JQuery :: GetJSON Not Work In Chrome?
Aug 15, 2010WhyjQuery.getJSON() not work inChrome 5.0? but work in IE8. This my example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
WhyjQuery.getJSON() not work inChrome 5.0? but work in IE8. This my example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
i use the getJSON function to get some data from another link here is the function
$.getJSON( site_url , function(data) {
site_url is a link to tinyurl script which return a tiny url in this form [URL]now this working very fine with firefox but not with IE and google chrome sometimes it working and always get error " j.readyState is null or not an object
I can call a rest service I have running in a 'test' environment fine from other tools (or directly in browser for that matter).
When I call using jQuery nothing happens.
No errors, no javascript messages. Nothing. [code]...
I have a problem, I don't know why this code doesn't work on IE ver 8 On Firefox, Chrome it is like I want, on IE - no reaction Is this some html/css problem or my fault on js? I'm sure about .js code is correct.. I think.. link html/css/js
View 6 Replies View RelatedHere is the code
$('img').attr({onclick: "Image_Click(src)"});
$('img').css("cursor", "pointer");
This works in Firefox but will not in chrome. In chrome the .css works and changes the cursor to the hand on hover however .attr does not work it doesn't put the onclick attribute on any of the images.
The Demo in Chrome 6.0.472.25 dev renders all the examples inoperable. It works in Firefox and Explorer with this url to my hard drive.[URL]
But in Chrome no luck. See the attached screen capture "ChromeProblem.jpg.
I tried to solve this months ago, and I discovered downlevel versions of Chrome worked. Which one?? I don't remember, but after upgrading Chrome the jQuery UI Demo always stopped working. I tried many different machines, all with the same result
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After solving some backwards incompatible stuff, we upgraded to 1.5 today, but the following bit of code does not seem to be working on Chrome. It used to work using jQuery <1.5, but fails on 1.5+, and only in Chrome (works perfectly on FF still...
$('<option value="' + co[i].value + '" data-prepaid-total="' + co[i].prepaid_total + '" data-postpaid-total="' + co[i].postpaid_total + '">' + co[i].label + '</option>')
.data('prepaidPrice', co[i].prepaid_total)
.data('postpaidPrice', co[i].postpaid_total)
.appendTo($('#tbody-search-results tr[data-domain=' + sld + '_' + tld + '] td:nth-child(3) select'))
I use this code to create a div element with inside a text and a button, for than adding this div in a cell of the jquery grid. Everything works fine with firefox and IE instead in chrome I found out with alerts that only the click of the button is added, the other handlers like change and keyup NO or are not triggered.
myJQGrid.myElemKodi = function (value, option, disabled, lastsel2, id) {
var el3 = $('<div></div>');
var textField = $('<input type="text" />');
i tried a lot to load an external html into a div using .load() in chrome (it works in ff, ee, safary and opera). interesting point is online examples are working fine. but when i download the codes, chrome can not load external data on my machine!
here is my load function:
$(function() {
$.build = {};
$.extend($.build , {
$().offset() does not return values on Chrome. Works well in IE and FF.
var element = r.circle(cx, cy, radius); // r.circle is from raphaeljs library.
var offset = $(element.node).offset();
Is there a work/fix around for this?
It's an incremental search function.
$(function () {
items: 'dl.entryList > dt',[code].....
I want use $.ajax to read some infomation from xml file,here is my js code :
However, the code only work great in firefox and opera. It doesn't work in chrome(7.0.517.24 ) and safari(5.0.1),failed without any alert,not even the alert("ajax failed"). Is there any bug in $.ajax in chrome and safari?
my code is as follows:
<td><a href="#" id ="putsomeDynamicvalue">ingresar</a></td>
<script type ="text/javascript">
I send some data by post from page to PHP script. In FF it works fine, but Google Chrome fall down...
var category = 'category_name';
$.post('../ajax.php', { 'ajax': 1,
'active': 1,
'category': category,
'id': id}, function(out) {
alert ('echo');
I tried the same code without apostrophes, but with no effect.
I found error... In POST variables passed to ajax.php I had 'content': content and content is probably jQuery reserved word (and this variable wasn´t define before). But I don´t know why that works in FF.
I use a subnav and subsubnav with the following code. It works in all popular browsers as desired, except in Chrome (latest version), which don't open subnav-2I've tried several methods without success. The classes subnav-1 and subnav-2 are li elements. Maybe someone can tell me where is the problem.
I'm using my custom component that has a combo box (jsf's h:selectOneMenu, which has a onselect event)in it and it already has a onchange event, so I want the onchange event to trigger another onselect event with jQuery and it only works in Firefox.
I tried it without the component and it looks like this:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
and again works only in Firefox, and not IE and Chrome. It works with onblur event, but the onselect is closer to what I need.
Is it not working because the html <select> tag doesn't have a select event but Firefox can do it for some reason?
I've hosted a test suite at: Webkit Bug Clicking on the enlarged image doesn't work properly in Safari and Chrome.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I load a page with jQuery load() function API. It does not load the style section on the header using Safari and Chrome.
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I'm setting position left to 100% and it works except in Chrome/safari. These browsers set it about 100px from the left not 100%obj.css('left', '100%');Setting the css by itself <img src="" style="left:100%;position:absolute" works fine.I don't know if this is a browser problem or a jquery problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two select lists that have option lists that are created from external XML lists that contain course offerings available at different locations. Each location has a different set of course offerings. When a user selects a location, the javascript code will hide / show the option entries that correspond to the course offerings for that location. If a user selects a course offering, the javascript code will show / hide the locations that offer those courses.
Click events are attached to each of the Option entries with the code below. The code works correctly with Firefox and Opera, but the click events are never triggered in IE, Safari or Chrome. The Chrome debugger seems to indicate that the click events get set up in Chrome (although I am not sure where JQuery saves event handler data). Each option entry has a unique ID tag.
$(".locn_option_select").click(function (locnevent) { // Set up click action on the option entries
I can't get this to work in Google chrome. It's supposed to display after being processed by the php file.here's the javascript
<code>ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){
var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById('ajaxDiv');
Here's the php code.
echo "<p style='background:yellow;>Your changes have been saved</p>";
It will work in Firefox, but not in Chrome.
with making an expandable feature which uses slideUp and slideDown I got problems reading the true height of a div - tag in Google Chrome. The values of $('.classOfDivTag').height() aren't correct in Chrome. In every other browser its correct.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have a sizeable popup that will work in google chrome? I have tried several scripts for this with no success, they all open full page. Here is an example of what I am looking for. The problem with this is it opens a new page plus a full page popup
<script type="text/javascript">
function popup(url) {
var is_chrome;
var width = 1020;
var height = 600;
var left = (screen.width - width)/2;
var top = (screen.height - height)/2;
var params = 'width='+width+', height='+height;
params += ', top='+top+', left='+left;
params += ', directories=no';
params += ', location=no';
params += ', menubar=no';
params += ', resizable=yes';
params += ', scrollbars=yes';
params += ', status=no';
params += ', toolbar=no';
newwin=window.open(url,'windowname5', params);
is_chrome= navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1;
if (is_chrome) {newwindow.parent.blur();}
if (window.focus) {newwin.focus()}
return false;
// -->
To open I am using:
The code below works fine on IE and FF but not on Google Chrome.
You can preview the below code by pasting it to Frontpage, Dreamweaver and etc.
I'm trying to do a redirect using the below code:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "http://google.com"
FF and IE work as they should. Chrome doesn't.
The request above to http://google.com, gets a 'canceled' status in Chrome browser > Development tools > "Network".
I've tried several other functions:
location.href = url
document.location = url
window.open(url, '_self')
Same code pasted within a local html file works fine.
Below is the redirect request that it's canceled by chrome: [URL]
I have some simple code to have one div bounce around inside another. It works fine on Firefox and IE, but for some reason in Opera and Chrome it only moves left to right.
This suggests that Chrome and Opera allow you to dynamically set style.left but not style.top. This seems odd to me.
why this won't run as intended on Chrome or Opera?
Here's a very simplified version of my code to demonstrate the problem:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">