i have a div which i am showing and hiding based on a button click.now when i click button first time, div will show with slow effect. but when i click button second time, the div hides quickly...
if( visible==0 ) // parent div not visible, show the div
Hover effect is painfully slow IE (only IE) and table mouseover causes very high processor usage When you move the mouse over table elements flash animation stutters/pauses (making flash banners impossible)
You can se the page here: fondovi (http://investa.hr/fondovi) (there's a flash animation on the right side of the page (light grey/blue color))
I have a paragraph that I have set to disappear on the click of the Hide button, I have also set the button to toggle between Hide and Show depending on whether or not the content is visible. My problem is, when I add 'slow' as the duration the button doesnt seem to toggle between hide and show?
Code: <p id="disclaimer">
Disclaimer! This service is not intended for the those with criminal intent. Celebrities are kind of like people so their privacy should be respected.
I have a CSS menu that I created using div that current appears using the hover function in the CSS. What I would like to do is incorporate javascript to utilise the effect of fading in when the mouse moves over the 'menu' text and then with a delay fades out when the mouse moves out of the menu area.
We have a corporate product which uses ajax and different layers of soa , java etc across all browsers and multiple platforms But the observation is - IE8 is extremely slow when working with ajax framework. THe browser processing time increases exponentially with increasing js file size. Works fine in non IE browsers.
I would want to show a div (the information about the song) when the visitor hover on a cover art on a radio website but this div overlap the cover art with an opacity of 0.7
You can see an example here: [url]
The problem is that when the information div appears, the mouse pointer isn't on the cover art div anymore for the navigator so the information div disappears, and so on... resulting in a flash effect.
What I want to do is to have the div "test" to disappear with a fading effect and removed when the "CLOSE" link is clicked or when the user has viewed it for 8 seconds. I tried everything but my site just seems to hide and remove the div "test" instead of fading away. Is there a solution to this problem?
I've created the following rollover effect but it doesn't work as expected :
$(document).ready(function(){ $('#area-row-2-sub-left a').bind({ mouseover: function() { var tHeight = $(this).height();
animate({height: tHeight} correctly sets the initial height but with a duration equal to zero. Seconf problem : a second mouseover on the element won't show the animation at all.
The jQuery 'cycleall' fade in effect does not work when I try it in IE. I've tried it in Chrome and Safari so far and it works fine. If I try another effect it seems to cut out half way through for some reason.
I'm a jquery newbie and am trying to use it in a simple web application. This application has a controller servlet that forwards the request to a 'login.jsp' page by default. In the login.jsp page, I used Jquery for the hover effect on the submit button. It works absolutely fine if change the extension of the file to html. If it is changed back to jsp, it the javascript is not working. I see the following error in Firebug console:
Syntax Error [Break on this error] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" " ***Please see the attachments for the login.jsp and login.js files.*** I have the files 'login.jsp', 'login.js', 'jquery-1.3.2.min.js' under the webapps/QT/jsp/ folder.
I'm making a form with some fields. Once the form is submitted it updates the page with a new div containing the data entered without refreshing. Im using jquery form plugin. What I'd like to achieve is the new div(.record) to .slideDown. I guess I need to somehow specify the exact div by giving it an id or number. I'm not sure and why im here.
At the moment when i submit all of the divs(.record) are hidden with .hide, then they all slide down with .slide. Best i can understand is to hide the last div then slide down. But again.. I don't know how to specify to only slide down the last div added and not the current .record divs on the page.
I am seeking to change the color attribute in my CSS file under the ID's #realmaturesingles and #seniorpeoplemeet upon the hovering of these links. These two ID's are initialized inside an <a> tag (these are links). How can I do this with JavaScript? This is what I tried:
Im having a bit of trouble with the bounce show effect from jquery ui. To see what I mean, check out my development site. Anytime you modify a part in this computer builder, the rigth side gets updated. Right now its removing and adding list items. Problem is when click items too fast, the animation doesnt finish and the next item gets bumped lower and lower.
This is a rating star row which is suppose to refresh without a browser refreshing. It is refreshing but is not CSS formatting to Code: <td><strong>Raiting:</strong></td> <td> <ul class="rated twostar" id="Torpedo"> <li class="one">1</li> <li class="two">2</li> <li class="three">3</li> <li class="four">4</li> <li class="five">5</li> </ul>
I have to refresh the browser in order to Code: <td><strong>Raiting:</strong></td> <td> <ul class="rated twostar" id="Torpedo"> <li class="one">1</li> <li class="two">2</li> <li class="three">3</li> <li class="four">4</li> <li class="five">5</li> </ul> to appear..
It's the javascript working? This is the code before clicking on one of the star in the star row. Code: <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {color: #FF3300} .style2 {color: #FFFFFF} .style3 {color: #000000} --> </style> .....
The javascript links that should do the refreshing automatically supposed to be the two below: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/rating.js"></script> How can it be possible to auto refresh it?
This code works fine in Firefox, but in IE the fields don't "hide". I have a pull-down menu that is supposed to allow the user to hide or display two form fields.
I was always told that jQuery worked just fine on both navigators, but Im started to think its not like that. Im doing a form, divided in 3 divs, each of them has 3 questions. You can only see 3 questions at a time and once you filled a set of 3 questions that div hides, and the next one appears, you fill correctly the 2nd one, it dissappears and it appears the last div. Well that's what happens in IE, but not on FF. Apparently FF doesnt like to Hide divs in a form. Could you confirm this?Do you have any other idea?
Can't seem to make it work, I have seen many examples but they are all just for 1 div tag. When i trymore than one it doesn't work anymore.The first one works, if i have more than 1 then the other don't work.
using the following jquery $(document).ready(function(){ $("#toggle-text").click(function () { var divvalue= this.value;
The following script works in all web browsers fine, just not IE6. It also has to work in IE6 so ignoring it isn't an option. Javascript is below:
<SCRIPT START> $(document).ready(function() { // hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM is ready $('#div1').hide(); $('#close').hide(); // shows the slickbox on clicking the noted link $('#open').click(function() { $('#div1').fadeIn('slow'); $('#close').fadeIn(); $('#open').fadeOut(); return false; }); // hides the slickbox on clicking the noted link $('#close').click(function() { $('#div1').fadeOut('fast'); $('#close').fadeOut(); $('#open').fadeIn(); return false; });
// toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link $('#slick-toggle').click(function() { $('#div1').toggle(400); return false; }); document.getElementById("loading").className = "loading-visible"; var hideDiv = function(){document.getElementById("loading").className = "loading-invisible";}; var oldLoad = window.onload; var newLoad = oldLoad ? function(){hideDiv.call(this);oldLoad.call(this);} : hideDiv; window.onload = newLoad; }); <SCRIPT END>
just started using jQuery,and i'm having a problem using the function .show()/.hide() to make a div appear and disapear when a certain option value is selected.It's working fine in firefox but not working at all in chrome and IE 8.This is the function code i'm using :