, location=yes, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, copyhistory=no, width=545, height=600")
</script> .....
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm trying to make a function that will disable elements of a form based on which options are selected.
I have made this work for individual form controls but now i want to make it into a function that could be used on any form control.
Here is the broken function
I've probably just missed something but i really cant see what?
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Jul 27, 2011
I totally understand that in order to learn javascript I need to know how functions work, I understand the basics of passing in parameters and then calling the function with the values to maybe add something together etc I ve read countless articles about functions as well as books etc but I just dont get how they are used and when they should be used etc, the more advanced functions that have maybe 4 parameters and are doing different calculations and returning various values that get fired back into the script just totally confuses me.
What I would like to know is first of all how can I overcome this confusion and also any words of wisdom you may have. I will also add that I have no prior programming experience and have spent the last 2 months frequently hitting my head off a brick wall as I just cant understand javascript.
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Aug 11, 2010
I've been workling seperately with PHP/ MySQL and am now trying to get things together with jQuery which I have so far only used with non-dynamic content. Here is the setting I am trying to achieve:
I have one php file that generates two different contents depending on the setting of a status-variable $ncs. If $nsc=0 the main page is loaded, showing an overview of all available news-articles. If $ncs=1 the content of a specific article is shown fully. The jQuery connected to each case differs. So i would like to pass the varible $ncs over to my jQuery script:
Code JavaScript:
I have checked that $ncs is not NULL on the rendered page. However after being passed to the jQuery script the variable is undefined. I have never connected PHP and jQuery so it is probably a general twist in my idea of how it works. I tried passing different variables and all are undefined in jQuery. What do I have to attend to when passing PHP-variables to jQuery?
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Mar 5, 2009
To sum up this issue, I have a parent page, which holds some values in hidden input fields passed to them from the url. On this page, I have an iframe with a form in it, to which I want to pass values from these hidden fields to be displayed for the user in the iframe form. In IE, it works. To accomplish this, im just simply doing a <body onload="GetInput()">. The GetInput function does the following, but for about 10 fields:
Fnamefield=document.getElementById('firstname').value = parent.document.getElementById('firstname').value; Thats it. Once the page loads, i see my values. In firefox it does not work. I know the hidden fields are getting their values, but thats as far as it makes it. I have tried calling the GetInput function after the form is written out and not in the body tag, which still works for IE, but not FF.
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May 17, 2009
When assigning a value to a variable within a function, does that variables value become available to other functions within the document?
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Dec 13, 2009
I've noticed that if you declare a variable in one function, then call another function, the variables cannot be accessed in that function. Is there any way to get the value of a variable declared in a different function?
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May 2, 2009
i just want to pass two php variables into my JS functions. but it seems its passing one value and another is showing undefine.
HTML Code:
<input text="text" name="friends1" value="" id= "friends1"/><span><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$row['id'];?>" /><a href="javascript:edit(<?php echo $row['id'];?>,friends1);"></span>Edit</a>
i am getting friends value but not getting id's can i pass these two values?
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Jul 5, 2010
I am trying to create a simple class in which i want to sent the id of a div to fade in and fade out...
so that i can dynamically change its color width and height with a basic class.
I read about closures but inside jquery this is referring the div notex....
how to access parent functions variables?
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Nov 26, 2010
I cannot findout how I can write to global variables in a a JQUERY function.
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkusername (username ) {
$.post("[URL]", {
action: 5, username: username },
function(xml) {
result = $("apot", xml).text();
//<-- this variable is not global... why ??
message = $("message", xml).text();
//<-- this variable is not global... why ??
alert(message); //<--here variables are shown ok
//<--here variable is NULL !!
//<--here variable is NULL !!
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Jul 12, 2009
I'm trying to learn more about creating and using JavaScript objects and ran into this situation the other day:
function someObject() {
var size = "large";
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Feb 17, 2006
I am working on a simple Expanding Family Tree.
There are two principal Objects: Person and Family,
and two subsidiary ones: Sibling-sets and multi-Marriage-sets.
When I click on a Family Button, I want to display all the Persons
of a Sibling-set.
Married Siblings will have a Button. Pressing this should display
one or more Marriage-Partners. If these Marriages (Families)
have children, they will have a Family-Button.
You will notice the code for the four objects is fairly repetitious,
but that for the variable-length Sibling and Marriage Arrays,
is what has kept me struggling for days.
Lines S04-S10 and M04-M10 appear to be the problems.
Even though I think addSibling() is constructing Sibling objects,
S06 reads the Argument vector as a single item
S07 tells me the argument-count is 1.
so S09 processes only once, and then..
it interprets argv[s] as a single item,
but assigns the whole array to this.sibA.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Code:
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Jun 10, 2011
Say I have the following code:
And I want this code to print 21.
How should I implement the function Curry?
I tried intuitively:
But it didn't work.
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Mar 21, 2005
For some reason, I am using document.referrer in a PHP script that is called as a JavaScript script. The problem is that I need to pass the value of document.referrer to a PHP variable (in the same file) in order to add it to the database. How can I do that?
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Mar 19, 2011
I have got this piece of code:
I would like to display the number 1 at first and then 2. but this code produces number 2 for both alerts. I was able to achieve what i wanted with "new" constructor when creating functions but this is not a good practice and after all i am passing these functions as an event handlers and it can't be done with "new" keyword because it is throwing error. I think there are some solutions with arrays e.g the x would be an array of numbers, but i don't like it. Am i missing something important?
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to pass a javascript to JSP code but I cannot figure it out.
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Oct 1, 2009
This probably seems pretty trivial to you experts but I just don't know why it doesn't work and would like a nudge in the right direction please.I have a sllide and fade that works great - no problems. I am firing it with a function call from the HTML like so;<a href='#' onClick='sfade('#s1'); return false;>as you see I am passing the div to be faded(and slid) as a variable. Works great. The receiving function is:
var str='';
function sfade(str){
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Jul 16, 2011
I'm creating dynamic buttons and forms for a website and would like the form hidden when it's corresponding button is clicked. However, when I pass button and form name variables to my JavaScript that hides the form, the variables are not being recognised unless I explicitly set them. (e.g 1 and 2 as seen below).
In a nutshell the onlick event doesn't seem to like PHP variables !
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Jul 8, 2009
Don't know if this should be under JS or PHP... I have 2 different pages. On the first one, a table shows a list of items. Each has a button that when clicked opens another window with specific size attributes, hence the onClick event. The 2 PHP variables are computed and different for each item (each line).
Here is the line:
<input onClick="'player_buy.php?send_role=<?=$data['ROLE']?>&send_price=<?=$send_price?>', '_blank', 'status=0,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=no,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=739,height=320, top=0,left=0')" class="button_sale" type="submit" value="> > >" name="submit">
Now of course, on the popup window, the URL will show .../player_buy.php?send_role=XXX&send_price=XXX
But the goal is to avoid that. So my question is: Is there a way to open such a popup window, pass these variables to it but in a way that it would not show in the URL?
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Jul 8, 2009
I have a javascript function that receives the form name, field name and value and I want to be able to spit that data back to the originating form after doing some processing on the data.
The values are making it to the function perfectly, but when I try to return those values to the form, it tells me it's not a function. I know there's some syntax problem, but I'm just not sure where!
function doThis(one,two,three){
var myFormName = one;
var myFormField = two;
var myFormValue = three;
var goHere = myFormName + '.' + myFormField;
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Jun 10, 2011
I want to pass 2 variables from a html page and collecting in another html page using javascript. Say I pass xyz and abc to a page 2.html from 1.html without using cookies. In 1.html page i have many links. each link should be able to pass different variable to 2.html. When some one clicks on a link the variables should be passed to 2.html. I want to know how to collect them and use them.
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