JQuery :: Get Class Properties In Event Handler (in OOP)
Feb 3, 2011
i'm looking for the best way to use global properties that defined at class level insid event handler functions.
for example :
function MyClass() {
this.v1 = "hello";
this.v2 = {name: 'joe', age:'30'};
this.link1 = $("<a/>", {id: "link1"});
actually, in link1Handler 'this' returns to link1 not to main class. so how to get class properties or functions inside the private functions of the same class?
I've many div with sequence of ids like d1 d2 d3 ... and I need to listen to their click event so I'm using a loop to add an event handler to them, Here it's my code:
for(var i = 0; i < $ds.length; i++){ var $d = $ds[i]; var xFunc = function(e){ document.title = "d: "+$d;
But when I click on each of them always the title goes to "d: 4" where 4 is the last value in $ds.
I'm creating a drop down menu so that when a user clicks on the drop down arrow and then hovers over one of the options, a bubble comes up and does a validation. The thing is that everything works fine in Firefox, but not in IE or Chrome. The problem is that the .mouseover() function doesn't work on the <option> tags in IE and Chrome, but it works fine in Firefox because apparently FF is the only browser that supports it.
I'm trying to change a word in an animated collapsible div script from Dynamic Drive. When clicking "Hide" I want the word to change to "Show". I have part of the script, but it's not working correctly - it just removes "Hide" when clicking on it. See the example here.
The code so far is this:animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "divobj.id" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state if ($('#'+divobj.id+'-toggle').length==1){ //if toggle link has id 'divid-toggle' defined if (state=="block") $('#'+divobj.id+'-toggle').prepend('<span class="prefix">Hide </span>') else $('#'+divobj.id+'-toggle').find('span.prefix').remove() }} I'm totally new to jQuery.
My plan is to create a JavaScript class, with some functions and variables, and one of the functions is called when a user clicks on a certain element. However, I need to find out the ID of the element that was clicked (in the example, that of the <p>) for further processing. It looks basically like the following:
The result was very crazy, because console.log(this) gave me the node as result, and console.log($(this)) did the same only as jQuery node, but trying to find out the attribute via jQuery gave undefined as result. I haven't checked if this.id would work (should probably), but I'd prefer to keep the whole script in jQuery, if possible. I suspect it may be an overusage of the 'this' keyword, but if so, what's the proper way to do it?
I haven't come across an exampe that would enable me to pass data to my event handler.For example, if I click a button I want it to pass the value of an adjacent text input to my handler.
I've a very simple code where i am setting the font-size to currect font-size + 2 for a paragraph. Its set first time but when next time event handler is called it gets the same old value.code is ...
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
I'm trying to make a webpage where you can change the colour of various elements within the page, which has numerous div classes in the css and numerous divs all with different names. What I'm trying to work out and can't find anywhere is can you change the properties of a css class using javascript, and if so, how?
I have a <div> containing 3 buttons. The buttons have id's like this: Button 1: btnFoo Button 2: btnBar Button 3: btnBaz
I'd like to add an click event to each button to call a function named [button ID]_click(): i.e. btnFoo_click() btnBar_click() btnBaz_click()
So far I have this: $("#divButtons button").each(function() {. $( this ).bind("click",function(){ eval(($(this)[0].id) + '_click()'); }); }); This works but is there a way without having to use eval and still utilizing the lovely .each function?
I need to know how to add an event to a button. The specific issue is that I want to add an event which is a prototype function of a class. Consider the following as an example:
In the below code snippet I'm trying to add an dynamic event in <div id="button3"> when you click at button1, which is added static in the html body. button3 has exactly the same behaviour as button1, but the eventhandler will not be activated.
I am embedding Spidermonkey in a C app. and I'm having trouble setting class (not instance) property values. For example, I am setting up the class as follows:
The above code correctly (verified through a JavaScript program). creates a new class with the Prop1 class property.
The following code correctly adds an _instance_ property:
jsval val = INT_TO_JSVAL(42); JS_SetProperty(cx, proto, "MyProp2", &val);
After three days I still can't figure out how to set the value of the class property, or, for that matter, create a new class property with a particular value. I am looking to do something like this:
jsval val = INT_TO_JSVAL(88); JS_SetProperty(cx, ???, "Prop1", &val);
I need to change the background-image (or possibly background-position) property of each new instance of a div with a particular class. I will have a set of images to choose from, or could create a sprite with all of the images.
I am have an MVC app that generates a list of rows, of which one of the columns is a button. Here is the rendered HTML for the buttons: <input id ="btnUpdate21" type ="submit" value ="Approve" synchId ="21" /> <input id ="btnUpdate22" type ="submit" value ="Approve" synchId ="22" /> .....
Following is my selector that I use to bind the buttons to my click event: <script type ="text/javascript" charset ="utf-8" > $(document).ready(function () { $('input[id^="btnUpdate"]' ).click(promptForSynchDate); });
I have been trying to access the button Id, though what I really need is the attribute synchId, to use inside of a modal. I have so far been unable to access either one of them. My modal works fine. But the value of either attribute is always "undefined".
Here is my click event handler: (I stuck the alert in there just for debug purposes) function promptForSynchDate() { $(document).ready( function () { var test1 = $(this).attr('id'); alert( 'test1 is : ' + test1); $( '#approve-synch').dialog({ .....
I have a basic HTML form with a button that submits the form via jQuery's $.post to a processor. That processor returns the identical form, including any errors below any of the elements e.g. input, textarea, etc. The response also has a new submit button to submit the form once more, however, because I'm retrieving a giant string with HTML elements and because jQuery already loaded, that new submit button doesn't do anything. How can I parse jQuery's response for that button and assign a handler so that when the button is pushed, it submits the form again?
So I have an event handler for the KeyDown event in a Javascript file but for some reason it does not get called the first time a key is pressed. However, if a key is pressed or a mouse button clicked then the next time I press a key it does get called. Here is the relevant code:
........................... // Other stuff $(function()
I have a TabContainer on my page, and I want to add a keyup handler to the textbox, but somehow I counldn't find the textbox in my jquery function using $('#TabContainer1_TabPanel1_TextBox1'). Here is my code:
Its a very convoluted title, but not sure how to phrase it.I'm using the latest version of jquery. i have a function that creates a new row given an onchange event for the primary select box. This new row contains another drop down box that i want to bind another onchange event. Problem is when the child drop down change event is triggered, if there are multiple children, the alert pops up for the number of children that it has.. horrible explanation heres the code:
Code: $('#perph_type').change(onSelectChange); function onSelectChange(){