Merging 2 Onclick Events
Jun 29, 2009
I attached an onclick event to a link, however I have another one, that needs to be put on the same link, unfortunately I have no idea how to do it. how can I attach the function changecolor to the "abcdefgh" link?
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May 9, 2010
Is it possible to add an onclick event to an iframe or perhaps a DIV that holds an iframe?
In specific I am using the Facebook Open Graph like button code...
What I would like to do is add a simple onclick event to it so that I can run a process when the user clicks on it, at the moment I am just trying alert but cannot get it to work. By setting the iframe within a DIV with height/width specs set would an onclick event work within the DIV?
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Jul 20, 2011
I'm filling in for a coworker on a radio stations website.
The station currently streams live online. I want to add an event tracking so I can track how many people are streaming. I'm really new to js, but I think I figured it out (keyword is "think"). However, there was already an onclick event within the anchor tag. Can I have two in the same tag? Is there a better way to do this?
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Sep 12, 2007
I have the following code which places multiple buttons on a page. I need 6 of the 7 buttons to perform two actions on one click. I have searched the web and can't quite comprehend the suggestions that I find. (I'm a newb). :confused:
Is it possible to just onClick=action1 & action2?
Here's the code. I seperated the head from the body to reduce the amount of scrolling....
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Jan 23, 2010
I have several pages, each having a button and a textbox. The button has an onclick event directly coded into the HTML markup.The textbox has a onchange event in a similar fashion.What I need to do is create a small javascript snippet which adds another function to the onclick event of the button, and the onchange event of the textbox.I am not allowed to make any changes to the HTML of the pages, or the functions which are called originally by the events.All I can do is place a small javascript file in the head section of the pages.
The code should attach another function which is called during the event, while at the same time preserving the current function attached to the event.
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Oct 5, 2005
*The Situation*
A traditional situation where HTML form inputs are checked...
(if simplified then it would look something like this)
<form onSubmit="return checkWholeForm(this)">
<!-- other inputs -->
<input type="text" name="anInput" onBlur="dataCheck(this, ...)" />
<span id="error_anInput"></span>
<!-- other inputs -->
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" />
dataCheck validates the inputs value and if something is wrong, then..
document.getElementById('error_anInput').innerHTML = 'Error!'
or if data is valid then the content of span is removed.
The checkWholeForm function iterates through all elements on the form
and triggers onblur() for each input... leading to executing function
dataCheck (and so changing innerHTML of some specific span elements if
*The Problem*
If I have entered incorrect data to an input and hit the submit button
with my mouse (causing the onBlur event to be triggered just right
before onSubmit) then *occasionally* for some fields the onSubmit event
is not triggered because the onClick event is not triggered. :S
As there are actually quite many complex functions (tested and these
seem OK afaik) that are doing the checks then dowes anyboudy have a clue
what type of code might break this. I thought at first that setting
innerHTML to some value during onBlur disables all waiting events but as
this is happening occasionally (on some machines) I'm in doubt...
any ideas what to check? double declaration of function/variable names?
Not deleting some object after usage? ... anything?
Waiting for any ideas...
PS. in the example *occasionally*
third field generates the error - remove any content from the field
and stright hit the submit (*with mouse* - to create onBlur and onClick
at the same time).
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May 30, 2009
I am working on a simple control panel where I have text input fields in which a user can click on a text box and the text will automatically focus and select. I have done this fine. However, when I use the same onclick event for multiple fields, only the last one created works. So, if I were to comment out the password and email field additions, then the userName field would work correctly. If I were to just comment out the email field, password would work correctly but userName would not. And finally, if I have the code as is, userName and password do not function correctly while email does.
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Jun 10, 2010
I hope that someone can help me with this strange problem I have here. I have some script which changes a button and changes the onclick event. The strange thing is that although it is changing it. All the events have the same parameter even though my code is giving each button's onclick event it's own unique parameter.
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Jan 29, 2007
I am reading values from a database into a table and I have it so that when the mouse is over a row the row is highlighted blue and when the mouse exits that row the row becomes white again - straight forward.
each row also has a check box with an onclick event and ultimately I would like when the checkbox is checked the row to be highlighted red and remain that colour. The problem is that the mouseover and mouseout events still fire. Is there way to disable these when the box is checked? Code:
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Nov 20, 2002
Is it possible to set the browser default to hidestatus for all onclick events?
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Oct 5, 2011
Have an asp page that user selects a week from date picker and it returns data from sql table in a series of checkboxes for overtime availability. i.e., for the week of 10/10/2011 the checkboxes are Monday through Sunday, the user clicks the checkboxes they want to work overtime and hits a submit button. Let's assume they chose Monday and Wednesday. If they go back to this page later and pick the week of 10/10/2011 the sql table shows checked in the Monday and Wednesday checkboxes.
They can then make any changes they want, hit the submit button, and that sql record is updated with the new data. So on to the issue. For audit purposes, there is another sql table called ot_audit. What I want to do is every time one of the checkboxes is changed (pre hitting the submit button), I need a new record added to the ot_audit table. It will show a datetime stamp, who made the change, what was clicked, and if it was checked or unchecked. I'm new here and all I know is there are onChange and onClick events. Lost after that.
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May 12, 2010
I have been reading and practicing Javascript for the last month and so far I'm happy with it. I noticed that you can add Event Listeners and trigger a function based on that event but I also noticed that you could add an event directly to any element as an attribute, something like:
<p onclick="doSomething()">Click Me</p>
function doSomething(){
//do something
So my question is why would someone add and event listener instead of adding that event directly in the element (as the sample above)? The reason I'm asking is because adding event listeners involves more code:
var elementName= document.getElementById('elemenstsID');
elementName.addEventListener("click", doSomething, false);
I guess what I don't know understand is why would someone choose to add an event listener instead, I know it is more OOP but doesn't the "onclick","onload" etc., do the same thing?
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Dec 29, 2009
I would like to open a window "under" the current window (So it doesn't open on top). I think this can be achieved using the .blur function.
So something like:
<a href="#" onclick="openWindow [URL];this.blur();return false;">Open website</a>
(Obviously this doesn't work)
I've seen ways to do it, if I'm using 1 url, but because I have a list of 30 different links, I can't simply use:
function goNewWin() {
Which is why I need something that I can use on each different url individually that opens a new window under the current one.
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May 24, 2010
I am trying to create a script that onload will attach an onclick and onchange event to all fields.I have also tried using setAttribute instead of attachEvent and it still does not work.Basically what the events do is disable a interval when an input field is selected and enable the interval when it is no longer selected.
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Jan 26, 2010
I have created two onClick events that i need to combine into one with jQuery. I have an unordered list:
<ul id="coverTabs">
<li class="currentTab"><a href="#">Individual</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Couple</a></li>
So the active tab is set in the HTML to Individual by default.The following jQuery sets the active depending on which one is clicked.
$('ul#coverTabs > li').live('click', function() {
// Clickable tabs
// Removes default class applied in HTML and onClick adds 'currentTab' class
what i want to achieve is when a user clicks a tab we call the XML document. The appropriate tab name is fetched and subsequently when a user clicks on a column under that tab the appropriate level cost data is displayed on the page.
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Jan 18, 2007
Is it possible to merge two functions like these?
<script type="text/javascript">
function showdiv(pass) {
setTimeout('showdiv2("'+pass+'")', 750);
function showdiv2(pass) {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
if (document.getElementById)
else {
if (document.getElementById)
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Feb 16, 2011
the best way to merge two css files?
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Jul 17, 2011
not sure I understand the concept behind merging two arrays together. I know that I have to make a deep copy of each array before applying the function. I know that I have to create a temp value to store the information in the arrays while I insert, but not sure how to keep in numeric order. array 1 = [3, 7, 12, 15, 22, 45, 56] and array 2 = [1, 2, 5, 17, 20] What simple code could I start with to create this.
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Apr 5, 2011
I'm starting to use jQuery lately. I'm trying to combine jquery.selectbox-0.5_style_3 with another script to google maps v3. If I don't use styling selectbox, I don't have any problem with selecting some option from selectbox and centering map on coords which are values of this selectbox. But since im using styled selectbox (changes <option> to <li>). I have no idea how to trigger google maps script to work when i change value on styled selectbox. I have actual value from styled select, but don't know what to do next..
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Feb 2, 2010
I am trying to manipulate table cells in a dynamically created table but I find it next to impossible how to do it.
The table I have has the following structrure:
| Color | Item |
|Blue...| Car |
|Blue...| Boat |
what i want to do is using javascript or jquery on the client side to convert this table to the following structure:
| Color | Item |
|........| Car |
|........| Boat |
I can get up to the point to increase colspan of row1, cell 1 to 2 but this creates the following structure:
| Color | Item |
|.........| Car. |
|Blue |------|-------|
|........| Blue. | Boat. |
how to delete the extra table cell.
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Aug 29, 2006
I wrote the following script in order to traverse an HTML table and
merge the cells that have the same value across multiple rows. For some
reason, however, it works for the first, third, and fourth columns in
my table, but in the second column, the merged cell is not aligned at
the center vertically. The cells do get merged, but the cells in the
second column are always aligned at the top. Trying cell.valign =
"middle" had no effect.
Any thoughts? Could it be because I'm not actually deleting the cells
that are to be merged with the top of each such block; instead I merely
set style.display to none for these cells.
Here's my script:
var currCell;
var totRows = T1.rows.length;
var totColumns = T1.rows[1].cells.length;
var numValues = T2.rows[0].cells.length-2;
var i,j;
var nextRowMatch = true;
var myCell;
for (i=0; i<(totColumns-numValues); ++i) {
var currRow = 1;
var j=currRow+1;
var numCellsMerge = 1;
var identical = false;
while (j<totRows) {
var currCell = T1.rows[currRow].cells[i].innerText;
var nextCell = T1.rows[j].cells[i].innerText;
if (currCell != nextCell) {
if (i>0) {
var start=(i-1);
var sameValues = 1;
while ((start >=0) && (sameValues == 1)) {
var prevColText =
var prevColNextRowText =
if (prevColText != prevColNextRowText) {
sameValues = 0;
} else {
start = start-1;
if (sameValues == 0) {
numCellsMerge = 1;
if (numCellsMerge 1) {
for (var k=currRow+1; k<j; ++k) {
T1.rows[k].cells[i].style.display = 'none'
myCell = T1.rows[currRow].cells[i];
myCell.rowSpan = numCellsMerge;
numCellsMerge = 1;
identical = false;
} else {
identical = true;
if (identical) {
if (numCellsMerge 1) {
for (var x=currRow+1; x<totRows; ++x) {
T1.rows[x].cells[i].style.display = 'none'
myCell = T1.rows[currRow].cells[i];
myCell.rowSpan = numCellsMerge;
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Oct 14, 2010
I need some help in jQuery code I am working on. I have an grid view that I can’t manipulate in the server so I need to do it on client side. The gridview has a file name in the first column. All the files I deal with are in a known single folder on the server
I set a blank column at the end of each row and I want to:
1. Take the file name from the first TD (appears as simple text) and change the file extension (from doc to flv)
2. Check if the file exist in the server
3. If exist, put it in the last (blank) TD after changing the file extension (from doc to flv)
4. If exist Wrap it with <A href=”filename.flv”>filename.flv</a> and make it clickable for the user to download
Here is where I need the help: First problem: I manage taking the file name from the first TD and put it in the last one (see code below) but the text appears as regular text and the link is not active
The Gridview ID is "SearchResultsGV"
1. jQuery(function() {
2. jQuery(".SearchResultsGV > tbody > tr:not(:has(table, th))")
3. .css("cursor", "pointer")
4. .click(function(e) {
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Jul 24, 2009
I am trying to make a point and click javascript game. Basically what I want is to have one image displayed on screen at the start (room1.jpg). When you click on a door on that image, I have an onclick event to change the image to a new one that shows the door open (room1_a.jpg). What I want is that when you click the now open door, to display the next room in the game. The only solution I can think of is some sort of nested onclick event using several image maps, but I am fairly new to Javascript and I am not sure if that is possible. What it all comes down to is I want to display each incarnation of each room in the game in the same window without having to reload a new window for each room. I hope that makes sense, if not I can try and clarify. Below is the code I have so far. And as you can see all that does is display the open door when you click on the image. I have not done any of the image mapping yet.
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Jul 21, 2010
I am trying to "ajaxify" my site. Now I have one problem:
$.each(data.Tags_Sidebar, function (indexInArray, valueOfElement) {
var insert = $("<li>");
Now when I click one of those links (href1, href2, href3) generated, the click event won't execute! What's the problem? Also, is it right that I have to transfer the valueOfElement over, like I did? What does stopEventPropagation do? Prevent the href from being navigated to? That's what I am trying to do.
The data object is JSON fed from here:[URL]
The HTML is here: [URL]
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Oct 6, 2011
I have created a bunch of methods for a shopping cart I am implementing on the website,and at the same time I take information from my database to get the quantity of how much stock I have left.Basically I want to do a bit of error handling, so that if you select 5 things to go into the shopping cart but the amount of items that are in stock is only 3 then an error message will come up saying "Sorry! Don't have that many items in stock!". I have a setCookie method which I created, and it is triggered by an onclick event.
I guess what I am trying to say is... Is it possible to run conditional statements on events such as "onclick" or "onload"? As it currently stands, I am going to have to do the error handling within my external js file and that really seems sloppy to me since I really want that external file to stick to cookie creation. I would really prefer to do my conditionals within my view/html file =/
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a series of images with an animation bound to mouseover and mouseleave events, and I'm trying to get my head around adding a click event that would prevent the mouseleave animation from occurring only for the image that was clicked, preserving everything else as is (until another image is clicked). I've discovered .stop() and I think I'm getting close, but some part of the logic is still escaping me.
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