JQuery :: Form.submit Not Function Error Form Plugin?
Jan 8, 2010
I'm trying to get an upload popup working with the jQuery form plugin[URL].. When I click a link I load a form html from the server and add it to a container div by setting the div's html attribute. I then attach a submit handler to the form so I can call the ajaxSubmit function of the form plugin.
I'm having troubles with an existing J2EE application (which uses Dojo) and in which I'm gradually introducing jQuery. The specific issue is with the malsup Form plugin and the JSON returned from a form submission: the error callback is always called, regardless of what happens on the server side, and the error is always "parsererror". I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and the 2.45 version of the malsup Form plugin. For example, given the following code:
$(document).ready(function() { var options = { dataType: 'json',[code]....
the server receives the submission and handles it without errors, then in the browser I always get the same alert from the processAddressEditSubmitError() function, with an "Invalid JSON" message:
Malsup's most excellent and comprehensive Form plugin has me completely stuck on just one thing.Take a look at this: http:[url]....At the bottom are a variety of submit buttons, and when you click one, it knows which one has been clicked.And I've been through the js and the source and the examples and I can't figure out how the bleep it's done!I'll tell you why I'm asking, then perhaps you can probably tell me I'm doing it wrong anyway!Let's say a blind person logs in, and want to edit their presets.I don't want the form to be too complex or clever or ajaxy, as screenreaders don't like that, so it just iterates through as many presets as they have, and populates a form with edit boxes.But there's no point "pushing back" 29 unchanged items just to edit one row.
So my idea was I'd just "fieldSerialize()" the details of the row that was currently being edited and submit that to my little php routine that updates the db. Then they can do a refresh just to hear the list again.The js looks like:
$(document).ready(function() { $('#myForm').ajaxForm(function() { var queryString = $('#myForm').formSerialize(); [code]....
All works fine like that. But if I change line 3 to: var queryString = $('#myForm :button').fieldSerialize(); it doesn't work. I've also tried:
Maybe I should just generate as many separate forms as there are presets, but then I'm going to need as many ready(function)'s as there are rows, which is going to be very messy.
I have my form working great as long as my submit button is contained within the form tags. But the design calls for the submit button to be outside of the form. Sample code and diagrams are below.
<form> my form here </form> <div> </div> <div> Submit button </div>
I have created a form with malsup's Form Plugin wherein it submits on change of the inputs. However, after each submission, the form loses focus, which forces the user to click on the next input element after each input change, which is a bit annoying. Is there a way I could set the form to automatically focus on the next input element after the submission depending on which input element the form was submitted from? [code]...
I'm currently trying to use the jQuery Form Plugin to submit my form containing a file to upload and some other data to my 5 other servers.I'm using a php file with the following code to submit the form. It is working on every server and the file is getting uploaded correctly by the jsp usually.There are times when it will fail and maybe only the 1st and 5th will have the file. I'm thinking that maybe this is a syncing issue? Something to do with them all being called right away? Would there be any way to call them one after another as in letting the first one finish before submitting to the second?[code]
I have a form with several submit buttons. I've used $(#myform).ajaxForm(options) method to make the form submittable with ajax. the problem is that no matter what button I click the form data is the same and <input type="submit"> element is not included into the form data, as if it were not a "successul control". so at this point form doesn't work as expected. is there a way to convey information of which button was clicked with the form plugin?
I was using jquery-1.2.6 and now, I started to use jquery-1.3.2, and I get my first "difference": when I use the wrapped set operation $ (':input[@name=submit]') with jquery-1.3.2 it returns all input fields, but if I use it with jquery-1.2.6 it returns 0 (as espected). Is it an error with 1.3.2 version?What do you think I'm doing wrong? This wrapped set is used by "jQuery Form Plugin" and, if I have file uploads I get the alert 'Error: Form elements must not be named "submit".' from the function "fileUpload" of this plugin.
I seem to be having trouble getting the submithandler form attribute working. The link is here: [URL]. For some reason it submits and does not show the alert I have inside the function of the submithandler attribute.
I have a form with multiple submit buttons. <form action="" id="myForm" method="post"> <fieldset> <!-- various input fields --> <button type="submit" name="Exit">Exit</button> <button type="submit" name="SaveExit">Save & Exit</button> <button type="submit" name="Save">Save</button> </fieldset> </form> When the SaveExit or Save buttons are clicked, the form is to be validated. When the Exit button is clicked, the form is NOT to be validated. How can I do this with the Validate Plugin 1.7 from [URL]. Is this possible?
The form processor I'm using can take a few seconds to complete (and either take me to the thank-you page or back to the form with error messages). I'd like to change the "submit" button to a loading GIF. I'm using the following code but realize that the form (using ajaxSubmit) doesn't actually submit when I do this.
function pleaseWait() { var x = document.getElementById("submitdiv"); x.innerHTML = "Please Wait... <img src='/images/ajax-loader.gif' />"; }
I'm using the jQuery form validation plugin along with the fileinput plugin which hides the initial input area, but uses <divs> and some styling /javascript to show the file input field.The issue I am having, is that the 'this field is required' text that is meant to show on submission, doesn't come up for the file input field, nor some checkboxes that I have in a table. I am guessing that this is because the code is needing the label to be RIGHT next to the element (in this case the file input or the checkbox) in order for the validation message to show..Are there any work arounds that anyone knows of so that I can get the error message to show?Is there a way to show the error message for required fields when they have a div wrapping them or anything wrapping them? [code]
I'm using external js, not jQuery.I have two different forms on two different web pages. I'd like for the same validating script to handle both forms. I had this:
m relatively new to Jquery and have come accross these two plugins.Having looked at the ajax examples offered for the form plugin i wasintruiged to find out how i could go about validating the form usingthe formvalidate plugin during the beforeSubmit callback.Ive seen that you can validate the ajaxform as shown in the followingxample.malsup.com/jquery/form/#code-samplesHowever i'd like to use the formvalidate as it offers alot more....
I'm trying to diagnose/solve a problem with internet explorer, whereby sometimes the form submits, and other times IE produces an 'invalid syntax' error.
First, I have a form, and within the form is a button bar and a <div> block which contains a table of parameters. The div block is used to create a layer.
Now, when the table contains 15 or less rows in it, any button on the button bar which calls form.submit() works as it should, however, where the table has 16 or more rows, the form.submit generates an "invalid syntax" error. IE doesnt provide any more detail on this error. Code:
I'm using the submit and ajax functions to check a form. When the form is submitted the submit event executes and within that event the data (a code the user has to fill in) is sent to the server to check if it's correct. If it is correct, the submit event supposes to return true (so the form submits), if it's incorrect the submit event supposes to return false (so submitting the form cancels).
Here's my code that should do this: $(function(){ var submit = false; $('#login').submit(function(){ $('span.error').fadeOut('slow'); $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/login', type: 'POST', data: 'code=' + $('#code').val(), success: function(response){ if (response != ''){ $('span.error').fadeIn('slow').text(response); submit = false; }else{ submit = true; }}}) return submit; })});
But here's the problem: While jQuery does the ajax request, the script continues. So it will return false - even if the code is validated - because the var submit has been set to false at line 4. When I submit the form again, the form is validated because 'submit' is true (but that's set to true the first time). How can I ensure the submit function waits for the ajax request to finish?
I'm trying to submit a form with the jQuery Form Plugin by malsup. I'm fairly positive my code is correct because in IE8 the success function is being called and the background of the boxes are turning green. In IE7 however, The submit function is definitely working as the file is uploaded to the correct place, but the success function is not being called/fired. Any ideas as to why this might be? Do IE7 and IE8 handle this that differently? The function in the success call is just changing a checkbox and combo box background colors to green.
I am using jQuery form plugin to submit my form. It has a file element and when where I am submitting it I am getting "too much recursion" in Firefox. It looks fine in IE 8. It works fine if I submit the form without selecting any file.
I'm using the Validation plugin for JQuery and was wondering if there was a function to submit the form without causing it to validate the form. I have a table with a list of radio-buttons and above that is a drop down list of states. The drop down list of states is used to filter the table rows and when the selected item changes it posts-back to the server (via $("#frm").submit()). I don't want this to cause any validation to occur. Is there another function I can call besides submit(), or some other method?
We're using Malsup's form plugin v2.82 and jQuery core 1.6.2. We're having issues in IE7 where, on a form with file upload, form fields are being dropped before the form is submitted to the server.We tracked it down to the `fileUpload` function, specifically line 196 where each field in the form data has `.attr('disabled',false)` run against it. If we change this to`.prop('disabled',false)` it all works fine.I don't see a clearly marked place to submit bug reports for the form plugin, and wanted to verify that others see this as well,
Is it possible to read a web page on some web site that contains a form. Then identify the fields in the forms. Then fills the fields with my data. and then submits the form as it submitted normally. I need to do this to automate for my final proyect , i need to fill many web pages remotly