I have created a form with malsup's Form Plugin wherein it submits on change of the inputs. I have set up my jQuery script to index drop down menus and visible inputs, and uses that index to determine whether keydown of tab should move focus to the next element or the first element, and likewise with shift+tab keydown. However, instead of moving focus to the first element from the last element on tab keydown like I would like it to, it moves focus to the second element. How can I change it to cycle focus to the actual first and last elements? Here is a live link to my form: [URL]. Here is my script:
$(document).ready(function() { var options = { target: '#c_main', success: setFocus
I have an input box with an id. I also have a jquery hotkey plugin which fires when I press F8 in this case. $(document).bind('keydown', 'f8', function (){ //do stuff here return false;}); The hotkey works just fine. (ive tested with alert boxes). What I am trying to do is find the cursor location (and then the elements id) when the f8 key is pressed. or... I want to find which input has focus on keydown.
Is it possible to extend jquery to include a function that will select elements with focus. In the same way :input selects all inputs :selected selects all selected etc but instead :focus or focused: which would select the focused element. I have a table which includes an input field on each row (like a simple datagrid). Id like to be able to hit an access key and delete the row (input textbox) which has focus ie the row which the cursor has been placed in.
I found this but it selects the first input textbox only for some reason?... and not the one with focus. $.extend($.expr[':'], { focused: function(elem) { return elem.hasFocus; } }); var id = $('input :focused').val(); console.log(id);
Can I safely assume that, if an element is clicked, then it obtains the focus? Alternatively, I can set the focus with something like this: $('#my-button').bind('click', function() { $(this).trigger('focus'); });
I want to handle focus and blur events on any DIV element but don't know how? I tried this one: $('.myDIV').bind('focus',function(event){ // something }); But it doesn't work!
I'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
I recently wrote some code, which involves a list. Elements can be picked by up/down arrow keys.To highlight the elements, I'm using a similar call to objects[focus]stop (true,true).animate({'opacity': 1}, 200);(As you can see, all DOM elements are cached)the same call goes to the element which lost the focus, with an opacity value of 0.2.Whatsoever, I noticed on testing that the performance is just fine on firefox 2/3, IE 7/8, even Safari has good results.Only exception so far is Chrome, it's terribly slow on those calls with a CPU load of 40-50%.I didn't further investigate that behavior since it still works "OK" on Chrome, but SIGNIFICANT slower.
I'm trying to make the cursor focus on a certain input element when someone hits a certain key combo (such as Shift+S). Does anyone know how you attach a listener like that and bind it to a key combo?
.change() is only for form elements minus check boxes/radio buttons, etc.Are any of you aware of a script that does this already? Hopefully one that is easy to implement.I just want to monitor things like height, number of inner elements, or any change in the inner HTML.
I am working on a firefox extension. The job is to sit in the status bar and as I type into any form on any webpage, listen for keyboard events, then modify the key pressed by mapping it to some foreign unicode character and then sending it to the form in focus.
As I see it, there are two ways I can achieve it.
1) Capture the event, modify it and then send it and not be concerned with the form in focus.
2) Capture the event, prevent default action., find a unicode mapping for the key pressed, find the form in focus and based on the type of form, call a method to explicitly insert the mapped character at the cursor position.
Right now I am not able to find a way to do either. Once I get the focused element, I can do something to it. But I am not yet able to get that. I even tried document.activeElement, but it doesnt seem to work in firefox.
When using lists (UL, OL), if you click on the bullet of a list item, that item becomes selected. Is there a way to prevent this or divert the focus elsewhere. Code:
I want to get the id of an element to set focus to a particular field in javascript using classname or tagname... Is it possible to do that... I dont want to use document.getElementById to get the id...Or is there any way to set the focus of an element using classname or tagname.... (wihtout using id)
Below is the code which is used to validate the entries on a form(some field are not be left blank). The user gets the msg when he hits the "Check"button. The problem is after the user gets the msg, I am not able to set the focus in the field which is the first element of an error array which stores the info about the fields with errors on this form.code...
I have this page below which I run locally that is created dynamically: [URL]
I need a piece of javascript to focus on the captcha as shown in the image inside the green box. At this minute I have this which doesn't work all that great for some reason but it gets it to the general area...
As I said this does the job to some extent however it does not leave the focus in a perfect position so that the captcha is readable and the text box visible to type in, as illustrated in the red box in the above image.
I have an input element on a form. When I open a popup form and then close it, I try to put the focus back on my input element by using the focus() method. However, that fails and it doesn't get focus.When I press tab to get out of this input element, it takes several tries for it to get the tab event (since it wasn't focused, but how come it suddenly gets focus to respond later?)
I have a web site where multiple html pages are opened at a time & messages are received or those pages are refreshed automatically using meta-tag.
what I want is whenever that page is refreshed, the particular html window should notify user (as user may have opened other html window), now notification could be by setting focus to that html window which is refreshed, but then this will distract & frustate the user as he was referring other html window. What I would like to do is make that window blink or some notification like yahoo or msn mail received. But I want this kind of feature in HTML/Javascript.
This code works fine in Firefox and Opera, I can see that it put focus on the correct input in IE, but by the time the page has loaded completely it loses focus.
The first time you enter the page it works fine in IE too, but if you click a link which gives the input a value after reloading the page the above happens. Code:
vBulletin uses a template system so I can't create a separate element for everything -- we have had several people ask for a "skip to the next post" feature and I'd like to implement that for them My first thought was to use anchor tags such as:
<a name="$post[postid]">
for each post and then to create a link for "Jump to Next Post" which would advance the user to the next instance of <a name="$post[postid]"> in which the postid obviously would've changed. With that I didn't know if there was a way that I could have javascript look for the next instance of this, or to pull the postid number and add 1 to it to find the next post on the page. I'm also not sure if it would need to be as complicated as reading where it was at and then adding one and directing person to that anchor point, which is why I thought maybe it could just look for the next instance of <a name="$post[postid]"> and refocus the screen on that.
It doesn't have to be an anchor, it can be a hidden input, whatever makes the JS be able to seek it as a point to move the page to. We do have some members that select a different number of posts per page than the default, so I'm guessing that the plus one might not be a great idea if they used a smaller number per page and then clicked the last one, whereas people with more per post wouldn't need to stop at the same point before it no longer let them. If there's a solution for that, that'd be great as well (such as once it hits the last element on the page, it no longer receives instruction, goes to the top of the page, or something).