JQuery :: Grabbing Table Row Contents?

Aug 29, 2010

I am a lil new to JQ. I have a table and each row has a unique id like so<tr id="123">. I have a edit button in one of the fields on that row, and I want to turn that row into a form. How can I grab all the values of each field in that row and store them as a variable when the edit button in that row is clicked?

<tr id="e2c420d928d4bf8ce0ff2ec19b371514">
<td><div id="item_name">asdf (asdf)</div></td>
<td><div id="item_description">asdf</div></td>
<td><div id="item_price">1234</div></td>


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Grabbing An Entire Tag And Contents With Regular Expressions

Dec 6, 2004

I want to create a function with Javascript regular expressions that will grab the entire contents of a custom tag and place that into a string. Including the tag that I am grabbing.

This is what I think the regular expression should look like:


Whats the best way to use Javascript to place the results of my Regular Expression shown above into a string.

For example:

if myString = "bla bla bla <myTag>some more text</myTag>" then I need a command that will use the regular expression to put "<myTag>some more text</myTag>" into another string var.

I think I need to use the RegExp command in Javascript but I am unsure.

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JQuery :: Adding Table Of Contents To Booklet?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm developing a site that uses a flipbook like the one found here:I'm wondering how I can add a table of contents so that someone can navigate through multiple (~100) pages. Tried a simple hash, but I'm not sure how to make it work with the script itself

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JQuery :: Select Table Row Based Upon The Contents Of The First Td?

Mar 30, 2010

Hate to trouble you gurus with such a simple question but I'm just beginning w/jquery etc. Anyway i've come up with the following but it doesn't work. $("#table_id td").not(".Source:contains('System')").parent().addClass('edit_allowed');

The first column has class "Source" and I want to add the class name "edit_allowed" if the contents of teh first td is "System".

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JQuery :: Generate A Table Of Contents From The H Tags In Webpage?

Oct 25, 2009

i am using the folowing jquery function to generate a table of contents from the h tags in my web page. I could make some changes but i am not able to extend the function, so that it puts numbers in front of my toc elements like



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JQuery :: Color Based On Contents Of Table Data

Oct 13, 2009

I have a table of data brought in through lift and in it is a status column. I am wondering if there is an easy way to color a row based on the contents of that column. Any status of broken was red, edited was yellow and finalized was green. It seems like I could write a widget for doing this, but I don't know how it would work and have little experience with creating my own widgets.

Here is the initialization which includes functions for mouseover color changes.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Adds "over" class to rows on mouseover
$(".tablesorter tr").mouseover(function(){
// Removes "over" class from rows on mouseout
$(".tablesorter tr").mouseout(function(){
$('.tablesorter selectThisRow').click(function() {
widgets: ['zebra'],
headers: {
0: { sorter: false },
1: { sorter: false },
2: { sorter: false },
3: { sorter: false },
5: { sorter: false },
7: { sorter: false },
8: { sorter: false }
.tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")});

I'm working with scala and lift as well so I'm bringing in the table data from a database when the page loads. Whether a widget is how to make the colors adjust, or creating more JS functions for doing it.

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JQuery :: Apply A Css Style To Table Row Based On Cell Contents?

Sep 17, 2009

How could I apply a css style to a <tr> row based on the value of the contents in column 1?

For instance, on my table (generated from an asp:GirdView), column 1 contains a number ranging from 1.00 to 12.00. I need to show a certain background color for all rows whose value in column 1 is greater than 10.

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JQuery :: Resetting Contents Of The Table Cell On Cancel Or Escape?

Apr 14, 2010

I am using jQuery with jEditable and jQuery UI confirmation dialog. What I am trying to do, it to restore contents of the table cell if user hits Cancel on jQuery UI dialog, or just hits Esc.jEditable has "onblur" option that i can set to "cancel", and it works if uses clicks out of the field, so I am trying to achieve something like that with jQuery UI, because currently it just leaves an empty table cell.

I am pretty sure the logic of my script is wrong somehow, so I am trying to figure out what to do to fix it.

Here is the flow of the script:

1. User clicks on a table cell and edits data in jEditable

2. User clicks save, jEditable doe POST to my php script and gets results, which a passed to jQuery UI confirmation dialog.

3. User either confirms or cancels changes. In case of Cancel or Esc, the user presented with a page, as it was before any editing has occured

$(".editable_textarea").editable("/path/to/my/php_script.php", {
indicator : "<img src='/am/images/indicator.gif'>",
type : 'textarea',


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Possible To Read Contents Of Table Cell?

May 30, 2009

Is it possible to read the contents of a table cell. I have the below table and would like extract the value of the first cell. The first cell will always be a hyperlink so I guess I only need the contents between the "<A>" tags. So the first row should return ""434235". How can I do this.code...

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Copy Table Contents To Clipboard

Jul 13, 2009

I'm trying to send an entire table and it's contents to the clipboard. The problem is that one of the cells of the table contains a chart that comes from an applet via our SAP system.The other cells around the chart contain labels and such... the user will need to cut and paste these charts into presentations.What i would like is for users to be able to click a button and go paste into power point or wherever they'd like.I had an idea that maybe it's possible to take a screenshot of a portion of the screen and throw that image to the clipboard?

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Retrieve The Contents Of The Columns Of A <table>?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm having trouble recovering in JS content of the columns of a <TABLE>.

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Wrapping Text In Table Of Contents?

Sep 7, 2011

I am building an e-learning lesson in Lectora that will be deployed to a SCROM compatible learning management system. The lesson is converted into HTML before that happens. My table of contents is around 100 pixels wide but some of the page names are longer than that and do not display fully when viewed in a browser.What I am trying to do is this:The page name for this page is very, very long and I can't see it all. Blah blahWould becomeThe page name for this page is very,

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Dynamically Edit A Table's Contents

Apr 5, 2007

Does anyone know how to Dynamically add new rows to a table through plain javascript.
I tried changing the InnerHTML with getelementbyid() already and that doesn't work.

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Dynamically Replace Table Contents

Feb 17, 2005

ok basically i want to move two rows in a table.
for example i have the table:

1 name1 address1
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
4 name4 address4

and i'd like a javascript function to which i could pass a line number, a destination number, and it would then reorganize the table accordingly.
example: rebuildtable(4,2) would result in:

1 name1 address1
4 name4 address4
2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3

and rebuildtable(1,4) in:

2 name2 address2
3 name3 address3
4 name4 address4
1 name1 address1

I have tried a method using innerHTML, I seem to be able to access <tr>s' innerhtml (if i do an alert on them i can see their current status), however when i want to replace one tr with some other html it fails for some reason.

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Clean Contents Of Table And Put Them Into Their Own Divs?

Mar 12, 2010

Basically I have this grab from a myspace profile to import a band's upcoming show listings on another website. The problem is that myspace puts all this information into a table, and in order to style the elements individually, I need a way to grab all the text from each cell and put them into their own divs. I don't want any table or tbody or tr or td references or anything, just the content from the cells placed in their own divs so I that I can style this individually.

If you could come up with a way to move all information from inside a cell into an array, that would also work. code...

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Referencing Complex Table Cell Contents

Aug 1, 2005

How can I access a DIV item in a given row/column, which itself is a cell of
another table of some other given row/column??? I.e. an element of a table
in a table! I have been trying to use GetElementByID, by Name, etc.. but not having much

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Submitting Contents Of Input To Table Field

Sep 2, 2009

I have a php page that has a button on it when clicked shows a div (previously hidden) in the middle of the page this div contains a table with rows.Each row has an image acting as a button and a series of fields that are populated from a database.One of the fields is a quantity box I want to be able to change the value in this box and click on the submit img and have it submit this info (including the altered quantity) back to the php page or to the submit function so that I can then access the values.

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Dynamic Table Contents Based Off Selection Box From A Database

Jul 23, 2005

What I'd like to do is have a dropdown box populated with data from a
database. Based on what you select from the drop down a table will be
generated (in this case a 3 column table) from another query to the
database. I will eventually want a way to select one of the rows from
the table, but for now I'd be happy with just generating the table.

I know it will have to deal with DHTML, dom documents, getElementID,
removeNode, recreating the node. What I am not sure about is how to

1) Dynamically create a table
2) Step 1 with data from a database (recordset)

Like I said, I'd also like to be able to select a row from the table.
I'd be happy with making the ros a radio group, though it would be
interesting to be able to select the row. I take it I'd use CSS to
highlight the row selected then.

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Table Row Show/hide Depending On The Contents Of A Variable?

Feb 3, 2010

I want to get javascript to show or hide a row in a table depending on whether a value is held by a variable collected in a mulitple part formmail. If only 1 adult fills in their name on the earlier form there is no need to show the row which asks him to agree to membership on a later form page. This is what Ive got so far<form name="frm3" method="post" action="bookingscript.php">

<input type="hidden" name="adult2fn" value="$adult2name" />
<script Language="JavaScript">
var name1 = document.frm3.adult2fn.value;
if(name1 =="")


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Generate Table From Which Can Easily Edit Contents Of A MySQL Database

Jul 30, 2009

I would like to be able to generate a table from which I can easily edit the contents of a mySQL database (similar to phpMyAdmin.) In that table I would like to have a button that will open a pop-up, allowing me to edit - and maintain formatting such as apostrophes and line breaks - a long description field. That popup will then populate a hidden input field on its parent with the modified description.

I've got the pop-up opening and its fields are populated using php's GET function (see line 11). The special characters, particularly carriage returns, are messing me up; I can remove them using php's str_replace, but I want to retain them for formatting.

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Display The Table Contents Based On The Selecting From Drop Down Menu?

Oct 16, 2010

I have triple drop down menu. I want to display the contents of the table based on the third menu selection. The code is in the link [URL]

I know I need to include a onchange function to <select name="genus"> but as you can see I have a <div> already for it. I am confused how to create the function to display the table and also the how to include another div tag.

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JQuery :: Removing Table,tr,td Wihout No Removing Contents?

Jun 5, 2010

i have situation that i need to remove table that is automaticly generated, but i also need to not remove contents of table.

<table class="mytable" width="100">


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JQuery :: Grabbing Text Inside An Alt Tag?

Apr 29, 2009

Is there a way to grab the text from inside a alt tag?I have a sitethat will have tons of span tags and I need to go through all of themsearching for the alt="" attribute then grab it.I'm using some non-jQuery javascript, so I'm sure there is an easierway to format this than what I currently have.----- html example:

<span>text here</span>
<span alt="Joe">text here</span>
<span alt="Jim">text here</span>


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JQuery :: Grabbing Specific Part Of A String Of Text?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to grab a specific part of a string of text and am wondering how to do it (or if it is possible to do it) with a jQuery selector.Is there any way to get that specific part of the link?

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JQuery :: Create JSON Data Format By Grabbing The DIV Elements Ids And Innerhtml Of It ?

Aug 24, 2011

I have some DIV elements having some ID and content in it .. for example

I have submit button when I click this ... I should generate a JSON data structure like this

I need to POST this on submit button clicking.... I have seen some serializeArray() function but it works well for form based elements, I have created some string based structure in which I am printing the single quotes and double quotes like this fashion by creating a array and pushing itvar result = new Array();

Is there any short cut to create JSON with this datas ...

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JQuery :: Cross Domain POST Using Or Json(p) Grabbing And Formatting Returned Data?

May 26, 2010

Im trying to validate a form (easy) and POST it to a third party WCF service. I am able to validate and POST data to the service, but its returned data (in table format) keeps opening in a blank page with their url in the browser address bar. Can't have that, I need to grab the returned data and .append it to a div on my page. Here is what I have that FAILS

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).click(function() {
//cancel form


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