I need to have a select menu reset to its default option (the one with a value of "0") when a user types in a text field. Check out the code...the html:
i have an html page that when it loads theres an onLoad event called which calls a function.now what i want to do is be able to click a link that refreshes the page but at the time on the refresh it skips the onLoad event. is this possible?
I have an ajax search function. I have an input text field where I type in what I want to search for, but I would like the search to be delayed of a few miliseconds before the ajax search is called. How could I do that?
The search field:
The javascript function:
Here is my ajax search...
I tried different ways but I don't seem to be able to delay the searchPlayer function. Any help on that?
Should I use setTimeout on the input field, or in my function or in another function? And how do I pass the 'this.value' to my searchPlayer function if using setTimeout?
<script type="text/javascript"> function sum1() { noofrow = document.getElementById("NoOfRow").value-0;
above code to get the sum of day1 day2 day3 onkeyup to get the total im really confusing above this plzz help me for to get the ttl value when key in values
Im using onKeyUp on a text input field and everytime some information is gathered from a database through ajax.
Is there anyway to cancel onKeyUp events that are within X seconds of the previous event trigger? I dont want to use setTimeout because i dont want them called at all.
What I want is a textbox that the user can enter information into. When they press a key the onkeyup event will simulate a function. All that I can do. The function needs to automatically scroll down the page to the anchor that corresponds to the number the user entered. The web page is a factor finding program. You can enter 2 numbers and it finds all the factors of all the numbers between the 2 you entered. Here is the link: [URL] As you can see, when you try to find factors of numbers a new window opens and there is a search box in the top left. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. If you want to check out the code look at the web page but here is the bit that creates the new window
The problem is...when I type in search textfield it focus in the name list..like for example i type a after I press a it was focus in the firstname, which is wrong..I think it cause from the javascript code..I want to happen is i continue typing in search textfield.
I'm doing some customisation on existing software - my objective was to reflect changes to a form in a separate table.The forms require the user to enter numbers and these are totalled in the final formfieldvia an existing 'onkeyup' function.I used keyup to copy the value typed and add it to the summary table. However in doing this, the existing 'onkeyup' function written into the form no longer works and so the total is no longer displayed. I tried using keypress instead (which still had the same issue), or including the function from the onkeyup in my keyup function, but it just didn't run.how to work around this? I can't modify the existing code.
I'm using jQuery 1.4 to hide a div (#cartPop) when the "close" link inside of it (#cartPop a) is clicked. Since I'm using animate() to fade the div out (opacity), I also have to use hide() to get rid of the div once it has faded out (otherwise the invisible div, which is on a higher z-index, blocks the elements on a lower z-index).
The problem is that the hide() function calls immediately without waiting for the animate() function to run. Even if I append a delay() function before hide() like so:
In windows7 RTM IE8 facing problem in onunload event. In onunload event I am trying to reset the cookies,also I am trying to end the session at the server side.For this I am submitting a form on onunload.Its working in all the other browsers. But in windows7 RTM IE8 I am getting ACCESS DENIED java script error.Someone have encountered the same problem
The javascript function addRowToTable() is called by a button, and replies a set of elements (select, input, checkbox) of the form. In this function, the creation of select calls another function CliK(sel.id)The problem is that this function tells me error "object required" as if the select Id was not "type" or the checkbox id was not "key" here I go wrong?
function addRowToTable() { var tbl = document.getElementById('tblSample');
My problem is that some of these myFunction#s include AJAX calls but the calls depend on each other in such a way that myFunction2 will not work unless myFunction1 has completed. So what is the "nicest" way to make sure of this? I've considered putting a hidden element in the HTML and then changing it at the end of each function call and have the onchange event trigger the next function call. But this seems very hacky and overcomplicated - surely there must be a simpler and better way....?
I have got a radio button group. A click event have to reset it that the first radio button is checked again. <input type="radio" name="msgtype" value="1" checked="checked" /> Gruß <input type="radio" name="msgtype" value="2" /> Wunsch <input type="radio" name="msgtype" value="3" /> Frage That doesn't work so far: $('#cleaner').click(function(){ $("input[name='msgtype']").filter("[value='1']").attr("checked","checked"); });
I would like to add dynamic text sizing to a website. There will be three text sizes. When the default is used, only the "Increase text size" button is shown. When the maximum size is used, only the "Decrease text size" button is shown. And otherwise, both buttons are shown.
I've been working on a mockup as follows at the end, but my issue is that once I have manipulated an element of the HTML DOM, if I access it again to check it's value, I will only get the original value in the document. To do the dynamic buttons, I need to maintain some kind of state between function calls, so that I know what the current size is. Can I even do this with Javascript or am I barking up the wrong tree?
I have a search function which works when I only want to have only one search per page, but as it involves a string call I'm not sure how to modify it to multiple search requests on a page.
The below works fine for one call:
<script type="text/javascript"> function showHint(str){ if (str.length==0){
The above doesn't work and I am not sure what do about the showHint(str) as clearly I am not representing it properly in my attempt to modify the script.
I am creating a JavaScript object which I want to use to respond to user input on a web page. The object will basically be made up of a constructor and then a selection of functions which will use the DOM to alter the appearance of the page according to the user's input. I am getting stuck because I want a form element that is being created by the object to have an 'onkeyup' event attached to it which will call another function from the same object.
Now, I understand how to attach the 'onkeyup' event to the input element I have created using the DOM. If I tell the event to call a normal function (alert() etc) then it does exactly that. What I am having trouble with is getting the event to call another function from the object that created the input box in the first place. (I don't even know if this is possible / a wise thing to do!). Code:
Two calls, one from a form and one from the html body reach the same 'window.open' function but only the former works.
The idea behind the simplified script of my post is to select to open one of two windows (files) by pressing one of two buttons. Each button passes a different parameter to the 'open/focus' window function. This function has an argument(arg) place holder to determine which window(file) to open(or focus) when a button is pushed and a corresponding string(argument) is passed. The window function is simply a double function,repeating the same if-else statements. That is, with the function(arg): "if(if-else) else(if-else)", the argument passed to 'arg' will determine if[to] {open else focus file1(button1)} else[to] {open else focus file2(button2)} in a new window.
Using a PC with either Explorer or Firefox, both the form button and the button coded in the html body opened a new window, but only the form button could bring the window forward(via 'object.focus') if it was already open. Using a Mac with Firefox, the form button worked well either to open or to bring forward an existing window, but the the button coded in the html body did nothing. Two 'alert' are place in the window function to show that the html button's call is reaching the window function. My question is that if this call from the html button passes through the same statements as that of the form button, why does it fail? (The script is in Perl, but it can be viewed as html in the source page.)
PHP Code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw(:standard);use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);use strict; my $query = new CGI; my $JSCRIPT=<<EOF;
I am currently trying to make an html link that will add elements (specifically, drop down menus) to the current page when you click it. Since I am adding all the elements to the page using JavaScript, I'm not sure how to set up the link to call a function rather than go to a different page. I've seen people set the href attribute to the function they want, so I tried that and it didn't work. I've also seen a way that involves using onclick and making the link follow the onclick, not go to a different page.
In summary, how do you create/edit a link (from javascript) to make it use a javascript function rather than go to a different page? This is what I have currently (that concerns the link):
var link = document.createElement('a'); eval("link.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:addHours(" + dayDiv + ")');");
I have some javascript the works in conjunction with a flash video player. When a user selects a video in the Flash video list and new video is called and begins to play. Also, when that video is selected a function called "doOnMediaLoad()" is called and inside of that function I have put a call to another function that I wrote in the same script.function that is called when user selects flash player video list.
function doOnMediaLoad(e) { vcomments_changed(e.id); //call to my function }