JQuery :: Set Text Value For Radio Button?

Oct 24, 2011

I have group of radio buttons,I want to assign the value of var as text for radio button.example<asp:RadioButton ID="option1" runat="server" GroupName="answer"> /asp:RadioButton>ar i=10.Now i want to assign value 10 as text for radio button .We assign value for radio button as radio button1.text,how we assign in jquery

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JQuery :: Pass Radio Button Selection To Hidden Div And Then Show Div List From Chosen Radio Button?

Mar 16, 2010

I am a PHP programmer and new to Javascript and jQuery and I have tried about 20 examples/tutorials and cannot seem to get even close to what I want.I have a form (PHP/MySQL) with a list of subjects I got from my database, and then create a set of radio buttons from that list. And based on what radio button they select, I need to pass that variable to a div (at least that's what I want to use) and then show a list of videos that match the radio buttons value. I don't care if its a get or post or other.I tried to use GET or POST so I can use that value for my PHP/MySQL lists.I am open to any suggestions/tutorials, etc.

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JQuery :: Getting Radio Button Changes Some Paragraph Text

Dec 11, 2010

I have code that initially sets a radio button and then changes some paragraph text based on the value of the radio button. After this initial setting, I want the user to be able to change the radio buttons and get changes to the paragraph text. Currently, the code allows a change to the radio button and it shows on the screen, but the value does not change so the paragraph text does not change. I tracked this down by looking at alerts. How do I get the click on the radio button to register a change in the radio button value in jQuery? Here's the simplified code.

$(function() {
//Initialize country
$('input[name="country"]:first').attr('checked', 'checked'); //Set first radio button (United States)
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|1st');
//Enable changes to the country selection and change page text as the selections change
$('input[name="country"]').change(function ()
// change the page per this logic
switch ($('input[name="country"]').attr("selected",true).val()) {
case 'United_States':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|3rd');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a state or territory of the United States.'); break;
case 'Canada':
alert('|' + $('input[name="country"]').attr("selected", true).val() + '|4th');
$('#stateMessage').text('Select a province or territory of Canada.'); break;
$('#stateMessage').text('Test - all other');
}).change(); // not clear what this change() does. Its in a jQuery example, but code works w or w/o it.
// Autocomplete jQuery code here which works
<p><label for="country">1. Click a country: </label>
<input type="radio" id="unitedStates" name="country" value="United_States">United States
<input type="radio" id="canada" name="country" value="Canada">Canada</p
<p id="stateMessage"> 2. This text should change as radio buttons change.</p>

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JQuery :: Pass Radio Button Value To Hidden Text Field

Mar 10, 2011

I found the following code to get the value of a radio button (radio1 is the name of both the yes and no radio buttons):

How do I pass this value to a hidden text field?

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JQuery :: Assigning A Value To A Text Area When The User Clicks A Radio Button

Jan 14, 2010

I am looking for someone who has used jQuery in the capacity of assigning a value to a text area when the user clicks a radio button. Here is the example code I have worked on so far that does not work.


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Radio Button That Prints Text To A Text Box?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm working on an html assignment using javascript and I need to have two radio buttons as well as a text box. When you click on one of the radio buttons it needs to display text inside the text box. right now I have:

<input type="radio" name="yes" value="" onclick =" "/> yes</br>


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Radio Button To Text Answer?

Mar 28, 2009

Radio button to text answer

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Resolved Radio Button Value In Text Box?

Oct 4, 2011

I have the following code which I want to make a selection and the value should reflect in the text box and the text box should take on that value for future calculations.

<!-- Row 13, Col 1 Order Value -->
<tr><td colspan="2" align="right">Delivery Options:
<input type="radio" name="sapo" value="35" onclick="deliveryCost('35')" /> R35 - SA Post Office


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Using A Radio Button To Generate Text?

Jan 20, 2011

This might be an easy one. I'm looking to generate text in a simple HTML text box by using a radio button. The concept goes as this:

User input
Choose a color:
(*) Blue () Red () Yella' <---simulated radio buttons w/ blue selected

My favorite color is Blue

^--- simulated text box with resulting output

In other words, the radio button selected would generate the underlined word within the sentence in 'real-time' in a text box below the radio buttons. Is this do-able?

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Using Value Of Text Field For Radio Button

Aug 19, 2010

I have a checked radio button in one such radio group in my form. Beside this radio button, I have a text field. I want the value that the user inputs into the text field, to be the value of the checked radio button. how to write this code.

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Disable A Radio Button Based Upon The Value Of A Text Box?

Feb 18, 2009

working on a project at the minute but have dug a hole in javascript for myself on this one. The objective was to use cookies to save a form whilst a file was being upload at the same time on the same page.To get the filename for the uploading mp3 file inserted into the user current form which then is posted on submit to a directory where its viewable for download, the page must refresh and a query string is used to put the uploaded files name into the form.What i wanted though was the user to be able to write out there tracklist whilst there file was being uploaded so they can make the most of the time and do 2 things at once.Getting round this was ok using cookies to remember the forms input values and restoring them once the page had refreshed.

The problem is thought the cookie script will only write once to file if the text box that gets updated with a new value being the uploaded file value changes,to get round this i wanted to disable the radio button that saves the form upon change of the default value of the mirror1_url text input as the upload session is complete and the user would not need to recall the cookies values.a working version with the above problem can be found here http://urban-love.co.uk/uploads/userupload.phpim sure its only a few lines of script you can see I have implemented one in the page already see view source but it takes no effect in this form for some reason?

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Radio Button Is Selected Then Show Text Box?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a long list of events and I want somebody to be able to select one of those events & there will be a text box that shows the address pertaining to the event selected. Exactly how this website did here: http://svacpa.com/live-webinars-and-roundtables-with-demo/seminar-registration/

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


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Populate Text Field With Radio Button Value

Jan 3, 2010

If the user selects the early bird special for member (at 100.00) it populates the text field with the value for that row. Or, if the user selects regular registration for non-member it sets the early bird text field back to 0.00 and populates the text field with he value for the regular expression code. At the same time it populates the total field with the total price. I hope this makes sense. How can I accomplish this using JavaScript or jQuery? The text fields are read only. The table is listed below.

Table code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
</head> .....

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Dynamically Change Text In A Radio Button

Oct 12, 2007

I'm trying to write a Javascript quiz. The idea being that each question has 4 possible answers. The answers being in the form of multiple choice radio button. Instead of having either a long list of radio buttons and questions or loads of pages with tons of duplicated code, I'd like to make the quiz as one page. Pulling the questions, and possible answers from an array. All this I can do, except for changing the text on the radio buttons. In the past I've used.. getElementById with regular text to good effect, but can't manage it with the radio button. Here is part of my test code..


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Required Text Box If Radio Button Selected?

Sep 17, 2009

I am brand new to JavaScript and cannot easliy locate JavaScript code to require value in a text box if a specific radio button is selected and validate when user submits the form. Below, if a user chooses the "other" radio button, they must fill in the "othertext" box.

<input name="choice" type="radio" value="one" />
Choice One<br />
<input name="choice" type="radio" value="two" />


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Reading Radio Button Text Information

Feb 12, 2010

In the following script, I cannot figure out how to access the TEXT information of the radio buttons displayed. All other coded functions perform as expected. I'm not receiving any from the browser?

<title>Options Text</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SboxVOptions(IDS) {
var tarr = [];
var sel = document.getElementById(IDS);
for (var i=0; i<sel.options.length; i++) { tarr.push(sel.options[i].value); }
')); .....

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Radio Button Forms - How To Display Text

Feb 2, 2011

The following code will output numerical values only for the <label>. I need it to display text with multiple characters. For example: I own two exceptional chickens...I own four or more chickens...etc. Again the code works perfectly but only for numbers.

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
function check(x) { document.getElementById('Radio1').innerHTML = x; }
// ]]></script>
<form> <input id="r1" onclick="check(one big);" name="r1" type="radio" value="one" /> One
<input id="r1" onclick="check(two exceptional);" name="r1" type="radio" value="two" /> Two
<input id="r1" onclick="check(three terrific);" name="r1" type="radio" value="three" /> Three
<input id="r1" onclick="check(four or more);" name="r1" type="radio" value="four" /> Four
I own <label id="Radio1" for="r1">blank</label> chickens.

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Select Radio Button When Text Input Has A Value?

Jun 3, 2011

I have been trying to figure out this seemingly easy function and have not had any luck.

Anyways, I have a form with a list of radio buttons, and one of them has a "select your own" or "custom" text entry.

<input type="radio" name="text" value="1" checked /> 0
<input type="radio" name="text" value="2" /> 1
<input type="radio" name="text" value="3" /> 2


Essentially, whenever a user either clicks in the text input or starts typing in the input, I would like the radio button to be selected. As of now, if you open the page and click on the text field, the default 'checked' radio button still is checked.

Does anyone know of a simple "onclick" event or something similar to accomplish this?

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Enable/Disable Text Fields With Radio Button?

Nov 12, 2008

I have a form that has three radio buttons. Each radio button, I have text input field. I want to be ale to check on whatever radio button, it will enable all text inputs fields for that radion button and disable the rest of the text field.Here is my form

Radio Button # 1
<input type="radio" name="paytype" id="radio" value="1" />


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Limit The Size Of Text In Table From Radio Button

Jul 31, 2009

I have this script that gets the value of the selected radio button and then i put into a table from the id. I have over thrity of these and realized that if i didnt cut the values down to a certin size, it would completely destroy the table. I was wondering if there was any way to run the selected value from the radio group through the function(or something else that can cut it to a certin length) then display it in the table. i was thinking it might be easy to do the whole thing in javascript.

Everything above here works great, i just need to cut it to a certin lenght before its displayed

Im not sure what to put into the function to get it to do what is want echo trimStr(**************);?>

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Change Text Within Paragraph Depending On Radio Button?

Mar 23, 2011

I have an electronics site on which I have a code generator. Im an stuck on how to acheive something.

I will simplify what I want to do, so I can then adapt it to my code. I have a paragraph of text on the web page, on which I want to change some words with in the paragraph depending on 2 radio buttons.

Example (radio buttons & short paragraph):

(Radio Button) Apples (checked) (Radio Button) Bananas "Welcome to jakes fruit shop. You have selected apples today" (apples being the word that would change if the banana radio button is checked)

Here is the code generator if your interested. [URL] What I actually want to do is put other 'fixed' text in the input text area (near botton of page) with only the config line changing.

And If I can be shown how to do the short example above, i think I will be able to edit my generator and get it to do what i want it to do.

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Resetting Text Boxes When Changing Radio Button?

Nov 4, 2011

how to reset both my text boxes when I click a different radio button so that I can give another value in the textbox area. I am trying to do it without a reset button. I am just confused with the process of resetting the values of both the text boxes in the code. I feel like the answer is to put it inline in the <input> tag...

<div id="content">
<h1>Convert temperature</h1>
<input type="radio" name="conversion_type" id="to_celcius" onclick="document.getElementById('degrees_celcius').disabled=this.checked;"


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Displaying Text / Selected Radio Button And Checkbox?

Jul 16, 2009

How can I display the text, the selected radio,and check box to the text area if I click the submit button..?

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Radio Button With Text Field (Disable / Enable)

May 10, 2009

I have javasctipt,radio buttons, and textfield in default my textfield is disabled, and when any of radio buttons was click it is disabled also, but when the radio button of the textfield is click it will enable, it works fine and submit the correct data. When I went back to that page the radio button of the text field was checked (ok its fine because it has value) but it didnt show the value of the text field, and it is disabled. I want to repost the input...

Here's my code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<body> .....

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Clicked Radio Button Text To Change Colour

Mar 3, 2005

i made a quiz using radio buttons and ofcourse javascript,but to further customized my quiz i want an event handler in which it will change the text color attached to a particular radio button when the user clicks an option.

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Elp Enabling / Disbaling Text Box When Radio Button Is Selected?

May 3, 2011

2 radio button and 2 text boxes, say them R1, T1, R2, T2when I select R1 then T1 is enabled , and T2 is disabled. when I select R2, then T1 is disable and T2 is enabled.Only, R1 or R2 can be selected (so giving them one name)

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