On my site i use a lot of features that are unsupported by older browsers, and right now it looks pretty stupid when the features are only partially shown. So i was wondering if there's a way of making the browser look to different css files depending on which browser and version it is. For example, css3 gradient backgrounds are supported in firefox 3.6 or something, but not in 3.0. All the hacks out there is to 3.*, so it changes for the allready working 3.6 too if i hack it. I want to controll it so that i have a specific css file for the none-supporting version and lower and one for the supporting and above. I looked at a bad browser plugin (because it has some of the basic features im looking for)
I need a script that will redirect to a specific page is the browser is safari version 4. if the browser is NOT safari 4 I want the browser to stay on the current page.
Does anyone have a quick script to find which version of IE a page is being viewed with?
Specifically, I want to seperate version 4 from versions 5+, and post a warning against using 4.
I expect I'll have to search out the (navigator.appAgent) string for the MSIE substring, but since I don't need it until tomorrow, laziness dictates I ask here before getting on with it. Is there another variable? a less cumbersome way?
I've have got this script, the only thing I want to be changed is the first part. It has to detect IE version 6 instead of just "Microsoft Internet Explorer". Can somebody help me out? I tried "Microsoft Internet Explorer 6" but that doesn't work.
I want to know the latest available version of the browser i am using and also i want to upgrade my current browser version to the latest one when i call a javascript method.on body onload i want to change my current browser version to the latest available version of the browser.
I have just written a expanding menu which works great in IE6/NS7, what I have installed to check with, but the first person I went to show it to had IE 5.0, and guess what? It fell over.
So, I am wondering if anyone has any ideas about how I can go about checking this in IE5. I am using XP and, while i haven't tried, my understanding is that I cannot have multiple versions of IE installed, is this right? If not where can I get older versions from?
I am having problem regarding browser issues! I need to accomplish this task:Browser requirements should be( IE7,IE8,Firefox 3, Firefox 4, Safari 5, Opera, Chrome) and higher. I want to detect if user's browser is below the requirements compatibility above then I want them to redirect to error page, let say compatibility.html if browser is below requirements!..If the browser meets the requirments, it should continue to load the page requested by the user.
I've been to sites where they've got a script that bounces me out 'cause I don't use IE. That always leaves me feeling ruffled and having a door slammed in my face.
I've been looking around and can't find a script that detects the following:
First visit popup Browser Version JavaScript Enabled (Connection type would be useful like 56k minimum)
It opens in a new window, gives the "option to continue" (click continue, closes window) Click "Cancel" would politely bounce them back from where ever they came from as well as closing the little window.
I am having troubles with a script that returns the user's browser version... it keeps showing as IE 7 yet I have IE 8. If I duplicate the files and run it from a different folder, the code works correctly. If you can point me in the direction of where to look and what to look for
i don't know what has changed in last releases of Firefox and Opera but before i used this script to detect browser versions (IE, Opera, FF) and block or redirect depending on version
I noticed that some sites use <script src='fineName.js?ver=XXX'></script(even google) Someone told me that it's for script changes, means - if the file in server has been changed than the new XXX will demand to load the new file. I find it hard to believe that it's true.
I've uploaded a new version of the javascript::Minifier module that was on CPAN. It was a translation of JSMin but I rewrote it so it now handles missing semicolons, + ++ code, and leaves those freaky IE conditional comments in the output. The goal was that if working code is input then working code is output where working == working. Breaking code that works is not such a good idea. Code:
This works fine but it is not very elegant. Another disadvantage is that it is not XHTML compliant.
The other way is using some sniffer scripting like that found in the JavaScript Browser Sniffer (Web Reference).
However, this is not very reliable as it needs to be constantly updated to take newer browsers into consideration. Also, on my system it gave an incorrect Javasctipt version of 1.3 when it should have given 1.5 (according to the first option above).
I was just wondering if there was a more dependable way of doing this.
Maybe it would just be better to avoid unnecessary headaches and restrict myself to W3C compliant brwosers.
I have a lot of JavaScript code I wrote to add special features and effects to my Web sites. The problem is, with the latest versions of Web browsers, all browser-side scripts are blocked. Most users who visits will either not know how to adjust their security features to allow scripts or will not want to change their settings. In a case where the script is vital to the functioning of the Web page, what is the alternative?
For example, one of my script is for a drop-down menu that takes the user to the selected section from the drop-down menu.
The other feature I need is roll-over that highlight parts of a map so that the user can make a selection.
Is there something I can add to my JavaScript code to prevent browsers from blocking it or is there a different way of using these features with a different script?
The problem? On a computer with 1280x1024 resolution, IE detects it to be 1024 (thus sending the user to the wrong page). It works perfectly in all other browsers (that I have tried).
I recently wrote this slider function which automatically detects margin-top CSS values, then offsets the desired div, then simultaneously slides and fades the div in using jQuery's animate() function. It seems to work well with only one div. However if I set it up to slide multiple divs, I am having an issue I cannot figure out.
First, here's the example...[url]
You will have to few the example in Safari or Firefox as I have disabled the javascript in IE using conditional comments. You can view source to see my HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
My issue is this. The #header div slides in great. After a set delay, the #about div slides in. I want each div to slide in separately, one after another. However, when the #about div slides in, it seems to affect the #header element. When the #about div is in motion, I do not want the #header element to move.
What I want to do is somehow get my browser version through javascript:
var browse = navigator.appName; and then mail that to myself. I can't figure out how to get that variable into php so I can email. I'm aware of the difference between client/server side, so I need to know how I could POST the value to another page or something.
I have problems updating from version 1.7.2. to version 1.8. I'm using a custom theme - can anybody give me a step-by-step guide how to update without destroying the whole site ? :) I would like to have the button featueres in the new version
I am trying to get started using JQuery, but I find I can't even get to lesson #1. When I go to jquery.com and click to download the latest version (or any version) it doesn't "download" anything. It opens the file as a webpage in my browser and I see all the JQuery in one big string. Why won't the file just download? Is it the browser I am using? Is it my Mac?
I have some html code i would like to be printed to the page only if the browser has javascript enabled. I have tried to use document.writeln() but the string i want to print bot contains some ' and " in it. I don't know how to set the delimiters of the string that is passed as argument so that i don't get an error in the page.