Open Microsoft Documents Using Script?
Jul 1, 2010
I have a link that opens .doc files, .docx files, csv files or .xls or .xlsx files. i want silent printing of these files. Only one file opens at a time.
If silent printing is not possible then atleast print dialog box should open up along with the file. i am trying to implement this using javascript.[code]...
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Aug 11, 2009
Is it possible to open anykind of documnets in a browser?
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Jun 16, 2004
I am trying (although not succeeding) to load a page into a div. I have been tring to set the url property of the document i.e. 'div.document.url' but that does not seem to work.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm a greenhorn in SVG and javascripting but I'm learning by doing.
So, here my current problem question :
I have a svg document embedded in another svg document. I whant,
through functions in an external javascript file, manipulate objects
in either the child svg document or the parent document.
How do I get access to elements of the other document ?
Example : I have a document "A" containing X/Y - Axis and included
another svg document "B" with the graphs.
I whant now, as soon as the mouse cursor is over a graph in document
"B" the belonging lable which is located in the parent svg document
"A" to change color or size.
Or I whant the graph in "B" to start blinking as soon as the mouse is
over the lable in "A".
I don't know how cross document borders.
Can anyone give me a short exapmle to get me going?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an html file which contains link to 4 reports ( html files
). Instead of letting the user open one link at a time, and then
printing the report , I want to print all the reports with a single
button click, say on pressing a button "Print All" .
I have found out a way, in which the reports can be printed , but
the print dialog box is coming up each time( eg. for 4 reports it is 4
times, and for n documents it would be n number of times ) ; which I
find very irritating . I would rather prefer a single print dialog box
coming up for n number of reports .
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Dec 4, 2005
I'm having a problem trying to use a single DIV object for a popup menu
when I'm using embedded IFrames. All the IFrames have the same parent
document but I can't make the popup appear inside of each IFrame unless
I appendChild the popup DIV to each individual IFrame document body.
Should I be able to show the popup without having to reparent the popup
object? Are there any tricks to be aware of?
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Jul 20, 2005
I need to know how to call a function in a different document. At the
moment I've tried onFocus but I'm kinda in over my depth. Perhaps if I tell
you what I want to do you can give me the process and I'll go figure out the
My site is divided into two frames, top frame for navigation, bottom frame
for displaying content (called "top" and "main" respectively).
"top" contains 6 images within 6 seperate anchors, that I use as buttons to
switch between sections, the sections being displayed in "main". When the
mouse is over an image, it changes because I use "OnMouseOver", similarly
for "OnMouseOut".
Here is where I get stuck. I want a different image to be displayed as the
relevant button in "top" depending on which main section is loaded into
I was hoping to solve this by using "onLoad=" in each of the main pages for
each section, that will call a function in "top.html" to cycle through the
list of images changing the relevant image depending on the content of
I can see an inherent problem here, I have to make every page (could be
hundreds! - nightmare) call this function.
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Jul 20, 2005
I was wondering if you could cast some light on a confusing subject. is
there a way which you know of that can search through html documents and
extract selected information, and display that in another (main) html
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Jul 23, 2005
Is it possible that the z-index property for an iframe doesn't work
when the SRC attribute is linked to a non html document? (i.e. a pdf
That is what I am experiencing. I have a dropdown menu and an iframe
and I want the menu always to be displayed above any object in the
page. When the iframe is empty or it has an html page within, I can
achieve this by setting the z-index property in the menu(div) higher
than the one in the iframe, but when I try to display a pdf document
in the iframe (what I really want to do), the menu is displayed below
the iframe.
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Jul 23, 2005
I was wondering if it is possible to include a xml structure in your html
document. For example given the below snippet the function "dothis()" will return 0
and "dothat()" will return 1. If I can use xml in html I should be returning 1 for both functions. Code:
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Aug 6, 2010
I am retrieving an XML document like the following:
<div>HTML goes here</div><div>HTML goes here</div>
I was using a statement like this to take the content out of the "contentContainer" element and place it into another element:
This works great in Firefox, but doesn't in IE. I can use the following in IE using the text method, but that doesn't do what I want:
It appears that the html method isn't available with XML. Is there an alternate method I can use to grab a whole chunk of HTML within a portion of my XML document?
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Apr 13, 2010
I have the basic parsing down no problem - I can read in an XML document and use foreach and find combinations to get to the basic elements I want to get to. The problem I'm running into is that I need to do more sophisticated parsing with multiple foreach statements:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').click(function() {
$.get('[URL]', function(data) {
$(data).find('Receipt').each(function() {
var $rec = $(this); .....
I want to loop through all the Receipt elements, find the SaleItem elements, and then display each part of the SaleItem parts.
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Sep 2, 2004
Could anyone tell me how to create a user-object using javascript in a HTMl page and access the same object in another HTML page? Assume that i would like to create the user-object myObj in HTML page1, set some value to its property and then i would use location.href to load HTML page2 in the same window. Is there a way to access the user-object myObj in page2 script and read its property value?
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Sep 1, 2011
import java.util.*;
i have added a code which extracts all the data from a web search page... but i need to split the titles ,urls and snippets.. which parser or package can be used to extract only titles,snippets and urls in a web search page.
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Sep 18, 2011
I have two div blocks of html that lists out documents for an academic year, one of which is initially display:none and the other is block. I have two links that are "2010 - 2011 Documents" and "2011 - 2012 Documents".
I want it to function such that if the 2011-2012 Documents html block is initially displayed and the user clicks on "2010 - 2011 Documents", it will hide the 2011/2012 block and display the 2010/2011 block.
I have an onclick=toggleMe(a,b) parameter on the links (a and b refer to the two blocks' ids.. the first of which is the block to be displayed and the second is the block to be hidden).
My javascript function is as follows:
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Mar 17, 2006
I'm trying to translate an asp application, i have some difficulties with a
particular line :
Set myxml = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
Classical ajax exemples rather use :
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
.... But i'm not sure the ActiveXObject is identical to the original :
Set myxml = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
I'm not an asp expert, can you give me some tips on that question ?
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Mar 27, 2006
I am trying to use AJAX and JSON to do this. I have copied an example of
using HttpRequest Object as the backbone of this from Further, I am enclosing both of
my files here, in full as opposed to mere snippets. This code does what I
wish it to do except:
1. It does not update when getdata.php is rewritten. On non MSIE broswers,
it shows when first invoked, but not subsequently.
2. It fails altogether under MSIE (6.026 SP1 || SP2) -- I never get
xmlhttp.readyState==4 under MSIE.
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Mar 29, 2007
Is it possible to have a pop up window without the Microsoft stuff at the
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Feb 5, 2009
You can use it for your own purposes and change it.SoftXPath library has two methods for loading xml:
1) load("myxmlfile.xml")
2) loadXML("<root><name country='israel'>SoftXML</name><name country='usa'>Microsoft</name></root>")
SoftXPath library has three public properties:
DefaultNameSpace - Use this property when there is namespace in your xml document
if(SoftXPath.LoadedXML) - Use this property to check if xml string was loaded
if(SoftXPath.Loaded) - Use this property to check if xml document was loaded
SoftXPath library has single method for querying xml document using XPath:
selectNodes(xpath expression)
this method returns array of objects including tag name and text content
I have tested this script in IE,FireFox,Mozilla,Opera
// SoftXPath source code
function SoftXpath(){
function completeLoad(){[code]...
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Jul 20, 2005
I get more JS errors than I'd expect, on a wide range of sites. (It's
possible I only know this because the Debug is set on).
I found an error on a Microsoft site, and decided to investigate. I traced
it to this line:
document.all("characterCount").innerText = commentTextLength;
This is on a page deep inside a secure ordering sequence, so it's probably
not worth copying the URL here.
According to my crib-sheet, "document.all" is only valid in the javascript
of IE4 and later. My browser is IE6 (SP1) which qualifies, but the
javascript I have doesn't like it. I also have other browsers and
Frontpage 2002 installed. Code:
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Mar 8, 2009
How can I debug JavaScript and use intellicence in JavaScript in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
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Mar 23, 2009
I've been researching the whole night (and now early morning) on how to disable the Edit With Microsoft Office FrontPage (draw-down of File) feature to no avail even though I know it is possible. To confront the nay-sayers, here's proof-positive evidence: [URL]. On the above site, and virtually all clear channel company radio sites, when you click down on File, you'll see that Edit With Microsoft Office FrontPage is disabled.
I read that you are to type the following in the code, but it has not worked for me:
<meta http-equiv="editable" content="dream-on"/>
Found on [URL]
Again, this does not work for me. Maybe I inserted it wrong? Where is the above <meta line supposed to be inserted in the code view of the web page?
The other incidental issue I have that I'd like to address is this: I found that a web site,, has an extraordinary html encryption protection system: In the DESIGN VIEW, mind you, of his site on FrontPage, not the code view, all of his content is blocked out, replaced with a phrase such as, "[../_private/iipbotter.html]." HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I'd like something like this! Do you know what he used? Also is he using a particular type of encryption software because it seems his search rank is not being affected at all?
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Dec 8, 2011
I am trying to create a form/calculator. My concept includes drop down menus, check boxes, roll over images, and calculations. I've been trying to do the coding in Microsoft Excel; however, this has been very cumbersome, and the look is very generic.
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Oct 3, 2006
I have a javascript program that works fine under Firefox and on IE
when running XP, but is having a problem with IE running under Windows
2000 Pro.
On my personal XP development machine I have the Microsoft Script
Editor and I can set a breakpoint, step through code, inspect
variables, etc... with no problem.
On a machine where I am trying to debug this problem I am running
Windows 2000 Pro with IE 6. I installed the Microsoft Script Debugger.
When the program hits the exception the script debugger will come up
and show me the line where the error occurred.
I need to be able to inspect the variables to determine the problem.
However, from what I can tell, there isn't anywhere to inspect or watch
the variables in MSD?
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May 26, 2010
Issues with jquery ajax calls with IE and what the workarounds are?
I'm having users complain about issues of an ajax call not working, however, I've been unable to reproduce this or see the error myself.
Works fine in firefox/safari/chrome. I have windows7 + IE8/IE7 to test and that works.
My call looks like this...
I added the _requestno parameter because i read that IE does some smart caching of ajax calls, but, that didn't solve the problem.
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