Onclick Doesn't Yield Expected Results?
Jul 31, 2011
I have looked at this code in and out and can't seem to find out what the problem is. The topic says it all. I have a link on a webpage with id name comment_stream on which when users click, is supposed to display an otherwise hidden comment box (id name comment_stream_div) and at the same time, hide the comment link, you know the type on facebook and other social networking sites. I am using javascript functions to accomplish this with an onclick event. The idea is to toggle between the display attributes (block and none) of the elements i wish to hide or display with the onclick event. I will show the javasscript below, as well as the the html for the elements involved and the css.
<script type='text/javascript'>
function show_comment_stream_div() {
document.getElementById('comment_stream_div').display = 'block';
document.getElementById('comment_stream').display = 'none';
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Jul 19, 2011
I'm trying to use an onmouseover event to change the content of an image tag. So basically, the image tag has a default picture which the user can see when he visits the page. Then on rolling the mouse over this image, I want another image (003.jpg) located on my server in a folder called images, to be displayed in the image tag. So I created this function that should do the job and placed it in the head of my document.
<script type='text/javascript'>
function display_pic() {document.getElementbyId('poster_picture_content').innerHTML.src= 'images/003.jpg'}
And here is the image tag, located in the body section where I want 003.jpg to be displayed after the event is triggered.
<img id='poster_picture_content' onmouseover='display_pic()' src=\"images/" . $row['image'] . "\" width=\"280\" max-height=\"308\" />
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Jul 23, 2011
The Date Object returns GMT
Firefox gives: Date {Sat Jul 23 2011 18:02:12 GMT+0100 (Cen)}
Chrome gives: Sat Jul 23 2011 18:02:12 GMT+0100 (Eastern Standard Time)
I was expecting: Sat Jul 23 2011 14:02:12 GMT+0600 (Eastern Standard Time)
My Windows XP (x86) PC gives me expected results.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a table that looks like:
And a function to add a row and cells in the row that looks like:
The problem is the insertCell won't insert that first cell with an x in it (which will allow users to click on the x button to delete the row) in the first cell in Google Chrome. Firefox inserts a row with the first cell containing the x button but no other cells with the text boxes.
I've tried setting the index on the cell insert to 0, 1, 8, nothing and Chrome either inserts a row with nothing in it (no text boxes, no x button, nothing other than a slight addition of space below the title row) or it adds the row correctly except the x button always winds up in the last cell. IE adds it correctly with no index value or 0. Firefox needs the 0 index (no index creates a blank row with nothing in it. It looks like there's a tiny blank row of nothing being inserted because you see the table get a tiny bit larger vertically but there is no x button, text boxes.
What am I doing wrong? How do I make this work in all 3 browsers? Well actually all browsers ideally but....
Further, if I supply the 0 index to get a row, clicking on the x button to delete it works correctly in IE and Chrome but does nothing in Firefox.
That code looks like:
So what is wrong with both the addRow and removeRow functions that is causing Chrome and Firefox to behave incorrectly?
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Aug 21, 2011
I have a JS HTML editor (not a WYSIWYG) that I downloaded and it works fine, except that any input with quotes causes it to break. I need the quotes for things like HTML and CSS classes etc.If I have quotes inside the onClick, it fails completely with an Object expected error. If the quotes are escaped with a , I get an "unterminated string constant" error, with this showing where a button should be
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Apr 28, 2009
I have been trying to make adsense work on my results on the page [URL]. I want the adsense in the results when you type something in. When I do this normally, it just doesn't appear. When I use this:
document.write('<table align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td valign=TOP align=center>');
document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" >');
google_ad_client = "pub-8143092012646781";
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Aug 7, 2009
I have a line which looks like this in PHP:
<input id="btnCancel$folder_id" type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="swfu.$folder_id.cancelQueue();" disabled="disabled" />
and of course when output looks like this:
<input id="btnCancel111" type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="swfu.111.cancelQueue();" disabled="disabled" />
It seems that the .111. throws an expected ";" error. swfu.cancelQueue(); by itself does not.
These objects are being defined in a function which takes in the folder ID as a variable, and then builds using this line:
swfu[folderId] = new SWFUpload(settings);
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm doing a very simple click count funktion with Ajax where I put some data in a mySQL database when some links are clicked:
onClick="UpdateSQL('1', '190', 'divname', 'message');"
function UpdateSQL(KundeID, IP, sideElement, kaldMessage) {
document.getElementById(sideElement).innerHTML = kaldMessage;
And the file called puts the data in the database..This all workes fine, but if I click the link again, it doesn't work... It works in Firefox, if I click the link or button or whatever it puts data in the database multiple times...But in IE7 and 8 it only works on the first click, and when you have to close the browser window and and go to the url again make it count one more click...
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Sep 15, 2011
I have looked at the various posts about setting onclick in IE and I cannot see any that exactly describe the problem I am having.
Firstly I am not trying to set onclick by calling setAttribute, which most of the posts describe. I am simply assigning a value to the onclick attribute of the element, which those posts seem to imply.
Specifically I am getting "Object doesn't support this action" on the following line:
editButton.onclick= editCitation;
editCitation is already a function, so I do not see why I should have to wrap it in an anonymous function wrapper to get IE to permit the assignment.
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Aug 29, 2009
I added a submit button with an onclick event and an alert message to say it doesn't work yet, but if I push the button, it isn't taken into account and the form is submitted to the cgi.
<input id="saveForm" class="button_text" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onclick="alert('Sorry, it's not working yet!');return false;" >
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Feb 5, 2010
I'm a JavaScript noob, and I'm playing with it. I have some code which created a div inside another div by using the innerHTML of the outer div. That had an onclick event which worked fine. Now I'm trying to create the div as an object, so I'm doing something like this:
Code JavaScript:
var obj = document.createElement('div');
obj.id = "object";
obj.onClick = function() {alert("Clicked");};
obj.innerHTML = "something"; // an img tag in the actual code
The new div is shown, but clicking on it does nothing. (I originally had another function, but changed to the alert for testing.)
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Feb 25, 2009
I'm having an issue in that when I display:inline a DIV onClick, the DIV is not expanding to the width specified in the stylesheet. Similarly, my TDs would not use their colspan attribute.
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Sep 1, 2011
I have a simple problem that I can't solve. I am trying to code a "More Info" button/link to display some more technical details of an item, if required or wanted. I haven't tried incorporating any code in to my web site yet, first I am trying to test how it can be done in a seperate file.
What I have right now is a table with two cells. In one cell is static text, in the other is a hyperlink. The onClick event calls a JS function called "more_info()" in which a global varible is altered to contain the value 1.
Directly after these two cells is more JS (this is before the table ends). The JS here is checking to see whether the value of the global variable has been changed. If the value is 1, display information. There is no "else" clause because I don't want information displayed unless the variable is equal to 1, so it is not required.
I think I know what the problem might be. The browser is reading the code in question before I ever click the link and has already been executed before the variable is changed. I know JS is object oriented so it will not sit there waiting for me to click the button before reading the logical statements.
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Feb 13, 2010
I'm working on a image slider, which will slide left to right and vice versa on mouser over event. the images are dynamically loaded from the database using ASP script. I use mootools.svn.js for the sliding implementation. and Ajax to pass the id of the image to another page as a query string. this is implemented in a onclick="getValue('<%= id %>')" event. This works fine in IE8, but when I test in Firefox 3.6 and Chrome the onclick event doesn't work. when I comment the mootools.svn.js, the onclick event get fired.
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Aug 19, 2009
I have a code (see below), in Firefox it works perfectly: it saves submitted information after clicking __JL_SAVE button and keeps user on same page.But in Internet Explorer & Opera it only redirects to index page (index.php) and doesn't save submitted information.
Here is code:
echo '<form action="index.php" id="mosForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
global $mainframe;
echo "<pre>".print_r($mainframe->_session,true)."</pre>";
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May 26, 2010
I have a HTML page with multiple dynamic check boxes that I select, click "add" and it adds a list to the users on the next page. This is my JavaScript function that deals with this:
<script language="Javascript">
function doSelect() {
//to avoid "unidentified" results, search elements by tag name
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to implement XMLHttpRequest to a new website, but when I
include HTML, the code appears as is, instead of the formated HTML. Please
have a look and click the 1st link ("L'Association") on top (yello
horizontal bar on top): Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm receiving an "Object Expected" Error (Line:28, Char:7). I'm confused as to what is happening. I have virtually the same exact function in a different web page and I do not receive an error with this other page. Also, if I run this code in Fire Fox, I do not receive any error. Is there something that I'm missing? The error is pointing to "TextChanged();". Code:
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May 5, 2010
I've built a website and have used JQuery for the 1st time. Everything works fine in Firefox and Safari but IE is really giving me a headache now! The site can be seen HERE When you roll over the main links a sub menu rolls out, when you roll over the next main link the sub menu in view scrolls back in and the one associated with the new link scrolls out - please view in either FF or Safari to see it working.
In IE the functionality of the menus just doesn't cut it??? the 1st two (Company and Services) seem to work as expected when you roll back and forth over them, but the last 2 (Portfolio and Contact) are really flakey??? They stay scrolled out when they should be scrolling back in, although sometimes they do actually scroll in, and on the last one (Contact) only one of the two links in the sub menu appears and then its not clickable????? Again please conpare between FF and IE to see what i mean.
Can anyone offer me some advice on solving this, i'm looking to get the IE version to work just as well as i have it in FF. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with javascript / jquery to fall back on so i'm just hitting my head against a brick wall at the moment.
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Dec 20, 2009
I want to know how to find out the viewport height in IE. I have been trying to use document.body.clientHeight, which is supposedly exactly what I am after, but the results were always way too small to be the correct one.
As a test, I whacked a div in my page and made it 4000px tall, and ran document.body.clientHeight from IE's debugger and it returned a number over 4000px. It seems as thought clientHeight is actually returning the total height of the document, not the viewport size.
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Jan 11, 2007
This works perfectly fine in firefox but i need it to work in IE
the form variable names are all correct and everything but in Ie it keeps telling me when i submit the form that there is an Expected Identifier problem. Code:
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm trying to create a scroll bar through javascript with the help of jquery. What I'm trying to accomplish is:1. When the user mouse's down, it fires off an event (mouse move) and allow the user to scroll.2. When the user mouse's up, it should unbind the event, so that the mouse move is not in effect any more.But unbind is not working as expected. I looked up the documentation, and it seems correct.
Code JavaScript:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#scrollBar').mousedown(function(e) {
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Sep 15, 2006
But when I click the button, I get the yellow triangle of doom with Error on Page which tells me "Object Expected - line 122. So I go to line 122 and see the end center tag, and that doesn't help me one bit, of course... So now I turn to you all. What did I do wrong?
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Feb 25, 2007
Here's my problem - I have AJAX working for a login script in firefox, no flaws I can see, but in IE all I get when clicking the login button is nothing but an error saying ....
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a html document, in which I include two standard libraries of
functions (supposed to help me with cross browser issues), and one
application-specific script file. All Javascript fcoz.
The very first attempt at invoking a function from this last script file
fails miserably in IE (6) but works as it should in Moz (1.4)
I have tried putting alert()s here and there, so I (think I) can tell
the exact spot where IE dies.
Structure is like this (all in HEAD):
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libPlatform.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../libDOM.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tooltip.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function register() {
alert('after init');
alert('after dreg-1');
initAPI sits in libPlatform, and executes. I get to see the first alert.
And then, boom, IE script errors on page: Object expected (points to
Am I missing something here? If my code is wrong, why is Mozilla so
forgiving about it? How can I persuade IE to get the function?
Note: if I put regTooltip() right above register(), so locally in the
document, it works.
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May 4, 2009
I just want my popup to be centered in the browser, but I am getting an "object expected" error in the links.
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