JQuery :: Strings - Extract Data From A Textfield ?
Mar 31, 2010
To manipulate strings, but forexample when Iam programming an event with jquery and extract data from a textfield for example I can,t do this var msg=msg.subtring(0,5);
Or for example this does not work->
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Oct 22, 2010
I need to extract some data from the following block:<span <aref="localhost:80/items/2">item link</a> <span>item attribute</span></span> I can get the item link anditem attributedata by using $("span a") and$("span span"). I, however, can't figure out how to extract the "2" from the "localhost:80/items/2".
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Jun 25, 2009
I have this JSON file that does the encoding from the states database.I want to extract it out using jquery and populate the select dropdown box. the json file is being encoded in this way:
{"State":{"name":"NEW SOUTH WALES"}},
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Sep 17, 2009
I try to load only a part of my data file (named Elements.html).
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Jul 11, 2011
I stumbled across jQuery while during a search for my project that involves parsing and extracting content from HTML pages. I have a collection of xpath strings that identifies the data I would like to extract. Wondering if I could use jQuery for this purpose.
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Jul 27, 2007
1) To populate a dropdown control that's on a page with data coming
from the database, the developers concatenate all the values separated
by a pipe character and pass the string to the JS function, which
splits the string and adds the values to the dropdown control.
I think this is not a best practice b/c:
A) If the data returned from the database results in a string that's
too long, it could exceed the limit of the JS string type and some
items would be missing from the dropdown.
B) If by any chance, the data from the database contain pipe
character, it would result in extra elements inserted in the dropdown
Is there a better way to pass data to JS w/o relying in strings? How
can these practices be improved?
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Apr 29, 2010
I would have "thought" it would be a simple thing to get the (unformatted) text in each cell of a dynamic table but I have failed to solve this problem. So...I have a table that the user can dynamically load with data. They click an add button to insert a row in a table which includes a delete button per row if they want to turn around and delete it.The table is inside a form. When they submit the form, I need to read each row and each cell in a row in order to dump it into some format so that the table contents display reasonably well in the email that is sent from the form submission.So the add row function looks like:
function addRow() {
//add a row to the rows collection and get a reference to the newly added row
var newRow = document.all("mytbl").insertRow();
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Jan 24, 2011
I created an HTML table list that uses jQuery sortable and droppable features. When I reorder the list by dragging a row to another location in the list, all works perfectly well. The PHP code called on by the jQuery ajax technique ".load()" works correctly too, and the server side table column gets updated with new "position" values, just like I want.When I drag a row to the little trash bin div I created, the browser side responds correctly but the server side does not. I'm having trouble passing the correct values to the PHP code to trigger the isset($_POST['row']) condition. I've tried with both .load() and .ajax() so far. I'm attempting the long form XMLHttpRequest code now.I've given all the HTML table rows, and therefore the draggable row, an 'id' that makes sense according to a lot of the literature and forums I've read, for example: <tr id="row_16">. I've seen that the 'name' should be setup when constructing the params string to be sent as the data for the POST type request too: <tr name="row_16">.
What I'm trying to accomplish, and where my knowledge is lacking, is in getting this 'id' or 'name' related value of 16 to feed to the PHP code in order to create the SQL command that will delete the row in the database table of the server that corresponds with database table's column id value of 16.If I can fully understand what goes into creating the format for the data sent thru the XMLHttpRequest such as "data:...", params or a serialized string and how PHP interprets them, I should be able to implement POSTs with any of the ajax techniques I've been exposed to so far.Any insight on how these strings are created and packaged for PHP.
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Aug 12, 2010
i am creating a table dynamically using java script- the number of cells in a row is constant and the data is accepted from the user from x text boxes(based on number of cells).now, i want to insert a button in the x+1th cell of each row and i want to extract the data in the row that contains the button that gets clicked back into the text boxes for editing.how do i go about doing this? dynamically creating the table is not a problem, but am not able to extract the row data for editing :-(i forgot to mention this- but after editing the data in the text box, i need to be able to insert the data back into the same row from which the data was extracted in the first place...
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Mar 23, 2011
function callBackFunctionForAddAdmin(data)
If we get the following alert message
<result><error>the given userid is already admin.please enter another one.. </error></result>
How do i extract the data inside the "error" tag?? (first checking if it exists and then if so extracting it)
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Sep 25, 2007
I've been learning javascript for about a week and I'm really struggling right now. This is a homework assignment to help in learning loops and arrays.
What I want to happen is when a form button is hit it will replace the array from the one previous instead of just adding to it. Hopefully that makes sense. What do I need to do? here's my code....
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Jan 11, 2012
If the element i'm getting has an attr that contains string like this....
<span names="Joes|Joe's">Joes|Joe's</span>
When we get the contents of attr st, there is an error because of the ' in they're.
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Jul 27, 2011
i have the following code:
var myHeight = $(".sidebar").outerHeight(true); /* returns Height */
alert(myHeight); /* returns an integer e.g. 500 */
var addPixels = "px"; /* String variable with value "px" */
$(".text").css({"padding-bottom":myHeight}); /* myHeight = 500 NOT 500px */
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Jun 16, 2009
I have the following code, which I am trying to pass in 5 variables.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jul 3, 2010
What I want to do specifically is add a CSS class to strings that start with an @ symbol. I can't seem to find any examples online and I haven't had enough experience with jquery to figure this out on my own.
I want it to highlight either the first word only, or just the line that the @ symbol is found on.
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Sep 9, 2011
The follow jQuery code doesn't work. Does that mean jQuery doesn't support such a usage?
Code JavaScript:
var selectors = ['#header', '#content', '#footer'];
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Jul 18, 2011
I'm trying to extract just the number after the string "page/"
So the result would be:
for the first example
for the second example
The value I'm trying to get at will always appear after the "page/" Is there a way I can do this using jquery or some other way perhaps?
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May 1, 2009
to append a parameter string like: '?key=val' to the currenturl and the value for the key changes based on the user input. Isthere any jquery utility that does the base url extraction fromwindow.location, so that I can append the '?key=val' to that?
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Jan 9, 2010
I need to try and extract the following from a STRING not the current page[code]...
How would I do this? I had a look on google, but all they seem to be talking about is extracting from the current page, which I don't want
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Apr 18, 2010
I have variables coming in from JSON files via AJAX calls. Each file will have 3 variables for different background colours. Depending on which button is clicked the background will change colour to the value specified in the JSON file.
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Apr 20, 2010
Is there a simple way to just hide some text in a page? Browsing the documentation I found the .hide() function. But how can I tell jQuery to hide all occurrences of a specific string? If I use the :contains() Selector I can find the text but can only hide the element that contains the text not just the text.
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Oct 7, 2011
I want to create a questions creation page. It has a Question Text Box and a Add Button.When users press the add button, there will be a newQuestion Text Box and a new Add Button appear in the next line. But the old Add Button will become a Delete Button and change its functionality.[code]I put all the Add Buttons and Minus Buttons into two different classes, ".buttonPlus" and ".buttonMinus".The .buttonPlus works well when the line is added by the main html. But it fails to work when it is added by the .append() function. It simply adds the .buttonPlus's CSS code to its button, but the$(".buttonPlus").click(function (event) {...} is NOT attached to the new buttonPlus.
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Apr 21, 2010
The scenario would be something like checking if an element fulfills some complex conditions, something like if(myElement.is('div.someClass[someAttribute], td.someOtherClass[someAttribute]')) ... . Is there a way to parse that string only once, maybe create some sort of "compiled" version of the check, cache it, then give it to is ? Or does jQuery cache the string after parsing it once so I don't have to do anything?
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Oct 27, 2011
I'm programming a function that breaks a massive string (2 million + characters) into "manageable" chunks of 500,000 characters. The function goes as follows [code]...
As you can see, everything should work fine, and the function should return a stringified json array (which would be parsed and sent to a server) but the loop stops after the first interval. When I decrease the length of "v" using substr to 5 characters, the loop works fine. What could the problem be?
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May 1, 2010
I like to ask about how do I get a partial attribute value? My code:
<a href="#" id="id-1">Link 1</a> <a href="#" id="id-2">Link 2</a> <a href="#" id="id-3">Link 3</a> I like to extract link attribute value in id-x, so I'll get numeric 1 or 2 or 3.
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Sep 3, 2011
I'm trying to extract a value from an attribute, namely listid in this case, inside an input tag.code...
$list is an associative array fetched from a database. The contents of that array might be irrelevant for the issue. I'm using a jQuery to handle any javascript code. How do I extract $list['id'] from this input tag?
or is there another genius way to accomplish the same other than using an input tag?
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