Is there any function in JavaScript which validates the date format like isNaN() for numbers? Or have anyone made such function which validates the date entered in the text box i.e. dd-mm-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd or mm-dd-yyyy or dd/mm/yyy or mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd are only the valid dates??
I am looking for HTML validator with the following restrictions: 1. Web server is the localhost (page should be validated locally). 2. The page is dynamic (generated by PHP with client side javascript, which alters the DOM).
I tried the following:
1. Tidy Firefox extenstion ( Unfortunately, it doesn't really makes the real DOM validation. In my JS code, I had .inerHTML code injection, but this extension didn't show the injected html code.
2. I am using FireBug Firefox extenstion. This extenstion shows the real DOM, but unfortunately it doesn't validate the HTML. 3. MS developper toolbar for IE and Web Developper Firefox extenstion make only external HTML validation.
/* With RegExp */ function isEmail2(who) { var email=/^[A-Za-z0-9]+([_.-][A-Za-z0-9]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9]+([_.-][A-Za-z0-9]+)*.([A-Za-z]){2,4}$/i; return(email.test(who)); } </script>
Everyone around here sure seems to be doing lots of form validation. Fortunately, I have your solution. I've made a form validator that does LOTS AND LOTS of neat stuff. It's still 'beta' because I'm not done with x-browser 100% etc. Well, you can get all the dope here ....
Trying to make a simple validator for a form i've just created, but for some reason i cant get it to redirect to the pages upon the IF statements being fulfilled.I've got a feeling its because the form seems to still submit the selection...
Using function FrontPage_Form1_Validator(theForm) and added a function to trap a radio optin like
if (theForm.opt_in.value != "yes" || theForm.opt_in.value != "no") { alert("Please make a choice for the "opt_in" field."); theForm.opt_in.focus(); return (false); }
This traps if neither radio has been clicked BUT when I click on OK in the error message box it continues on without having click on a radio button?
Is the action of clicking the OK in the error message setting to True or something? Any idea of a fix?
I'm trying to write a generic/reusable form validator in Javascript... just something that checks to make sure required fields have a value. By generic I mean I don't want to explicitly reference the name/id of the form or the name of any of the data fields within a "validation" function.
if(problemFields.length > 0) { returnval = false; warn(problemFields); /* tells user they're missing a field, that's all */ }
return returnval; }
What I think is happening (not sure) is that the expression form[fieldsToValidate[i]] is not giving me what I want: a reference to the object corresponding to the form field with the same name. In otherwords, I must have some fundamental misunderstanding of how the DOM works here. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a good enough reference to set me straight....
I'm quite new to Jquery, so I need some sort of advice. I'm working on a webbased application with a webservice. First it was a simple html site, but later I started using Jquery. Data is inserted in some forms, this I can easily validate through the validator. Now after all the data is ok, it's send to the webservice through the C#-code. Some calculations are being made with the data and a dataset is returned. Now some errors can occur while doing the calculations. I can't get some manual error in the errorbox of the validator. Is it possible to let the validator run some c#-function so I can see if the data is correct? Or can I set a unvisible checkbox to true/false through the c#-code so the validator check this box? A problem with both is, that the validator runs when I click on the "Next"-button. After the validaton, the function starts, so if I set the checkbox to false, the validator won't even notice. Anyone knows a handy approach for this?
I've seen tons of things for fixing it with IE6 but some of my users are getting this with IE8.I don't see too many answers to problems with this plugin is it not being supported anymore?I also see that the version on the jQuery site is 1.5.5 and the version on the author's site is 1.8.1; does this mean that the author isn't keeping things here updated and thus isn't supporting the product via these channels like he says on his site?
I wanted to know if we have some validator tool available which can validate our jsp code for W3C standards and for cross browser compatibility for browsers like IE, Mozilla, Chrome.
I am trying to track down why this custom validator is failing with an error that args is undefined. There are two funnctions - one works and one does not.the bold italicized item is where the error is being generated.Function validHygieneNote works as expected however.
this.add = function(element, err) { if ( !('__validate' in form[element]) ) { form[element].__validate = function() { if (this.value=='') { alert(err); this.focus(); return false; } }
} fields.push(form[element]); }
this.check = function() { var len = fields.length; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) if ( !fields[i].__validate() ) return false;
return true; } }
function form_onsubmit(form) { var vform = new Validate_form(form); vform.add('domain_name', 'The domain field is empty'); return(vform.check()); } --></script> <form name="signup" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return form_onsubmit();"> <input type="text" name="domain_name" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>
This is nothing special. just a basic empty field validator. it's probably not as efficient as it could be because it assigns the function to the various elements. It also only supports text fields. I was thinking of allowing a 3rd argument on Validate_form.add to accept something like (functions). ah well..
My client is using the following script to validate a form : -
I want to be able to validate a Postcode by matching a regular expression (using this script). There is no default option with this jQuery script to do so. My question is can I add such a custom regex to this script?
I have only ever written validation in "normal" JS before. Also I would like the JS regex to match the existing one serverside (PHP):
I'm attempting to write a piece of code that acts as a client side validator for all drop down lists on a webform, giving an error if the SelectedIndex = 0.
Here is what i have:
function clientValidateDDL(source, args) { var dropdown = document.getElementById(source*.controltovalidate) ;
how to specify the event in the rule?For example I create a rulejQuery.validator.addMethod("greaterThanZero", function(value, element) { return his.optional(element) || (parseFloat(value) > 0); }, "* Amount must be greater than zero");Iattach this rule to the form$('form').validate({ rules : { amount : { greaterThanZero : true } } });how can I specify when this rule should be checked , for example onChange oronKeypress or when another field is edited. Is it possible to do this as a form validate rule?
Could anyone please explain why my validation doesn't work? When I use only predefined validation methods everything seems to be fine, but when I use a custom method it doesn't do anything until I click submit and then cancels the submit with "$.validator.methods[method] is undefined". The debugger does never jump into the "noBefore" method, I got a breakpoint at the first line. I've tried to write the "notBefore" in quotes in the rules but that doesn't seem to help either.Everything seems to be right, though.
this code check work fine ,but i have radio button (yes and no) on same .aspx page .if yes(0) and no (1). i need to check if yes is selected (certain palceholder open that have some controls) i already did .but teh problem is i need to check yes is selected or not for radio buton.
I am validating my form fields using jquery validate plugin. but itsnot executing my methods. its hitting my validate() method but notactual validation code.I am pasting my code here for your reference.My javascript code:
mysite.validateFormFields = function() { alert('here'); [color=green] [b]// its hitting here [/b][/color]
I have this php page that we load in an iFrame, calls a js file with validator working on it, worked fine forever, still works fine.I made a copy of this page for another iFrame, same js files, same fields, almost identical basically accept that the labels and fields are now arranged in a table instead of paragraphs for a different look and feel. On this page though, when I do something that calls invalidHandler (like leave out a required field) I do get the error, but the page still submits! I have tried everything, and its driving me nuts. When I use the console in the browser (by hitting the submit button and then quickly hitting the stop button) it shows that invalidHandler ran, found 1 invalid field, then submitHandler ran!
I am using a javascript to validate that all form fields are filled in here:[URL].. The form input fields in the top div can be validated no problem. However, when I add to the javascript, this section of code:
Code: if (document.forms['secondform'].firstname.value=="") { themessage = themessage + " - First Name "; }
And so on for the next few input boxes, the javascript stops working entirely, passing the user onto the next page without actually validating the fields. I feel it is because I am not calling the input boxes correctly in the javascript, but I am unsure how to do it.
I was thinking that maybe because they are in a different division if I added that in there somewhere I could get it clear up, but no such luck yet.
I am attempting to create an ASP.NET Custom Validator javascript for a checkboxlist control. My goal is to limit the total number of selections to be 1 - 5 at most. My problem is that I get a null reference when I attempt to retrieve an object for an individual list item, which of course results in an "object required" error message....
I am working with customised form validator..I've this html structure <div id="tab-perfil"><fieldset> <legend>Dados Pessoais</legend> <div class="columns"> <div class="colx3-left-double required"> <label for="nome">Nome</label> <span class="relative"> <input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" value="" class="full-width"> </span></div>
What I want to do is after the input add a span, I know how to do that, just use insertAfter('#nome'); but I have a class for the ERROR and a class for the OK. This is what I have so far this.find("#formulario_criar-cliente").submit(function(){ var $inputs = $('#formulario_criar-cliente div .required :input'); $inputs.each(function() { if ($(this).val() == "") { $(this).addClass("error"); } else { $(this).removeClass("error"); }}); return false; });
When I add the class error I want to show a span with a class="check-error" and when I remove the class I want to show a span with a class="check-ok" but remove the error one. This is for multiple inputs... and I don't know how to achieve that =x
I wrote this function to be a change event applied to a checkbox. Now it is apparent I need to use it as a custom validator method, so it runs when you hit "Next" to step through the form. I have all that working, I just can't get the syntax of the rule right.
Here it is as a change event: $( '#MKDPT' ).change( function(){ if( $( '#MKDPT' ).is( ':checked' )){ var checked = false ; .....
And my attempt at a custom validation rule: $ . validator . addMethod ( "MKDPTOnly" , function ( value .....
I have tried several versions, but none is letting the form go to the next step (return true) if the conditions are met.