Passing Extra Data Along With Form Submission
Jul 15, 2011
Mootools 1.3 user here. I am just wondering if I can pass extra data along with form values when I use the $('myform').submit(); method.
I am wondering if there's anyway to attach data the same way you do with a Request object (ie: Request.send(data) or do I have to create hidden inputs in my form to pass the values?
The reason is some parts of my form are dynamic. The user can add as many entries as he wants. Those entries are stored in an object that's a module's property ( = {obj, obj, obj}).
I am wondering if I'll have to iterate through the entries and create hidden inputs for each before submitting the form or can I just create a string that I can pass with my Form.submit() statement?
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Feb 25, 2009
Lets say I have the following text field and button code...
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Nov 2, 2009
I need the value of my drop down box options to contain size information rather than price. However I would like to be able to calculate a price for the items based on what size the user selects as well as the quantity. Below is the code I came up with (which doesn't work obviously)What can I do to get this to work for me?
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a form which houses basic inputs, as well as a few multiple select forms.
I need to parse all the 'values' which are in this multiple select form (it
gets manipulated dynamically client side). I wanted to create a function
that loops through all the form elements, and if the type 'select-multiple'
is detected, gather the VALUES of each <option> inside it.
The bit I'm stuck on is then how to reconstruct this into a form submission.
Preferably I wanted the data from the 'select-multiple' element to be
submitted as comma delimited, eg 14,12,512,63,62 which would later be parsed
by PHP.
I was considering reconstructing a query string and submitting that as GET,
but I'd prefer to POST it along with the other data (such as INPUTS etc)
which do not need to be changed.
Can I somehow attach some 'hidden' type data onto the end of the form
submission at this point?
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Apr 5, 2011
I have an application that is used by people on my work network and the general public (not on the work network). We experienced an error where a form is submitted using form.submit(); in javascript, but none of the form data comes across to the application server. The request is executed (the servlet processes the request), but the application server and related code gets no data.
It is like we send, but what we get is just
People using this application on our work network, do not experience this issue.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I think it's related to the network/proxy configs, but thought I would ask in a JavaScript forum to see if someone else has seen something like this.
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Feb 9, 2011
is it posssible to show the client what they have submitted using jquery basicly i have a form with 3 options that they have to select 1 month 2 months 3 months i what the thankyou message to show what witch option they have submitted. my form works as client fills in form data then sends for with sendform.php jquery validates and activates a <div id="sent"> on the same page no refresh with my messsage. 1 Month <---- the option they have chosen is this possible as you can tell quite a noob with jQuery
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Jun 1, 2009
I have email, password and some other fields, and I'm using $.post to send data for Ajax submission.
The problem is that I don't want to submit a particular field. The serializeArray() returns all the fields in the form. So, I tried something like this to prevent the password field being serialized.
This works great but the ajax submission doen't work.
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May 23, 2010
I would like to have a main form (written in PHP) that has a "lookup" button next to a text field. When the user clicks "lookup", it should open a new window that lets them search (child.page1). When they enter a name or DOB into the search form, it submits the form through PHP (via POST), to a results page (child.page2). This displays all persons in the database which have a name or DOB == to the search term(s), with a checkbox next to each match. They click the checkbox (or alternenatively, a link), and return the checkbox value to the main window.
I have everything working right now, except that (child.page2) doesn't recognize the main window. If the data is entered on (child.page1), it works fine. I'm not very familiar with javascript.. is this even possible? I've considered using frames, to keep the parent-child relationship evident to the computer, but figured I'd check to see if there's an easier way.
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Jan 22, 2009
I have a search form with 3 fields. What i'm trying to do is make it to where when a user clicks submit it sends the data from 2 of the fields to 1 hidden field. (don't tell me to change the names and id, I can't) I am looking for any method to make this work. I just can't change the field names.
first two (visible)
keyword = pizza
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Aug 28, 2010
I am using a variation of this script so that on the homepage of my site, a person can enter their phone number and the data from that form is tranfered onto a form on a second page for the rest of their other data as well as autofilling in their phone number data they entered on the first page.
The output for the code is:
areacode = unescape(params["areacode"]);
document.write("areacode = " + areacode + "<br>");
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Mar 29, 2009
Okay, I'm having a really bad day today mentally and can't get my brain to knock this out... *sigh*I've got a simply form with 4 options (radio buttons)Whichever is selected (you can only have 1 choice) is sent to a another html page to report what the data was.2 problems;1) I can't get the information passed to the 2nd page
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
function confirmSubmit()
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Feb 3, 2011
I like the looks of the validation engine plugin, but I can't figure out one thing... For a particular form field, I need to use an Ajax service to validate the data. I have to pass the value of the text input, of course, but I also need to pass a couple of other key=value pairs along with it. In the file with the selectors there's the option to add extraData (like extraData="name=eric") but I need to set these parameters based on some dynamic info.Is there a way to pass extra information to the ajax service?
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Oct 2, 2010
I'm making a page for my daughter's school - or trying to. they are having a silent auction and i'm trying to make a very simple bidding page. where i'm running into problems is passing the bid to a text box (read only) where it can be updated when a new bid is entered.
I would like this to be in the upper part of the page with the listings of the auction items, i just can't wrap my head around how to do this. I've gotten as far as the form for entering the bod and contact info. I have the php code to submit. i still have to get the validation js to make it more secure.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have a "pre-order" opt-in page disguised as a "step 1" in the order process of a clickbank product I'm ready to launch.I'm wanting to pass the user's first name, last name, and email address (built into the optin form) over to the clickbank order page upon submit.Clickbank gives me the data strings you can pass along, but I'm not sure how to properly configure this function or where to place it in my page code.This is the only step I have remaining before I can go live, and it's holding me back.I can provide any code needed for review to assist in getting this wrapped up.
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a working contact form with 3 of the fields requiring validation and they work well. I have added extra fields to the form (StatusClass, Project, CameFrom). These 3 fields return fine but I need to validated them. My problem is that the new fields don't show in the behaviours/validate panel even though they are within the form tag.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
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Apr 12, 2011
I have a simple PHP form and to prevent double data submission, once the user has clicked 'submit', I want to disable the submit button using JavaScript. It was recommended in another thread that one could accomplish this using jQuery and the following code:
Code JavaScript:
$('input[type="submit"]').click( function() { $(this).attr('disabled','disabled'); } );
However, I also read that some browsers don't like having the submit button disabled, and that a more "elegant" way to do things would be:
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Jul 31, 2009
I've been searching for a few hours and haven't been able to find a code snippet to see if this is available. I'm attempting to pass text from my website to another website that has a form setup on it. I'd like to fill in the pertinent data for my users on the page that I load for them. I cannot make any changes to the receiving page as it is run by another company. I've pasted some of the code that is available on the receiving form.
<script type="text/javascript">
var theForm = document.forms['form1'];
if (!theForm) {
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Apr 23, 2009
I'm stuck with this one since my knowledge of javascript is very low, PHP I'm ok with but this is a new language to me. Anyway, I have a form (a table-less one) which I would like to have the ability to add extra file fields if needed. One is already placed but I would like the user to have the option to add more photos. Here's my html:
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Aug 19, 2010
I'm having troubles with an existing J2EE application (which uses Dojo) and in which I'm gradually introducing jQuery. The specific issue is with the malsup Form plugin and the JSON returned from a form submission: the error callback is always called, regardless of what happens on the server side, and the error is always "parsererror". I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and the 2.45 version of the malsup Form plugin.
For example, given the following code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
dataType: 'json',[code]....
the server receives the submission and handles it without errors, then in the browser I always get the same alert from the processAddressEditSubmitError() function, with an "Invalid JSON" message:
pErrorText=Invalid JSON: {"nickname":"trytrez","success":"success"}
However, the JSON looks OK for me (and http:[url]...agrees that it is valid).
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Jan 2, 2010
I am trying to find a way to add an extra piece of hidden text onto the end of the text a user enters into the form field so that when the form is sent the extra text will automatically be added to the end before sending. I have tried cobbling together different scripts using onblur/onclick etc but I just cannot get any to work as I need..
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Feb 11, 2010
I have been trying to write a script that allows a user to click on a button like a plus sign to add an additional field for a phone number when they have more than one phone number to enter. I have created a script that sort of does this. It doubles up what is already there, so, the first time, everything is fine, but after that I get a lot more fields than I want. I am a php programmer and not familiar enough with javascript to get to what I want. My script is included below. What I am doing here is retrieving the html content and then adding it to what is already there. In php I would use an if conditional test to see if the data has been retrieved.
The first time it would retrieve the data into a variable. After that it would not retrieve it. I think I am getting into some scope and sequence issues here. Javascript is a bit different than php in these regards. Also there is a commented line in the code that asks another question about the use of variables that I don't understand. I also tried using appendChild() here to no avail. I couldn't get that to work at all.
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Aug 14, 2001
I'm having a few problems... none are caused by my browser, so they are proving hard to troubleshoot. A user has pointed a couple out to me.
I have this code as part of a script:
(I have inserted hard breaks to make the post look better)
"subForm" targets "confirmation". The user is getting two windows instead of one. One contains the initial window document and the other contains the form action. Also, she says they are both big... the size (of at least one) should be 250x250. She is running AOL 6 and IE 5.5 on the related computer.
Perhaps a timeout would help the 2 window situation? Why are the windows big and not 250x250? If you know what's going on please let me in on it.
This same user has a laptop that runs AOL 4 and IE 4 (she thinks). On that computer the form is submitting to one window, but none of the data is making it to the new window. I am guessing this has to do with the way I have the "form" and "table" tags within the javascript document.write statements. Does anyone know a good web page on this subject? OR What else the problem might be?
Ok, next issue! I am trying to submit a form using Netscape 4.03. When the submit button calls the related function I receive: "subForm is not defined". Here is the line that is throwing the error:
eml =;
The final problem is regarding the same form. When I hit the submit button in N6... nothing happens.
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a good way to use JavaScript to send a form submission, but get
back the response as a string, rather than loading it into a page? I
could write the code to send the submission via XMLHttpRequest, but that
seems hard... especially implementing multipart-encoded form submission
such as required for file upload.
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Jun 14, 2010
I'm working on a project for my company that will be deployed next week. In a nutshell, we have a bunch of touchscreen computers that we are using as kiosks for an internal event. The various screens have been build in XHTML/CSS, with a smidge of javascript for the few points of interactivity that aren't being handled through the HTML.
I just started dabbling in Javascript for this project about a month ago, and I think with enough time, I could probably figure this out. But I'm feeling crunched on time, and I thought someone here might have a simple solution.
So here's where I am. The "boss" doesn't want to use the built in browser alert/prompt boxes, which is fine by me, since I can just skin up some alerts in CSS, and attach JS functionality to them. But I ran into a snag in one of them. On each kiosk, we are placing a transparent DIV in the upper corner that invokes a password prompt. If the password matches the password stored in the JS, the kiosk browser window closes (window.close). If the password doesn't match, the user is informed of such, and remains in "kiosk" mode.
For the password box, I've written in a hidden box in CSS, who's display value is set to visible when someone hits the hidden area in the upper corner. That works fine. The box itself is a <p> that simply prompts the user to enter the password to continue. I have a form with a text field as well as an "ok" button.
Here's where things stop working. If I pre-define the value of "var password" to be the correct password, clicking the OK button works as expected. But if I try to use the user input from the form, I get an error. I'm happy for someone to start me from scratch if the below code isn't workable. Here's what I need:Password prompt box that's skinnable in CSS.Value checked against stored variableIf accepted, window closes.If denied, user is informed and prompt box is returned to hidden state.
One note, before I toss this to you all. If it's easier/better to simply include the error message as part of the FORM, instead of it's own separate box, I'm A-OK with that.
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm using simple form validation, found online, to check certain fields before submitting. The problem is that, although the script detects the error/missing field/wrong syntax and pops up the corresponding alert, after the user presses OK in the alert box the script continues and sends the form - which of course is not valid.
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="textfield" value="Register" onclick="checkitems();">
function checkitems() {
valid = true;
if ( document.registration.Onoma.value == "" ) {
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Jul 23, 2009
user fills in a form (selects files for upload, writes a post, etc.) and submits it - without page reload she gets a response from server (error, unsupported file type, inappropriate language, success, etc.)I imagine first, submit-without-reload, part is done via the property like this: - iframe is either created dynamically with JS createElement or statically. But in any case it should look something like this:
<iframe id="#iframe123456" name="#iframe123456"></iframe>
- form, also created either dynamically or statically:
<form action="process.php" target="#iframe123456">
<!-- inputs of various types -->
As for the response/result part, server dumps its reply into the targeted iframe, so I have three alternatives:- use iframe's onLoad (onReadyStateChange) event: attach a get_data() function to it.- frequently/manually poll iframe for data using setInterval(get_data, milliseconds). - inject some script into the server response that makes iframe itself call get_data() .how I can check if an iframe has data in it.I use the following script to get the iframe's inner document object (excerpt from get_data() fucntion ):
if ( iframe.contentDocument ){
doc = iframe.contentDocument;
}else if( iframe.contentWindow ){
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