JQuery :: Exception Raised In Event Handling System On Input Tag Keydown

Dec 14, 2011

When I upgraded to jQuery 1.7.1 (from 1.5.x), I found that an exception was suddenly thrown on every keydown event on an INPUT type="text". I still get the exception when I remove my change and keyup events. Previously I bound to these elements with .live, but I have the same issue with the new .on, so I don't think this problem is even related to my bindings.

The exception is as follows (from the custom WebKit frame where my script runs):

This occurs on line 3255 of jquery-dev-1.7.1.js, which reads:

I did some poking around and found that handleObj.origType is "keydown". There is no jQuery.event.special["keydown"] defined, meaning that the first part of the expression evaluates to undefined (there is no such thing as {}.handle). The second part of the expression, handleObj.handler, evaluates to true. The entire expression therefore evaluates to true, which can't be applied as a function.

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JQuery :: Internals And Exception Handling?

Aug 19, 2009

Couple questions for the jQuery internals-aware folks. This is a bit long, sorry for that. I'm working on beefing up error handling in a web application. I want to ensure that I'm catching all exceptions and handling them via my own UI system. The window.onerror function is part of the solution,


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JQuery :: Original Element That Raised The Event If That Event Is Propagated Up The Tree?

Aug 19, 2011

how can i know the original element that raised the event if that event is propagated up the tree ?

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Slightly Advanced Exception Handling?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to develop proper exception handling for a javascript framework I'm developing but I keep hitting an annoying dead end: caller and line numbers / stack trace.I have a basic exception class:


* Exception.js
* @classException


The problem is that the console.trace() function returns only one line: "log", referring to ExceptionHandler.log(e) (at least in webkit). What I'd love to do is have the Exception class get information as to (at the very least) what called it and also, although perhaps less viable, the line number it was called on. I don't think the line number is going to work though. I would _like_ this to happen automatically, but if I have to include another argument called_from it won't be the end of the world. I know about arguments.caller but this is depreciated (as of ECMAScript 1.3 (?)).

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Gmail Customization - Automatically Send Email By A Event Raised By Plugin

Dec 6, 2009

I am building a firefox plugin which customizes Google Mail. I want a feature in it to automatically send email by a event raised by my plugin. This feature is required when I am on compose page but I don't want the user to hit the Send button.

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JQuery :: Keydown To Trigger An Event??

Aug 30, 2011

I'm trying to get a keydown function to trigger an event... The same as the onclick event I currently have working. I got the buttons to work on keydown, but I cant get them to work just like the onclick. Trying to get them to do the same thing.


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JQuery :: Keydown Event Fire Once Without A Flag?

Jul 11, 2010

Let's say I have a page with a counter (with an initial value of zero) and nothing else.

Here's what I want to do:
1) I press and HOLD a key down
2) The counter goes to one
3) I let go of the key
4) The counter still reads one


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JQuery :: $(document).keydown Event Handler Not Getting Triggered The First Time?

May 25, 2010

So I have an event handler for the KeyDown event in a Javascript file but for some reason it does not get called the first time a key is pressed. However, if a key is pressed or a mouse button clicked then the next time I press a key it does get called. Here is the relevant code:

// Other stuff


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JQuery :: KeyDown Event - Clear Memory From Pressed Keys

Aug 17, 2011

I have a code for the keydown event:
-when you press the UpArrow key the image moves up
-when you press the DownArrow key the image moves down.....and so on
But don't forget that this is under the keydown event...so when I keep pressing the UpArrow key the image moves up but when I release the key the image still moves up. I already put the code $('myImage').stop(); on my image on keyup event but this doesn't do anything. There is a code to clear my memory from pressed keys or something?

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JQuery :: Keydown Event - When The User Presses Keycode , Div And Form Will Fade In At The Center Of The Screen?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to use the jquery keydown event.I wan to fade in a div that is a form then when the user presses keycode 17 meaning control key this div and form will fade in at the center of the screen.here is the code I have:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/home/main.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.domain.com/pngFix/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"[code]...

This is in a php file and echoing the code. So the " " ignore it it's just saying to php that those are to be echoed as " " This code isn't working. I would press control key but no fade in occurs. I include this php file to all my websites webpages which are php files.

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Keydown Event And (probably) Focus ?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a parent element that registered to the keydown event.somewhere down the hierarchy I have a table and some buttons. It appears that after I press the buttons, I only get the keydown event in the parent after 3 key strokes.I put breakpoints and the event is simply not called.I'm guessing this is a focus issue, but couldn't make it work.

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Handling With Clock - Take Value Of Current System Time In One Textbox In Another Textbox

Dec 31, 2010

I have two textfield in html forms I want to take value of current system time in one textbox in another text box I need manupulation(subtract 30 minutes) on times stored in textbox and want to display result in another textbox. is it possible through javascript?

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Unable To Set Focus Upon Keydown Event?

Nov 11, 2011

I have requirement to move focus to previous button when onkeydown event occurs on tabout from current button. Below is snippet of code.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title>Insert title here</title>
<script language="Javascript">


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Distinguishing Characters In The Keydown Event?

Jan 24, 2010

I am trying to handle keystrokes on a text input element, in the keydown event. I need to know what character is about to be inserted into the string. I am able to get it for almost all letters, numbers and symbols using a combination of event.shiftKey, event.charCode, and String.fromCharCode() and some hard-coded lookup tables. (i'm aware that this is probably not going to work on non-standard/non-american keyboard layouts)

Unfortunately I can't get the character for a few: question mark, angle brackets, underbar, colon, and a few others. They all have charCode of zero, and nothing else in the event indicates which is which. Other than waiting till the element's value has changed (i.e. the keyup or keypress event), what can I do to tell which key is pressed?


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JQuery :: Handling Window.change Event In IE

Jan 8, 2010

i'm trying to do some event delegation, and i can't seem to get the onchange event working in IE. i've tried:

$(document).change(function () { alert('fuck. me. IE sux'); }); $(document.body).change(function () { alert('fuck. me. again'); });

and later i have:

<select id="aSelect"> <option value="0">a first option</option> <option value="1">a second option</option> <option value="2">a third option</option> <option value="3">a fourth option</option> </select>

but this doesn't work in IE. i've also tried to wire these up manually: document.body.onchange = function (e) { alert('foo); }; and document.onchange, but those don't work either. what's the story here (other than the fact that IE is sucking balls)?

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JQuery :: Handling Of Click Event - API Documentation ?

Aug 21, 2009

Suppose I have this syntax:

I want tellme() to handle the value of href of the clicked link.

What syntax do I put in tellme()?

I got this far:

Here is question: How would I get this info from the API documentation?

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JQuery :: IE Click Event Handling In 3 States

Aug 4, 2009

I'm working on a small plugin that extends a checkbox to behave as if it has 3 states. Basically it just adds an anchor above the underlying checkbox, intercepts mouse clicks, and cycles the checkbox between:
disabled + unchecked
enabled + unchecked
enabled + checked

It works fine in FF. But in IE7, for some reason, the click events are always sent to the underlying checkbox instead of the overlaid anchor. The anchor is sized to completely overlay the checkbox (and in fact, I made it's slightly bigger so clicking at the very edges
works). Incidentally, I'm using jQuery 1.2.6 since this is part of a much larger web application and we haven't yet worked out the incompatibilities we're seeing with the latest jQuery version.

Here's the plugin code (the alerts are for debugging in IE)
(function($) {
$.fn.checkbox3s = function(options) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var proxy, cbx = $(this), parent = cbx.parent();
proxy = $("<a href='#'></a>").css({
position:"absolute", .....

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JQuery :: Handling .hover Event With Nested List?

Nov 17, 2011

I have a nested lists. I'm using hover event to trigger an event. But when I hover child nodes, the event of theancestor list is being fired. How can I get rid of this situation

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JQuery :: Handling Paste Event On Mouse Click?

Apr 14, 2011

I need to call a function when user copy and paste the text value in the text box. I tried using "mousedown" event. But "mousedown" event handles left and right clicks when user clicks on the paste link on right click unable to handle the event. I am using jquery 1.5.

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JQuery :: Handling Key Event In Chrome Or Safari During A Popup?

Jun 9, 2009

I am currently following the image popup example from:[URL]If I run the demo on Windows XP on Chrome or Safari, the escape keydoesn't close the popup window. How do I handle this in jQuery for

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JQuery :: Catch Exception - Didn't Change The Content Of "myFormDOFF" But Display The Message Send By The Exception In Another DIV

Jul 22, 2009

In my code (ASP.NET MVC using Nhibernate) , I do this :


Then I display the result in the DIV named "myFormDOFF" Of course, my .NET code can generate exception. I'd like when I receive an exception didn't change the content of "myFormDOFF" but display the message send by the exception in another DIV.

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Uncaught Exception: Exception... "Component Returned Failure Code: 0x80004003

Sep 23, 2009

I am needing some help with an error I'm getting from a project I'm working on. First off let me preface this all with the fact that I'm a total javascript noob. I'm really trying to understand what I'm doing wrong. So any help or advice is MORE than welcome. Here's what is happening. I found this code that will duplicate a row in a table and modifiy the name of a input in the row. Well for my purposes I have two different tables I need to work with. (each one idividually) So I changed the code a bit to make it accecpt a variable to use for the table name. (before it was static) and now I'm getting a error. Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" nsresult: "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" location: "JS frame :: http://www.tourandtravelnow.com/admin/scripts/faxPageScript.js :: addRow :: line 14" data: no] This is the old code that would work (only for one of the tables)


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JQuery :: Event Handling DOM Elements After Ajax .load() - Cannot Bind Selector To ContextMenu Plugin

Nov 11, 2011

I'm trying to load some html content into a page via the ajax .load() method (wrapped within the $(document).ready() function).After I execute this, I'd like to bind all new span elements from the loaded content to a context menu plugin like this:

menu: ''myMenu''


Unfortunately since the span elements are coming from the ajax request,I don't think I can bind a normal event handler as per the plugin. [URL] how to use event bubbling in this situation.

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Input Character Set Handling

Nov 10, 2006

I am struggling to find definitive information on how IE 5.5, 6 and 7
handle character input (I am happy with the display of text).

I have two main questions:

1. Does IE automaticall convert text input in HTML forms from the
native character set (e.g. SJIS, 8859-1 etc) to UTF-8 prior to sending
the input back to the server?

2. Does IE Javascript do the same? So if I write a Javascript function
that compares a UTF-8 string to a string that a user has inputted into
a text box, will IE convert the user's string into UTF-8 before doing
the comparison?

I think that the answer to question 1 is probably "YES", but I cannot
find any information on question 2!

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Event Handling And Nested Div

Jan 20, 2008

I have two div elements (both dynamically created, one within the other). The parent div has an event attached to it:

contextmenuDIV.onmouseout = function () {doSomething()}

for example. However the onmouseout event will fire when you mouseover the child div as (of course) I am technically leaving the div layer (despite it being the parent).

Is there anyway to cancel this? I've read all about bubbling and all that, but it's just confusing me even more!

Anyway, at all, to allow me to have divs within another div element but only allow the event to fire for the parent!

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Inline Vs Dom Event Handling?

Jan 11, 2009

why I should use the dom level 2 event handling over inline events like ...

Code HTML4Strict:
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com" onClick="myFunction()">click me</a>

I work in a team of developers and our pages are dynamically created using Java.I can at any moment change the inline JS across a site due to this so changes are easier then if the site was just static HTML.As far as reasons to use dom 2 over inline, I looking for something beyond:

it separates behavior from html

it is a best practice

it is the 'modern' way of doing it

I need facts that explain why it is a best practice or why 'modern' is better like : you can only assign one function action to the event.That was just an example which I see but is not true to me.I can either assign multiple functions to it like:

Code HTML4Strict:
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com" onClick="myFunctionA();myFunctionB();myFunctionC()">click me</a>

or I can call my functions from a single function call like

Code HTML4Strict: <a href="http://www.yahoo.com" onClick="myMultiFunctionCall()">click me</a>

and then have a function defined before the inline call like

Code JavaScript:
function myMultiFunctionCall()

Here the second statement overwrites the first.By the way, here is a con for using dom and to me a big one considering debugging: you can't see what event handlers are assigned to what unlike inline where it is obvious because it is in the page. see http:[url].......

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