JQuery :: Parent Element Jumps When Child Fades In Or Out?
May 3, 2009
i am curious if there is a simple solution to this very common problemim sure lots get.i have a div with some children items in it and when i fade one ofthem out the div jumps down to the appropriate height. i would like toknow is there a simple way to animate the div to shrink nicely insteadof just jumping to its new size?
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Oct 4, 2010
i have a menu generated by a list with nested lists. i want the parent link to stay highlighted when the mouse hovers over the sub menus. because those sub menus are also generated by jquery (qtip), CSS alone won't do it (triedul.topnav li:hover a {background-color: #F00;}).is there a way to do this using jquery?
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Aug 26, 2010
I'm a bit new to jQuery but am loving it so far.. especially the cycle plugin. I have a strange problem that I've not been able to find the solution to anywhere else. Everything works just fine with the exception of one issue thats causing me problem. I'm using cycle to control 3 different fading animations on my page. On 2 of the animations I'd like to pause cycle after the image fades out for a few seconds but before cycle fades the next image in. The catch is that I want the timing to be different for each pause before the next cycle begins.
The goal is for#hpcontent,#hphead,#hpfade3to fade out all at the same time. Then for#hphead to pause for 2 seconds before it fades in the next random image, and#hpfade3to pause for 3 seconds before it fades in the next random image
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Mar 16, 2010
The bit of code in bold in the code below is giving me this error in IE: Error: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; Tablet PC 2.0; InfoPath.2; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; MSN OptimizedIE8;ENGB)Timestamp: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 15:07:11 UTC Message: HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917)
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Aug 3, 2009
I have a small problem with a page I'm working on. I have an anchor tag inside a table that has a mouseover event that updates a contextual help box. I need to add a similar mouseover event to the anchor tag that does the same thing, but updates the help box with different text. The problem I have is that when the mouse is over the table, no matter if I move the mouse over the anchor, the help text only displays the message that is passed from the table's mouseover function call. I think the solution *may* be something to do with event bubbling, but I'm not exactly sure how to implement it. The code I'm dealing with is below:
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Oct 28, 2011
I have 2 JS array and I need to have dependency between them knowing that 1st Array has parent element of the 2nd one. i.e.,
2Dep1 10
3Dep2 20
4Dep3 30
I need to have two different DDL's where when I choose VAL = Dep1 on ARRAY1, I should see on the 2nd DDL only elements with parent corresponding to Dep1 ( PARENT =10).
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Feb 23, 2010
HTML parsing error:unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed(kb927917) My page is not getting displayed In IE although running good in chromr and mozilla.... And after refreshing in IE it is displayed properly.
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Oct 28, 2010
I have created parent child checkboxes. When one child is selected, then parent of that child, other child of same name and parent of that same name's child will be selected... Now I want if I unchecked any child, then only same name of child and parents should be unchecked or if I unchecked Parent Child, then same name of parent and child will be unchecked.
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Sep 24, 2011
Demonstration page: [url]
Adjust the CSS margins of the BODY element with the first slider. The yellow P (paragraph) element resizes to fit its smaller containing block, as I would expect.
Then, adjust the CSS border or padding of the BODY element with the second and third sliders. The P element does not resize, though its origin changes. Instead, it overflows its containing block.
Finally, adjust the margins again. The P element snaps back into its containing block.
As you can see from the source, this is jQuery 1.6.4 and jQueryUI 1.8 pulled from googleapis.com.
Edit: Client is Google Chrome16.0.889.0 dev-m.
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Jul 19, 2010
I am trying to figure out the syntax for the following. For this version I am simply trying to select the 2nd child of the SLIDE HOLDER div. For this test I am just making the width grow. My next pass will be to get the index of the DOT clicked and then pass it to the child of the other parent. Please see line 24. I know this is incorrect but placed it to give you an idea of what I am trying to accomplish.
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May 29, 2009
I have the following layout.
The parent (class="panelContent") div contains a child element that is generated/rendered last. This makes the child element #ReportViewer1 overlap the parent (class="rptViewer"). Can I jQuerytize the parent div to adjust it's size after the child renders so it is contained/displayed in the parent?
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Mar 25, 2011
I have a Div control d1and in this div I have furter div and span control.I want to get a list of all element in an array.
<div id="d1">
<div id="h1">
<div id="h2">
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May 11, 2010
I have a div (representing a form) with a number of images positioned absolutely within it. The images represent buttons and what I'd like to do is click on one of the images/buttons and the whole form to fade out with the exception of the selected button which merely changes it's opacity from 1 to 0.5 (to remind the user it was clicked). Here's the code I'm using:
$(this).stop().css("opacity", 0.5).fadeIn("fast");
However, despite referencing the elements in a number of ways (they have unique id's), every time I run this, $(this) won't show - the opacity is being set but it seems to remain steadfastly invisible whilst the parent div is invisible/hidden - am I barking up completely the wrong tree here ?
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Aug 18, 2011
I need to click on a child element and trigger an function in the parent, but know when i enable it both child and parent are getting executed.As you see in the attachment photo when I click the flip page icon the T-shirt should hide and create a description on T-shirt.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have two pages parent.html and child.html, the parent has a link called "Search", when clicked the child open in a modal centered window that has a search form, the search in the child return a list of rows, so when clicking a row the child window close and data is transferred to the parent.
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Mar 31, 2011
I want the <a/> in an <li/> to be triggered when the click happens anywhere within the </li>. So given the html...
<li><a href="javascript:alert('clicked!')">test</a> <span>some other stuff</span></li>
<li><a href="javascript:alert('clicked!')">test</a> <span>some other
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Mar 3, 2010
I have little bizarre problem. Working in Java web development we have project that we use plenty of templates from Velocity. Where one template can refresh section of it self and display one or more templates. My problems is that in parent template I have to pop up window with message if in child template and item from group A been moved to group B or vice-versa. How to change on child template can be propagated up to parent?
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Apr 27, 2009
In jQuery, how to select a parent element to a child if I attached a click event on the parent but also want a click event on a child within.
Let's say I have a the following code :
HTML Code:
There may be several of those classes in the page. I then use jQuery to replace the inner HTML to the clickclass div when clicked on with some other code and a input button (with an ID of, let's say 'save_button').
This works fine for that part:
HTML Code:
I then want to have the button clickable so that I can replace again the HTML in the div (like a save button). But if I try a separate event listener on the input button, it also fires the parent event. Even if I return false on the child event or use event.stopImmediatePropagation() in the .click child function.
I've managed to almost get it with the following code :
HTML Code:
If the event is triggerd form 'clickclass', then replace with HTML + input button
The problem is that whenever I try using .parent() with jQuery, it always tells me that parent() is not a function. I've tried various other ways of getting the parent object (the clickclass div) but can't get it to work.
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Feb 4, 2009
I have one page which have two ifrmaes, parent iframe contains no of child iframe. Now oncliking child iframe check box, I have to get that value into parent iframe, I managed to create array of parent iframe but can't get child ifrmae's control. I used like this:
but it doesn't work.
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Jun 1, 2005
I currently have populated checkboxes in my form. I would like to write script that by clicking on a parent checkbox it will automatically select the child checkboxes as well.
The current Script I have is only the parent with a name and populated value attached to it. I would like to attach child checkboxes for each checkbox that appears from code below.
<input type="checkbox" name="price" value="<%Response.Write Recordset("price")%>"/>
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a javascript here for adding my div element to my registration form,Adding the div element is easy, but it shows on the bottom of my form. I cant make it as the first child element of my form...This is my code
var _form = document.getElementById('registration_form');
var errorDiv = document.createElement('div');
errorDiv.setAttribute('class', 'confBox');
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Apr 24, 2009
I've got a reference to a TableCell and I'd like to use jQuery to get the first instance of an <IMG> tag within that TableCell, but can't get the syntax right, I understand how it would work if I were to reference the TableCell by and ID or class, but not when I have a direct reference to the cell, I've got:
What the jQuery syntax should be to get the first img tag within "tdRef"?
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Jul 23, 2005
I was curious one day and started to explore the whole idea of a
document opening a pop up and that pop up being able to send data, that
was input by the user, back to the parent. Does anyone have expirence
with this?
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Aug 13, 2005
How do you open a new window and closed the parent window. ie click on link and new window opens in place of original window.
Is there some way of combing window.open and window.close?
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May 3, 2006
I have 40 or 50 inputs scattered among many pages that all need the
ability to open a popup which allows the user to navigate a file
directory structure, locate a specific file, and return the fully
qualified file name to the parent window input. All the 40 or 50 inputs
have unique IDs. Given any one input ID, I have everything working
perfectly: the parent form opens the popup using
window.open("FileFinder.aspx?dir=" + UserRootDirectory + "&InPutID=" +
Popup talks back to parent using window.opener.document...
Like I said, give me the input field ID and I can make everything work
every time... but it makes NO sense to write 40 or 50 functions, one
for each unique input field. I tried using
but I keep getting an error message about something requiring an
object. Is there a way to accomplish this? Also, since I'm new to
JavaScript (and web programming generally), is there a good tool for
debugging JavaScript intended for IE?
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Nov 30, 2009
I have a table of data, grouped by Month, Year and then ProjectID:
- Month, Year
- ProjectID
- Job1
- Job2
The Month, Year row controls a collapsable row (ProjectID) and in turn, the ProjectID row controls the Job row(s). The problem I'm having is that if the Job row(s) is open, then 'close' the Month, Year row, the Job row(s) stay visible. How can I control all 'child' rows from the 'parent' Month, Year control?
PHP Code:
$previousProject = '';
$previousMonth ='';
if ($totalRows_rsInvPending > 0) {
// Show if recordset not empty
do {
if ($previousProject != $row_rsInvPending['projid']) {
if ($previousMonth != $row_rsInvPending['themonth']) {
// for every Project, show the Project ID
?> .....
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