JQuery :: Why Does .keypress Fire Twice In An Input Box
Jun 9, 2011
I have the following going on:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#addtext").keypress(function (e) {
var c = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
When I type a character into the input field, it gets echoed twice in the target area. I know it is getting fired twice because the alert box will pop up twice.
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Oct 15, 2010
I've got a page that looks a little like this...
<input name="myField" id="myField" type="text"><br/>
<div id="output"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
The basic behavior that I want is for the output text to match exactly what I'm typing in input field above. The problem is that my output field lags behind my input field by a single letter. (I type in "hello world" and the output field says "hello worl") I'm guessing maybe that at the time the keypress event is fired, the letter hasn't actually been entered yet into the form field, but I don't know for sure.
Is there any simple way to get my output field to match up with what's in my input field in the above code snippet? Workarounds I've thought of are a) using keyup instead of keypress (works, but feels laggy), or b) Converting the event keyCode into a letter and appending it onto the end of the string (seems more complicated than it ought to be)
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Aug 27, 2009
Coded the following in a page :
var ArrayVariable = New Array();
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#inputbox").autocompleteArray(ArrayVariable, {
delay: 10,
Filling the input box does not present the list of matching array elements. I believe the array has the wrong structure because it is not recognized in jQuery.fn.autocomplete. options.data is set to null because data.constructor does not return an array. The array is filled by looping through all elements of a json stucture returned from an ajax call as in ArrayVariable[index] = jsonResponse [i]. It appears to be a normal array when looking at it with visual studio. I've also tried to create a string as in var ArrayVariable = ""; and ArrayVariable = "[ 'elementone', 'elementtwo', 'elementthree']"; but that was not successfull either.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an <input> box and i want to disable the apostrophe ( ' ) key, so
when you press it, no character appears in the input box. All other keys
should work ok.
I can trap the keypress event using "onkeypress=myKeypressHandler()" but,
beyond that, I'm stuck. I forget how to detect what key was pressed or how
to "null it out".
I'm using IE6 and users will be IE5.0 upward ONLY (trust me on this, suffice
to say it's not a website but an intranet application).
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Nov 30, 2006
i need to assign onclick function to file inupt, in fire fox on windows
function is executing just after click, but on mac it seems to be execut
after file browse window is closed (in safari it works ok).
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Jul 23, 2010
I'm developing am income tax calculator, and everything is going swell. Currently the user can type in their adjusted gross income (AGI), hit submit, and learn the amount of income tax they would pay, their tax rate, and their income after tax.
I've played around with the events to get the submit button to work in FF, IE, Chrome and Safari -- and I've gotten the enter button to work before with some stock code, but here's the catch: when the user presses enter, i want the focus to leave the input box. I don't care where it goes (submit button, I suppose?) but i need it to leave the input field so the onfocus="clearText(this);" event can fire when they return to type in a new income.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function TotalGrossPerYear() {
var Calc = document.NetIncome;
if (Calc.InputRad[0].checked) {
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Nov 25, 2010
How can you catch the keycode on the body tag?
This is what I have so far:[URL]
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Apr 29, 2010
Is there a way of simulating a mouseclick in a div from a keypress?
In other words, if I press 2, I want it to simulate me actually having clicked in the div <div id="jplayer_next2"><a href="#">next</div>
Long version (for anyone wondering "WHY?")
Using the jplayer jquery plugin:
For some reason (and after 2 days I've given up trying to find out) I can't seem to directly call the function which is defined right there on the page:
function playListNext() {
var index = (playItem+1 < myPlayList.length) ? playItem+1 : 0;
if( index > 0 ) {
playListChange( index );
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to run some code if a series of keypresses the user types is equal to the correct series of keypresses.I know how to do this if I am just trying to get one keypress. But what about one after another?
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Sep 26, 2009
I'm writing a plugin for jQuery for catching 2 succesive keypresses. I'll paste the plugin I wrote below It doesn't work on Opera . The Developer tools of Opera gave no errors and I can't find any problems, it just doesn't work.(I've used Opera 10.0). o it only works on Firefox (tested on 3.0.14). I'm curious if there is a way to find out why it's not working on Opera and to fix it.
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Mar 30, 2011
I have the following code in one of my pages. My problem is caused, because the method "processEvent" is never called, but I have no idea why. I guess it is broken, because I don't relay the "this" object correctly.
<script type="text/javascript">
var MyClass = function()
this.init = function()
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Aug 8, 2009
How can I detect special alt characters like inside a keypress() event, so if spotten will return false?
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm trying to get some elements enabled when a user start typing in a input field but without success. I try this codes:
$('#keyword').focus(function() {
alert('Handler for .focus() called.');
$('#keyword').keypress(function() {
But none of them works. Just try in this page [URL] and start typing in "Buscar" (spanish) or "Search" (if you change to English) input and see that nothing happen and I don't know why. Note that I wrote alert() just for see if it works or not.
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Feb 28, 2011
I want to know when I load a new html that changes a section of the page and it is dependent on the jQuery script that has run once when page ready how do I re run the script again when the new html section gets loaded.
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Jul 11, 2011
I want to execute a function, when a user clicks on a certain button on my page. It works in Chrome, Safari, Opera and FF, but not in IE 9. The jquery-Code looks like this:
$('#mapButton').click(function(event){ ... });
My HTML source code:
<div id="medias">
<div>AUDIO<br /><p id="audioButton"></p></div>
<div>KARTE<br /><p id="mapButton"></p></div>
<div>BILDER<br /><p id="galleryButton"></p></div>
<br style="clear:both"/>
By Clicking on mapButton the function should follow. I tried it first with the input-Tag, then with the a-Tag and afterwards with the p-Tag. Nothing works at all. I also inserted a return false at the end of my JS function. How to handle it?
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May 24, 2009
I'm new to jQuery. I'm writing some code to show a picture if user clicks on table row. This is the table
<table id="restable" border="0">
<th class="cat" width="150"><a href="">Category</a></th>
<th class="brand" width="150"><a href="">Brand</a></th>
<th class="name" width="300"><a href="">Name</a></th>
<th class="weight" width="50"><a href="">Weight</a></th>
<tbody id="table">
The table is filled with this function
function search(sortt,dirt) {
$.getJSON("/jsonsearch.php", {cat: $("select#catselect").val(), brand:
$("select#brandselect").val(), name: $("input#search").val(), sort:
sortt, dir: dirt}, function(j){
var row='';
for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) {
row="<tr><td width='150'>"+j[i].cats+"</td><td width='150'>"+j
[i].brand+"</td><td class='name' width='300'>"+j[i].name+"</td><td
$("#restable tbody").append(row);
This is the function I put inside $(document).ready()
$("#table td").click(function(){
The problem is that click event doesn't fire. If I get it working, how do I get the contents of the row that user clicked. I need Name from that row.
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Jul 15, 2009
I am extensively using jquery.ajax calls to display data on my web page (which build using partial rendering). In certain navigation flow a user move from one page to another. Before he moves I need to capture information filled in by user in first page(form) and save it in java script variable. Since my complete page is built using partial rendering the first form gets unloaded and new form gets loaded making ajax call. In order to capture the data user has filled in first form I have tried to use [URL].. (form_id is the id of the form in the page) to update the java script variable with user's input for form1. But neither scenario my call back function gets fired. I am not sure if I unload will be corrent event to add callback function to update user input.
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Jun 7, 2010
I need to send the tab to a particular text box when it tabs out of another textbox. I need to handle a function in which I could set the focus into the desired textbox. But I am not able to get to my function when the tab out happens. How can this be done?
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Sep 21, 2011
I have used window.open to save a ref to the window which I want to fire off events on. I am combining this to do the following.
wref = window.open(url);
var e = wref.$.Event('keydown', {keyCode: 70});
wref.$('#elem').keydown(function(e) {
The thing which happends is that the alert comes twice. One time with the keykode 18, and one time with undefined in the window I am running the script. Also nothing comes up in the textbox where I am triggering the event.What I want to achieve is to fill in text in the input textbox and fire off all the related events in the opened window such as YUI autocomplete and others.
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Sep 3, 2011
I am trying to fire an animation or even a simple fadeIn() by itself during a hover event. So far non of this fires. I am no longer getting any errors in my chrome inspector. The only things that will work is getting the id and firing the alert with the id in it.
$('.thumb_image', '#thumbs_section').hover(function()
id = this.id;
var info_id = 'info_'+id;
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Aug 21, 2011
I have a form formatted in a table format that has various elements in each row. I want to execute some jquery when the row is exited. When I use focusout() or focusin() I get an event when I switch from one form field to another in the same row - not desired. I just want the event when I switch from one row to the next. Here is some example html:
<tr id="row0"><td><span thmr="thmr_17"><div class="form-item form-type-textfield form-item-rows-0-name">
<span thmr="thmr_16"><input id="edit-rows-0-name" name="rows[0][name]"
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Feb 1, 2011
I want the Tooltip (the one I'm using is the jQuery Tools tooltip) to fire each time the mouse goes over the entire table row. At present it only fires when the mouse goes over the final <td>. Here is the table markup:
<table width="310px" class="dataTable" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr class="data">
<td>24 hours</td>
<td><a class="dImage" href="#">+</a>
<div class="tooltip"><img src="images/diagram1.png" alt="diagram1" width="159" height="231" style="margin-left:65px;"/></div></td>
The only slight complication is that I currently have some jQuery adding a zebra effect to the table rows. So if I could keep the Zebra striping along with the Tooltip activation that would be good.
Here is the jQuery for the Zebra stripping:
//Zebra Striping
$('tbody tr:odd').addClass('zebra');
$('tbody tr.data').mouseover(function(){
$('tbody tr.data').mouseout(function(){
And here is the relevant jQuery for the Tooltip firing:
offset: [10, 2],
relative: 'true',
effect: 'slide'
// add dynamic plugin with optional configuration for bottom edge
}).dynamic({ bottom: { direction: 'down', bounce: true } });
I've tried simply adding the class
="dImage" to the <td> tag e.g. <td class="dImage"> but although the tooltip kind of fires it doesn't include the image, it loads the next bit of text.
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Jul 30, 2009
I am trying to implement a div containing a form drop down on hover and I have everything working except for when I try to add any sort of animation or speed to the '.show' or '.hide' effect. When I try to add speed or seemingly any other effect to the div, the select elements of the search form fires the hover event. Does this make sense?
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Oct 2, 2009
when i run "this.submit();" i submit my ajax request, so how can i get the validate to fire on invalidHandler and submitHandler so I will only run this.submit(); when it passes validation ? Currently the validator does not validate the form at all on submit, I need it to cancel the submit if there are validation issues and submit if there are none.
function submitForm(form) {
errorPlacement: function(error, element) { error.insertAfter
(element); },
invalidHandler: function(form, validator) { alert("validation
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Apr 30, 2009
I am posting this question a second time and apologize ifsomeone answered it in the other thread - I cannot find the postanywhere on this list.
alert("Stop it!");
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Jul 11, 2010
Let's say I have a page with a counter (with an initial value of zero) and nothing else.
Here's what I want to do:
1) I press and HOLD a key down
2) The counter goes to one
3) I let go of the key
4) The counter still reads one
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